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Blue Phoenix

Page 351

by Tinalynge

  Having given his consent, everyone was filled with happiness as they entered the dinner hall.

  Chapter 530 - The Second Banquet

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  Chapter 530: The Second Banquet

  The days went by one after another in the Hui mansion. Huli worked as a protector to ensure that no one interrupted Hui Yue and Cai Jie who were seated in the garden cultivating.

  From time to time they would be seated in deep thought pondering the many mysteries of the daos they were trying to comprehend, other times they would stand up and practice with the daos. Hui Yue especially would often stand up and practice the sword so that he could feel exactly just how far from completion of the dao he was. Although he was improving at a frightening pace, there was always something more he needed to comprehend.

  Cai Jie was as obsessed with the dao as Hui Yue was. He was sitting beneath a tree and did not move for months on end. He was fully merged with the world around him and comprehending the mysteries of the dao of sunshine. The dao of sunshine was a dao that belonged under the dao of light, and it was quite powerful. Sunshine was needed for almost all life, and this showed just how powerful a dao it was.

  During this time, Hui Yue had also told Sha Yun about his relationship with Huli. Although the snake-woman was surprised at first, she had not gotten upset. When she heard about the history between the two, tears appeared in her eyes as she could imagine the feelings Huli had gone through before, and she fully accepted this new sister of hers.

  Alongside meditating on the daos, Hui Yue spent some time sending out messages to the beast Gods. This world belonged to him so traveling from one part of the world to the other was as simple as taking a step.

  Hui Yue had been able to pinpoint the location of the beast Gods and had given each one of them a visit to ensure that they knew that the original ten-year plan had been changed. Now they had four years to experience the world and then return to the capital. Hui Yue was going to take them with him out of the Universe Box and into the Netherworld.

  As the time went by, Hui Yue became more and more familiar with the sword and the soul of the sword. Slowly, he becaome more skilled with how the soul could be used to strengthen his attacks and improve his offensive power. After three and a half years had passed, he finally understood swordlight and succeeded in fully comprehendinged the dao of the sword.

  During this time, Deng Wu also managed to break through into the God rank, and the next person who was sent to the lonely mountain was Sha Yun. Although Deng Wu had just reached the God rank, he was at the very beginning step of being a God. He had the minimum amount of Ancestral Worldpower, but because his knowledge of the dao was so lacking, Hui Yue had told him to stay behind. He had to focus on absorbing more Ancestral Worldpower and comprehending the daos that he had begun to understand.

  As four years were about to end, the beast Gods appeared in the capital, and it was not just them, Wan Qiao also appeared as well. Clearly, she had been tempted by what Hui Yue had said. She heard that the Formation of Life was currently occupied, but she was in no rush to leave Muchuan City at the moment, instead, she stayed in the Hui mansion and settled down. She started to get ready to enter the Formation of Life so she could join Hui Yue and everyone else to travel the galaxy

  "You have already comprehended three daos. The dao of the sword, the dao of inferno and the dao of devouring. These three daos are not simple, and your strength is far greater than it was before. But if you ever come up against an Immortal of Creation, or in some other way come up against a person with more daos than you, then you need to be careful. In these trials, I highly doubt that you will be able to rely on us."

  Hui Yue nodded his head, but he did not give up. He had to give it his all to become the person to pass this trial and thus he had to have confidence in himself.

  "First, the biggest problem is not to survive the trials, right now we need to exit the Universe Box and somehow manage to leave the City Lord's mansion without being noticed."

  Hearing this everyone nodded their heads. "Let’s go!" Although they were setting out on a new, difficult journey in their lives, everyone was excited about the fact that they were going to leave the world they had been in their whole lives.

  "Gather up," Hui Yue said. He had spent the previous day saying goodbye to all his friends once more, and now that four and a half years had passed, and he had understood the dao of the sword, it was time for him to leave the Divine Beast World once again.

  The nine beast Gods gathered in a circle around Hui Yue, Cai Jie, and Huli. In this group there were five Immortals of Creation, which was quite shocking, however, although three of the nine beast Gods had managed to reach the Immortal of Creation rank, not all of them had gained much insight into the dao.

  The bull was the one who had comprehended the most, a full three daos, while the rest, apart from the rhinoceros, had comprehended two daos. The rhinoceros had poorer luck and only had fully mastered one dao. This was the dao that all of them had completed, the dao of the inferno.

  Having spent thousands of years within the red realm where everything was created with the dao of the inferno, it would have been strange had they not comprehended this dao.

  Seeing that everyone was ready, Hui Yue took to the sky with everyone following him before he tore a massive spatial rift in the fabric of reality. The group quickly slipped into the rift leaving behind the Divine Beast World and found themselves in the space of the Universe Box.

  As always, when Hui Yue entered the space of the universe box, he felt how the dao of space was all around him, and this made it so that he could feel the memory within his core resonate in reply. The dao of space was so profound and despite his previous life’s memory flooding his mind with knowledge about the dao, it was just a drop in the bucket of this vast dao that few could ever grasp. He finally realized that if he wished to comprehend the dao of space before merging with the memory within his core, then he would need at least a thousand years.

  "Everyone, be alert," Hui Yue called out as he looked around. All the Gods, apart from Huli, were filled with excitement. Their bodies were trembling, and big smiles adorned their faces.

  "We are going to enter the City Lord's mansion... And I have some bad news," he continued.

  "When I entered the Universe Box I was in mid-air. However, it is impossible to fly using Ancestral Worldpower within Skydragon Fortress, so the moment we leave the Universe Box you will fall quite a way down."

  "So be prepared. It will be the best if nobody notices us when we arrive, and even better if we can get out undetected."

  Hearing Hui Yue mentioning this, the Gods had a strange expression on their face, however, after a bit of time they nodded their heads.

  "Well the chance of someone actually being in the banquet hall is quite small," Hui Yue sighed, "so as long as we are not too noisy it should be possible for us to sneak out without being noticed."

  Reassuring himself, Hui Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he summoned the wings as he willed everyone out of the Universe Box.

  The world around them warped as their eyesight failed them and they all turned dizzy. Moments after, they felt a suction force and their bodies were sucked through space and time before they arrived in the Netherworld.

  The first thing Hui Yue noticed was a bright light followed by the clamor of voices. Even before he got his eyesight back, Hui Yue flapped his wings a few times, and while doing so, he heard heavy thudding sounds. Clearly, this was from the others landing very inelegantly on the ground below.

  It only took a few seconds before their eyesight returned to them and as it did, Hui Yue was rather shocked. The banquet hall was filled to the brim with experts of various strength, and every single one of them was looking at Hui Yue and this group of Gods who had just fallen to the ground from out of nowhere. The only Gods who were not mixed up with the group on the ground was Huli and Hui Yue who was standing to the side looking at them all with amusement in their ey

  The original clamor of the hall turned silent, and all of them looked at Hui Yue who was suspended in the air. It was clear that he was the most eye-catching person with his beautiful wings.

  "I am very sorry for interrupting everyone," he said as he scratched his head sheepishly, "I recently had a breakthrough in the dao of space, and it seems I am not as skilled as I had thought."

  The previous silence turned to an uproar. A God who specialized in the dao of space! And even more so, he had mastered the dao of space to the point where he could teleport as many Gods as he had. This meant his comprehension had to be near completion. Such a God was someone all of them wished to befriend, not even mentioning that he seemed to be a member of the Celestial Sword Sect.

  While the majority of the banquet hall was filled with excitement, four people were frowning.

  The first was the City Lord. Noticing Hui Yue, he instantly knew that this expert had returned, but he had not returned alone! This was enough to give him a headache.

  The others who frowned were three people standing in a corner together. These three people were treated with reverence. Everyone who looked at them with slight fear but great respect and no one dared interrupt them while they spoke.

  "This man seems to be from the Celestial Sword Sect," one of them said slowly while the others nodded their heads in confusion.

  "I’ve never heard of a member of our Celestial Sword Sect who looks as young as him and who has mastered the dao of space," another said with curiosity while the two others again nodded their heads.

  "Well, there is no reason to stay back," the final one said. "Let’s go and talk with him. It is against the rules to marry someone outside of the family apart from the brides we bring in, so it looks like someone has ignored our laws. Still, if he is truly a God with an understanding of the dao of space then we should welcome him regardless."

  "Let’s see how strong he is first," the first man snorted, and the two others dared not speak against him.

  While these three were speaking, the Gods on the floor all untangled themselves and were standing tall. Their auras were not to be looked down upon as all of them had an aura containing a large amount of Ancestral Worldpower, and it was obvious that some of them were even Immortals of Creation.

  It seemed that this group was not to be looked down upon. While looking at someone it was impossible to understand what daos they had gained insights into, but one could feel about how much Ancestral Worldpower they had accumulated. As for this group which had suddenly appear out of nowhere, all of them, apart from the flying expert in the air, seemed to have quite a bit of Ancestral Worldpower.

  Seeing his friends on the ground, Hui Yue too landed and withdrew the wings into himself once more. "Well we apologize for interrupting your great banquet," he said to the City Lord with a bow while cupping his hands, before he turned to leave.

  "Don't go just like that," a cold voice sounded out causing Hui Yue to turn around. As he turned, the smile on his face froze and his eyes turned cold. Were these experts here to cause problems for him?

  Chapter 531 - Maps

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  Chapter 531: Maps

  "Gentlemen, what can I do for you?" Hui Yue asked politely, but despite the smile on his face his eyes were cold, and the Ancestral Worldpower within his body was churning in case he needed to battle his way out.

  It was not only him who was alert, but by his side, all the Gods were standing with domineering auras. Their eyes were locked onto the approaching three men and even Huli was ready to take action.

  "Don't be too scared, we just wish to hear about your ancestry," the second of the three experts said with a slight smile. He could not help but feel that it was quite amusing that this group in front of him was considering attacking them.

  "My ancestry?" Hui Yue frowned, "I was born in a small world called the Divine Beast World," Hui Yue said honestly, but he did not go into details about his parents.

  Hearing that he came from a minor world, the three frowned for a second before they looked at Hui Yue once more, "Tell us about you parents." One of them commanded causing Hui Yue to just shrug his shoulders.

  "My parents are just two ordinary humans; both are currently at the King rank after swallowing Silvermoon's Pill. Before then they were both Disciple ranked experts."

  "I don't know much about my parent's heritage; I only know that they live in a small village and keep a low profile."

  "I was born as an ordinary human and spent my life struggling to increase my rank. At some point along the way, I realized that I could summon these wings on my back. I assume they are the reason you are interested in me no?"

  The arrogance in Hui Yue's words made the three experts frown but none of them said anything, they just continued to observe him.

  "You seem to be walking down the dao of space, but when I look at you, your Ancestral Worldpower is quite weak. It seems you just became a God recently," the third expert said after a short break. Hui Yue nodded his head, "Yes, I became a God less than a decade ago," he said honestly.

  "In less than a decade, you have already comprehended this much of the dao of space... Interesting."

  The three experts were very curious about Hui Yue and the fact that he had the innate wings of the Celestial Sword Sect when his parents were just ordinary humans.

  "We will need to discuss this matter with the elders," the first expert said to the two others, and they nodded in agreement.

  Afterwards, they paid no more attention to Hui Yue and instead walked towards the City Lord. "We appreciate the invitation to the banquet, but due to unforeseen complications, we will be leaving early."

  Without waiting for a reply the three sprouted wings similar to Hui Yue’s and flew out of the banquet hall.

  Looking at them leaving Hui Yue sighed in relief. He was not ready to be mixed up with the Celestial Sword Sect just yet.

  "Let’s leave as well," he said to his friends and turned to the sour-faced City Lord. He bowed respectfully and once more apologized for the fact that they had appeared at his banquet in such a manner.

  Although the City Lord truly wanted to force Hui Yue to stay behind so that he could kill him, he knew he could not act now against this survivor from the battle against the new talents four and a half years ago.

  Faced with this situation, the City Lord had no other option than to send him a rather unpleasant smile and nod his head. "Please, young hero, if you have any free time in the future then come visit me," was his last words, and Hui Yue snorted on the inside. On the outside, though, a brilliant smile appeared on his face as he nodded his head, "I will remember your kindness." He said politely, and his words caused a chill to run down the City Lord’s spine.

  For not the first time, he regretted that he had decided to attack this man in the first place.

  Leaving the mansion, Hui Yue's back was soaked in sweat. Although the strength his friends around him possessed was not to be looked down upon, he knew that if the City Lord truly wished to keep them from leaving, then it was not certain that they could win the bloody fight. Especially not if the memory of the black figure stayed as quiet as it had recently.

  Sighing deeply in relief, Hui Yue was happy as they left the City Lord's mansion. Instead of heading straight for an inn, Hui Yue led everyone to a high-class restaurant.

  "It’s time to eat!" Hui Yue smiled at the others, and they all were filled with excitement. As they reached the restaurant, Hui Yue flicked his hand, and ten Worldpower Stones appeared which he gave to the waiter. It was quite an extravagant tip, and the waiter seated them at a VIP table which overlooked the entire restaurant.

  "Let’s eat till we are full! I’ll pay. We will explain the main differences between the Divine Beast World and the Netherworld, and we will discuss what our next steps will be. I don't think we should stay in Skydragon Fortress for long; I suggest that as soon as we have eaten, we start our journey towards Diyu!"

  Hui Yue said this with lon
ging in his voice. Diyu was the first stop on his trip to resurrect Wang Ju Long.

  "These dishes are all quite interesting," said Jia Na, the monstrous sea creature which had turned into a green-haired young man.

  "Well I know that I want to try and eat these deep sea fish," Yan Lei, the big turtle, said with a nod of his head. Hearing his words, the majority of the beast Gods nodded their heads as well. Hui Yue and Huli picked something else, but soon they had all ordered their food.

  While waiting for the food, Huli and Cai Jie answered all the questions that the beast Gods had about the Netherworld. Sometimes Hui Yue would ask a few questions too, and by the time they finished their meal, all of them had a good grasp of the world they now resided in. They also had a general idea of the strength the majority of Gods had and how different levels of power were ranked.


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