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Blue Phoenix

Page 345

by Tinalynge

  Gently stroking Huli's hair, Hui Yue seemed to be in his own world and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, "I'll be careful," he promised with a gentle smile and a painful but caring expression in his eyes. Knowing that Huli had gone through the same loss he had, Hui Yue's heart ached even more than it had done before.

  Pushing these emotions back, Hui Yue focused on the dragon in front of him as he opened his mind and sensed the daos surrounding him. Using the dao for combat was something he had never before tried to do, and thus he was rather nervous. But the moment he felt the dao invade his body, and how it changed his Ancestral Worldpower from normal energy with no affinity to suddenly containing the dao of Inferno as well as the dao of devouring and a slight bit of the dao of space, Hui Yue was ecstatic. He was excited to try out the strength of his abilities.

  "I have to try the attacks that the red wolf left for me," Hui Yue said with excitement as he allowed for the Ancestral Worldpower to surround him. He formed a massive wolf head right behind him, and with a soundless roar that caused shockwaves to run through the area surrounding him, he started to attack. The sudden shockwaves caused everyone to glance at what had caused this massive influx of energy outside the mansion. Even the dragon glanced at Hui Yue with an indifferent look before it too roared out loud causing the incoming attacks to falter.

  A majestic blood-red energy billowed out from within Hui Yue's body like a tidal wave, and the intensity of this energy did not lose out to any expert present, in fact, it was stronger than quite a few of the experts’ attacks.

  The many surrounding experts who were observing the battle were shocked by this sudden powerful energy which exploded from Hui Yue’s body, but even so, they only divided a fraction of their attention to see what was going on. They were all veteran fighters and knew that in a life and death battle one could not afford to be negligent, and thus their attention stayed on the dragon where their attacks constantly rained down.

  Their attacks slowed down the dragon but even so it was not enough to stop it from advancing. By now it had two claws, and its head free from the stone prison underneath the ground and its long snake-like body slithered underneath waiting to be fully released.

  "Has it broken the beast contract?" Hui Yue asked worriedly as he saw the advancement of the beast, but Huli shook her head, "The reason it isn't behaving is because Yanluo is not around. If he were here, it would have to follow his every order, but it seems that for now he is not so it can do as it pleases. Right now it clearly wants to take revenge on the humans for having captured it in the first place."

  Hui Yue secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If it had broken the beast contract, then it would have been even stronger than Yanluo and if that were the case how could anyone fight it?

  As Hui Yue released the red energy wolf head wild and violent energy erupted from his body and the leaves on the ground were blown into dust and swept away by the force behind his attack.

  Unleashing the attack, the wolf head traveled rapidly towards the dragon, and just as it did, Hui Yue realized that he might have made a mistake. The building he was standing on was likely to be within the formation of Skydragon Fortress meaning that it would attack him if he were to unleash an attack of his own.

  Seeing Hui Yue suddenly become alert, Huli also realized that they might have made a mistake, but the attack had already been unleashed and they could not take it back.

  A human figure floated towards them from atop the City Lord’s mansion, and he waved his hand after which he spoke up, "Anyone who wishes to join the battle, feel free to do so. I have deactivated some of the battle formations around the City Lord’s mansion so please help us suppress the dragon. We need to force it back into the ground, and those who work the hardest will be granted military rewards from the Skydragon Fortress' Guard."

  Hearing the voice, Hui Yue felt more relaxed. It seemed that they were not going to be killed by the formations, and even more practical it was now possible for them to fly around making it easier to deal with the dragon below.

  While the expert spoke, the wolf head energy attack reached the ground where the dragon was awaiting the next round of attacks. Just as the red wolf made contact, a large boom sounded out followed by a shockwave so strong that everyone, including the dragon, staggered backwards slightly.

  Chapter 521 - Major Dao of Wind

  * * *

  Chapter 521: Major Dao of Wind

  At the moment of impact, the wolf head created by the red energy opened up its mouth, and a devouring force erupted.

  It was either trying to rip the soul from the dragon and consume it, or trying to swallow the entire beast whole. Either way would prove beneficial to Hui Yue, but the dragon was not going to let him just do as he pleased.

  White energy erupted from its body laying a thick protective layer on top of its scaled skin.

  The wolf head seemed to be sentient as it noticed that its devouring attack had not worked, so it closed its mouth. After letting out yet another silent roar, it once more advanced towards the dragon with bared fangs.

  Reaching the dragon, the two were staring at one another ready to begin their fight, and everyone else had retreated so they could just observe what would happen.

  Although the attack seemed sentient, the reason behind it was that its every move was dictated by Hui Yue.

  His consciousness had left his body and was floating in the energy attack he was using, but this also caused him to be more cautious. He ordered Huli to guard his body while he was trying to wound the dragon.

  After the red wolf finished roaring, it dug its fangs down into the throat of the dragon which was trying to climb up from beneath the ground.

  At first, it was completely blocked by the white energy which surrounded the beast, protecting it from incoming attacks, but Hui Yue was not your average cultivator.

  As he looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes turned cold. He reached out his arm and clenched his hand into a fist.

  "Break for me!" He roared out, and all the guards were shocked when they saw that the wolf head which had dimmed as the fight went on suddenly flared with energy. It seemed as if it was on fire and the teeth finally managed to dig through the defensive barrier protecting the dragon, only to be stopped by its thick scales.

  "Don't underestimate me!" Hui Yue growled as he with his other hand allowed for some of his Ancestral Worldpower to take on the aspects of the dao of inferno. As he did, Hui Yue created a flaming arrow which he shot out from a flaming bow formed from Ancestral Worldpower. This arrow was sharp and filled with his profound insights into the dao of inferno, not to mention that the dao itself was chaotic and destructive.

  This arrow was no exception. It flew forward at a terrifying speed that Hui Yue had not known was possible. The arrow was aimed straight at the hole in the protective layer of Qi around the dragon and struck the hard scales.

  The moment the arrow and the scales touched, the volatile energy within the arrow turned into a massive explosion that shook the surrounding area.

  His red wolf head was almost completely transparent as most of its energy had been used up when the two collided. Now only a little bit of energy remained but this did not make Hui Yue pause his attacks. He now sunk his sharp teeth into the soft flesh and bone that opened up from the last attack and this caused the dragon to roar out in pain.

  The claws which were used to drag the dragon’s massive body out of the underground prison were now used to try and destroy the energy wolf head which was attached to his neck. But no matter how he tried he couldn’t shake the energy attack off while it kept biting down harder and harder.

  Blood flew everywhere, and the wolf head did everything in its power to devour as much of this blood and flesh it could. The blood essence and the dragon essence flowed into Hui Yue's body and gathering in his core waiting for him to refine it.

  Unlike the soul from earlier, this was pure blood and beast essence and contained no ability to resist as it had no will of i
ts own, so storing it all within his core was not hard at all.

  What was challenging though was maintaining his wolf head attack. To keep attacking he needed to continue to use his Ancestral Worldpower, and even though he was absorbing as much Ancestral Worldpower as he could from the surrounding areas, it was not enough to keep up.

  "What are you all doing?!" Huli roared out as she saw that Hui Yue was attacking the dragon on his own. "Do you think he can kill it on his own? He is not Yanluo!"

  Huli's yell seemed to cause the guards and the City Lord to awaken from their stupor, and they grit their teeth before they once more started unleashing their attacks.

  All of the many attacks were aimed at the small opening in the white energy cloak Hui Yue had managed to tear open. After attacking for a few more moments, Hui Yue pulled back and finally allowed for the wolf head to dissipate into nothingness.

  He could feel that he had devoured a major amount of blood and beast essence, and this was the essence of a real dragon! When refined it would allow for him to become even stronger than he was now. The blood essence of a real dragon was a true treasure and beast essence even more so as it had to be extracted from a living beast.

  Although Hui Yue had withdrawn the wolf head, he was far from finished with the battle as he once more created a flaming bow and arrows from which he kept shooting the dragon. The arrows were imbued with the dao of inferno and fully formed from one of the most destructive and violent energies that one could control.

  As the arrows repeatedly collided with the energy armor on the dragon, Hui Yue managed to break through the white energy making more spaces for the guards to attack the dragon.

  "Something is wrong," Hui Yue suddenly said to Huli as his eyes narrowed slightly and he looked around. Many experts had arrived, and all of them were attacking the dragon, but even so, it was not being injured.

  "It’s feigning weakness," Hui Yue said as he instantly stopped firing arrow after arrow at the dragon. "It intentionally wanted everyone to attack it in a frenzy, but if you look, only one attack has succeeded in breaking its scales."

  "I highly doubt that this is because I’m so much stronger than everyone else here, I think it is because it wants to seem weak until everyone has used their energy and then it will explode with power, free itself, and slaughter us all!"

  Hui Yue had not whispered the words he spoke and despite them not being loud, everyone present was a God ranked cultivator and could easily hear him. In response to what he said, everyone was staring at Hui Yue as if he were a lunatic but a low growl could be heard from the dragon below. Hate was evident in its eyes as it looked at Hui Yue, hate and cunningness.

  The claws which had up till now been used for defense were now used to drag the dragon’s massive body out of the underground prison, and since its plan had been exposed, the dragon released a resounding roar. Afterwards, a white energy billowed out from its body blocking every single attack which was thrown at it. The wound on its neck that Hui Yue had caused slowly started to heal, and the scales of the beast started shining with a pure white energy that was released from its body. Now its advance from the underground prison was many times quicker than before.

  Looking at the sudden increase in the dragon's speed many of the observers turned around to escape. Everyone could feel that staying would be the most dangerous thing to do.

  Despite what everyone else was doing, Huli and Hui Yue just stayed at the top of the building, observing what was happening. Hui Yue gently stroked his palm, ready to drag Huli with him into the Universe Box if needed.

  Although many of the experts vanished, the guards had sworn an oath to protect Skydragon Fortress until the end, and therefore they could not escape. Instead, they stored their power so that they could release their strongest attacks.

  "Let’s show them what a true attack looks like!" Huli called out as Ancestral Worldpower billowed out of her body. The previous windless street suddenly had a gentle breeze, and this gentle breeze turned into a gale which soon turned into a large tornado. The wind was increasing in speed so fast that everyone was shocked.

  This was no ordinary dao! This was a major dao which was descending upon them; this was the major dao of wind!

  To comprehend this dao, one needed to have comprehended and merged the minor daos that composed the dao of wind. Only then could one comprehend a major dao! To have such achievements in the dao one had to be an outstanding genius throughout the galaxy. Only the most supreme of experts had managed to comprehend two major daos... Perhaps this woman was one of them?

  Everyone, except the dragon, felt relief in their hearts when they saw just how powerful Huli really was. Everyone watched as thousands of small wind blades appeared all around her and with a glint in her eyes, Huli pulled out two thin, short swords.

  Swordlight merged with the wind blades and one after another they shot through the air, leaving behind a howling sound as their speed was faster than the eye could see.

  Boom after boom resounded as these wind blades with swordlight landed on the body of the dragon, and even though this dragon was strong, it staggered slightly when faced with the attack.

  One wind blade by itself did not do much damage to the dragon, however, when thousands of them hit at the same time, it was impossible to guard against all of them and the white armor around the dragon finally succumbed to the pressure. After shattering the dragons white protective energy, the wind blades dug through the spaces between the scales and pierced the dragon. Some of the wind blades never got through the scales, but Huli kept creating more and more wind blades sending one after another at the dragon without showing any signs of fatigue.

  The dragon which was under the constant barrage of attacks hissed out loud as it completely ignored the many guards who were attacking it. It only had eyes for Hui Yue and Huli, and its eyes were filled with a desire to rip them apart and swallow their bodies.

  "My turn," Hui Yue said as he released Ancestral Worldpower from within his body causing a large black hole to appear above his head. This black hole sucked up everything in reach.

  The black hole swiftly moved towards the dragon, and the remnants of the white energy that had been used for the armor were swallowed up whole by this black hole that Hui Yue controlled.

  The dragon watched with dismay as it saw this energy devouring force and it summoned yet more white energy which just shot towards the black hole only to be devoured as easily as its first set of energy.

  While the black hole was moving closer and closer to the dragon, it swallowed all the Ancestral Worldpower in the surroundings alongside all the energy that belonged to the dragon. Hui Yue's head was covered with beads of sweat and he grit his teeth tightly. Controlling the raging energy that was being swallowed up whole was in no way an easy task, yet just as he felt overwhelmed, he suddenly noticed that the dragon’s blood essence he had stored within his core was starting to react to the energy he was devouring.

  Chapter 522 - Dao of Space

  * * *

  Chapter 522: Dao of Space

  As the energy he devoured reached the core of his body the dragon’s blood essence which was within reacted. It merged with the blood essence and formed a light red ball of dragon energy which kept increasing in size in his core. The more of the dragon's white Qi that Hui Yue swallowed, the more blood essence was able to merge with the energy and the bigger the light red ball became.

  This ball hovered within Hui Yue's core and showed no signs of fighting or struggling against Hui Yue; it just sat there growing.

  Although Hui Yue was absorbing the energy that the dragon was releasing, it was impossible for him to absorb all of it, and all the dragon’s leftover energy went towards strengthening his vital points.

  After Huli started to participate in the battle, the dragon had been pushed backwards, and it no longer had the power to advance, but even so, it refused to retreat back into the underground prison. Currently, it was a fight of attrition; the one with the most energ
y would win.

  Hui Yue felt that the energy within his body was going rampant. It was impossible for him to keep controlling it despite his devouring force and the fact that he was refining it as fast as he could. Because of this, it was impossible for him to continue fighting while subduing the raging energy in his body. His body felt like it was on the verge of being ripped apart from the massive amounts of energy he was absorbing.

  Hui Yue went as far as to try and get Lan Feng to help him control the energy, but even with the strength of both people’s mind combined, it was impossible for them to keep the energy under control. This showed just how powerful and domineering this dragon was! The energy which did not even contain the soul of the beast was so hard to subdue that not even the majestic blue phoenix and Hui Yue working together could quickly defeat it.


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