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Blue Phoenix

Page 310

by Tinalynge

  He knew that this was all going on within his mind. He did not have any strength, nor was Lan Feng with him. Dying here was also highly unlikely. However, it would not be simple to return to his body. No one had passed this trial so far, so it was clear that there had to be hidden dangers within.

  Shaking his head, Hui Yue decided not to think anymore about it, and instead, he sped up the pace with which he was moving towards the Divine Beast Gods.

  Suddenly, another cry resounded through the air, and even though it was only moments since the divine dragon had spoken, it felt like much longer as so much was happening around him. The reply to what the Azure Dragon had said, this screeching sound, almost made Hui Yue lose consciousness. His body trembled, and his eyes showed specs of black. Turning around, he looked with wide eyes as he saw a creature as large as the Vermilion Bird.

  It was hovering in the air much like the Vermilion Bird, but it was clearly a roc! This bird of prey was no smaller than the Vermilion Bird and the aura around it was also no less intimidating. The only difference was that one had golden eyes while the other had purple eyes. One was the majestic king of all birds while the other refused to admit the sovereignty of his enemy.

  "Haha well said, Xiao Peng! I do not agree that they are divine beasts! Is this not a self-proclaimed title? How arrogant can you be? Although they are strong and tough to deal with, are they really divine creatures?!" Resounding laughter rang out after the sentence, and the black mist consolidated becoming a massive being with purple eyes. The being’s entire body was as tall as the Azure Dragon was long and upon glancing at the divine beasts, Hui Yue noticed a look of displeasure in their faces. This creature was different from what Hui Yue had ever seen before. It looked like a human, but his arms and legs were longer than the ones of an average human. His skin was completely black and the face was covered by a mask which seemed to be made from Darkness itself. This mask allowed no one to see his facial features, only letting his purple eyes shine intensely from behind the mask.

  "Why does it matter to you what we call ourselves?" The Black Turtle snapped at the demon, but there was clearly some unwillingness in his voice.

  "You are too flashy. When the four of you were small, it was one thing to dream, but now that you are Gods you even went as far as to want to become constellations, have you no shame in life?!"

  With a hamph, the Azure dragon took a step forward, and as he did the entire ground started trembling. The world shook as though there was an earthquake, and even the ground in front of the Azure Dragon split into a large fissure. It was clear that it could not handle the sheer pressure emitted from the dragon.

  "All you do is be jealous. We all know how difficult it is to create a constellation, and the fact that we are almost successful in making four is enough for you to be full of envy, and thus you want to take over our Divine Beast World? Dream on! This world will have the nourishment of our constellations throughout eternity, placed right in the middle of the four, this world is much more important than you will ever know! For you to take this world from us, it will be over our dead bodies!"

  This time it was the demon whose face grew sour, but he said no more. Instead, he lifted his arm, and countless specks of purple light shone from his arm. They landed on top of the many demons, filling them with energy, healing them and giving them renewed hope. All of them threw themselves into the almost lost battle with renewed vigor. Thus they were able to push back the beasts and humans for the first time.

  Although they had renewed energy, Hui Yue did not think the demons had much of a chance to win. They were simply far too late with this boost, and there were far too few of them, but he also understood that it was not the soldiers that determined the outcome of the battle. The true end would be decided between the divine beasts and the demon and roc that were behind both armies.

  "I wonder where the White Tiger is." Hui Yue mumbled to himself as he kept moving forward. "Without the White Tiger, even if they are strong, the divine beast formation is not complete. Will I see them fight?"

  Hui Yue contemplated for some time. "What was this constellation they spoke about? I know what a constellation is, but are they talking about the stars? How can someone make stars? Just how strong are these divine beasts?"

  The longer Hui Yue was in this memory world, the more confused he became. Nevertheless, Hui Yue did not let this bring him down, and with a shake of his head, he stepped closer and closer to the beasts. The distance was long, but Hui Yue was swift, and he had already traveled half the way towards these magnificent beasts.

  The battle was picking up, but the closer Hui Yue was to the four divine beasts, the fewer soldiers he encountered. There were no battles around here now, so it took him almost no time to travel the final distance.

  Soon he was standing right below the three divine beasts, and looking up at them, Hui Yue was rather fearful but also astonished.

  Their auras were so overwhelming that although this was just a memory, Hui Yue had problems breathing. His heart was shaking, his legs trembling, but his face was filled with genuine excitement. This was the first time he had seen anyone so strong, and now he was seeing so many peerless experts in one place!

  "We need to start fighting soon, brother." The Vermilion Bird landed on the ground by the side of the Azure Dragon; his face was solemn and his voice deep. Looking at this bird, Hui Yue was astonished to see just how massive it was. The wind which appeared when it descended was enough to force Hui Yue to step backward several times.

  The Black Turtle looked at the Vermilion Bird; his eyes were filled with hesitation as he slowly said. "Why not wait to see if brother Bai Hu’s plan is successful."

  Hearing this, Hui Yue instantly guessed that this brother Bai Hu was the White Tiger, and his heart was now beating more rapidly than before. The reason he was not here was not that he was injured nor was it because these demons had captured him, but it seemed that he was currently putting a secret plan into action.

  Hearing this, Hui Yue could not help but feel excited. He wanted to see just what these magnificent beasts had planned for their attack; he wanted to see how this battle would end.

  He knew that the divine beasts had entered eternal slumber. Could this be the result of this massive battle? Were they injured? Were they defeated? He was curious and wanted to find out. This memory which he had entered was so much beyond anything he had ever seen. The scale alone was simply impossible to fathom. As for how this was a trial, he did not know but wracking his mind about this was not something he would bother with.

  Instead, he stood still watching the battle unfold while smiling a little. He turned to look at the large demon, and his eyes were filled with expectation. This was going to be a grand battle and the fact that he could see it first hand was such a rare opportunity.

  Chapter 465 - Bai Hu's Arrival

  * * *

  Chapter 465: Bai Hu's Arrival

  Although Hui Yue was expecting the demon to do something, he did nothing. He just stayed at the back of his army, intently looking at the war that was unfolding in front of him. He showed neither worry nor care, only a tiny bit of interest could be found in his eyes.

  The Divine Beasts Gods were doing the same. They merely observed the war. All of them acted like it had nothing to do with them. Still, these legendary Gods being there was enough to make the armies roar with vigor and power.

  "While we’re here, why don't you tell me why this Divine Beast World is so important to you guys?" The demon suddenly asked, his voice booming over the field. Although the soldiers were interested in this question, no one stopped fighting to listen. Only the high ranked Gods and Hui Yue were able to enjoy this privilege.

  But although the demon was very talkative, the beasts did not answer; one snorted another humphed, but no one replied. Sighing, Hui Yue felt slightly disappointed. He too was curious about why this world was so important. The Gods even went into an eternal slumber within this world, therefore, there had to be somethin
g special about it.

  He did not understand what it meant to be a constellation, nor did he understand what it meant to build a world, but he knew that it was most likely not as simple as he expected.

  "A constellation... can it be the same as in my old world?" Hui Yue mused. "To create a constellation… Maybe these Gods perhaps created multiple worlds that are all located specific places in space and together they formed a constellation? But what did they mean that they wanted to be constellations? Can they become stars? Why would one become a group of stars?" Hui Yue did not understand at all, but he really wanted to understand, or at least come up with a conclusion, so that he could have some peace of mind.

  Suddenly, Hui Yue was stunned as a thought came to his mind. Could a constellation be a rank even above that of a God? Seeing how this demon really did not wish for the Divine Beast Gods to become constellations so much so that he was willing to fight them, it was clear that it was not some simple rank. A shiver ran down his spine as he thought of this idea. The world was indeed very vast! There were so many things he did not know, and the more he saw, the more he felt how insignificant he was.

  While Hui Yue was fully engrossed in his thoughts, he suddenly heard a loud horn sound out. The moment he lifted his head, he saw that the demon had stood up. Standing up it was much taller than the Azure Dragon. His body seemed to stretch to the heavens, and the aura that he emitted was so frightening that Hui Yue instantly turned tail and ran away.

  "Although no one attacks me, the shockwaves of the coming battle will be enough to kill me." He mused. Instead of running back into the army, he ran to the side where he saw a crater. Hiding within this crater, only his head peeked out as he looked at the fight that was going to happen, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

  Although he knew it was dangerous, he could not help but want to see the battle. The position he had chosen was without a doubt the safest one anywhere nearby. Being in a crater allowed for him to fall to the ground and let the shockwaves pass over him when the battle became too intense.

  The divine beasts did not wait for the demon to reach them as the moment he stood up, they rushed forward. The Vermilion Bird took to the skies, allowing for a loud screech to sound throughout the battlefield. The blood of all the fighters surged in reply, both the ones on the beast's side and the ones on the demon's side.

  The turtle, which one might expect to be slow, was moving quickly. Following right behind was the Azure Dragon, and together these three rushed towards the demon. The further away they went, the happier Hui Yue became as it meant he would be much safer.

  The demon was many kilometers away. But Hui Yue was a cultivator, and his eyesight was especially good. Being able to see them fight was no hard feat, even if they were further away than they were now it would be easy.

  By the time these beasts reached the demon he had lifted his hand and in it a massive mace appeared. It was pitch black with a silver inscriptions on it. The black aura which had formed a cloud over the demons quickly gathered around this mace. Soon it was all absorbed, and a dense black energy surrounded the mace. This was undoubtedly the most ferocious weapon Hui Yue had ever seen.

  "Three against one, you really don't care about face!" The demon said but his voice did not show any signs of indignation; instead, a great smile spread on his lips as both his hands grabbed the hilt of the mace and swung it with all his power. A shockwave so powerful that cracks appeared in space and so dense that one could see it with the naked eye flew towards the Vermilion Bird in the sky.

  This attack was so strong that Hui Yue was not even able to comprehend the forces behind it, and seeing the attack, his mouth was ajar. His eyes went wide as he saw how casually the demon had thrown such an attack into the air. One move was all he had needed.

  The Vermilion Bird in the sky snorted with disdain as he dodged to the side. His action of dodging seemed simple, but the speed of mace’s shockwave was so swift that it was really not easy at all to avoid.

  Hui Yue had understood that being a God meant that their strength was outstanding, however, he now fully understood just how much he had underestimated these experts in front of him. Their most casual strikes caused the walls of reality to tear apart, leaving spatial tears in their wake! The dense amount of energy was visible, and seeing this kind of strength, how could Hui Yue not be shaken to the core?

  The battlefield was no longer filled with heroic humans, beasts, and demons battling each other. Instead, everyone was fleeing for their lives, but none of them were able to escape. The tail of the Azure Dragon came swinging down, and at that moment, thousands of demons were smashed to a meaty pulp in seconds. The strike was not even aimed at them, but the demon in front of him. Cracks appeared all over the ground swallowing up more and more demons as the fissures grew in size.

  As the Vermilion Bird cried in the sky, its entire body blazed with flames all over as it dove down. Looking at this bird, Hui Yue's eyes shone as he observed the Phoenix Descent used by its creator. It was clear that Hui Yue was far from the Vermilion Bird when it came to understanding this ability.

  Although the attacks were fierce and filled with hostility, Hui Yue could not help but feel that neither side took the fight seriously. Their attacks were all used to scout the other side's powers, and their exchange of attacks was slow. Every attack was blocked by the other.

  The Azure Dragon was using its own body to attack the demon, and the Vermilion Bird was doing the same using his body alongside his flames. The Black Turtle was standing at the back constantly chanting incantations, as for their purpose, Hui Yue had no idea.

  The demon was using the mace in its hands to attack, but he was not using any internal energy; the only thing he used was sheer force.

  "This is going to be a battle to remember!" The demon called out happily as he continued to swing the mace in his hands. Swinging it around, it was picking up momentum. Soon spatial tears were all around him, but he seemed to not notice as he picked up his pace, creating more and more force behind his attack.

  The wind gathered around him and sent out strong gusts towards the many demons around him forcing them to step backwards so much so that some of them were forced into the fissures that the Azure Dragon had created. Despite this, the face of the demon was filled with elation. He did not notice something as insignificant as the death of a few subordinates.

  The demon spun his mace faster and faster until it flew towards the divine beasts. Like a flash of lightning, it moved from one Divine Beast God to another. He let his heavy mace with the frightening death aura rain down upon the beast Gods who were fighting back by either avoiding it entirely or using Ancestral Worldpower to block the mace.

  Not everyone was as lucky as these four Divine Beast Gods, and both demons, beasts, and humans died left and right. Their deaths counted in the thousands, but no one really seemed to care. They could not afford to care about these deaths as they had enough dealing with their own safety. Although these attacks were relatively casual, one mistake was enough to cause heavy injuries, and no one wished for this.

  The Divine Beast Gods had allowed for the demon to build up momentum, and Hui Yue was filled with curiosity as to why they would let this happen. It was clear that it had caused him to become much stronger than he was before and much swifter.

  The fight had become much more bloody, and intense because the Divine Beast God's allowed the demon to build momentum. Suddenly Hui Yue understood why.

  A loud roar exploded through the air as high in the sky a White Tiger came rushing down, behind him were two humans. One was as white as porcelain, and her face was so stunning that Hui Yue felt almost lost in her beauty. The grace with which this woman moved was so elegant and refined. She was clad in a beautiful white dress, and her golden hair cascaded down her shoulders and back while also framing her face and making her seem celestial.

  The man on the other side was the complete opposite. He looked rough around the edges. The clothes he was wearing had wrinkles
all over, and his face had unshaven stubble. His messy long hair flowed freely.

  "Brother Bai Hu!" The Vermilion Bird cried out in surprise, and the others looked to the sky. Their eyes filled with excitement while the demon slowly came to a standstill. His previously excited face turned grim as he saw the two human powerhouses behind the tiger.

  "You damned beasts, why would you invite others to interfere with our battle? Have you no shame?!"

  "You always talk about shame, yet you are the one who came here to rob us of our newly created world! You want to fight us, but we do not want to fight you; all we want is to be left alone!"

  The voice belonged to the Azure Dragon, and every word he said was filled with power.

  "Although we do not wish to fight, we will fight if we have to. We will defend what is ours, but you, you have caused so much trouble everywhere. It is only natural for you to have countless enemies. What is wrong with us allying together to get rid of you? You are a nuisance. Either leave us alone or die a miserable death!"


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