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Blue Phoenix

Page 402

by Tinalynge

The woman handed each of the new members an emblem. Some emblems were similar to one another while others were different. It was clear that these emblems were like Hui Yue's sect emblem, showing which sect they were from.

  Having finishing what she had to say and giving them the items they would need, the woman nodded her head to Hui Yue and turned to enter the pagoda once more. As she departed, she took with her the original copies of the forms that had been filled out.

  "It seems like we will have to split up for a while… This will be the first time in four thousand years we will not be together," Shen Wei, the Jackal, lamented a little but in his eyes, a fire burned with excitement. They had never before left the Divine Beast World and the red realm. For them to suddenly be dragged out with no time to prepare and even worse, be split up, all of them were quite stunned, but also very excited.

  "The Celestial Sword Sect's World is fairly safe," Hui Yue repeated what the elders had told him before. "You should be able to reach your sects without any problems. Although I wish to catch up with you, now is not the time. When you reach your sect purchase a communication orb, and you can use it to contact me."

  "After you get used to the sect and have gained more strength you should be able to come visit the City of Endless Clouds again and meet up with me. I will be coming here once a month to meet Wei. Then we can talk about what is going on with each other and our lives."

  Everyone nodded their heads and looked at one another. No one said anything for a long time before finally, the bull let out a deep sigh. "I will leave first then," he said as he turned to find his new sect.

  Hui Yue explained to them that they could not fly within the city; therefore, the bull headed for the eastern gate to leave the city and then he flew towards his new home.

  The rhinoceros followed suit and left right after. The next to leave was Xiao She, the snake-woman, followed by Shen Wei, the jackal.

  Tang Tian, the flood dragon, and Lu Jing, the three-headed dog left together after which the sea creature Jia Na nodded to Hui Yue and vanished on his own.

  The last ones remaining were Zhong Li, the Qilin, Huli, and Cai Jie. Huli was in the strongest guardian sect. A sect that was located just next to the City of Endless Clouds, and also the one where Wei was considered a member.

  Cai Jie's sect, the second strongest, was rather far away, but he was in no rush to leave. His strength was the second highest of the group, and his speed was also only inferior to Huli's and Wei's.

  Zhong Li sighed deeply before bowing in front of Hui Yue, "Thank you," he said from his heart. "You have brought us to a much grander stage and have allowed us the chance to spread our wings; now it is time for us to prove to you that we are worth it!"

  "Young master, wait patiently for our return. When we return we will no longer be a hindrance to you, but a group of experts that will support you and guard your back during your adventures throughout the galaxy as you spread your name far and wide. We have sworn to follow you before, and this is something we take pride in. I know the others said nothing because they felt it did not need to be said, but regardless, I know they are all grateful to follow a leader and friend like you."

  "We will strive to become so strong that you can use us for other things than just shields in the future!"

  Having said this, he gave a decisive nod to Hui Yue and the others before he turned around and left.

  Hui Yue was not too surprised by this, neither were Huli or Cai Jie as they had seen these Gods swear an oath that they would follow him unconditionally, but Wei was shocked. Hui Yue had lived for less than fifty years, yet he had already managed to get his hands on such devoted friends! Even more so, they were all God ranked cultivators, some of whom were actually Immortals of Creation!

  "What is your plan for Deng Wu?" Cai Jie suddenly asked as Zhong Li vanished into the crowd and Hui Yue just grinned. "We need to find an alleyway where no one can see me. I am going to get him now."

  Wei was surprised when he heard that there was yet another expert following Hui Yue. Was this expert as strong as this Huli person in front of him? Or was he a new God ranked cultivator? He thought curiously.

  Together the group went into a small alleyway that was a ways from the bustling street, and Hui Yue vanished once more before he returned with a young man by his side. This young man had azure hair, azure eyes, and was wearing a white robe with azure embroideries.

  Hui Yue was surprised to see his friend wearing white clothes rather than the black ones he had always worn before, but when he commented on it, he was told that since he became a God, Deng Wu had always been wearing white clothes.

  Looking at Deng Wu it was clear that he was now a God. He did not have an intimidating air about him, nor did he have much of an Ancestral Worldpower pool, but his eyes were tranquil, and he carried himself with poise.

  "Why did you not send him to a guardian sect?" Wei asked curiously as he looked at this young man in front of him. Although he was a new God, he seemed to have some sort of air similar to Hui Yue around him, albeit slightly weaker.

  "It’s simple," Hui Yue said with a grin on his face as he looked at Wei.

  "Deng Wu is a new God. Joining one of those sects will be too beneficial for him, but life within this city is currently better suited for him. In the city, one can find all the same kind of resources these sects have, but the only difference is one cannot get them for free. Still, he will be like a fish in water, with the assistance of you," Hui Yue said as he patted Wei's shoulder.

  "You will be in charge of Deng Wu. Show him around town and let him see all the places there are to train here." Hui Yue said as he suddenly had another big leather bag in his hands.

  This leather bag was quite a bit bigger than the ones the others had gotten, and when Deng Wu accepted it, it quickly vanished into a spatial ring.

  "There are three million Worldpower Stones in it," Hui Yue said. "You are getting more than the others because you can only rely on wealth to increase your strength."

  "Have you already started comprehending a dao?" He asked curiously, and Deng Wu nodded his head, "I am comprehending the minor dao of shadow right now." He said, and Hui Yue tossed him a jade vial with a few Pills of Clarity.

  "You are walking down the path of darkness, I see?" Hui Yue said, and Deng Wu nodded his head with a smile on his face. He looked at Wei for a short while clearly wondering whether or not this man was trustworthy, but after a glance at Hui Yue, he threw the thought from his mind. Of course, he would reliable when he was so close to Hui Yue.

  "I have an innate talent for the major dao of darkness," he explained. "At the same time as me, Little Dragon became a God as well. Due to the bloodline of the Azure Dragon, he is a monster when it comes to the minor daos under the major dao of water. He has already comprehended the dao of waves."

  Wei was completely confused when he heard what Deng Wu said. He did not know who Little Dragon was, but Hui Yue just smiled and did not explain.

  Shaking his head, Wei did not care much about it. He was sure that when he needed to be told he would be told. This was his mentality after having been a guard for so long; he did not need to be told everything.

  "So my first task after joining you is to look after this young master?" Wei asked to double check, and Hui Yue nodded his head. Seeing this, Wei also nodded his head as well. He was satisfied with his task. This would be many times more interesting than running around alone.

  "I need to return to the sect soon." Hui Yue said as he looked at the descending sun, feeling a little lost. He had seen his friends for the first time in a very long time, but he had also split up with them again shortly after.

  Now that he had seen Huli he wished to bring her with him. He also wished to bring Deng Wu with him as well. They had gone through so many things together and having his best friend by his side was refreshing.

  Sighing, Hui Yue looked to the sky above and smiled at his friends. He wrapped his arms around Huli and kissed her on the forehead as he could see
that she was as depressed about leaving him as he was to leave her, but, sadly, right now they could not stay together.

  "I will return now," he said again. "Next month we can meet up. Buy a communication orb and contact me then I will set up our next meeting. We might also take on a few easy missions here in the Celestial Sword Sect World together," he said with anticipation in his voice. He wished to once again spend time with his dear friends.

  "I most likely won't make it next month," Cai Jie said with a sigh as he looked at Hui Yue. "But I will need you to meet up with me in a few months. There are things we need to talk about."

  His tone sounded rather serious, and Hui Yue was surprised. Looking at Cai Jie, he could see that he was dead serious, and the young white-haired man nodded his head solemnly. "I will find time to meet up with you; you can tell me anything you need to say."

  This reminded the two of them of when they had first met. There was an air of familiarity, and Cai Jie had shown him great care and consideration back then, especially considering they did not know each other at that time. Maybe this was related to their first meeting?

  Chapter 613 - Routine

  * * *

  Chapter 613: Routine

  Returning to the sect was as simple as leaving. Those who wished to cause problems for Hui Yue were already aware of the fact that Pei Ziqi was following him and that she had permission to kill first and ask questions later.

  No sane person would attack Hui Yue when he was under the protection of the Battle God Pei Ziqi.

  Hui Yue wondered if his enemies would use their influence and trouble his friends, but after considering it for a moment, he realized that they would benefit from a little pressure. As long as they stayed within the sects, they would be safe from any real harm. This was another reason why he had given them a million Worldpower Stones.

  They could use them to build a stable foundation, and when their foundation was solid, they could leave the sect and do easy missions for contribution points. Although someone wished to cause problems for Hui Yue's friends, no one was mad enough to use a powerful force to kill them off.

  'It’s simply too risky,' Lan Feng said as he felt that Hui Yue was repeatedly telling himself that his friends would be safe. 'Although they would love to kill off your friends, they wouldn't dare. The documents clearly state that you sent them. If the Gods you send are killed one after another, then they will become exiled from the sect and hunted to the end of the galaxy because it will be obvious they are just after you.'

  'Not to mention, the drama it would cause among the guardian sects. Imagine how all the other sect member would feel if their close friends and relatives suddenly died at the hand of those they are to protect. No one is stupid enough to do that, so you are correct when you say that they will be safe.'

  Hui Yue nodded his head. What Lan Feng said was exactly what Hui Yue himself had thought. Realizing this, Hui Yue relaxed a little.

  Hui Yue was unaware of whether or not Pei Ziqi was also following behind him within the sect, but he did not pay too much attention as he returned to the mountain top belonging to his father.

  Now that Deng Wu had come out of the Formation of Life, Sha Yun had entered. As for how long she needed within the Formation of Life, Hui Yue had no idea, but he would visit the Divine Beast World from time to time to check up on her and visit his friends and family.

  Now that he settled down in the Celestial Sword Sect, it was possible for him to lock himself inside a room and then enter the Universe Box. Then he would be able to travel to the Divine Beast World while pretending to be cultivating.

  This way he could spend time with the ones he loved, his family and friends. He could help them with their cultivation and at the same time see how they were doing.

  Hui Yue's life soon became comfortable and entered a routine. He would spend five days in a meditation room every week and practice the formations that he had purchased from the Formation Palace.

  After finishing the first set of beginner formations, Hui Yue went back to the palace and purchased a more advanced set of formations. Some of which required more than ten seals.

  Once a week he would visit the Divine Beast World, and the final day he would practice the formations he was working on at the training field.

  When practicing formations, he needed to use both Ancestral Worldpower and soulforce which caused him to constantly be absorbing more and more of the surrounding energy. This not only helped replenish his energy but also grew his Ancestral Worldpower pool and the amount of soulforce he could wield at one time.

  'Your understanding of formations is formidable,' Lan Feng said satisfied as Hui Yue had mastered another formation.

  "It is not bad," Hui Yue agreed with a nod of his head, "but there is one problem." He continued with a sigh, "Although I am advancing and increasing my combat abilities, I am not getting any closer to the Immortal of Creation rank."

  "There are two ways to become an Immortal of Creation," Hui Yue lamented. "One is the weaker way, the patient way, and that is to simply absorb enough Ancestral Worldpower to be ranked as an Immortal of Creation. But this is something that takes thousands of years, and I can not afford to wait so long."

  "The second option is to grasp a major dao. When one comprehends a major dao, the cultivator will break through to a new realm. At that time when you are at your peak attunement with the dao of the universe, then one’s body will be able to absorb Ancestral Worldpower like a sponge in water. In this state, I can quickly rise to the Immortal of Creation level."

  "I am obviously pursuing the second option. I will comprehend a major dao and become the youngest Immortal of Creation in all of the Celestial Sword Sect's history!"

  Hui Yue was filled with determination as he spoke and Lan Feng was quiet as he nodded his head repeatedly.

  "The problem with this is that I am nowhere close to comprehending a major dao. To comprehend a major dao, I need to comprehend all the minor daos that the major dao consists of. My best option will be to either aim for the major dao of fire or the major dao of wind."

  "These two major daos will be supported by the bloodlines within my body. You are already working on the major dao of the fire, and you are much closer to become an Immortal of Creation than I am," Hui Yue spoke. "You already have three, almost four, minor daos of fire comprehended, whereas I have just one of each."

  "Looking at my bloodlines, I think it I will be better seeking after the major dao of wind since this bloodline is many times stronger than the bloodline of the Vermilion Bird."

  Hui Yue was silent for a moment as he pondered what he had been saying. It all made sense, and discussing it with Lan Feng, saying what he thought, made him feel better.

  "But what do you think I should do?" He asked the bird residing in his core. "I can continue to create seals and focus on formations. These formations might save my life one day, but that means that it will take longer time for me to comprehend the dao and become an Immortal of Creation."

  'Well, I think you should finish what you are working on now,' Lan Feng said seriously. 'Don't forget you have a cheat that no one else has. You have your previous lives! When you merge with one of your previous lives, then you could suddenly comprehend a major dao and become an Immortal of Creation that way. This might be considered a short cut, but it will work just fine for you. Your situation is, after all, very different from everyone else’s.'

  'Because of this, I think you should become a Formation Master before anything else,' Lan Feng concluded. 'When you are a Formation Master, you will have even more value than you do now, and don’t just stop with formations you should look into inscriptions as well. They can boost your fighting strength by quite a bit for a short amount of time. I’ve heard about inscriptions that are capable of drawing out one’s inner strength for a short amount of time that form a battle God. These type of techniques are, I think, important for us to learn!'

  'Although daos are important, do not forget that I am still here,' La
n Feng continued with confidence. 'I am constantly comprehending the daos at a speed you cannot compare to. I have merged three daos already, and my fourth dao is very close as well. Although I will need more daos, I will soon be an Immortal of Creation. When I am much stronger than you, who says that you cannot use my strength when you are in a bind? Your strength is my strength, and my strength is your strength.'

  The more they spoke, the more certain Hui Yue felt that he was doing the right thing. Although he was delaying his cultivation, he was still becoming stronger and stronger. Formations were especially powerful in group fights, and in the future, Hui Yue was going to be in quite a few group fights with his friends. To be able to do the best in such situation, he needed to be a Formation Master.

  "You will get your body soon," Hui Yue said suddenly. "Then you and I will fight side by side, and protect each other like real brothers!" Hui Yue said with a sigh. He could not wait for that day, so Lan Feng's longing had to be many times worse.


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