Blue Phoenix

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Blue Phoenix Page 399

by Tinalynge

  The Immortal of Creation slowly made his way down to the arena where Hui Yue was waiting and the moment his foot landed on the ground he stomped hard and shot forward with speed unlike any Hui Yue had seen before.

  Narrowing his eyes, he unleashed his powers. The first thing that burst out was an invisible pressure. This was the bloodline pressure of the Vermilion Bird, relying on both Lan Feng, who was a second descendant youth, and Hui Yue who had received some of the bloodlines of the Vermilion Bird.

  Then brilliant wings sprung to life on Hui Yue's back, and the already pressuring aura exploded with another kind of pressure.

  Both of these pushed down on the Immortal of Creation who was charging at Hui Yue. They made his speed decrease noticeably, but not enough to stop him.

  Flapping his wings, Hui Yue took to the sky. Ten seals appeared around his outstretched hand as he started forming a formation in the air.

  While Hui Yue started to control these seals, he also released the dao of gravity, constantly increasing and decreasing the gravity field in the arena. This made it hard for the Immortal of Creation to accurately control his body, and at the same time he reached out for the red gem within his core and reinforced his defenses.

  Hui Yue consumed a great amount of energy as all his attacks, defenses and tactics were unleashed one after another, and he poured even more energy into the seals before a deafening roar resounded in the arena as a blazing tiger was created from the formation.

  Hui Yue did not stop there; he poured Ancestral Worldpower with the dao of inferno, dao of ignition, and dao of flame into the tiger which continued to grow in size. Its body became shrouded in flames of varying strengths some were volatile and explosive, some were gentle, and others were just springing to life.

  This tiger headed straight for the Immortal of Creation without Hui Yue needing to do anything. Hui Yue caught a slight breath of air before he flapped his wings and flew even higher.

  "Can't give up just yet," Hui Yue said as he weaved his soulforce together and made a net which he threw at the Immortal of Creation.

  The Immortal of Creation was truly a proper immortal. He was not hurried in his attacks, nor was he panicked when he faced the tiger. He understood that if he wanted to defeat Hui Yue, then he needed first to get rid of the tiger, and although it was inconvenient to leave Hui Yue flying around, he had to take it step by step.

  The audience was filled with buzzing as everyone discussed what they were seeing. Hui Yue had brought out one shock after another. All of them could feel the pressure emitted from his body; the pressure was so overwhelming that the weaker cultivators closest to the arena withdrew with pale faces to the back.

  They had seen him use soulforce and formations. They had seen his brilliant wings, and although they were incapable of seeing what kind of daos he had used to enhance the strength of the tiger it was clear that it was more than just one dao of fire.

  Hui Yue released the dao of devouring and greedily started to devour the energy in the world around him to restore himself to his peak condition. While his opponent was using his Ancestral Worldpower to deal with the tiger, Hui Yue was rapidly absorbing energy and returning to peak condition.

  The blue cloud exploded forth from Hui Yue's body, and soon it drifted down from the sky and laid itself like a blanket around the Immortal of Creation.

  Although it was incapable of invading the body of his opponent, it was still capable of absorbing some of the Ancestral Worldpower in his attacks weakening them and forcing him to use more of his energy to deal with the tiger.

  Hui Yue was not done yet. "Let’s put on a show," he mumbled, and suddenly his body started to shift. His body enlarged, his muscles bulged, and his body became covered with red fur. The wings stayed on his back, but his body had become more than four times stronger than before.

  "Time to see how my physical strength compares to those of the Immortal of Creation rank," Hui Yue said as his wings folded and he shot downwards like a cannonball. He sped straight at the head of the Immortal of Creation.

  "What is that?!" someone exclaimed.

  "He has dual bloodlines?! But... But that is impossible! The sect had tried to make someone with dual bloodlines for thousands of years but always failed! How can he possibly have dual bloodlines?!"

  "How ferocious! Look at that speed! He is at least twice as strong now as he was before!"

  Everyone in the audience was filled with shock and disbelief. While some were clenching their hands in worry, others were filled with an urge to fight Hui Yue, but no matter whom it was, they understood why Hui Yue was viewed with such importance. He had displayed so much strength, so many abilities, techniques, and potential that even those in the audience who had been against him started to wonder if maybe it actually was for the best if the sect kept him.

  "Take this!" Hui Yue yelled out as his arm shot out. He brandished his claws, and a swipe landed on the Immortal of Creation's back.

  This Immortal of Creation was not focused on Hui Yue. He had focused too much on getting rid of the tiger to notice that Hui Yue had come flying towards him and by the time he did notice it was already too late.

  Blood flowed down the back of the Immortal of Creation as it was severely lacerated. His clothes were torn apart, and his face contorted showing his pain as he noticed he had made a mistake by completely ignoring Hui Yue before.

  When he turned around, he stared dumbly at the half wolf half man that was standing in front of him.

  "Pei... Pei Yue?!" he exclaimed shocked, but his shock quickly vanished as he noticed that this wolf-man was getting ready to advance for another attack.

  "I will not lose to a mere Primordial Immortal like you!" the Immortal of Creation screamed out as windblade after windblade appeared around his body. They were all incredibly condensed, and their speed was astonishing.

  One after another shot towards Hui Yue who dodged as agilely as a panther. His movements flowed like a fish in water, and his entire being was so graceful that everyone held their breath in awe.

  Hui Yue was showing such amazing abilities. He was fighting an Immortal of Creation, and he was not losing out! If anything, he held the upper hand because both he and the tiger were able to work together to put pressure on the immortal in front of them.

  "You are asking for trouble!" the Immortal of Creation finally yelled out, and a green light started to surround him. It was clear that he had had enough. He was no longer holding back, and he was going to use his real strength.

  "Bring it on!" Hui Yue did not step down either; he was filled with fighting spirit. He was filled with an urge to show the entire Celestial Sword Sect just how capable he actually was.

  The true showdown had just started!

  Chapter 608 - Sacrificial Rites

  * * *

  Chapter 608: Sacrificial Rites

  The Immortal of Creation was no longer going easy on Hui Yue as he spread his wings and flew into the air. As he was floating in the air, he spread his arms, and a gentle wind started to blow.

  This wind picked up quite fast and turned into a terrible gale which pressured Hui Yue greatly.

  Although this was a dangerous wind, Hui Yue also controlled the dao of gale, and he instantly activated it taking control of the wind that was near him. Although he had not merged the dao of gale with any other daos of the wind, he had the benefit of his bloodline. His control over the wind was many times more profound than this Immortal of Creation’s control.

  Hui Yue took control of the wind and lifted his arm, urging the powerful wind around him to rush towards the Immortal of Creation instead. As it did, he shot forward like an arrow and slashed the chest of his opponent who did not have any time to dodge.

  Normally it would not be hard for an Immortal of Creation to dodge an attack from a normal Primordial immortal. However, this was a much different situation than normal.

  Hui Yue was using his bloodline power to pressure the Immortal of Creation. This caused him to be unabl
e to fully control his power and even more so be unable to control his body perfectly.

  Apart from this pressure, there was also the physical pressure from the dao of gravity which kept changing all the time, and although it did not pose any real threat to the Immortal of Creation, the constant changes in gravity around him were enough to further impede the control he had over his own body.

  Apart from this, Hui Yue had also summoned his blue cloud which absorbed as much of the Ancestral Worldpower that the Immortal of Creation was releasing as it could, weakening his attacks.

  All in all, Hui Yue had subdued the Immortal of Creation, and when he saw that the dao of gale that he had called forth had been taken over by Hui Yue, he felt listless. He felt that it was unfair that this child was a third generation descendant. Had it not been for the sake of their difference in bloodlines, then the Immortal of Creation was sure that he would win.

  The blazing tiger was still alive, and it was constantly pouncing at the Immortal of Creation, using its flaming claws to bash the young man, while Hui Yue took the opportunity to attack from the other side.

  "I cannot lose to a weak Primordial Immortal!" The expert yelled with determination, and suddenly his entire body started to swell. His muscles started to swell, and he seemed as if he were in great pain. Veins started appearing all over his body, and he started growing taller. Seeing his opponent transform in such a manner and feeling the terrifying aura he was releasing a sense of danger appeared within Hui Yue's heart.

  'Run away!' Lan Feng said instantly, and Hui Yue did not wait before he dashed backward to put some distance between the two of them.

  "What is he doing!?" Someone from the audience suddenly said through the resounding silence which had been there before. "He is using the Sacrificial Rites! Is he crazy?! We need to stop him!" Another said, and suddenly all the silent experts swept forwards towards the man who was still growing in size.

  "Get away from me!" The man called as his massive hand swept across the arena and pushed everyone aside or made them fall to the ground. "I will deal with this child! I will prove to him that I am not some mere rock on the road on his rise to fame!! I will make him understand the true power of an Immortal of Creation from the Celestial Sword Sect!"

  "You are breaking sect rules!" Someone pointed out with an urgent voice, "We can still resolve this peacefully if you don't harm anyone, but if you really use this forbidden technique to defeat Pei Yue then you will end up being banished at the very least!"

  Regaining some modicum of clarity from their loud voices, the severity of the situation dawned upon the Immortal of Creation and panic appeared in his eyes as he looked around the arena. He had already knocked away a great many experts who had tried to stop him, and these experts were all slightly wounded from his attack.

  "Ah... Aaaaah!" he yelled out as his large hands suddenly cradled his head and he fell to his knees.

  "I have sinned!" he yelled out, tears streaming from his eyes. "I have already completed the Sacrificial Rites of our Ancestors, and I have no other choice but to pay the price with blood!" He said with an empowered voice.

  "Since that is the case… Hahahaha! I will fight my way out of the sect! I will stand at the apex! I will be a genius above all others!!! I can feel the power of our ancestor the Great Roc flowing through my veins! I can be like the Great Roc. I can be the bes..."

  The Immortal of Creation didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as a metallic scent assaulted everyone. They all looked dumbfounded at the expert, or more precisely, what was left of him.

  Standing in the air just above him was Pei Ziqi. Her face was frosty, and her eyes were blazing with fire.

  "The Sacrificial Rites of the Great Roc are not allowed to be used within the sect unless we are being attacked!" Her voice boomed throughout the entire sect, making even the mountains tremble from her might.

  "The punishment given for having used the Sacrificial Rites and attempting to murder a fellow member of the Celestial Sword Sect is death!"

  Pei Ziqi waved her hand, and the corpse of the Immortal of Creation flew up next to her. "I will deliver him to his family, but everyone know, these missions to challenge your seniors are all for the sake of improving the performance of our sect members. They are not life and death battles! If you lose you lose, but don't go so far as to kill your opponent. It is countless times more shameful to use the Sacrificial Rites against a fellow sect member than it is to lose a mere battle!"

  Her voice was firm, and as the last word had been spoken, Pei Ziqi vanished into the distance.

  Silence once more enveloped the arena. Hui Yue flapped his wings as he frowned. He had never before heard about this technique the Sacrificial Rites of the Great Roc, nor did he feel that he had any way of summoning the Great Roc as he was now. He could only guess that this was a kind of Ancestral Worldpower Skill? It was clearly incredibly powerful. The power the Immortal of Creation had shown was so terrifying that Hui Yue knew that no ordinary Immortal of Creation would be able to display such might.

  It was clearly an ability which raised one's strength, but such an enormous increase in strength obviously could not be for free. As most people knew the stronger the technique, the more powerful the backlash. Therefore, Hui Yue was curious what he had to sacrifice for such an increase in power… Was it blood? The Immortal of Creation before had spoken about blood, so maybe it required blood as an offering for the power he got. Either way, it was an incredibly powerful ability, and even though Hui Yue knew he could not control it just yet, he could not help but feel rather curious about it.

  Hui Yue checked his emblem and noticed that it marked him as having won the challenge, to which he felt some relief. However, the other experts of the sect did not exactly share his feelings.

  Most blamed Hui Yue for the fact that this Immortal of Creation had been killed. Had Hui Yue not challenged him, then he would not have been put in such a position to use everything he had to win.

  But a small group of the most acknowledged experts in the sect saw things differently. When they looked at Hui Yue, they saw a Primordial Immortal that was able to suppress an Immortal of Creation. This was something completely unheard off unless they had merged five daos together and were fighting a new Immortal of Creation who had only comprehended one dao, but this was obviously not the case here.

  This was an Immortal of Creation which had already merged three daos, and he was up against a Primordial Immortal that was incapable of merging the daos he controlled; therefore, he should have effortlessly beaten down this Primordial Immortal.

  This young man had so many tricks up his sleeve, and no one knew if he had held anything back in this fight. The group of esteemed experts had a sneaking suspicion that he actually had, and if this were the case, then this new sect member was incredibly powerful. It could be that sometime soon he would actually be able to threaten them.

  Although the situation had been bad, and although the Immortal of Creation had summoned forth incredible strength, Hui Yue's face had shown concern but not hopelessness as he had retreated.

  It was clear that if the battle had continued, then Hui Yue would have been at a severe disadvantage.

  Truthfully, Hui Yue had been very worried. The moment he had felt the power of the technique the Immortal of Creation had used, he instantly reached out for the black cloaked figure within his core.

  Of all his techniques and skills, this past life of his was an ultimate expert. This was Hui Yue’s past life who had comprehended the most daos and was able to ensure that no matter what happened, Hui Yue would survive.

  Although he reached out to the black cloaked figure, he never had the chance to convince his past self to save him as the moment he tried, Pei Ziqi had already appeared and dealt with everything.

  The battle ended, but no one felt happy. It had been an incredible display of abilities; a true battle amongst battles and everyone felt that it was no shame to lose to this youngster who had appeared out of nowhere,
but now, sadly it was not just a case of simply losing. The senseless action of throwing one's life away made it hard for everyone else to swallow.

  Not everyone within the sect knew each other, but everyone within the inner guard were familiar with their brothers. When the news of what had happened spread, everyone felt a sour taste in their mouth.

  They were all filled with enmity towards Hui Yue. Although he had not been the one who had killed this Immortal of Creation, he was the one who pushed him to the point where he felt like he had no other option than to rely on the Sacrificial Rites.

  While the sect was seething with gossip and all kind of rumors about the fight, Hui Yue did not care much. He left the field rather quickly and returned to the Mission Tower where he went to hand over his emblem which had recorded his victory.

  "Can this even be considered winning?" Someone filled with disdain asked while others agreed with him. It was indeed shameful to go and trade his fellow sect member’s life for contribution points, but Hui Yue did not seem to care at all.


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