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Blue Phoenix

Page 191

by Tinalynge

  The pain was immense as the needles transformed from normal needles into long threads of white energy, so white that they seemed to match Hui Yue’s pure Qi be a Qi thread just like all the others. As the final needle collided with the spiral, Hui Yue was almost not able to handle the pain, yet with gritted teeth and a pale face drenched in sweat, the young man managed to stay conscious.

  “Retreat!” Wan Qiao’s voice boomed over the battleground and just as the humans were retreating, the Queen’s voice quickly made every beast on the ground instantly give up the thoughts of chasing down the humans. Instead, they rushed back behind their defenses. A satisfied harrumph could be heard from the One-Horned Jasmine Eagle as she watched the instant retreat; however, her satisfaction quickly changed to worry as she saw one figure who was not moving.

  Standing completely still in the middle of the rivers of blood, severed limbs, and corpses of both humans and beasts was Hui Yue. He had lost his beastly form and was standing straight up as a human, completely naked and seemingly powerless.

  Looking closer, Wan Qiao could not help but suck in a breath of air as she saw the face of the young man. Where his handsome human face should have been was now a mask of a wolf. His eye sockets were empty, and the fur had joined with his skin almost as though someone had sewn them together. Blood was constantly falling in streams from the places where the mask and the skin seemed to have been sewn together. Standing still for a few moments, Hui Yue finally collapsed. Right before he landed in the blood-soaked mud, Wan Qiao appeared behind him and caught him. Catching him and using a robe to quickly shroud his body, Wan Qiao rushed back to the camp where she placed the young man within his tent.

  “What happened?” Lord Pan rushed through the tent door followed by another four Lords of the Forests. All of them had expressions on their faces showing how worried they all were. Their faces turned increasingly pale, and sweat appeared on their foreheads as they saw the human lying in the bed with a massive wolf head mask on his face, not to mention the blood which still slowly trickled out from the side of his head.

  Within the lower dantian, Hui Yue was finally past the immense pain as he saw how the white threads merged with his Qi and a surge of power rose from the Qi swirl within his lower dantian. He felt how each thread of soul energy was being mixed with his Qi, mixed with the foundations of his cultivation base and very slowly his entire being became stronger than it had been before. His inner consciousness seemed to shine with a white luster it did not have before. The energy of the souls merged with Hui Yue and Lan Feng’s souls, and both of them grew increasingly stronger, They both had looks of disbelief in their eyes.

  Although they were growing stronger and stronger, this strength was given to them by absorbing someone’s soul which would never again allow them to reincarnate; never again let them live a life. Thinking like this, Hui Yue knew that he was never going to tell anyone about the side effect of using the wolf’s ultimate attack. If others were to know of this way to increase their strength, it would not take long before the humans on this plane would all have been executed for the sake of increasing the strength of some experts.

  Having a stronger soul was something which increased his overall strength, boosted his body’s performance, and made it easier block the opponent’s attack. In general, a soul was impossible to fortify, yet here Hui Yue was with his soul already many times stronger than the average human’s due to the merging of his other lives, and now it increased even more by the absorption of all the souls the wolf head devoured.

  Chapter 272 - Becoming Human Once More

  * * *

  Chapter 272: Becoming Human Once More

  Time seemed to flow differently within the dantian cave where Hui Yue’s consciousness observed the white threads that slowly changed silver as they flowed into the Qi swirl. After a few minutes, the pain slowly vanished. When it did, the color became brighter and brighter until the threads, which at the start were as white as his Qi, became as silvery as his spiritual energy in the middle dantian. When it was fully refined, then all pain vanished. As for how and why this happened, Hui Yue had no idea, but he could feel his strength had increased once more. He finally started to understand how the wolf could have been as powerful as he was. Absorbing numerous amounts of souls made his own soul far stronger than anyone else at his level.

  As the souls were refined within the Qi Swirl, Hui Yue was relieved to feel the pain became less and less intense as the souls were refined, but he was surprised to see the silvery threads slowly merge with the Qi swirl. The color of the soul threads, which had shone with the brightest silvery light, was now merged with his Qi swirl. His previous pearl-like Qi now had a hint of silver within it. Each thread seemed to have swelled in size, and the power contained within was many times stronger than it had been previously.

  Curiosity filled the young man as he stayed within his body, observing how the Qi was further refined into spiritual energy. The drops of spiritual energy created from refining this soul-enhanced Qi all had a shine to it; a shine which Hui Yue had never seen before. Even without trying, he already knew that his strength had increased by at least double, most likely tripled.

  The final step was refining the lustrous spiritual energy into Wu Wei, and, as he did, Hui Yue saw the golden light suddenly shining brighter than it ever had before. It was now so bright that it make one think they were looking directly at the sun. It was so blinding that you could look directly at it.

  Finally after having refined Wu Wei, Hui Yue finally heaved a heavy breath before he left his inner body. He allowed himself to focus once more on his body, itself, only moments after his eyes opened.

  Above him was the familiar sight of a tent letting him instantly know he was within the camp. He was no longer in the middle of the battlefield.

  Grunting in slight pain, Hui Yue started moving, but he soon found that his body felt incredibly sore and stiff as though it had not been used for quite a while. Something which made him frown slightly. He was in the middle of war, and although he had gained strength, he was very worried about what happened while he was asleep.

  He knew that he was unlikely to have woken up earlier as his body was focused on refining all the souls that the massive wolf head stored during the battle, but he still felt like he had done something wrong.

  Sitting up, he was taken aback as he noticed that the world was still sharp in his eyes. The colors were still grays. The scents were vivid and refreshing. Taking a hand to his head, he was astonished to feel that it was not touching his usual face; instead, he felt fur, a muzzle, and sharp fangs. Looking down, his entire body was that of a human, however for some reason, his face seemed to be different.

  Following the wolf face, he soon felt where it attached itself to his skin. A long and rather painful wound circled his entire head. Hui Yue did not panic, but his eyes turned serious as he once more felt the wound around the face turning his mood somber.

  “How on earth do I get rid of this?” He mumbled to himself, and as he struggled to sit up, he suddenly heard rushing from the tent entrance.

  “You little scoundrel! Do not use that attack before you are strong enough to deal with the recoil!” The voice was filled with anger but also worry. The voice was one which Hui Yue recognized instantly, and a smile appeared on the wolf-like face that was plastered on top of his human face.

  “Sorry,” He laughed, “I’ll make sure not to make the same mistake in the future. How long was I out for?” He asked the One-Horned Jasmine Eagle as he finally succeeded in sitting up straight. He felt dizzy and exhausted. Although he gained strength, he had truly used up everything he had stored within his body to control the wolf head. All this energy he used took quite a while to restore.

  “You slept for seven days,” Wan Qiao said her expression turned serious as the talk turned to the war. Hui Yue himself was equally worried when he heard that it had taken that many days for him to return to the army.

  “What happened while I was out?
” Hui Yue asked while gnawing on his lip, his eyes firmly staring at Wan Qiao awaiting an answer. Seven days might not seem like a lot to a cultivator, but it was an astonishingly long time while at war.

  “We haven’t done much,” Wan Qiao said with a sigh. “Every time they sent their army our way, the Saints went to the front, and they retreated. Two days ago they stopped sending out their army. I think they are waiting for our next move.”

  Hui Yue nodded while focusing completely on the war. “None of the Saints from the Siban Empire participated in the war yet?” He asked curiously. Although the beast horde showed off by bringing their Saints to the front, it was only possible to keep doing so if the opponent did not send their own Saints out. The reason they did not do so made it clear to Hui Yue that these soldiers were only small fries. People who had no other purpose than to fight and die while trying to get rid of as many beasts as possible. This was something which caused anger to rise within Hui Yue.

  Although he mercilessly killed their soldiers, he still wished to have as few casualties as possible, yet the Siban Empire seemed to disagree with this. Hui Yue even went as far as telling the empire that they were coming, but the only thing they did was to create an army of citizens whom they did not mind throwing away.

  Feeling his anger burning from within, Hui Yue closed his eyes and steadied his breath as counted to ten calming himself. He was not the one who should worry about the opponents casualties; instead, he should focus on his job of leading the beasts to victory.

  “Tell me,” He said while rubbing the back of his nose with two fingers, “How many casualties have we had in these seven days when we did not do battle?”

  Hui Yue was aware that they were likely to have taken quite a heavy amount of casualties if the ballistae from the Siban Empire were allowed to shoot at them non-stop not to mention their ordinary arrows. Although most Saints, Emperors, and Kings were capable of protecting their bodies with a layer of Wu Wei, this defense would not last forever. Once they ran out of energy, the arrows would flood them and cause many experts to lose their lives to ordinary arrows.

  “We have not taken many casualties,” Wan Qiao said, contradicting what Hui Yue expected. The young man looked at her with a furrowed brow. The unspoken question hung in the air. Although it was an atmosphere filled with relief, there was also some degree of worry within the young man’s eyes.

  “Don’t worry,” Wan Qiao said with a small smile on her face. “We used seven Saints. Each of them took a day to continually support a protective barrier in front of the army. Nothing, not even the ballistae arrows, could penetrate it. As soon as they finished their shifts, we shut them in their tents to mediated so that they could replenish their energy.”

  Hearing this Hui Yue nodded. He would have liked to save the Saints for a bit longer, but he knew that given the situation, they had all acted in the best possible way.

  “Well, I guess it is time for me to wake up and start leading the army again,” Hui Yue sighed. “But first, I truly need to do something about this mask-like face I have.”

  “Oh,” Wan Qiao shot him a glance with a smile on her face, “The mask has something to do with your attack. Why don’t you try figuring it out instead of just removing it?”

  “I would love to do that,” Hui Yue said with patience. “Unfortunately, if I were to try to understand this mask then I’ll most likely need several more days to examine it thoroughly. And while I am busy studying it, you guys will get swamped by the opponent.”

  Wan Qiao shrugged her shoulders. To her, she still felt like the war would be easily won if Hui Yue allowed for the Saints to fight. An He had not made a move yet, and she was feeling more and more reassured with what they were doing. She was now confident that victory was within her grasp.

  “Well if you can’t examine it, then you better get rid of it soon. We dared not touch it since it seems to have grown into your face,” She said with a wrinkled nose. Although Hui Yue was rather strange looking right now, she was used to seeing half beast half humans, so for her, it was not too extraordinary.

  Hui Yue, on the other hand, disliked the sudden change to his appearance. Although he scoured his memories that he had gained from the wolf, he quickly found that there was nothing that would explain what happened to him. It was obviously a reaction he had from being a human and using the energy of a beast.

  Closing his eyes and sitting down on the ground, his breathing stabilized, and his body quickly relaxed. Sinking deep within he came to the caves with his different lives within them. He saw his Qi swirl which was now fortified by the poor unfortunate souls who were swallowed by the wolf head.

  Seated within his dantian cave, Hui Yue found a pearl white Qi thread which went from the swirl to Hui Yue. He soon found that this line had not been there before, yet now it seemed to follow him everywhere he moved. This strand also shined with a silvery hue, and Hui Yue felt how the thread seemed to deposit energy within him causing his soul to grow stronger and stronger.

  As he grew stronger, his consciousness started to resemble that of a red wolf rather than a young human man. He almost lost himself when Lan Feng’s dry voice resounded within the dantian cave, “You useless little human, can you do nothing without my help?” He called out, and Hui Yue’s panic which was slowly rising within him instantly cooled as he shot a glare at the self-righteous phoenix.

  “I keep in the background when you are dealing with the war and stuff like that, but you really need help all the time when it comes to cultivating,” He continued still not saying what it was he could do to change back.

  Sighing, the phoenix stood up and went to Hui Yue. He flicked his forehead something which caused the red wolf to whimper. Wu Wei was used in the attack, and Hui Yue could have sworn that a red mark appeared below the fur.

  “All you need to do is think.” Lan Feng said smilingly, “Think about your human body. Think about your human features. When you do, then you will turn into a proper human once more.”

  Chapter 273 - Time to Attack

  * * *

  Chapter 273: Time to Attack

  “All I need to do is to think?” Hui Yue repeated dumbfounded as he realized that he had not thought about his human shape in the slightest. Instead, he was thinking about the wolf’s shape and senses, and as his thoughts about this increased so did the physical changes to his body. Standing in the dantian cave, the half beast half human found himself slightly dumb for not having considered this option before. With a gratified nod towards Lan Feng, he once more closed his eyes and called forth an image in his mind. An image of long white hair, and serene blue eyes. He pictured pale white skin, a tall stature, long legs, arms, and a toned torso. The clearer the image grew in his mind, the quicker Hui Yue transformation. His snout vanished and his fangs shrunk. His fur retracted, and the hair color turned white while the eyes blue.

  It took him less than half an hour to return to his own body, and he could not help but frown as he thought about this. It was obvious that he should be able to change between forms far faster than he had, but he needed more practice. This time, his transformation was not voluntary, perhaps it would be easier when he decided to transform.

  “Wake up,” A playful voice said as a gentle tap could be felt on the top of his head. This caused him to open his eyes and look at Wan Qiao. “It’s early morning, and I think it is time for us to make a counter attack,” She continued. “We have been holed up within our defenses for so long, all the beasts are unhappy, and we need a real battle. I am sure you know how it is.” She grinned. Hui Yue had to admit that he had previously felt the killing intent known to beasts. He could understand that right now many beasts in the army were awaiting his orders, but they were all filled with a desire to fight. They came here for that very reason and yet they had spent more time defending than fighting.

  “Okay,” Hui Yue nodded his head as a smile appeared on his lips, “Take me to see the army.” Together the two, beast and human, walked out of the tent an
d every place they stopped the beasts also stopped to stare. Their eyes filled with excitement as soon as they saw Hui Yue.

  Moving to the machines of war, Hui Yue climbed onto the tower. When he stood on the top, he spread out his arms. A smile appeared on his face as he yelled “Everyone!” A pause followed as everyone quieted down staring at the young man atop the tower. “Today we fight the humans; today we conqueror the land outside the city walls. Tonight we will feast their corpses!”

  Hearing his words, every beast quickly changed their shape to their beast form and roaring, cheering, and howling could be heard. The ground trembled, and the skies shook as the beasts were filled with killing intent.

  “The fortieth army stays back to look after the weaponry and the camp; the rest set out!”

  Although some displeased faces could be seen, no one said anything to go against Hui Yue. As he stood at the top of the platform, golden Wu Wei wings appeared on his back supporting him as he flew down from the tower. He hovered in the air and finally gave a nod to the Saints, which was returned with a nod towards him. The air was heavy, and the tension was so thick that everyone felt sweat appear on their foreheads. Despite this everyone was smiling. They were baring their fangs and feeling excitement which made their blood boil as they waited for the order from Hui Yue.


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