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Five Reasons to Love Her [Werewolves Wanting Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Cara Adams

  Just then they both pulled out of her together. It was devastating. But also incredibly erotic. Once again, she hadn’t ever thought about that part of the process, but going from very full to totally empty in one move like that had her body demanding insistently that it be filled once more. She wanted them, needed them, inside her right now. But they moved so slowly. Whereas they’d pulled out completely in one stroke, they inched their way back inside her cunt and her ass so slowly she was ready to scream at them. And just when they filled her completely and she was ready to relax, they did it again.

  Heather dug her fingernails into the men, gripping them tightly, needing to ground herself in their bodies to deal with the intense emotions rolling through her now. That was something else she hadn’t expected. The speed and severity of the sensations racing through her from their touch and their possession of her.

  Again and again they withdrew and drove back in, over and over again. It didn’t get any less demanding, but after a while she understood they were moving faster and she was able to maintain the rhythm with them. She wiggled them deeper inside her, gripping their cocks with her internal cunt and ass muscles, petting and stroking their skin with her hands all the time. But her mind and spirit were filled with the need to come. The orgasm building inside her was an ever-present force she could neither ignore nor deny. She wanted to come, needed to come, and the climax was close. Heather understood the men were playing her body like a musical instrument, but right now she didn’t care. She just wanted them to hit the crashing crescendo that’d signal completion.

  The scent of sex and sweat filled her mind. As a florist, she was used to working with the scents of flowers and foliage, blending the aromas together in a way that provided an enticing aromatic arrangement as well as one that was pretty to look at. But right now, she decided that nothing smelled better than her men fucking her. Her body was slick with perspiration but Heather knew it was mostly from the men, who were doing the bulk of the work here, not from her own efforts.

  The orgasm in her belly could no longer be denied. Heather was losing all her ability to think and act. She closed her eyes and focused inward on the wonderful feeling of two cocks slamming in and out of her cunt and her ass simultaneously. Just thinking about it was enough to blow her mind. Feeling it, recognizing every powerful thrust and drive, was beyond amazing.

  For what seemed like the dozenth time, she gripped the men with her hands, and then she relaxed between them, waiting for the shockwaves to hit her. And hit her they did, in a gigantic thunderstorm of release, as her climax exploded in her belly, shooting lightning bolts of pleasure right through her body and into her head.

  Heather had no control over her reactions at all as she shook until her teeth rattled. If they hadn’t been clenched so tightly to prevent herself from screaming, she thought likely the top of her head might have blown off, her orgasm was so fierce and dynamic.

  She was aware of both men pumping into her, and then bursts of heat in the condoms deep inside her. By then, however, she was as limp as overcooked pasta, lying between the men, unable to move. Her mind was totally incapable of creating a sentence, although she wanted to tell them how good it had been for her, and thank them.

  Fortunately they took over, untangling their bodies, turning on the shower, and carrying her into the bathroom. Sam washed her, and Tally filled her ass with soothing gel. When they were all dried again, Tally leaned her against the sink, turned her to face them, and asked, “Will you be our sub and let us plan BDSM scenes for you? We’ll meet for lunch tomorrow and organize how we can see each other every few days.”

  Every few days. That sounded like regular dating to her. And it meant they didn’t think she was cheap and easy. But would they really be able to stay away from their own businesses that much? Wouldn’t it risk putting a whole lot of stress on them when she knew they’d hardly left The Steakhouse and the cinema in the past three years, never mind leaving them regularly for hours at a time? Yet meeting after midnight when the cinema and the Steakhouse had closed for the night really was much too late for her because of needing to go to the flower market in the early mornings. Was this relationship possible to manage, even if they all wanted it to succeed? Or would it burn fiercely and die fast with the sheer difficulty of carving out time to be together?

  Oh, what did it matter? They wanted her now. She wanted them. If it flashed fast and then fizzled out, too bad.

  “I’ll meet you for lunch tomorrow and be your sub on a trial basis. I’m not signing up for anything long term just yet.”

  * * * *

  “We’ll look after you and cherish you. We’ll plan scenes to send you crazy with desire,” said Sam, kissing her forehead.

  “That’s a promise,” added Tally, picking her up and carrying her into the bedroom again. But when he went to lay her on the bed she wiggled away from him.

  “I don’t know what the time is but expect it’s late. I need to get home.”

  Tally thought of something and hoped she wouldn’t be cross. “Do you absolutely have to go to the flower market every day or would it be possible to only go every second day? Or could Barry go for you sometimes?”

  “It’s not possible to only go every second day because a lot of clients only ring up the day before to order flowers. For big orders, like weddings that I do know about in advance, I wouldn’t want to risk anything happening to the flowers if I bought them in ahead of time. Occasionally, with a huge order I might buy them an extra day ahead, when I know there’s a lot of work to do and that I might not get it done in time, but I always worry that the power might go out or something. These days likely I could ride out the economic loss, but I wouldn’t want to have to do it.”

  Tally understood that. It was all very well to have insurance, but a business owner had to have enough liquidity, sufficient accessible cash, to be able to continue trading until the insurance paid out, which could take quite a while.

  “And Barry?” Sam reminded her as she wiggled around, zipping up her dress.

  “I’ve never asked him, but I think he could do it. I always take a list but I also look for unusual things that spark my imagination. I don’t have to do that every day. He might not want to get up so very early though.”

  Tally left the conversation there. He had his own problems to deal with. If he was going to spend so much more time away from the cinema, he might have to take on a junior to help with the paperwork. There were plenty of things a junior could help him with, filling out attendance records and ordering everyday consumables. He needed to put some thought into that himself.

  They took Heather home, escorting her to her apartment door, before returning to the mall themselves.

  “As well as planning a proper BDSM scene, we need to think about how we can live together. If we move out of the mall we’re going to have a lot more commuting to do, which might become a real drag in winter. Imagine having to get up in time to scrape snow off Heather’s car for her to go to the flower market before dawn, after getting in ourselves after midnight,” said Sam.

  Tally shook his head. “No way. Not going there. I haven’t shoveled snow off the walk since I was a teenager and I’m not starting now. We need to think about how other people in the mall have set up their homes.”

  “The first ménage was Cadfael with Rhion and Willow. They just moved into his apartment because as Alpha his apartment was big enough for a family,” said Sam.

  Tally spoke slowly as he remembered the train of events. “The second one was Willow’s sister Hawthorne, who mated Maelor and Dylan. They stayed here, too. That’s right. Dylan’s apartment was next door to Rhion’s and when Rhion moved into Cadfael’s apartment they joined the two apartments together. I wonder if we could convince someone living next to one of us to move out so we could do that. Or there might even be an empty apartment already that someone next to one of us would agree to relocate into.” Tally thought hard but he couldn’t remember where there was an empty apartment. He j
ust had a lingering feeling that there might be one somewhere.

  “That’s a starting place, anyway. There’s no rush, but now we know there’s a potential way forward. Tomorrow, after we’ve organized how we can spent time with Heather every few days, we’ll meet up and plan a really special scene for her,” said Sam.

  “With public exhibition.”

  “Fuck yes.”

  Tally grinned at Sam. The very thought of people watching them fuck her made him harder than a rock. Although he liked keeping their faces hidden. He didn’t want anyone to know it was Heather’s lush body they were seeing. She was his and Sam’s, no one else’s.

  * * * *

  Sam ran his hands though his hair, tugging on it in an effort to stimulate his brain to come up with a solution. Danny was doing a great job as his relief manager. He had a really good attitude with both staff and customers and everyone respected him. He’d also had to make a few decisions on the run, and each time he’d responded in a suitable way. He didn’t always do exactly what Sam would have done, but he’d solved the problems fast and neatly, thereby averting any potential crisis. So that was all working well. But to take extra time away from The Steakhouse, time to build and develop a relationship, was pushing things too far, too fast.

  He couldn’t justify leaving Danny in charge every second or third night. Mornings would be much better. His breakfast staff was all people who’d been in the job for a while. They knew the regulars who came in frequently and there were seldom early morning crises. The worst thing that would happen was an order being delivered incorrectly and they were all more than capable of ringing up the supplier and demanding the right thing be sent out that day before it was time to begin cooking for the evening rush.

  He supposed he and Tally could accompany Heather to the flower market. That was part of her and it would tell them more about her and her personality. But morning was when she began making up her orders. It was the most productive time of her day and they couldn’t take her away from the store then. These days people seemed to get married any day of the week. It wasn’t even like he could assume she’d be busy preparing for weddings on Friday and Saturday. People got married seven days a week and sometimes she wouldn’t know until just a few days ahead if she needed to make up twenty or even more special floral arrangements. A day or two’s planning wasn’t great for him and Tally. They needed a bit longer. As it was he was scrabbling around for time to do everything he needed to get done.

  On the other hand, he wasn’t going to give Heather up. He wanted her so much it was like a physical pain. There had to be a way around this problem but right now he couldn’t see it.

  Sam had reserved the back table at The Steakhouse for their lunch. It was late because Heather had wanted to be sure Barry had taken his break first, and it suited Sam to have the worst part of his rush hour done as well.

  Aware of his own lack of ideas he asked, “Heather, did you have an opportunity to talk to Barry?”

  “Yes, I did. He was quite excited at the idea of going to the flower market. He said he’d want to come with me and watch me the first few times, but after that he expected he could do it once a week. So that gives me an extra ninety minutes one morning a week.”

  It wasn’t a lot but surely it would help.

  “All I thought of was getting Len to either lock up or open up the cinema once a week. I couldn’t expect him to do it more than that, and I wasn’t certain which would be more useful to us. Lock up, I expect,” said Tally.

  “Lock up is definitely better for me,” said Heather.

  “I could leave Danny in charge one night a week as well, but morning would be much better for me. Although they’re busy there’s less unpredictability and drama than at night. And Tally’s already said he could ask Len to do a morning or a night. If you get Barry going to the flower market for you, is there any way you could go in late one day a week?” Sam asked Heather.

  He didn’t want to push her or make her uncomfortable, but he couldn’t see any other way they could regularly be together.

  “I’ve been thinking about taking on a trainee, a junior just part-time. I’d have to talk to Barry. But if she worked one day for me and then another day, the day Barry goes into the market, and I come in late, that might work.”

  Sam grinned and high-fived Tally.

  “That’s it. We now have Sunday after the mall closes early, and then one day midweek depending on when Barry is ready. Let’s call it Wednesday for now. It’ll take us a few weeks to get it rolling properly, but I believe our relationship could work on that. We’ll also be able to snatch time together in other ways as well, like now for a late lunch perhaps, but with two scheduled times, we’ll be all right.”

  Tally grinned right back at him. “We need to get my Len and your Danny on board as well as Barry. I’m going to hire a junior to help with the paperwork to free myself up a little more as well.”

  Heather raised her coffee cup. “Here’s to us.”

  Sam touched his cup to hers and to Tally’s. At last. A clear pathway forward. Excellent indeed!

  * * * *

  Every day on her lunch break, Heather walked around the parking lot just to get some fresh air. Even if it was raining or snow was falling she went outside, although she tended to stay undercover as much as possible, just breathing the clean outside air deeply. So much of her life was spent indoors it seemed vital to her to connect with the outside world every day, even if it was only for a few minutes.

  Sam and Tally had learned about her habit, which they considered weird, but today they’d promised to join her. Heather had walked briskly up the ramp from the first level of the parking lot to the fourth and was waiting for them. She strode to the back of the parking lot, staring down at the ground below, breathing in the air as she always did. Barry frequently told her all she’d get was a lungful of car exhaust fumes, but the air seemed cleaner than that to her, especially up on these higher levels.

  A couple of rows in front of her, a young mom had left her child in the car as she took her trolley back to the trolley bay. The child looked to be maybe kindergarten age and was bouncing around in the front seat.

  Heather wasn’t really paying attention to the car. She was enjoying her few minutes outside. The automatic doors to the mall opened and she saw Tally and Sam appear, so she smiled and waved at them. As she did, the car with the child in it started to pull out of the parking space.

  Heather’s head whipped around and she looked at the car. The mom was still over at the trolley station, fiddling with her trolley. The child was holding the steering wheel of the car and driving slowly forward.

  Holy shit!

  The kid didn’t seem to be strong enough to steer properly or to be able to stop the car. It was gaining speed even in the few seconds Heather had been watching.

  The driver’s window was wound right down. Heather ran toward the car, trying to judge its speed, which was accelerating, and how to place her body through the window without hurting the child. She needed to be able to turn the wheel so the car didn’t hit the wall, which it would surely do if it wasn’t turned soon and then stopped.

  Heather sprinted across the parking lot and dived through the window, wrenching the steering wheel to the side with one hand and reaching for the car keys to turn the engine off with the other.

  She wanted to tell the child to stand on the brake, but was scared he might hit the accelerator instead, so as the engine choked and died she wigged in a little farther in through the window so she could reach the park brake and dragged it on.

  She was aware of noise behind her but was focused only on preventing the child from crashing the car. With the car stopped she slid back out of the window. Only half her body had been inside the vehicle. She’d deliberately landed with her belly on the open window so she could reach the ignition but not crush the child by putting her weight on him. It would have been much easier if the passenger window had been open and she could have dived right into the c
ar, but what she’d done had worked. The child was unhurt, the car hadn’t crashed, and a bruise on her belly was a small price to pay for that.

  “What the fuck did you think you were doing?” Sam’s angry voice greeted her as his hands pulled her around to face him.

  She stared at him in surprise. “Stopping the car. There’s a child in it.”

  “I see that, but you could have been killed.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Sam. It was a simple matter of turning the engine off before the car hit the wall.”

  The mom opened the car door and snatched up the child, holding him tightly to her, and yelling at him as she wept, and rocked him in her arms.

  The little boy protested, “I was helping you, Mommy. I was bringing the car over to you to help you.”

  Heather giggled. “Maybe wait until you’re big enough to reach the brake before helping Mommy again,” she suggested.

  Sam shook her. “Stop laughing. It’s not funny. You could have been killed and so could he.”

  She pulled herself free. “Take a chill pill, Sam. No one was hurt. Everything is fine.”

  Cory, one of the security guards, came over to talk to them all, getting the woman’s details from her and suggesting that she and the child go inside and sit quietly for a few minutes with him before attempting to drive home. “Are you all right, Heather? Do you need to visit the nurse and have her check you for sprains or bruises?”

  She rubbed her stomach. “I might have a bruise, but I’m fine. It’s lucky Helena and I had tried that trick out only a few weeks ago. Although I have to say, jumping in the backseat is much easier than attempting to stop a car without landing on top of a person.”

  “You’ve done this before? Are you crazy?” asked Tally.

  “It’s just a game. Helena and I experimented with it a few weeks ago. But I jumped right into the car backseat while she drove. That was better because I didn’t have to do anything.”

  “Better? What if you’d hit your head on the bodywork of the car? What if you’d been run over? Helena must be as mad as you are.” Sam gripped her arms so hard Heather thought he was more likely to bruise her than her diving into the car had done.


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