Blue Phoenix

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Blue Phoenix Page 400

by Tinalynge

  Hui Yue had a mission, and for this mission, he would walk through hell and back. He had to be strong so that he could protect those he loved, and if this strength had to be built on the lives of others, especially someone who had the intention of killing him, then so be it. Hui Yue truly did not care.

  Sensing his carelessness everyone started labeling him a death god, but then they realized that he was, in fact, a Judge of Hell, and soon his title was seen as an insult. Being a Judge of Hell was truly a lofty position, but it was also occupied by some of the strongest and most ruthless men in the entire galaxy. Now they knew that Hui Yue was indeed as ruthless as those men.

  Chapter 609 - Lament

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  Chapter 609. Lament

  Hui Yue got five hundred contribution points from defeating the Immortal of Creation. This was in no way a small amount, and it was enough to allow Hui Yue to train for quite some time in a meditation room. By the time he had used up all his contribution points, he would be able to challenge another Immortal of Creation.

  The possibility of anyone else being foolish enough to use the Sacrificial Rites of the Great Roc was very low after seeing what had happened today, and thus he was not too worried about it. By relying on his strength, he had managed to suppress an Immortal of Creation and was very proud of this.

  Moving from the Mission Tower, Hui Yue did not linger long and moved straight to the meditation rooms. A room cost ten points a day, and Hui Yue was going to need another week to fully grasp the other formations he had been learning.

  Reaching the meditation rooms, Hui Yue noticed that many looked at him with disdain and hostility. The rumors about today's match had already spread throughout the entire sect and most blamed the death of their fellow brother on Hui Yue.

  Hui Yue had only been in the sect for a short time, but he had already managed to shock everyone with his strength. He had managed to display his bloodline powers in a way no one else had ever seen before, and finally, he had caused the death of an Immortal of Creation.

  The death of this sect member was simply a great loss for the sect. Every single member was a part of the sect’s strength so to personally kill one of the stronger members... Just how much importance did they place on Hui Yue?

  It was not the first time the Celestial Sword Sect had punished one of its members with execution, as a matter of fact, throughout the sects long history it had happened quite a few times, but everyone had always had a court trial and time to defend themselves.

  This time, though, the offender had been instantly killed. Not even a word of warning had been given, and this was what had frightened the other members of the sect. If such a supreme expert could be killed so easily, then what about them? Were they also just pawns in the hands of the upper echelons of the sect?

  Hui Yue was unaware of this, but since he had seen much carnage in his life, the death of one sect member did not even faze him, but it had sent shockwaves through the rest of the sect.

  Without caring much about it, Hui Yue went straight to the room he had rented and stayed there for the following seven days. In the meditation room, he focused on just the Groundbreaker formation, the Spacelock formation, and the Iron Shield formation.

  Although he was not capable of perfecting them on his first try, only around a day or two was needed to master each formation. He had already gone through the trial and error of how to learn a formation when he was learning the Blazing Tiger formation, and everything he had learned was now put into practice.

  While Hui Yue vanished into closed door meditation, the sect was in an uproar, and the elders were unsure how exactly to deal with it. They understood that what Pei Ziqi had done was indeed a little abrupt, but they could not blame her. Based on the words said by the Immortal of Creation, he had planned to use the blood of his fellow sect members as his offering for the Sacrificial Rites of the Golden Roc, which was inexcusable.

  Even though this was the case, they knew something had to be done to make the sect members feel better, and the only decision they could come up with was to make Pei Ziqi step down from her position as an elder in the main sect as a form of punishment.

  Pei Ziqi did not question the decision made and spent a few days thinking about what she would prefer. Did she want to become a dao protector of the sect and stay within the main sect, or did she want to be sent away for a few thousand years and then come back when everyone had forgotten what had happened?

  She had a hard time deciding, but when she looked at the sky, she felt tired.

  "This is a new era," she sighed. "An era of the young and heroic. I have already been on the battlefield for many years, fighting with an intensity which could make many men go insane."

  A tear sprung from the corner of her eye as she remembered all the enemies she had slain and the battles she had fought through. She remembered all the brothers and sisters she had lost in such fights, and she remembered how the sect had risen in rank until finally becoming the powerhouse it was now.

  Pei Ziqi was the oldest of all the elders; she had lived for an eternity already, and many looked at her as being one of the most influential members of the sect. Unfortunately, the younger generation had also wished to get rid of her for quite some time, and now that they had a chance to do so, they would instantly jump at it.

  Even within a sect like the Celestial Sword Sect intrigues were as plenty as the stars in the sky, and now that she had given them a chance to get rid of her, they took it.

  "With someone like Pei Yue in our sect, I imagine that the sect will grow stronger!" Pei Ziqi said to herself as she looked over the sect that was spread out beneath her. This was her home; this was where she had lived all her many years. Although she had wandered the galaxy before, she had always had a place to call home.

  "I guess it is time for me to pull back from the responsibility of being an elder. I can roam the worlds again. I can even ask if that old man Qinguang wants to come with me. With him, by my side, it will never be boring."

  The sect quickly became calm again after accepting the fact that the elders apologized for what had happened. They stressed that the Immortal of Creation was a danger to the other members and had to be dealt with fast, but at the same time, instantly killing him was frowned upon by all the sect elders, and as such, Pei Ziqi had been punished.

  When the seventh day had passed, Hui Yue stepped out of the meditation room. His face was filled with excitement as he went straight to the training grounds where he found a set of dummies.

  Everywhere he went, people followed behind him curious to see what was going to happen this time, but Hui Yue just ignored them all.

  The first thing he did was practice the Iron Shield formation. One might expect that it would make a shield, but what it actually formed was a silver colored orb. It was a shield, but instead, it looked like an orb.

  It was not made from iron, but it was very strong and was able to block at least three hits from a peak Primordial Immortal. All in all, this was the strongest of all the formations he had learned so far.

  Secondly, he had learned the Spacelock formation, but after trying it, he was disappointed. Since he had seen the real Spacelock attack before when he had borrowed the power from the black figure, this was simply inadequate.

  It was able to stall the dummy for a second, which meant that if it were a person it would last less than a second. Although freezing someone at a key moment could turn a battle around, one had to remember that Hui Yue needed to prepare his seals in advance before he could slow down the enemy for a short while. In a group fight it might have its uses, but in a one on one battle, it was a waste of time.

  The last formation was the Groundbreaker formation. For this formation, Hui Yue was unsure of how to practice it. He needed another person to step into the formation because it would not activate if he entered it as it was his formation, but, sadly, the only one he knew in the sect was Pei Ze, someone he had not seen for some time.

  As Hui Yue was think
ing about it, his communication orb suddenly grew hot, and he took it out and looked into it. It was clear that someone was contacting him, and when he saw who it was, he was filled with smiles as he made his way towards the edge of the sect.

  Hui Yue had forgotten that there was one more person whom he knew, and although this person was not within the sect itself, he was close by.

  Just as Hui Yue was about to leave the sect, he saw Pei Ziqi descend from the air and stand by his side. Frowning, he was wondering what she was doing; the fact that she had been promoted to a dao protector wasn’t something he was aware of yet. No one had told him anything, so it was impossible for him to hear any part of the gossip that was spreading through the sect.

  "Don't worry. I am not here to stop you," she said with a wry smile. "But you are in a dangerous position, and we cannot allow you to leave the sect alone. Thus I have been ordered to follow you whenever you are about to leave the inner sect's grounds. If anyone dares touch you under my watch, they will be dead."

  "In that case, I thank elder Ziqi for looking after me," Hui Yue said humbly as he bowed towards Pei Ziqi who smiled a gentle smile at him and shook her head.

  "I am no longer an elder," she said with a slight hint of disappointment in her voice. "I am now a dao protector of the sect, and my main task is to look after you."

  "Oh," Hui Yue did not know what to say. He remembered the conversation he had with her previously where they had spoken about her future plans. He was certain that she had not wanted to retire from her position as an elder just yet.

  Hui Yue was rather fast on the uptake, and he instantly linked the situation with her killing the Immortal of Creation with her sudden promotion.

  Although being a dao protector meant that one had a higher rank in the sect, everyone knew that dao protectors had less sway than elders. They could no longer affect the sect and had to follow orders. For Pei Ziqi this was more like a demotion.

  "I am sorry that you got caught up in this," Hui Yue said honestly, but Pei Ziqi just waved her hand and smiled at him. "I don't mind," she said with a calm voice.

  "Although I was not planning on stepping back from my elder position so soon, thinking about it, it was not a bad decision. I am already old. I have seen so many people live and die; it is about time for me to just sit back and enjoy the rest of my life. Who knows when it will be my turn to die?"

  Pei Ziqi's eyes went distant as she looked into the horizon, but she soon shook her head and smiled as she looked at Hui Yue again. "Don't worry though," she said as she placed a hand on his head as if he were a small child. "I will not die before I have seen what kind of fine expert you will become! And when it is time for me to go, I will go out in a blaze of glory on a battlefield with my enemies blood flowing like rivers!"

  Hui Yue had to admit that he was feeling slightly uncomfortable hearing Pei Ziqi talk about dying. This woman was as strong as any of the Kings of Hell, and her personality was very straight forward. Hui Yue had a great impression of her, and he truthfully liked her as a person. He did not wish for her to die anytime soon, but he could feel that she was tired. Life had been too easy for her recently.

  With a sudden thought, he smiled, "Elder Ziqi." He called out, and she looked at him confused. "Don't worry," he said. "I will be leaving the sect soon. Come with me, and I promise you that we will experience something exciting. There is a mission I have to finish!"

  Chapter 610 - City of Endless Clouds

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  Chapter 610: City of Endless Clouds

  Pei Ziqi was stumped for words when she heard what Hui Yue said. Her face showed complete surprise. She was an expert that had lived for an eternity already. She had roamed the galaxy when she was younger and seen many things.

  Now that she was old, she no longer felt the need to go out and see the world, but at the same time, she was not interested in staying in the sect doing nothing as a dao protector. She wished to experience more exciting things.

  "Am I seriously contemplating this?" She suddenly asked herself, shocking both her and Hui Yue before she started laughing.

  "I will protect you until you are an Immortal of Creation," she said after being quiet for a bit. "In this time you can not leave the Celestial Sword Sect's world, but when it is time for you to leave and experience the galaxy for yourself, then I will probably already be tired of following you around," she laughed.

  "I see," Hui Yue was not too surprised with her rejection, and just casually shrugged his shoulders. He would not mind having a strong ally like Pei Ziqi with him, but on the other hand, he felt okay with the large group of friends he already had.

  "Well you can go to Diyu on my behalf," Hui Yue grinned. "I am sure King Qinguang would love to see you again."

  "Brat, don't try your luck!" Pei Ziqi said as she waved her fist at him bashfully. Although she had lived for a long time, she was quite bad when it came to being honest with her emotions.

  Her expression just made Hui Yue chuckle slightly, but he said no more. There was no reason to say anything, and afterwards, as he thought about the future, he just stared into the distance.

  "Let’s hurry up," Pei Ziqi finally said, and Hui Yue nodded his head. The two left the sect together and flew around hundred kilometers away until they reached a city which had a forcefield around it.

  "This city is known as the City of Endless Clouds. It is a city which is build with the Celestial Sword Sect as its base. Since no one can enter the sect unless they are direct descendants of the Great Roc, this is the place where everyone can freely enter and interact with the sect. It can also be considered the capital of the Celestial Sword Sect's world."

  Pei Ziqi spoke as she introduced the city in front of them, "Many sect members come here to sell things they have gotten on missions for Worldpower Stones, or they take on missions for Worldpower Stones from the Mercenary Guild."

  "There are two big factions within this city; one is the Celestial Sword Sect, the other is an underground auction house. I don't know if you have ever come into contact with them before, but they are in all major cities. They are also in our City of Endless Clouds, and they are the primary trade partner for our sect."

  "I know about them," Hui Yue said casually as he flicked his hand and a black emblem appeared in his palm. This was the emblem he had been given back in Diyu when he had visited the Black Marketplace.

  "Not bad," Pei Ziqi exclaimed surprised. "It took me a very long time to get my emblem but you brat, have already gotten yours!"

  "It was merely luck," Hui Yue smiled back as he stored the emblem in his Universe Box once more before he looked at the city spread out in front of them.

  "It is illegal to fly within this city," Pei Ziqi continued as they landed a few kilometers away from the city itself and started walking down the road that led towards the city walls.

  Many people were walking on the roads, and all of them were looking at their surroundings with caution. When they saw Hui Yue and Pei Ziqi everyone made ample space for them.

  This was not because of Hui Yue who wore normal white robes but because Pei Ziqi was wearing a black robe with the embroidery of the Great Roc. Only those of the elder rank and above wore such clothes in the Celestial Sword Sect.

  Although Hui Yue seemed like a normal youth, everyone could not help but ask who was this young man who had an inner sect elder as his bodyguard? Almost immediately everyone guessed who it could be.

  The news about Hui Yue had long since reached the Celestial Sword Sect's World, and everyone knew that a new person had joined the sect.

  They were also aware that Hui Yue had become the Second Judge of Hell, and that he was a figure that was highly regarded not only by the Celestial Sword Sect but also by Diyu.

  Though there were a few travelers on the road from outside the Celestial Sword Sect who were unaware of who Hui Yue was, and some of the residents had not guessed it, but the majority had already guessed who he was, and thus, they advanced without any trouble.

bsp; As they reached the sect, Pei Ziqi turned into a small side alley and stopped Hui Yue. "I will be following you from a distance. You are going to meet up with your guard from Diyu, and that is a personal affair. Although I will be within reach to interfere if something happens, I will try to stay out of your way," she said politely as she merged with the shadow in the alley. It was clear that her control over the dao of shadows was at the peak.

  Hui Yue was slightly excited. It had been a very long time since he had last been in a city. It had been months since he left Diyu and the trip back to the Celestial Sword Sect had been incredibly boring. They had not stopped anywhere on the way, and although the inner sect had some comparison to a massive city such as this, it was not an actual city. The inner sect lacked many things that cities had.


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