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Blue Phoenix

Page 94

by Tinalynge

  Hearing this, Hui Yue stopped in his tracks and looked at Sun with curiosity in his ice-blue eyes. The previous enlightenment had made Hui Yue understand what the laws were, however he was aware that everything he knew was purely the basics.

  Now this law was explaining some of the things which swirled around within his mind for a long time. That included the elements.

  Although Hui Yue understood that every person had an elemental affinity he was unaware of why they had this affinity. What caused them to gain such strong powers?

  The answer had been simple. To be born within this world, one followed the laws of Life and the laws of Death.

  These two laws were like the Law Sun, which had been birthed after the elements, created by the divine beast from the Ancient Laws.

  “The laws are split like this,” Sun explained, as she saw an expression of hungering for more knowledge within Hui Yue’s eyes. “You have the Ancient Laws which are the five elements. These five elements are created from the divine beasts themselves. After the Ancient Laws comes the Primal Laws. We were created by the divine beasts, however unlike the Ancient Laws we were not created from their own bodies, instead we were created from the laws themselves.”

  “Below us Primal Laws are the Fundamental Laws. There are many of those. The seasons you met before are all Fundamental Laws. These laws are also created by the divine beasts, but this time they were birthed by the Primal Laws rather than the Ancient Ones.

  “To be born in this world, means that you originate from our forefathers. The land was crafted from their bodies, and everyone who lives here lives a life given to them from the forefathers.”

  Hearing this brought clarity to Hui Yue, however at the same time it also made him perplexed whenever he thought about the five elemental flames within him. Had he been granted life from all five elements? How could that be?

  A sudden thought appeared within Hui Yue’s mind. When Lan Feng described the laws he had mentioned the forefathers. This was slightly confusing as Hui Yue knew that the ‘forefathers’ referred to the divine beasts, and Lan Feng would usually refer to them as father or the divine beasts, however when Hui Yue raised the question all he received was a sad smile from Sun and silence from both Lan Feng and little dragon.

  Little dragon had in general been incredibly quiet the entire time they had been within the dungeons and so had Lan Feng. This caused Hui Yue to wonder whether or not their real purpose here was to train, or if the two divine beasts had something else planned.

  Sighing deeply, Hui Yue pushed the thoughts away as he knew that no matter how much he asked, Lan Feng would never answer and neither would little dragon.

  Sun had already given them some incredibly important information about the laws, and Hui Yue did not wish to sound greedy.

  It did not take long for the group to enter the forest, which ran all the way around the fields, and they quickly made their way back to the clearing where they had left the seasons behind previously.

  The rest of the trip was quiet, no one speaking a word, instead they were contemplating what Sun had said. Although this was not enough to gain another enlightenment on the topic, leading to a breakthrough, it still allowed for Deng Wu and Wang Ju Long to gain a fundamental understanding of the laws, while it made Hui Yue’s basic understanding much broader.

  The world was vast and filled with many things which Hui Yue knew nothing about. His travels were for the sake of improving his strength, but also tempering his personality and growing his knowledge.

  Hui Yue was a person who had was living a second lifetime, however, during his first life he had been a young man who never faced hardships. Having been reborn into a world where strength was all that mattered, Hui Yue fought hard to adjust, yet even so, he had ended up feeling superior due to the help he gained from Lan Feng.

  The first time in his lives when he realised that he was truly not the biggest genius around was during his duel against Wang Ju Long, and this sparked a desire in the young man, a desire to become the strongest.

  Looking back, Hui Yue was now considered a young man, but in spite of that he was still younger than he had been in his previous life. This made him aware of just how different the current world was, as in his old world he would be considered a mass murderer, but here was a world where strength was coveted.

  An absent minded expression was evident on Hui Yue’s face as he spent the time reminiscing about his past. As soon as Hui Yue thought about the many life and death experiences he had gone through, blood was roiling within his body excitement growing deep within. Hui Yue wanted these battles. He wished to test himself. He wished to improve. He wished to stand at the pinnacle, to be an expert which carved his name into the heavens, who engraved his name in the earth.

  Sun had said that her path had been decided for her upon birth, however Hui Yue was not a law. He was a human with the right to pick his own road in life. Finally, while listening to Sun Hui Yue understood. He could become what he wished to be. Everything depended on him, and while others might not cut it, he would go the distance.

  Determination filled Hui Yue’s face, his icy eyes were burning from within with an undying flame and a smirk appeared on his face. If he wanted to be strong, all he had to do was cultivate. If he wanted to be the strongest he just had to cultivate far more than anyone else.

  Feeling the change in Hui Yue’s soul, a small smile appeared on Lan Feng’s face as he was resting inside the dantian cave. The phoenix had long since understood Hui Yue’s personality.

  Hui Yue had been enticed by Lan Feng just after his rebirth, enticed to become strong for the sake of reuniting with Li Fen, but as time went on, the phoenix noticed how Hui Yue’s soul would scream in excitement with each life threatening situation; how he would bury himself in cultivation whenever he had a moment of spare time.

  This boy was clearly born to become a cultivator and having Sun say a few words to make him understand was what Lan Feng had planned. This caused the phoenix great happiness, as he felt how Hui Yue’s soul was bustling with energy and excitement as Hui Yue finally found the road which he wanted to tread.

  While thinking, Hui Yue and the others arrived at the pond that was filled with spiritual energy the first time they were here. Now though it was just a normal pond.

  A thought suddenly appeared and Hui Yue went to the cave wall looking everywhere, however, no matter how much he searched it was impossible for him to find the area through which they had arrived.

  ‘Lan Feng,’ He mentally sent a message to the phoenix, ‘these dungeons. There is a way out right?’

  ‘Of course!’ The phoenix answered carelessly, ‘As soon as you reach the middle we can exit through one of the other four tunnels. Personally I’d love to go home to see what is happening, but we will decide where to go when we actually manage to reach the middle chamber.’

  ‘Oh by the way,’ He continued, ‘This is your practice so don’t expect me to help you out. I need to refine my powers for when we reach the end.’

  Hearing this, Hui Yue could not help but snort with discontent as the phoenix had done his very best to say absolutely nothing ever since they entered this underground world.

  Just as Hui Yue was about to answer, sounds could be heard throughout the forest and the four travellers suddenly found themselves surrounded by a group of guards dressed in red uniforms.

  “Stop! In the name of Cave’s End’s City Lord, do not move even a little!” One of the men in front yelled out, his face filled with indignation and annoyance, as he looked at the four cloaked men in front of him.

  Frowning Hui Yue turned away from the cave wall and looked at the man who was speaking. Annoyance was evident within his eyes, however they were firmly hidden beneath the sealing cloak, which kept everything hidden.

  As soon as his ice-blue eyes locked onto the speaking man, he was unable to hold back his laughter as he remembered the man was the one who had invited them to the City Lord’s mansion in the first place.
  A mistake had clearly occurred. These cloaks made it look as though the user had no cultivation base, however these men clearly believed that Hui Yue and his friends were without cultivation bases and just looking down on the four.

  Chapter 117 - King of the Forest

  * * *

  Chapter 117: King of the Forest

  “You dare laugh at us?” The leader let out the full power of his Practitioner rank cultivation base, attempting to set up a menacing air to forcefully suppress the four invaders.

  Complex expressions appeared on the faces of Hui Yue, Deng Wu, and Wang Ju Long. All of them had disbelieving smiles spread across their faces as they stared at the ones who dared to be so preposterous in front of them.

  At the same time, slight annoyance also appeared as they all expected to smoothly return Sun to her cabin where the seasons were waiting for her.

  Sighing deeply, Hui Yue deactivated the inscriptions on his cloak, infusing it with his spiritual energy before releasing the aura of his cultivation base.

  Although Hui Yue was only a Master ranked expert, his spiritual energy was far superior to any other Master and even Grandmasters were not his match. How could these inferior guards handle the pressure?

  Looking at the leader Hui Yue chuckled slightly. The previously arrogant expression changed to one filled with fear and looking closely one could see how his pants were getting wet around the crotch area.

  “Who are you to stand against I, The King of the Forest?!” Hui Yue slightly altered his voice and the voice thundered out, booming in the minds of the guards present.

  Shocked the guards felt how cold sweat was gushing down their bodies, a few of them felt a warm liquid trickling down their pants. Every one of them had their minds reeling in fear as they cowered in front of this dangerous person.

  “The… The King of the forest?” The guard captain asked with a meek voice. “There… there are no kings in Cave’s End. Only the City Lord’s commands!” The guard tried his best to stay brave but in spite of that, his legs were trembling from the sudden pressure he felt and his voice stuttered.

  Laughing slightly on the inside, Hui Yue allowed for a small fragment of the red mist within his dantian cave to surface. Instantly the entire surrounding area was as cold as a mid winter night and uncontrollable fear flooded the minds of the poor guards who already were at their wits end.

  Three of the guards fell to their knees, kowtowing in front of the cloaked figure. Even the leader was shaking, his knees threatening to collapse underneath him, his tears flowing unstoppably and mixed with mucus from his nose.

  Seeing the guards scared witless, Hui Yue quickly returned the red mist back to the dantian cave where it was looked after by the blue cloud. He also retracted his spiritual energy, reactivating the inscriptions on his black cloak.

  All guards were shocked as the previous overwhelming and frightening aura that had completely vanished, turned into nothingness, which in its own way was even more frightening than before.

  Hui Yue and his black cloaked friends waited patiently for the guards to regain their senses, amusement evident on Hui Yue’s face. Although he had no wish to bully the weak, these guards had simply been too arrogant while expecting that he would not fight back.

  “We apologize, great King of the Forest!” One of the guards said with a trembling voice. His face was as pale as new fallen snow, his eyes wide open filled with unspilled tears while his lips were trembling together with the voice.

  “Heed my words!” Hui Yue’s voice was still changed slightly and by using his Earth affinity, he managed to make the ground tremble as soon as the words left his mouth. This caused the guard’s minds to reel and their eyes to spin.

  “Travel back to your City Lord,” The word was almost spat out, the cloaked figure clearly not feeling any kind of respect towards their most esteemed lord. “Inform him that I, The King of the Forest, has returned to my humble abode. Should he, or his men, ever venture into my forest then I will kill without hesitation!”

  Looking at the guards, a foul smell started to appear and Hui Yue frowned his nose. This was without a doubt good enough to scare them away and keep them from ever returning to the depth of the forest. “Now Scram!”

  The last words once more caused the poor guards to feel the world roiling around them, in fear they scrambled to their legs and rushed away. A satisfied expression showed on Hui Yue’s face.

  According to his expectations, these guards would now rush back to the City Lord’s mansion and tell him about their encounter. The City Lord would either be terrified and instantly keep his citizens away from the forest, or he would gather a strong force and set out, ready to decimate this so called King of the Forest.

  Should the City Lord stay hidden inside his city then Hui Yue had achieved what he had in mind. However should the City Lord rouse his armies then Hui Yue would show that he had been serious when he said that anyone who stepped into the forests would die.

  The reason Hui Yue became this determined was due to the way he saw the Dragon Corps treat Sun. She was a law, and she was clearly something they wanted badly. Who knew what would happen with the seasons if they were spotted by the City Lord’s men?

  This was a question which Hui Yue did not need an answer to. All he wanted was to know that when he once more stepped through the gateway into the tunnels, then he would not have to worry about the friendly laws he had met.


  “Milord!” A steward came rushing in through the entrance to the hall. His feet were moving the fastest they could without him tripping and falling flat on the stone floor, however his face was filled with utter shock.

  “Milord!” He called out once more, “The guards returned milord, however, they claim to have met a monster!”

  Hearing this, the City Lord furrowed his brows, as he looked at the man rushing to him. “A monster?” He asked before a hearty laughter escaped his lips. “Do you think that they met a low ranked magical beast?” He asked, a faint mocking was evident within his voice, “I heard that a few of them should still live within the depth of the forest.”

  Seeing his master in such a great mood, the steward fidgeted a little before he finally opened his mouth again, “Milord, I am afraid that this was no magical beast,” His voice was low and the City Lord was only capable of hearing it because he was a high ranked expert, higher than the average citizen.

  “Milord, the only thing they will say is do not offend the King of the Forest. Their minds seem to have been lost.” The more he said the lower the voice became and at the end it was merely a whisper which was barely discernable.

  Although this was but a whisper it was enough to thoroughly enrage the City Lord. Who dared calling themselves a king within his Cave’s End?! His eyes were bloodshot with anger and the cup in his hand crumbled to pieces as the grip tightened.

  “Take me to the guards!” His voice boomed out with anger, as he said these words the steward fearing for his life, as he was the messenger of bad news, bowed over and over again before he backed out the room; he slowly led the lord towards the infirmary where those guards were being kept.

  Walking through the door, the City Lord’s frown turned into a furrow of his nose as the smell was simply horrid. Still, his anger was not easily dissipated and he stepped through the door. Entering the room only to see his most trusted and highest ranked experts laying in a pool of tears and mucus.

  Anger flashed within his eyes, as he wondered what could have caused his men to sully themselves, however, even the many wood affinity cultivators who were running around seemed to be completely at a loss for what to do.

  As soon as the City Lord stepped through the door, the previously busy room instantly turned silent, no one moved around to wash the guards or scout their bodies for injuries. The only sounds which could still be heard came from those three guards, which were sobbing in low voices.

  Looking around, the lord found only one man, the captain of the guards who seem
ed to have just one shred of sanity left. However that shred of sanity was something he held on to for dear life.


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