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Blue Phoenix

Page 372

by Tinalynge

  "It turns out that there are a lot of galaxies in this universe," Hui Yue said to himself while mumbling. "The galaxies are separated by space and function as mini universes on their own as the residents are forced to stay within the boundaries of each galaxy. It seems that one can only break the boundaries of the galaxy if one becomes an Overlord, but in the entire time that our galaxy has existed there has only been one person that has reached the apex, and that is Pangu."

  "Everyone who is born within this galaxy as an immortal knows that there are different galaxies and that one cannot enter the other galaxies unless they can become an Overlord."

  "I guess to become an Overlord is everyone's goal," Hui Yue sighed.

  "Also it seems there is information about what constellations are," he mused to himself as he flipped through the book.

  "Those who chooses to become constellations are those who have lived all their life but failed to succeed in becoming an Overlord. They give up their immortal body to allow for their soul to fuse with, and create, stars which together shapes a protective formation around the world they wish to protect."

  "When they become a constellation they gain incredible power but they have to abide by some specific rules, and they will never again be able to advance."

  "That makes sense," Hui Yue mused to himself as he saw the rules that the constellations had to abide by. "Although An He ran rampant on the Divine Beast World and killed the beasts and exiled the survivors to Shenyuan these divine beasts could do nothing since they had become constellations. They can do nothing against the Crowned Sovereign of the world, and even worse, they can only act if some sort of doom is closely approaching the world."

  "Constellations sleep most of the time, and this is also known as eternal sleep."

  "So the experts who decide to become constellations are those who are tired of being alive, but still feel like they have a purpose for living. To protect something they hold dear even though it also means that they can never again advance in strength. Though I understand their actions, I could never give up my martial path." Hui Yue thought determinedly. He could not help but feel admiration towards the ones who had become constellations, but at the same time, he also felt that it was the wrong decision to make.

  Just now he realized that although he was in a vast galaxy which was filled with different lifeforms, a galaxy filled with experts of many races who were mortal or immortal, this was but one galaxy in the infinite universe. One day he was going to break free of the shackles holding him in this galaxy, shed the skin of an ordinary immortal and become an Overlord! His heart shook with excitement as he thought about this; he was going to enter a stage so large that no one else would be able to understand it; he was going to be like Pangu and wander the various galaxies.

  Hui Yue was filled with excitement, but he was not delusional. He knew that his current strength was far from the Overlord rank. Although he was considered strong for a new God, and even some other Gods would be worse off than him if they were comparing their daos, Hui Yue was still just a new God.

  Having gained a new understanding of the galaxy, and the outside world, Hui Yue sighed. He was suddenly filled with the urge to train. The more he trained, the stronger he would become.

  Once more he slipped into the meditation room and started to feel out the memories that were within his core. First, he merged with the memories of the red gem, and as he did, he could feel other daos in his surroundings, daos which were starting to appear in his mind. This was clearly because the red gem had previously comprehended them. Although he was tempted to try and open his mind to them, Hui Yue understood that he needed more time to solidify his knowledge of the daos he had already grasped.

  Instead, he hesitated in front of the memory of the mysterious star. He had still not understood anything about this memory. He had never reached out to it for help, but the star had never burst out to save him either. It was just there waiting patiently for its time to shine.

  Hui Yue was unsure if he should reach out to it and try to get access to more abilities or what he should do, but after a bit of time, he shook his head. Right now, the most important thing was not to get a lot of things half-done, but instead, get full control over the abilities at his disposal.

  For instance the wings. Hui Yue really truly wished to merge with the memories of the original Pei Yue, or Hui Yue as he was first called, but no matter how much he had attempted it, his efforts were for naught. He had not succeeded in merging with the memories just yet.

  Thinking about this, Hui Yue grit his teeth. Although he had not succeeded yet, this did not mean that he was not going to succeed, and he reached out for the wings once more as he had done every single day up until now.

  This time it felt different than the other times. This time the moment the two parts of his soul touched it felt as if lightning were running through his veins, and he was jolted back.

  A golden light shone from the two wings, and soon these wings merged with the golden light. They turned into a figure that stood in the middle of his core looking rather dazed but also astonished.

  "I am Hui Yue, but I am mostly known as Pei Yue of the third generation," he introduced himself before shaking his head with a slight smile on his face. "Of course you already know this. Although I was in a dormant state, I knew what happened to me. My venerable father seemed so happy to have found me once more, and I ask that you look after him for me. Although he is a proud man, he never mistreated his family. Even back when I was born and all of us children wooed for our venerable father's attention he always tried to give us all equal care."

  "He made us feel important, even when our talent was limited. He made us understand that we could not be ordinary as long as the bloodline of the great roc flowed in our veins, and he was correct!"

  "You will soon understand how powerful it is to have the bloodline of the great roc flowing through your veins. You already possess one bloodline, but that bloodline is nothing compared to this one!" The memory continued to speak.

  "The reason you could not use it so far was that it had been sealed inside of your body. Although we call it a bloodline, it is more like a part of our soul. This part has been locked away deep within yourself and can only be activated by merging with me; by merging with my memory which understands the bloodline."

  "When you remember my life, please go visit my venerable father and tell him that you remember parts of your life. Let him find peace in knowing that you are his real son. As long as you let him know the joy of having a child once more, then I will gladly give my memory to you."

  The memory hesitated for a moment, and Hui Yue nodded his head decisively, "Do not worry." He said from his heart, "I will make sure that your father will be proud of you. I will make sure that he is never alone any more, and I will bring honor to our sect!"

  The words spoken by Hui Yue made his memory shake, and his face bloomed with a great smile. He nodded his head satisfied. "To think that all my brothers and sisters have perished," he said, his voice carrying a bit of sadness that quickly vanished. Shaking his head, "Let’s merge!" He said decisively, and Hui Yue nodded his head.

  Reaching out his hand, the two, previous life and current life, touched one another. As they did, a golden sheen laid itself above Hui Yue and the memory, and slowly the two merged together.

  Hui Yue lost his consciousness. When he opened his eyes, he was in a formidable sect, a sect on a mountaintop.

  One could see beautiful waterfalls falling from thousands of meters and spilling into rivers and streams that ran through the entire sect below.

  There were massive mountain peaks where one could see buildings that had been carved into the sides of the mountain and palaces were on the top.

  Some were fortresses, others were palaces. Some were simple caves, and others were overwhelmingly adorned palaces.

  Together with all these magnificent buildings on the mountaintops and sides were also small villages on the ground beneath the mountains.
br />   It was in one of these villages that Hui Yue was standing. He was a very small child, and he felt veneration and slight fear as he looked up at these different mountaintops.

  Hui Yue lived in the village belonging to Pei Tian and his wives. Hui Yue's mother was the thirteenth wife and Hui Yue his thirty-seventh child.

  Within this village, all of Pei Tian's wives and children had their own houses, but the bigger the house, the more acknowledged the person was in the family.

  Hui Yue's mother was not living in a very big house. She was a wife he had taken home with him from one of his journeys, but unlike others, she did not bring anything with her to the sect. Her marriage was not one for political reasons, and her martial arts talent was only above average.

  A wide amount of information appeared in Hui Yue's mind as he looked around. There were small mansions within this valley where all of Pei Tian's wives and children lived, but this was also because many of his children had already grown old enough to become disciples of the Celestial Sword Sect.

  At this point in time, there was a total of nineteen second generation descendants, and all of them had at a minimum ten wives.

  The Great Roc had become a constellation just a couple of thousands of years earlier and these nineteen second generation experts had all roamed the world and caused a great ruckus making them renowned throughout the entire galaxy. This was the true beginning of the Celestial Sword Sect and its fame. From the moment it was born, it had already been a major power and it had evolved into a first class power within its first thousand years.

  Hui Yue was born into this power. He was but a small third generation descendant, but even so, there were already fourth generation descendants who were older than him and even fifth generation descendants the same age as him!

  Hui Yue was within the body of this young boy, but he could not control him. All he did was experience all of his emotions and experiences.

  At the current point in time, Hui Yue was already a God. His body was made from Ancestral Worldpower, and he was constantly spending his nights cultivating, trying to increase his Ancestral Worldpower pool.

  Every God that was born had a talent for cultivation, however, it was how good this talent was that determined how popular one would be in the sect.

  Now, Hui Yue was but a small child and no one expected him to start cultivating before he turned twenty years of age. Before then an immortal cultivator needed the Ancestral Worldpower in the world to stabilize and lay the foundation for their body. But when he turned twenty he would be tested, and his talent would be found out.

  For a small child like Hui Yue, this was the time he looked forward to the most.

  Chapter 565 - The Life of Hui Yue

  * * *

  Chapter 565: The Life of Hui Yue

  The life in the Celestial Sword Sect was very simple. Hui Yue was a third generation descendant, and thus he had no hard tasks to do and could spend every day cultivating.

  Although he cultivated daily, he got no resources from the sect. Anyone below twenty years was not considered a cultivator, and the sect wanted the children to enjoy their childhood.

  Even if someone showed stunning abilities before they turned twenty, no one took it to heart. This was because one's talent could not be measured before their body had stabilized and that was a procedure that took twenty years.

  Currently, Hui Yue was five years old. He spent his time cultivating and stabilizing his body, but he also spent a lot of his time in the library where he would read up on the galaxy and the amazing world outside of the sect.

  He was not old when he realized that death was a very common occurrence in the world, that people died all the time, and that death was a natural part of life.

  Hui Yue learned about the Netherworld, Diyu, Youdu, and the Yellow River, and he nodded his head thoughtfully when he read that one could come back from the Yellow River if there were enough incentive to convince He Bo, the Earl of the Yellow River, to their let soul go.

  Hui Yue was but a child, but he understood the world well. It did not take long before he was the most knowledgeable child of all his siblings, but to achieve such depth of knowledge, he spent more and more time in the library and slept less and less because he refused to take time from his cultivation.

  Although Gods did not need to sleep, one has to remember that this was a child whose body was still not solidified. These children truly needed sleep and food much like any mortal children to be able to cope through the day, but even though he knew this, Hui Yue continued to sleep less and work harder.

  Hui Yue was a very timid child, but all his other siblings liked him. Hui Yue would tell them about the outside would. He would tell them stories of legendary figures, and recently he had become friends with the elder and quite a few members of the department of the sect that focused on the information gathering for the sect. He talked about the fascinating things he heard with his older brothers and sisters.

  These children were all either already sect disciples training hard, or they were cultivating and solidifying their body. Nobody was like Hui Yue and took time to read history and learn about the many worlds.

  Even Pei Tian noticed that this son of his was different from the others, but he did not mind. Someone who hungered for knowledge was likely to manage through the world one way or another; strength was not the only thing that mattered!

  Time flowed on and Hui Yue never really encountered any hardships in the sect. Some of the other children would look down on Pei Yue, but his older brothers and sisters would always defend him. This was enough as no one wished to fight a whole village of children and for this reason, Hui Yue grew up rather sheltered.

  Suddenly, the time had come to test Hui Yue's talent. This was something he had looked forward to for many years already. Now that it was his turn to be tested both his brothers, sisters, and mother were fussing at him and doing everything they could to encourage him.

  The truth was that not many believed he had the talent for cultivation. As a matter of fact, they all assumed that he was quite behind in this aspect. This was because he was much more focused on using his time to study in the library, but nobody really cared. They liked him for who he was and would support him nonetheless. Even the other wives loved hearing about the outside world from little Yue as they called him.

  There were no villages at the foot of the mountains, but there were some of the sect’s most important buildings there. Amongst them, one was the Pavilion of Talent.

  It was within this building that Hui Yue was to be tested, and he walked towards it with a rapid beating heart and great anticipation. Although he had not focused on cultivation, he was still certain that cultivation was what he wanted to do the most. He wished to become a cultivator and stun everyone with his heroic efforts. He, himself, believed that he was a genius.

  As he reached the Pavilion of Talent, Hui Yue could barely breathe as he pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit room.

  Inside he found nothing more than a desk and an elderly man, and when he looked at this elderly man, his heart shook. There was no doubt that this person was a true expert!

  There were a few other older students within the pavilion. It seemed like they were all here to test their current strength.

  It was one of the most renowned places within the entire sect, and everyone treated the elder who was in charge of this place with great respect.

  Hui Yue went to the desk and reached out his hand. He presented to the elder his token which appeared in his hand. This was the token of his identity which included his day of birth, his name, and what generation he was a part of.

  Accepting the token, the older man looked at it for a moment before he stood up. In his hand was a small glass orb with various translucent rings in the middle.

  There was a total of nine rings, and Hui Yue knew that this was the orb that was used to test one's talents. The more rings one could light up the better one's talents was.

  If the cultiva
tor lit up three rings or below, then they were below average. Four to six rings meant one had average talent, and seven to nine rings meant that one was above average. Getting nine rings was an incredibly hard task, and it meant that one’s talent was the best it could be.

  Hui Yue's aim was obviously to rank above average, but he also knew that this was exceedingly difficult. Within the sect, the majority ranked between six and seven rings due to their bloodline, but few ever managed to light up all nine rings. Those who did were the ones that the sect gave their best resources to; they carried all their expectations.

  Hui Yue wanted to be one of these people. His innermost wish to be a true talent was so overwhelming, but when he touched the glass orb and entered his Ancestral Worldpower, all he succeeded in doing was lighting up six rings.

  One has to know that his talent was not bad. Six rings were already considered the top of the average experts, not many outside the main sects had such talents, but within the sect, it as still only considered average.


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