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Blue Phoenix

Page 279

by Tinalynge

  'I will leave it to you in that case.' Hui Yue said with a nod. Focusing on the two children Hui Yue sighed deeply.

  "Lao, Jo, I am going to tell you a very important secret, and you can never tell anyone else about it." He said gently as he looked into the eyes of the two children, both of them noded their heads and looked at Hui Yue with big, curious eyes.

  "Inside of me lives a supreme expert." Hui Yue started, his voice was serious and although both Lao and Jo felt that such a thing should be impossible, neither of them voiced their doubts. "This expert is the reason that I can fight Saints. He has been with me my entire life, and I view him as my brother." Hui Yue continued to explain as he looked at the two children. "He will come forward and help Jo get through the process of refining the energy. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. If anything she will get a lot stronger a lot quicker." Hui Yue promised, and although Lao was slightly worried, he ended up nodding his head.

  "If it can help Jo, then let’s do it!" Lao said determined, and since Lao had made a decision, Jo did not question it either.

  Hui Yue closed his eyes a moment; however, the second he opened his eyes again, a completely new aura was coming from him. It was clear that he had changed from being Hui Yue to becoming the hidden expert.

  "Hello there, young ones." A deeper and more profound voice suddenly sounded out, causing both kids to jolt in shock. The atmosphere had changed, and the two children felt worried as this was a person they had never met before.

  "Ah right." Lan Feng said as he instantly drew back his aura, ensuring that it was not there to frighten the two children anymore.

  "You can call me uncle Feng; I am your father's best friend." He bragged, but his bragging was true. Lan Feng and Hui Yue had been inseparable for so long that they had truly become the best of friends.

  Standing up, Lan Feng moved behind Jo and sat down in lotus position himself. He then placed his hands on Jo's back and sighed heavily. "Okay children take the pill and start focusing on absorbing as much energy as absolutely possible." Looking at Lao, a look of pity could be seen within his eyes.

  "Young Lao, I can only help Jo overcome the pain, I cannot help you. I know you are determined, but you are also young. Please do your best, but don’t push yourself too hard as it might ruin you instead of helping you." Lan Feng warned, but Lao just smiled at him and nodded his head.

  Thinking back on everything he had gone through in his life, about how he and Jo had been taken in and given a chance and how even now they had been gifted a wonderful medicinal pill the likes of which the world had never seen before caused Lao to be even more resolute. All this went through his mind as he placed the pill in his mouth and closed his eyes.

  Seeing the determination in the eyes that just closed, Lan Feng nodded his head with satisfaction. 'Taking in this child could prove to be the best decision you ever made.' Lan Feng said to Hui Yue, and the young man currently within the lower dantian could only agree. Lao had so much talent that he could very well turn into Hui Yue's secret weapon. Who would ever believe that such a young child was a King ranked expert?

  Seeing Lao pop the pill into his mouth, Jo instantly mimicked his actions. Lan Feng pressed his hands against her back and allowed for the blue cloud to enter her body. The energy had already started appearing the moment it came into contact with their mouths, and these waves of energy were so powerful that they could be seen with the naked eye.

  "This will be harder than I thought." Lan Feng commented and focused fully on pouring the blue cloud energy into Jo's small body. He surrounded the pill that had entered her throat with the blue cloud and filtered all the energy ensuring that not too much was released at a time. If it had been allowed to freely emit its energy the crashing energy waves and the pain would be too much for the young girl to handle. However, with Lan Feng's help, it would be possible.

  Looking behind him, Lan Feng noticed that the same powerful waves of energy were crashing within Lao's body; however, he had no one to help filter this energy and thus his forehead was filled with beads of sweat. His teeth were grinding against each other, and his hands were clenched so hard that blood was dripping from his palm. It was not easy to absorb the energy of Silvermoon's Pill.

  Chapter 415 - Dumbfounded

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  Chapter 415: Dumbfounded

  Wave after wave crashed inside the bodies of the two young children. While Lan Feng kept control of the raging energy within Jo's small body ensuring that only a part of it was released at a time, she was still having a hard time. Her body was transforming while the energy flooded everywhere.

  The swirl within Jo's lower dantian had been very tiny at the start. She was too young to focus on cultivation and thus she had needed a large portion of the energy to refine and build her foundation. The energy assaulted her lower dantian flooding it with energy. This caused her Qi swirl to gradually turn larger and larger. The color became more and more lustrous white looking like a beautiful pearl. The quality was equal to the quality Hui Yue had managed to refine. Unfortunately, it had taken Hui Yue fifteen years to build his foundations while Jo finished hers within an hour.

  As soon as her lower dantian was filled the energy then flooding towards her middle dantian. Energy arrived from every meridian, vein, and pore which had been surging through purifying them and attacked the barrier which kept the middle dantian closed. After what seemed like a few minutes the gate was overwhelmed and the raging energies entered her middle dantian.

  The energy changed from its pure pearl-like white luster to a beautiful mercury silver, and slowly but steadily it entered her spiritual energy sea. Above her energy sea were two flames: a blue and a green one. The blue flame was the strongest of the two, but the green one was not weak.

  While Lan Feng was assisting Jo with her breakthroughs and stabilizing her foundation, Lao was left alone. He was fully immersed in absorbing the energy of the medicinal pill. Although it was supposed to be easier for him than it was for the Jo because he had already opened his middle dantian, both he and Lan Feng were aware of the truth.

  Jo would not suffer any pain since Lan Feng was containing the energy with the blue cloud. Lao, on the other hand, was experiencing all the pain on his own. At first, the crashing energy was like waves breaking on the shore, but unfortunately, this energy did not get weaker. Instead, it became stronger and stronger. Soon powerful energy waves emanated from both Jo and Lao. Obviously, the ones that came from Lao's body were far stronger.

  Soon the mansion started trembling from these energy ripples, but even so they showed no signs of stopping. As the energy ripples grew stronger and stronger, the ground started shaking.

  These energy ripples were from the sheer amount of power that was hidden within the pill. It was enough to make a baby become a King ranked expert - that was if they could withstand the pain. Therefore when Lao placed the pill in his mouth, he was only planning to use some of the energy and let the rest leave his body as energy waves. This in turn was now almost causing an earthquake within Muchuan City.

  Jo also had energy ripples leaving her body, but their strength was far inferior to the ones that originated from Lao's body.

  An hour passed while both children were working hard refining and stablizing their foundations. Two hours went by, and blood was now flowing freely from Lao's palms causing dripping to be heard in the room. His face was pale, and he was drenched in sweat. It was clear that he was close to his limits.

  Jo's complexion was also serious, but unlike Lao, she did not experience any pain. Even now, the energy ripples were getting stronger still. They were now so strong that all of Muchuan City was affected by it. Every expert had left their mansions and were now standing in front of Hui Yue's gates, looking at it with expressions of shock.

  Wang Ju Long was standing in front of the gates watching everyone. Although she was only a King ranked expert no one wanted to defy her orders of not going inside because they knew that her orders came directly from Hui Yue. S
omeone none of them could offend

  "Are you positive he is doing closed door training? What kind of training could this possibly be?!" One of the spectators asked shocked. His words were not aimed at anyone, but everyone felt that it was a very good question. They had never experienced something similar before.

  "Maybe we should go inside. I fear that if this continues then some of the houses in Muchuan City will start to collapse and could kill the citizens of our wonderful city." Another commented, and others nodded their heads. Unfortunately, they were too slow, and suddenly a big man descended from the sky. His shield slammed into the ground, and a tremor equal to the other earthquake-like tremors appeared.

  It was not only one person who appeared but also four other Saints who blocked the entrance as well. One was Xiao Ning, the first to appear with his massive shield. A grim smile covered his face. Behind him was none other than Ye Ling, Zhu Jun, and Luo Qiang. This group of experts were all considered top tiered experts within the Taiyang Kingdom. There were only a few were experts stronger than these three at the back, and Xiao Ning, who was standing at the front, was definitely known as the most troublesome Saint in the whole kingdom. His strength was outstanding and his defense was even better.

  "No one will interrupt brother Yue!" Xiao Ning said with determination In his eyes. "If you do not give me face, then do not blame me for being ruthless!" He said as his killing intent rose. The temperature of the surrounding area felt as though it had dropped several degrees.

  Of the experts who had appeared, only a handful of them were Saints while the rest were Emperors. Seeing four Saints, and strong Saints at that, everyone was shocked. Even more so when they heard Xiao Ning refer to Hui Yue as brother Yue.

  Everyone was standing uncertain about what to do. None of them wished to leave as everyone wondered what could cause these tremors going through the ground. Though, at the same time, they dared not go against Xiao Ning and his friends who were blocking their way.

  Wang Ju Long instantly felt gratitude towards these four Saints. She was, but a single King ranked expert. If these supreme experts in front of the gate wished to enter, she would not be able to stop them. Seeing that she had been saved by these Saints, it was natural for her to feel grateful.

  However, within the minds of Xiao Ning and the other three, there was nothing more than appriciation towards Hui Yue. It was due to him that their trip through the Grave of the Unknown had been fairly simple, and it was also thanks to him that they had managed to reach the rank they were now. He had shared all his treasures with them equally; therefore, they could not help but feel that they owed him a great deal. Stopping others from interrupting him when he was in closed door training, was something they would easily do.

  While everyone was uncertain about what to do, a final tremor shook the ground. This was the strongest wave of energy so far, and Wang Ju Long, alongside all the Emperors, was forced to step back a few times. Blood was dripping from the corners of their mouth, and it was clear that this last tremor had been dangerous.

  The group was completely silent as they waited to see if even stronger waves would appear but nothing happened. An eerie silence descended, and none dared to say even a single word.

  The silence lasted for a full half hour before the door to the mansion opened. Hui Yue with Jo and Lao on either side of him stepped forwards. Looking at these three experts, everyone was dumbfounded.

  The auras these two children showed was the strength of a King ranked expert. However both were children. Nevertheless, these two children were clearly King ranked experts. Their eyes were filled with intelligence; their bodies, although small, had a dominating aura about them.

  Looking at these three experts, everyone was so deeply shocked that they dared not say anything. Even Xiao Ning and the three others were completely shocked, unable to say anything.

  "Everyone, thank you for having shown up at my mansion." Hui Yue said with a clear voice which awakened everyone from their stupor.

  "I apologize for the trouble me and my children have caused everyone. If you have lost any property, do not hesitate to let me know." Hui Yue said casually. He then nodded to them all before his eyes landed on Xiao Ning.

  "Oh, who would have thought I would meet brother Ning, Ling, Jun, and Qiang here. To think I have even troubled you four. Why don't you all come inside for some fine wine? We haven't seen each other for quite some time, let’s catch up." He said smilingly, and the four experts all nodded their heads as they headed into the mansion together with Wang Ju Long.

  "If you need repayment for destroyed property please speak with my mansion manager. He will ensure that you get paid." Hui Yue said with a smile before leading his guests into the mansion and closing the door behind him.

  Standing on the road in front of the house everyone was stunned into silence. Their minds were reeling as they remembered the two King ranked children they had just seen. Even more so when they thought about the tremor which had allegedly appeared because of Hui Yue's training.

  "Just what kind of monsters live within that mansion?" One of the Saints mumbled to himself, yet although his voice was low everyone heard his words clearly.

  Thinking the same thought, they nodded their heads. There was truly just one word to describe this family: monstrous.

  "Brother Yue, these two children, why don't you introduce us to one another? To have such outstanding talent, they must be the biggest treasure of your family." Xiao Ning sighed with praise. Although he too had been greatly shocked about Hui Yue having such talented children, he quickly came to the conclusion that it was not all that unlikely when it was Hui Yue they were discussing. Hui Yue himself was an enigma; it was only natural that his family was as unnatural.

  "Oh yes." Hui Yue said with a smile. "This is Hui Lao and Hui Jo, my two children. Their training speed is indeed outstanding; their skills are unrivaled in this world. I assume that they will become the youngest Saints in the history of this entire plane." He said proudly, and Xiao Ning nodded his head, still surprised in his heart.

  "Your family is as mysterious as you are." Ye Ling said with a smile on his lips. He and the two other Saints were not too shocked by the kids. They had already experienced the things which Hui Yue could do within the grave even though he was a mere Emperor. In their eyes, he was an outstanding genius that no one could defeat.

  "How have things been going for you?" Hui Yue asked as he led them to his dining hall where a large banquet table was being filled with snacks and drinks of various kinds. The guests were four Saints so the maids and servants rushed to prepare the dining hall ever since they heard their master inviting them inside.

  "You know how to treat your guests!" Xiao Ning called out loudly before he went towards the banquet table and picked up a few random snacks alongside a glass of wine. Following his example everyone else did the same before they finally sat down at the table, spending the rest of the day talking together. They caught up on what had happened since they had each left after returning from the Grave of the Unknown.

  Chapter 416 - Strength

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  Chapter 416: Strength

  "This trouble with the assassination of the third prince has been bothering all of us." Xiao Ning admitted with a sigh. "We still do not know who the murderer was, and we’re unable to get revenge. Not only can we not get vengeance for our prince, but even the royal family suspects that we had something to do with the murder."

  "Although the death of the third prince was shocking, I am even more shocked by the fact that all the Crusaders have disappeared as well." Luo Qiang said instead with a frown on his face. "Every major power in the city used to have Crusaders amongst their ranks; even the royal family had many Crusaders strolling around their grounds. Unfortunately, after we returned home from the Grave of the Unknown, all of them seem to have gone missing."

  "Humm." Hui Yue said trying to sound surprised. "That is odd. Maybe all of them had something important to do and needed to leave the f
amilies they protected?" He asked smilingly.

  "I doubt it." Zhu Jun answered. "They would usually leave messages behind when they needed to work for their master, however, this time they did not leave anything behind. I really don't know what happened to them."

  "Well, how else could they have vanished?" Hui Yue asked seriously. Although he knew what happened to the Crusaders, it was not something he would tell them. The fight against An He was something only he and Cai Jie would be a part of. He did not wish for his friends to be dragged into this dangerous task of his.

  "We do not know. I've heard that the Crusaders in the Yueliang Province were also disappearing quickly. Nothing was left behind there as well. Apparently, they started vanishing just after the war ended which is why it took some time for the news to arrive here, and when it did, our Crusaders started vanishing too." This time it was Ye Ling who spoke up, and his words caused Hui Yue to frown.


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