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Blue Phoenix

Page 337

by Tinalynge

  Hui Yue was no longer the only person around with colored hair, and many of the women in the restaurant noticed his white hair and fair skin. Many women enjoyed his appearance while the men were licking their lips while looking at Huli. This pair was picture perfect, suiting each other so much that no one wanted to interrupt them, but their appearance attracted a lot of attention, and Hui Yue felt how people were constantly gauging his strength.

  As they did, the blue cloud within his body suddenly started to twist and churn in his chest, and without Hui Yue controlling it, it permeated throughout his entire body. It filled every vein and pore, and suddenly it was as if the many gazes which had been turned to him were reflected.

  A murmur could be heard in the restaurant. It was natural for Gods to probe the strength of interesting people they found on their way, and it was especially the case when everyone was going to be your opponent later on in the trials to come.

  When they first tried to observe Hui Yue, they had at first gotten the same mixed signals as everyone else, but suddenly his aura completely vanished. When they sent their energy to investigate him, it was sent right back to them, and they now could not find out anything about him which made them feel apprehensive. Was this man so much stronger than them that he was able to completely hide his true level of strength, or did he perhaps specialize in hiding his aura? Was he an assassin God?

  No one knew, and many started contemplating, but neither Hui Yue nor Huli felt like standing in front of them. Instead, they accepted a key card from the clerk behind the counter. "Go to the fifth floor, and your room is the seventh from the stairs. This the room which will be yours while you stay. You have paid for the next seven years; please enjoy the stay."

  Hearing this Hui Yue's eyes went wide, and Huli laughed out loud. Her pearl-like laughter rang through the restaurant and as for why she was laughing so hard nobody could tell.

  Taking Hui Yue's hand and dragging him up the stairs, she giggled as she inched closer to him. "This is the life of an immortal. We no longer count in days, but years! When he asked you how long you wished to stay since you said seven so he assumed you meant seven years!" She said while laughing, and Hui Yue, feeling quite stupid could not help but shake his head with a small smile on his face.

  Together he and Huli rushed towards their room. Huli, because she wanted to be alone with Hui Yue, and Hui Yue, because he wanted to hear how to fight with other Gods. During his fight with Rong Liang, he had heard new terms like the dao. Later Huli explained to him that the dao was all around him, but even after her explanation and contemplating the dao while traveling to the Netherworld, he was not truly able to understand what it was.

  Reaching the room, they instantly entered and looked around. The room was not that large, but it was more than enough to fit two people. One desk and a chair were placed under one of the windows which showed the vast city sprawled out before them. Because they were rather high up in the inn, they had quite an amazing view. In the middle of the room was a massive bed which seemed to be able to fit almost ten people.

  Looking at Hui Yue's shocked expression, Huli giggled again. "Some races are many times larger than humans, and some beasts prefer to be in their original forms. They are giants compared to someone like you, but they should still be able to sleep on the bed." She explained, and Hui Yue nodded his head. It made sense that there were many different races throughout the many worlds and amongst these races, some of them would obviously be far larger than him.

  "Please tell me how Gods fight!" Hui Yue said as he sat down on the bed, his eyes pleading as he looked toward Huli. Although he was excited about his first travel to another world, much as he was astounded by the immortal city, he could never forget that he had Wang Ju Long's soul shadow in a small bottle in the Universe Box. He had to save her!

  Looking at the pained expression on Hui Yue's face, Huli's heart ached, and she sighed deeply before she nodded her head.

  "It is quite simple really," she started to explain. "As a God, your entire body is made from Ancestral Worldpower. You can use it to fight but it is a very crude way of fighting, and it is also very risky as you are basically using your body to attack. Instead, you need to open your mind. You need to comprehend the daos around you that I explained before and you will be able to incorporate the laws of the universe that you have gained insights in into your attacks. Those daos will enhance your strength and increase your power tremendously." She began, and Hui Yue listened wholeheartedly to every word Huli said.

  Chapter 508 - Meditation

  * * *

  Chapter 508: Meditation

  "Using the dao in your attacks is the same as borrowing the strength from the world around you. You are walking down the dao of devouring, and thus you when you gain insights into this law of the universe you can fuse them into your attacks. You need to feel the energies around you, and then you can draw on them."

  "When you close your eyes and start to feel the dao surrounding you, then you will be able to gain insights into it. As for the attacks you make, only you can make them. The attacks differ from person to person. Even people who walk the same dao will have attacks that are different from one another. Though I am sure, you already know this from your memories of the blue monk and red wolf. "

  "Although it was not possible for you to comprehend the dao and what it meant back when you gained those memories, you still know about the attacks they used. These attacks were different from each and every one of your memories, but all of them walked the same dao. For you, you can choose to copy their attacks and explore all three paths down the dao of devouring, or you can focus on one of them."

  "In the end, you can also choose to walk your own path. No one can decide how you should cultivate, nor should anyone interfere with what you feel is right. In the end, only you can make that decision, and I hope you will find one which suits you."

  "Close your eyes and feel the dao surrounding you."

  At this point, Huli was quiet for some time. There was no need for her to speak more, and Hui Yue understood what was expected of him. He sat down in meditation and closed his eyes. Spreading his consciousness out to cover the entire room, Hui Yue could sense the dao surrounding him. He could feel the dao of inferno strongly, but the most powerful dao around him was the dao of devouring.

  The dao was invisible, it could not be seen, only felt, and as his consciousness spread out, he felt how his Ancestral Worldpower took the nature of the dao he focused upon.

  A smile spread on his lips, and he stood up as confidence shone in his eyes. He had grasped a hold of what it meant to fight using the dao!

  Seeing the confidence in Hui Yue's eyes, Huli asked no questions. Instead, she too smiled brilliantly as she knew that he had already understood what she meant.

  "You are quite the little monster," Huli said without hiding the praise in her voice. "To think you could grasp the dao so swiftly. If I am not mistaken, you have already completely comprehended the dao of devouring.

  "We know that there are still five years until the trial begins, so you have a lot of time to come up with devouring attacks while devoting yourself to understanding and comprehending other daos."

  "You have had the benefits of your previous experiences which is what has helped you raise your strength as much as you already have, but even still when compared to other Gods, you are far too weak. This trial is not going to be easy, and I highly doubt that you can have people help you."

  "Since I can't be by your side, I want you to be as strong as absolutely possible. These next five years we will train at this inn. You can visit the Divine Beast World once a year, or when Cai Jie finishes his time within the Formation of Life. Other than that you have to focus on fully comprehending the dao of inferno which you have started gaining enlightenment in. If you can comprehend the dao of inferno, your eternal flame will be able to display its might to the fullest."

  "Unlike the dao of devouring you only have slight insights into this dao. I highly
doubt that you can manage to comprehend the entire dao in the next five years, but the closer you get to comprehending it, the better your chances of survival will be. Also, the more chances you have to catch the attention of Yanluo and get a chance to talk with him, the more likely it will be that we can resurrect Wang Ju Long."

  When Huli reached this point, she saw the fierce determination in Hui Yue's eyes, and he nodded his head. He was indeed very weak right now and was not in a position where he could request an audience with Yanluo.

  In this world, strength was everything, and if he wished to get what he wanted, then he needed to have the strength to back his words. He did not have a great family behind him, nor a strong sect. All he had was his talent, but there were numerous talents in this vast galaxy, so many in fact that one could not even begin to count them. Only one out of a few thousand would mature and become a real expert, and out of those, a tiny fraction would rise to become dragons amongst men. The rest would succumb to the pressure; they would be slaughtered by stronger foes or enter a danger zone with no ability to prevent their deaths. The biggest cause of death was without a doubt overconfidence.

  Even Hui Yue had been overconfident. He had been feeling so sure of his own strength that he brazenly challenged a God much stronger than himself. Every time he thought about his actions, he felt like hitting himself until he spat blood.

  For his overconfidence, he paid the ultimate price, the life of his loved one. He had not lost his own life, but if he had to give up his life to resurrect Wang Ju Long, then he would willingly do so.

  Hui Yue's eyes were full of self-loathing, but he knew that as long as he had Ju Long's soul shadow, she had a chance of being resurrected. As long as this chance was still there, he would spend his entire life to make sure that she came back to life if that is what it took.

  Sighing Huli felt pain in her heart as she saw the self-deprecating expression on Hui Yue's face. She was hurt that he hated himself to such a degree, but she knew that no matter what she said, it would be impossible for her to make him feel better. All she could do was help him improve his strength as soon as possible so that in the future he could become a force to be reckoned with.

  "I will start meditating on the dao of inferno," he announced and sat down on the bed. His eyes were closed, his body was in the lotus position, and his arms were gently resting on his knees.

  His mind was clear, and the dao of inferno was all he was focused on. He could feel it everywhere around him; he could sense the energies revolving around him, and he could feel the dao slowly forming in his mind. From the smallest wisp of flame to a raging inferno, his comprehension of the dao of the inferno grew at a steady pace.

  While Hui Yue was busy training, Huli often left the inn to enter the city. She would spend Worldpower Stones to get access to more and more information about the judge trials and the experts who had shown up to participate in the trials.

  Every night, when Huli returned to the inn, Hui Yue would wake from his cultivation and read through the information she brought. He would quickly determine what was important and what was not. He had soon made a list of experts to watch out for, a list of experts he needed to avoid at all costs, and a list of experts he should be able to fight equally. He did not bother making a list of the experts below his level of strength. There was simply far too many and although they had been Gods for a lot longer than Hui Yue, these experts had only managed to comprehend one dao.

  Even though Hui Yue was the same and had only comprehended one complete dao, the one he comprehended was the devouring dao. It was an evil and overwhelming dao which could completely crush many others. Even those who had comprehended two or three daos would not necessarily be Hui Yue's match.

  Unfortunately, there were other daos which were just as outstanding as the dao of devouring and these daos were something that many of the young experts who appeared had comprehended. It was exactly because of this that Hui Yue was giving it his all to gain insights into a second dao. If he could do that, then he would be able to compete against stronger opponents.

  Truth be told, Hui Yue was not too interested in becoming a Judge of Hell. All he wanted was to meet Yanluo, but that was not something he could say to anyone apart from Huli. He had to do his very best to stay in the running to become a judge.

  Time passed by slowly, and one day took another as nothing abnormal happened. More and more experts appeared in the Netherworld and the Skydragon Fortress, but none of this had any effect on Hui Yue.

  Soon he had been in Skydragon Fortress for three months, and he finally decided that it was time to visit the Divine Beast World to see how everyone was doing.

  When Huli returned, the two of them quickly went over the information she brought. That day alone a total of seven hundred and twenty-four had arrived at Skydragon Fortress.

  Of these experts who had arrived, thirty-nine were stronger than Hui Yue, seventeen were around as strong as him and the rest he did not need to worry about.

  "I'll be entering the Divine Beast World today," Hui Yue told Huli as he looked at the ceiling above him. "I will leave the room for you to guard while I’m gone." He continued, and Huli nodded her head. When Hui Yue entered the Universe Box, he vanished from the world and entered a entirely separate universe of his own. This universe was the safest location where he could be; it was impossible to find him when he was within the Universe Box, and here he didn’t need to worry about outside experts.

  While traveling from one space to another, from the Universe Box to the outside universe, he would be weakened for a short while after returning.

  This was the reason why he wanted Huli to stay behind and guard their room so that he did not suddenly return to a location where there were other Gods who could take advantage of his weakened state and kill him.

  The world twisted around Hui Yue as he entered into the Universe Box. He floated through the space within the box and within seconds arrived at the Divine Beast World. Reaching out his hand, he entered the world, and soon after he found his own body standing in the Hui mansion in Muchuan City.

  Chapter 509 - Not Alone

  * * *

  Chapter 509: Not Alone

  The mansion was as quiet as it normally was. A few servants were moving back and forth within the mansion, and as soon as they spotted Hui Yue, they would all bow deeply. Some out of fear, others out of respect, and a few with both feelings mixed together.

  Hui Yue carried on as though he had not noticed them. After going through every chamber in the mansion, he still failed to find the ones he was looking for, and not before reaching the garden did he find Jo and Lao together with Sha Yun.

  The three were seated under a tree. The gentle breeze rustled their hair and clothes, making both flutter slightly in the wind. These three were fully focused on their cultivation, and none of them even sensed that Hui Yue was nearing them. Hui Yue, seeing this picture perfect scene, had no intention of interrupting them. All the insight they had gained would become lost if they were abruptly woken up from their cultivation. Each person was so engrossed in their cultivation that it was clear their loss would be quite substantial.

  Hui Yue slowly retreated again before he left the Hui mansion and entered Muchuan City. He was not walking about randomly but headed straight for the Xiao mansion. As soon as he arrived, the guards gave him a respectful salute, not daring to block him. As he entered, he swept the area with his consciousness to locate Xiao Ning in the mansion. He was in a back office, but he was not alone. With him was a beautiful lady, and Hui Yue did not keep moving forward. Instead, he found a servant and announced his arrival.

  "Lord Hui, please follow me!"

  The moment he introduced himself a steward of the family rushed to his side to lead him into the main building.

  "Our patriarch is currently busy conversing with his wife," the steward said as he kept bowing to Hui Yue. "I have asked him to come as soon as he is free."

  Hearing what the steward said, Hui Yue just
nodded his head. Although he was in a hurry, he would not rush his friends when they were preparing to spend eternity by his side. If Xiao Ning were busy chatting with his wife, then Hui Yue could wait for him to finish talking.

  It did not take long before Xiao Ning appeared in the chamber where Hui Yue was seated. "Yue! Sorry for making you wait." He laughed as he saw Hui Yue. He was elated to see this friend of his, but Hui Yue's expression was not energetic as he used to be. He was now very stern-looking and detached. But Xiao Ning could not blame him, had he lost his wife the way Hui Yue lost Wang Ju Long, then he was likely to have turned insane with grief.

  "I am currently in the Netherworld," Hui Yue explained to Xiao Ning with a sigh. "In the Netherworld, Yanluo is currently looking for a supreme expert to become one of the Judges of Hell, and I am going to do my best to take this position. The trials are likely to be terrifying and challenging; therefore, I need to train as much as I can before the trials begin."

  "I will spend my time focused on the dao. Because of this, I will only return to this world once more before the trial begins when Cai Jie becomes a God."


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