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Blue Phoenix

Page 339

by Tinalynge

  Still, he could not place his hand on it, but he was now alert as he slowly moved forward towards Wan Qiao's side. Although he was supposed to be the only God left in the Divine Beast World, he was not willing to risk anything. He had to stay alert in case something happened. Never again would he be full of himself, never again would he be overconfident in his powers just because he was a God.

  Chapter 511 - Dao of the Inferno

  * * *

  Chapter 511: Dao of the Inferno

  "So it is you," Wan Qiao said with a smile on her face as she looked at the doorway where Hui Yue was standing. Seeing Wan Qiao, a small smile also formed on his face.

  "I heard about your loss," Wan Qiao continued with a sigh. "My condolences.”

  "Seeing that you were able to fight against Rong Liang I guess you have stepped into the God rank." Wan Qiao continued to speak, and as she talked about the God rank, her eyes shone with longing.

  Hui Yue nodded his head and entered the room closing the door behind him. "I did indeed become a God," he said, but the pride and arrogance which once followed this sentence was no longer there. Being a God was no good if you were not strong enough to save the ones you loved.

  "I have been traveling through the galaxy and have reached the Netherworld," Hui Yue continued. "While traveling, I took the Divine Beast World with me. Now that I am the Crowned Sovereign of this world, I will never allow it to suffer under a careless leader again. An He never did this wonderful world justice. I will nurture it and care for it, not only because of the Vermilion Bird or Lan Feng but also because the Divine Beast World is my home."

  "But to fight An He I need allies," Hui Yue continued as he looked at the ceiling. "I need Gods by my side who will help me take care of An He's supporters. Also traveling in a group will be the most beneficial way to adventure through the many different worlds. The more allies we have, the safer it will be."

  "Right now I have nine Gods by my side, and all of them are second generation beasts. I am sure they have come to visit Shenyuan as well," Hui Yue commented, and Wan Qiao nodded her head. She knew about these beasts Gods who had appeared out of nowhere and shook the world of the Saints.

  "I want you to follow us as well," Hui Yue said straightforwardly. "I am in control of the Formation of Life, and although it is occupied right now, in a few years, it will be free. At that time, I will want you to enter it and become a God. After which I want you to follow me on our trip through the galaxy to get rid of An He."

  "You are already a very strong Saint. Everything within this world you have experienced, everything there is to see you have seen. Why not join me to see the galaxy? You will see things you have never dreamed of, experience new worlds, and do things that you never thought possible."

  Hui Yue did what he could to convince her, and slowly a smile spread on her face.

  She knew about Gods. She had lived for thousands of years and had even been Lan Feng's teacher. She was not a second generation beast, but she had lived amongst the Divine Beasts and the second generation beasts. She had always dreamed of becoming a God, but no matter how much she tried, it had been impossible for her to overcome the final bottleneck and become a God ranked cultivator. The last thousand years her strength had not risen at all.

  Although Wan Qiao was unaware what this Formation of Life was, she understood that it was something that could assist her in becoming a God, and for that she was grateful.

  Wan Qiao was loyal to the four divine beast Gods. She had seen the world change from a place where beasts and humans shared the land, a world where there was no discrimination, to a world where beasts had to shelter themselves within Shenyuan. They had to hide in Shenyuan and not allow the humans to enter for fear of being slain or taken as slaves.

  Wan Qiao had lived through the era where the world went from belonging to the beasts and humans alike to belonging primarily to the humans. This had been a hellish time for all beasts, especially the ones who could take human shape or the ones with high intelligence as they had been hunted down to be made into slaves by greedy humans.

  Wan Qiao felt that all of this was An He's fault, and although she did not feel as if he was her mortal enemy, she would not mind helping Hui Yue and Lan Feng getting their revenge.

  “Okay,” She said with a nod of her head, “Count me in, I’ll become your support, and if I cannot be your support, I will be your shield. If you allow me to leave this world and experience something new I will forever be grateful towards you!”

  Hearing Wan Qiao agreeing, Hui Yue felt relief, but he had other pressuring questions and quickly asked them.

  "I have been looking for Li Xiaopeng and Xu Piao for quite some time," Hui Yue casually said as he looked at Wan Qiao, but the woman shook her head. "I don’t know who Xu Piao is, and the last time I saw Li Xiaopeng you were with me. He seems to have vanished; I looked for him as well a few years back." She sighed, surprising Hui Yue.

  "You looked for Li Xiaopeng? What did you need with him?" He asked confused, but Wan Qiao's face turned slightly red as she answered, "nothing specifically, it’s just that I can't forget the fight we had in Siban. He fought me head on, and neither of us could gain the upper hand. It was such a strange sensation and I wished to fight him once more. Unfortunately, I cannot find him."

  A slim smile appeared on Hui Yue's face as he looked at Wan Qiao and he nodded his head, "I see." He said, not asking for further details.

  Looking around, Hui Yue sighed. "I need to go," he said decisively. "I just came to give you the offer. Think about it. The next couple of years, before it is your turn to enter the Formation of Life, get ready to leave this world. You will be traveling with me instead of returning to Shenyuan again."

  Having said this, Hui Yue vanished from the face of the Divine Beast World and appeared in the Universe Box’s space.

  He now had two choices; one was to wander the space to see if he could find some treasures he had never seen before, or he could head back to the inn in Skydragon Fortress.

  The last option was the one Hui Yue picked. He quickly left the safety of the Universe Box and entered the room in their inn once more. Upon arriving he saw that Huli was seated right by his side, her entire body rigid. Her eyes were alert, and she was extremely vigilant.

  She had done her duty well and spent the entire day watching over the room. Although it was not likely that anyone would disturb them, the chance was still there, and Huli had made sure that there was no danger for Hui Yue to return to.

  "Thank you," Hui Yue said as he gently petted Huli's head. He then sat on top of the bed and closed his eyes as he focused on the dao of inferno.

  Hui Yue had quickly grasped and understood the dao of devouring. He had been in contact with this dao for years already, and therefore he had gained many insights into it. He understood the different aspects of devouring exactly because he had experienced it in his other lives.

  Because of this, he managed to fully comprehend the dao of devouring, but the dao of inferno was another matter entirely.

  He had touched upon various parts of the dao of fire while working with Lan Feng's blue flames alongside the flames of his elemental affinity, but this was just the mere basics of the dao of fire.

  It was, however, impossible to embark upon a major dao just like that. One needed to understand the minor daos to understand how a major dao worked. While Hui Yue was in the red realm, his Ancestral Worldpower was infused with what he believed was the affinity of fire, but it turned out to really be the dao of inferno.

  As he meditated on the dao of inferno, Hui Yue found that it was a very domineering and powerful dao. It was explosive in power and filled with destruction. Inferno was not like fire. Inferno was the part of fire which was out of control; the part which could not be handled unless one had an unwavering will.

  The dao of inferno was chaotic, and it made Hui Yue's mind chaotic. It was feeding on his emotions, his rage, his sadness, and it made the eternal flame within him burn uncontrollabl
y. It made Hui Yue's entire Ancestral Worldpower turn into a flame of destruction!

  Huli was seated by his side, and occasionally she would casually raise her hand. Ancestral Worldpower would rush out from her hand and form a protective barrier around Hui Yue that blocked all the fire from leaving his body. This ensured that he did not burn his clothes, the bed, or anything else.

  As time went by, Huli needed to raise her hand and create a new barrier for Hui Yue more, and more often as the energy within him was becoming more and more chaotic. Although one might consider this a terrible thing, it was actually beneficial for Hui Yue.

  What he was trying to comprehend was a chaotic, uncontrollable force. It was only natural that the path to understanding was also filled with chaotic, terrible energies. This was also one of the reasons that not many experts would cultivate in the middle of a city but chose to find a secluded location away from others.

  When they were cultivating their bodies would become one with the dao, and thus their bodies would take on the same aspects as the dao they were training in. Most of these daos were all quite destructive in their own ways, and therefore they needed to be either protected by someone or in seclusion or special chambers made for training.

  Hui Yue was entirely focused on the insights he was having into the dao that he did not notice his body had turned into one massive flame. Nor did he notice the cooling cloak of Ancestral Worldpower which Huli placed on him; all he felt was the fact that his understanding of the dao was increasing at a rapid pace.

  This state of enlightenment lasted for a full three days before Hui Yue opened his eyes and his body returned to its natural state. His eyes seemed to flash with a red flame for a short while before they turned back to their usual blue.

  "Yue," Huli called out, and Hui Yue turned to look at her. His gaze was now much sharper than before, and his entire aura was becoming much more stable and his strength was constantly increasing.

  "We missed the auction of Treasure Mountain last time," Huli said excitedly. "Why don't we go to the auction this week? There might be some things that can help you improve your cultivation, and we will have a chance of seeing some of the other experts that have appeared in this Skydragon Fortress."

  Hui Yue contemplated for some time. He was not too willing to give up time he could use to cultivate, but if he found some precious materials which made it possible for him to increase his cultivation, then it would be worth going. Not only this, but it was also important to see what he was up against in these upcoming trials.

  Having thought of the pros and cons, Hui Yue finally nodded his head and leaned back on the bed. He felt incredibly exhausted from having cultivated nonstop for three days. His mind had been strained to the limits from comprehending the dao of inferno. Now he needed to rest, and slowly slipped into a dream world.

  Chapter 512 - Restaurant

  * * *

  Chapter 512: Restaurant

  The week went by quickly. While waiting for the auction to start, Hui Yue was immersed in understanding and comprehending the dao of inferno while Huli was by his side. She constantly shielded him with Ancestral Worldpower so that the uncontrollable flame did not burn everything around them.

  Soon it was the day for the auction to start, and Hui Yue woke from his meditation. He took a quick shower and changed his clothes as he felt that it was a good idea to take a break. The only thing he was thinking about was the dao of inferno. His mind was struggling against the chaotic energy which threatened to take over his mind, making him become one with the dao of inferno. He had to think about something different before he went insane from constantly studying the dao of inferno.

  Hui Yue glanced out the window, and all he could think about was the loss of Wang Ju Long. Whenever he was not training he would see her smile in his mind; he would relive the last moments of her life and feel utterly powerless. He felt so useless as she was killed in front of him.

  Seeing the pained expression on Hui Yue's face, Huli felt sadness deep within. She stepped forward reached out her hand and took Hui Yue's hand in her own before squeezing it gently.

  Her sad expression was quickly hidden and replaced with a smile on her face. She hid her real emotions as she did not want to let Hui Yue see her sad as well. She did not want him to feel even more sadness from her side as well.

  Feeling a warm hand squeezing him, Hui Yue returned to reality. The picture of Wang Ju Long vanished from his mind, but the pain in his heart was no less.

  "Sorry," Hui Yue said with a sad smile on his face as he squeezed Huli's hand back. "Let us go and see what the city has to offer."

  Nodding her head, Huli quickly led Hui Yue out of the inn, and together they entered the busy street.

  Humans and beasts were walking side by side, traveled together, and in some places were split into groups. All the beasts were moving in human shape but many of them had either ears, tails, or other marks which made it clear to others that they were beasts. As for whether or not they intentionally displayed their beastly sides, Hui Yue did not know, but he was very curious about it.

  "You can see that some group of beasts have a few humans amongst them? Watch out, just like humans can have beasts enslaved, beasts can also enslave humans." Huli whispered to Hui Yue, "there are many slave markets where you can buy both humans and beasts alike, but you can only become a slave if you have a slave bond on you."

  "To become a slave, you have to have an extraordinary debt that you never paid. This could be money, materials or other things. As a rule of thumb never borrow anything from anyone, and never owe favors to people you don’t know," Huli warned Hui Yue who listened seriously to what was said while nodding his head. He could not afford to become someone's slave.

  "Don't worry too much about these things," Huli said with a smile on her face and a squeeze of Hui Yue's hand. "I will kill anyone who wants to make you a slave, but it is always best to be careful."

  Hui Yue did not doubt Huli and agreed with her. There was no reason for the two of them to even end up in such a situation.

  "Where do you want to go?" Huli asked gently changing the subject from something she felt that Hui Yue disliked, to something different. "We still have a few hours before the auction starts so we can walk through town and see a few shops or just observe the different architecture in the city."

  Hui Yue looked around him and contemplated. "I don't need to buy anything right now," he said. "But you have constantly been by my side every day, patiently waiting for me to finish my training, not to mention helping me with my chaotic inferno flames.”

  "Why don't I take you out for dinner?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face. The two of them had never really had the time to just enjoy each other's company as they had always been busy doing training or running from one dangerous place after another, so now Hui Yue wished to reward Huli. But as he was not used to doing this sort of thing, all he could come up with was eating together with her.

  Huli could easily guess Hui Yue's intentions, and she could feel his care behind his actions. As she felt this, her heart warmed and nodded her head. "Let’s go eat together!" She exclaimed. Grabbing Hui Yue's hand, she led the young man towards a restaurant just next to where they were standing.

  Before entering the two looked at the menu that was hung on the wall outside and Hui Yue raised an eyebrow in surprise. Although it was relatively expensive to buy food here, he had quite a few Worldpower Stones to spend, and he could afford to buy Huli whatever she wanted to eat.

  Together the two entered the restaurant. Looking around he found that many Gods had already entered, and the majority were stronger than Hui Yue. He could feel their aura was fiercer than his and the strength behind them was similar to what he could feel from Huli.

  As they entered most people completely ignored them, but a good-looking young man came to seat them at a table and handed them the menu.

  'How barbaric,' Lan Feng's voice sounded out from within Hui Yue when he saw that there was phoenix
on the menu. Lan Feng had not spoken for a long time, causing Hui Yue to be surprised when he heard the bird’s voice. Hui Yue was not the only one who had been training hard, Lan Feng had also been fully focused on comprehending the dao, and for him, he was focused on the dao of ignition and the dao of flame. His gains were in no way smaller than Hui Yue's as he was born from flames and had been using them for thousands of years. His understanding of this dao was not small, and thus he had almost comprehended the full dao of flame.

  'Don't worry, I won't order phoenix,' Hui Yue assured Lan Feng before he returned to the menu and finally decided on the eight-legged crocodile.

  The eight-legged crocodile was a creature he had never heard of before, but after seeing the different names on the menu, he quickly decided that this was the safest choice.


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