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Blue Phoenix

Page 265

by Tinalynge

  Lifeforce was a strange thing, the more lifeforce one had, the younger one would appear – to a certain degree. The more Hui Yue obtained, the younger he became; however, after reaching the appearance of a youngster he needed increasingly more lifeforce to become even younger.

  When Hui Yue used his lifeforce, he would seem older. If he used up all the lifeforce he had harvested, he would once more look his age. If he were to use his very own lifeforce, then he would look older and older.

  Due to this, many experts in the Royal Academy seemed older than Hui Yue, and therefore they all looked down upon him. He was just a cultivator of mixed blood and for him to walk side by side with the headmaster caused many to be jealous, yet no one said anything.

  These young geniuses were unaware of Hui Yue and his title as the Grand Marshall of the Beast Army of Shenyuan. Since they knew nothing about his earlier achievements, they obviously knew nothing about his connections and fame that had spread after entering the Grave of the Unknown.

  Seeing the varied expressions on the faces of the students both Hui Yue and the Headmaster were easily able to guess what they were thinking, but neither took it to heart. These were all geniuses of the younger generation, and although Hui Yue somewhat still considered part of the young generation, he no longer felt like he was as young as these experts. So much had happened in his life causing him to mature. However, these geniuses were all inexperienced when it came to real life and actual battle experience, yet they were all filled with self-confidence as they looked at Hui Yue.

  Although Hui Yue was an Emperor, he often kept his aura close to his body making it hard for others to guess his actual rank. He never let his aura explode outwards to terrify others. He had learned how to keep his aura inside of him from Lan Feng, something which he had benefitted from greatly.

  While these youngsters were all looking down upon Hui Yue, anyone who had a high rank would feel threatened by a young man with almost no aura. This meant that he was capable of using his strength to hide his aura, and if he could do this, then he was quite powerful.

  “Hui Lao, why don’t you try making some new friends?” The headmaster asked as he looked at the many children. He understood that many of them came from noble families, and they knew how to react towards someone who was a genius.

  Looking at Hui Yue with big eyes Lao did not want to make the decision on his own, and instead, he waited for Hui Yue to approve. Seeing that Lao clearly wanted to join the others, Hui Yue nodded his head. Instantly, a great smile grew on Lao’s face as he turned around and looked at all the children.

  One of them took a few steps forward. She was a beautiful girl and resembled a doll. Although she was not smiling a gentle aura was around her. Even Lao was completely dumbfounded when he saw her.

  “Let me show you around the academy.” The girl said and Lao, who was mesmerized by the young girl, nodded his head. “My name is Hui Lao.” He said politely to the girl, “I will be starting tomorrow.”

  Nodding her head, the girl also introduced herself. “My name is Han Wu. I am the youngest child in the Han family.” Her voice was melodic, and her eyes were like water. “May I ask who the youngster who brought you here is?” She asked curiously as she looked at the white-haired youngster in front of her.

  “Oh, that’s my father, Hui Yue.” Lao said casually, but deep inside he felt great pride and happiness. Hui Yue was his father. His words caused everyone present to be shocked. The white-haired man was seemingly not more than fifteen years old, yet he was already a father? Was he truly a parent at such a young age or was he perhaps a hidden genius who had stopped aging as he grew stronger and stronger? Everyone present memorized the name Hui Yue and decided that when they went back home, they would ask about this Hui Yue.

  “Where are you from?” Han Wu kept asking full of curiosity. At her question, Lao just shrugged. “I live in a mansion close by.”

  “You are from Muchuan City?” She asked again, and the surprise was evident in her clear voice. Lao nodded his head, “is it that unlikely?” He laughed as he started walking. “Tell me about this academy. I’ll take you to visit my mansion later on if you want to, but for now, I want to understand the Royal Academy.”

  Hearing the words from Lao, Han Wu nodded her head and went next to him as she started pointing and explaining what each and every house was for.

  “Your child is astonishing where did you find him?” The headmaster asked curiously. “He is not a beast as far as I can tell, but fully human. Despite this, he still considers you his father.”

  Grinning Hui Yue did not answer. Instead, he looked at his adopted child who had left with the other children.

  “I will do what I can to strengthen his foundations. The fact that you and your kid have settled in our Taiyang Kingdom is of great benefit to us, and I am sure that both you and young master Hui will be of great help if we should ever need it.”

  Hui Yue nodded his head. After he had settled in the Taiyang Kingdom, he would do what he could to help the kingdom flourish, as long as that meant getting rid of the third prince.

  “I will leave my son here when he is done please tell him that I have gone home.” Hui Yue said as he turned to leave. The headmaster staying behind sighed heavily. He wanted to say that he was no messenger boy, but thinking about it, the headmaster remained quiet. He knew that he owed Hui Yue a bit since the young man let go of their enmity after the clash in the grave.

  ‘I’ll do it this once.’ He thought to himself. ‘At least I managed to get my hands on such a talented youngster. Perhaps I should make him my personal disciple.’ He mused to himself as he looked in the distance where the children had vanished earlier.

  Chapter 393 - Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar

  * * *

  Chapter 393: Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar

  Without waiting at the academy, Hui Yue left through the gates while looking in the distance at his son who had vanished. Being on the campus made him remember his own days at the Riluo City Royal Academy. Back then he had been so young when he first started. He had met Deng Wu, Ma Kong, and Gao Yan not to mention Wang Ju Long.

  Reminiscing about those days made Hui Yue sigh deeply. Those were his childhood days, and he had truly enjoyed himself. However, things had changed. Thinking about his childhood, he also started thinking about his parents and his younger brother. He had not seen them for years already, and he could not help but wonder how they were doing.

  ‘Let’s not think about them,’ Hui Yue thought to himself as he shook his head. ‘Going there right now will only make things worse. A lot of Saints are keeping an eye on me, not to mention the third prince. If I go back home, I will most likely drag them into danger.’

  Moving back to the mansion, Hui Yue headed to the garden behind the mansion and found a location which was relatively peaceful. No servant would interrupt him, nor would they accidentally trespass in this area.

  Moving to the side, Hui Yue sat down in a lotus position on the grass and picked up a storage stone. From within he withdrew the Direhound’s Immortal Strike and started looking at it once more. He remembered the damage it had done to his library during his first attempt in using it, and he knew it would only get stronger. Thinking about this, a smile spread on his lips. His strength was going to be vastly improved when he mastered this attack as he believed that the majority of the Saints within this world were unaware of how to use Wu Wei martial arts.

  Summoning his Sword of the Icy Tempest, Hui Yue placed it within its scabbard and stood up, standing still with his eyes closed. Deep within he found his Wu Wei core. After a few moments, a small thread of Wu Wei left this core and entered his body. Suddenly he opened his eyes and with an internal scream he yelled out ‘Direhound’s Immortal Strike!’

  The Wu Wei flashed through his meridians and entered the sword. Moments after, Hui Yue lifted the sword and unsheathed it while an enormous roar resounded through the garden. Sword light shone out as the strike released a bow-like
beam which flew from the sword and easily cut through three large stones in front of him.

  The first stone did nothing to stop the speed of the sword beam, however, after chopping through the second stone the speed and light had diminished somewhat. Still, it kept going forward until it had cut through the third stone which caused it to vanish completely. Looking at the damage done by the Direhound’s Immortal Strike, Hui Yue’s heart was excited.

  “It seems that this is truly a treasure.” He sighed in praise as he once more closed his eyes and placed the sword within the scabbard. Time and time again he drew the sword, and every time a sword beam shone in a bow-like arc from the scabbard cutting through more and more stones and quite a few trees. Soon the entire area which had been filled with large, old trees and massive boulders had been chopped down. Every single time the Direhound’s Immortal Strike was used it became increasingly more powerful. It was clear that Hui Yue’s mastery of the ability became better and better.

  ‘Try that other one,’ Lan Feng said excitedly. He too could feel that Hui Yue’s mastery over the Direhound’s Immortal Strike had improved drastically, so much so that continuing to train it would not prove to be useful. Now, he needed to use it in an actual battle to improve any further.

  ‘The dragon’s roar technique?’ Hui Yue asked curiously, and Lan Feng nodded his head. ‘If you get mastery over the dragon’s roar ability then you can easily defeat your opponents. Your soul is incredibly powerful since it is merged with mine. The two of us together have a soul that is twice as strong as other experts. Using an ability like this which relies on your soul’s strength should make it possible for you to defeat almost anyone whom you attack. As long as they are no stronger than me, then you can at the least daze them.’

  Hearing his words, a smile spread on Hui Yue’s face and a chill flashed through his eyes. ‘Dazing the third prince would be a good idea.’ Hui Yue said. ‘Hopefully, it can also affect all the protectors he has as well. As an heir to the throne, I believe that he will have someone protecting him from the shadows, however, as soon as we can get rid of him we should.’ Hui Yue decided.

  ‘Using the Direhound’s Immortal Strike together with the Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar should be enough to get rid of everyone. Now the question was how to kill him without anyone knowing.’ Hui Yue mused to himself for some time completely uncertain how to go about this.

  ‘How about speaking with the princess again?’ Lan Feng suggested, but Hui Yue shook his head. ‘Although she wants to take over the kingdom, the third prince is still her brother. She will never allow for us to hurt him.’ He said with certainty. No matter how fierce they were in their fights for the throne, they would not kill one another. Even the third prince, who was the fiercest, had never stooped to killing his family. All he did was get rid of a woman whom his brother fancied.

  ‘Well, we need to come up with an idea. Sadly, killing him within the grave did not work. We have to somehow get him to visit us, or go somewhere with us without anyone else knowing. If he were to die when he is supposed to be together with us, it does not require a genius to realize that we did it.’ Hui Yue complained. His head hurt as he thought about how to get the third prince without anyone knowing. After all the third prince was not dumb, he also understood what it meant to meet someone. Even if the person was no threat, he knew to inform at least one person of who he was meeting.

  ‘How about breaking into the castle and killing him at night?’ Lan Feng said with a big sigh; he too was uncertain of what to do, and both of them wanted to end this feud which had lasted for far too long already.

  Hearing Lan Feng’s words, Hui Yue went suddenly quiet. ‘Actually, I think that might be our only option.’ He said slowly as his eyes lit up with a sudden idea.

  ‘Uh, I wasn’t serious.’ Lan Feng said frantically. ‘They are likely to have formations protecting the castle. There will be inscriptions and traps for uninvited people. It will be very dangerous.’ Lan Feng warned, but even he was incapable of thinking of another solution.

  ‘We might not necessarily be uninvited. I imagine we can be invited by the princess, and after meeting with her, we just don’t leave the castle. That way we won’t have to climb the wall or anything like that.’ Hui Yue mused. Lan Feng could not help but feel that Hui Yue was correct.

  ‘It won’t be easy.’ He warned, but he also understood that they did not have any other options. Breaking in seemed to be the most suitable for them. It was not in any way easy and thus Hui Yue could not help but frown.

  ‘I need some time to come up with a plan.’ Hui Yue thought to himself, ‘and even worse, I need to somehow return home from visiting the princess and at the same time stay within the mansion. I can’t be two places at once, but I do need an alibi if I don’t want to be caught.’

  ‘I know,’ Lan Feng said while thinking through all the skills and abilities they knew. ‘For now, let me see if I have anything which can help you. In the meantime, train the Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar. You will need it to battle the prince.’

  Accepting what Lan Feng said, Hui Yue summoned forth the scroll within which had the Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar ability and sat down in a lotus position as he looked through the scroll explaining the technique.

  This roar was quite different from all other kinds of attacks that he had seen before. Because, although it was grouped together with the Wu We martial arts it did not only require Wu Wei to be used, it also required a strong soul.

  Hui Yue was used to using his soul every time he traveled through his body visiting the three dantians, or when meeting up with Lan Feng. Due to this, it was no hard task for him to enter his consciousness and then enter the upper dantian.

  The Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar let one’s soul explode outwards. Calling out with the Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar within himself the Wu Wei within his soul started to expand and soon after his entire soul seemed to swell up so much that it could no longer be contained within his body. It felt as if a massive balloon had exploded and this caused an energy ripple to explode outwards as the soul itself returned to its original size.

  The massive explosion caused a shockwave which expanded from Hui Yue’s body. This shockwave did not cause the trees to be cut down nor did it cause any physical destruction to his surroundings. Though had a person been present that person would not have been as unaffected as the surroundings. The shockwave only targeted other souls, and the degree of destruction it brought to souls was very terrifying.

  Some souls would be instantly shattered while others would be severely injured. The stronger one’s soul, meaning a soul of the same strength as Hui Yue or slightly weaker, would be injured and dazed for a period of time. If their soul was slightly stronger, it would merely be dazed, and if it was much more powerful than Hui Yue’s, then there would be no effect at all.

  The more he trained, the more powerful the shockwave became. Not only did it increase in strength it also increased in size as well.

  ‘If we did not care about casualties, we could stand behind the wall and attack the third prince that way.’ Lan Feng said with a sigh. ‘If we could make the shockwave move in one direction so that we don’t end up killing a lot of citizens too, then it would be the perfect attack. I fail to believe that a simple King ranked Prince will be able to fight against our merged souls.’ Lan Feng continued, and Hui Yue could only agree. Although the shockwave was strong and it would be possible to kill the third prince with the shockwave going through the wall, it would also sweep through some of the town and all the mortals present would have their souls shattered. If he did not care about mortals, this would be the best way of accomplishing his goal, but he did care about them. Hui Yue was not a merciless butcher; they were innocent, and Hui Yue was not willing to kill them.

  ‘I might have a solution.’ Lan Feng said. ‘A solution which does not involve the death of thousands of mortals.’ He continued, and Hui Yue raised an eyebrow in interest. If Lan Feng said he had a solutio
n, then it was certainly true. He was thoroughly intrigued.

  Chapter 394 - Splitting One’s Soul

  * * *

  Chapter 394: Splitting One’s Soul

  ‘A solution?’ Hui Yue thought curiously. He could not help but feel that Lan Feng was purposefully being secretive, but he still smiled hoping that this would fix their problem.

  ‘It’s simple. There are thousands of skills within the Universe Box,’ Lan Feng commented. ‘Although I have lots of abilities, my abilities are nothing compared to what you have obtained. You just need to look for an ability which will allow you to either split your soul in two or one that can create a copy of yourself. If you can make a copy or split your soul, then you can be in two places at the same time. I am sure such a God would have an ability like that especially after seeing shocking abilities like the Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar and the Direhound’s Immortal Strike.’

  ‘That is not a solution.’ Hui Yue muttered unhappily. ‘That is hoping an ability exists. How could I split my soul? If I do that, then my soul will most likely weaken substantially. Weakening my soul means weakening the Vigorous Emerald Dragon’s Roar.’


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