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Blue Phoenix

Page 417

by Tinalynge

  The patriarch's heart was aching as he saw one after another of his family members being removed from the courtyard and placed in a group opposite the others. The ones who had been picked out were worried and showed fear on their faces.

  Hui Yue's eyes were cold. He felt no pity for these experts. They had killed and beaten his friends; they deserved to die.

  The young master who was in secluded meditation was also fetched.

  "Father, I told you that not to interrupt me. What was so important that you had to trouble me?!" he exclaimed as he came stomping towards his father, but his feet stopped halfway through the courtyard as he sensed that something was wrong.

  Looking around, he noticed the ninety-seven guards, the elders, and the two youths and his face turned slightly pale, but he quickly adjusted. He was the young master of the Chen family! They were ranked almost as high as the Heavenly Dragon Gate, and thus he did not fear for his life. If anything, he would be punished lightly for what he had done.

  "You are young master Chen?" Hui Yue suddenly asked, his voice cold as a killing intent erupted from his body causing the temperature of the entire area to drop.

  Many of the weaker cultivators collapsed due to the killing intent alone; even the somewhat stronger experts felt pressure from it, and young master Chen started to feel that something was truly wrong.

  "Tha... That is me," he said carefully while trying to probe Hui Yue’s strength, yet no matter how much he tried, it was impossible for him to get clues about how strong this young cultivator truly was.

  "Go stand with the other group over there," Hui Yue said as he pointed towards the group of experts that was rapidly growing as the guards walked through the members of the Chen family and found the culprits.

  Yang Juan was split between happiness and unhappiness as he saw how many people were being gathered up. Killing this many was going to ensure that the Chen family became no threat to them, but at the same time, it would also ensure that there would be gossip about the Heavenly Dragon Gate using their power to bully others.

  As the final person had been gathered, Hui Yue moved towards them smiling sinisterly as he cracked his neck from side to side. He activated both the dao of space and his dao of devouring.

  "Let me tell you what will happen now," Hui Yue said with a big grin on his face. "You’ve killed members of my Celestial Sword Sect, and you beat up members of my Celestial Sword Sect! Now acknowledge your crimes and surrender your lives!"

  When these experts heard that it was the Celestial Sword Sect they had challenged, their faces turned ashen and their eyes widened. Some wanted to scream out, others wanted to flee, but before anyone had the chance to do anything, Hui Yue activated his dao of space and locked everyone where they stood trapping them.

  It was time for him to display a signature attack from one of his previous lives and extinguish these expert's flame of life.

  Chapter 636 - Chen Family's Patriarch

  * * *

  Chapter 636: Chen Family Patriarch

  Hui Yue was usually not as vicious as he was now, nor was he someone who enjoyed killing just for killing's sake. He understood that these experts were all members of families themselves and that by killing them many families would lose a parent, and many experts would lose a son or daughter, but he never expected that the patriarch of the Chen family would not even step forward and try to save their lives.

  In front of him were a full hundred experts. These experts varied in strength from weak Gods to Immortals of Creation, and it was clear that the loss of so many would cause the Chen family to lose quite a bit.

  To think that the patriarch would do nothing to stop him or even try to negotiate caused Hui Yue to lose all the remaining respect he had for him. Although it was true that he should be careful about whom he insulted, in the end, this would be a devastating blow to his family. Shouldn’t the patriarch at least try to delay him or go all out to fight for the survival of his family members? One of them was even his blood-related son, and the others were likely his nephews and nieces.

  Giving up on these youngsters just like this, Hui Yue felt contempt. He truly did not want to kill so many guards.

  His original plan was to gather up everyone under the threat of killing them. Then the patriarch could plead with the Heavenly Dragon Gate to let them go and then they could give some face to this patriarch.

  Sighing deeply, Hui Yue truly felt rage towards the ones who had bullied and beaten his friends. He did want them to die, but at the same time, he knew that if he killed them, their innocent families would be saddened greatly.

  In the end, he was unsure of what he should do. Should he kill them as he had said to let this family understand that the consequences of one's actions can often lead to death if one did not tread lightly?

  "Young Lord, please spare us!" Someone suddenly yelled out and dropped to his knees. "We were foolish and rash! We did not know who we were dealing with. All we did was follow orders given to us by our young master! If we did not do as he said our punishment would be severe."

  "Please have mercy!"

  "Please spare us!"

  Soon everyone from the group of bullies had fallen to their knees and were bowing deeply as their foreheads pressed to the ground.

  Some were tearing up; others were shaking. Everyone was filled with fear as they finally understood the seriousness of the situation. Some of them looked at the young master with scorn in their eyes while others looked pleadingly at the patriarch hoping that he would interfere and stop the execution that was likely to happen at any time.

  When the patriarch noticed the many glances that were sent his way, he turned and looked away. He was truly willing to give up every one of them to ensure that this was dealt with in a way that satisfied the Heavenly Dragon Gate.

  Any other family would have done everything in their power to determine that such a thing did not happen. They would even go as far as to start a war with the Heavenly Dragon Gate if that was what it took to save their family members.

  Although this would mean that the family was likely to be wiped out, it was better to be wiped out together than to give up the lives of so many. This was how the majority thought but not the Chen family patriarch.

  Yang Juan glanced at the Chen family's patriarch with a sigh before he focused his gaze on Hui Yue. It was clear that it was this young man who stood with the lives of everyone in his hand and what he decided was what would happen. Unfortunately, Hui Yue was unsure of what to do.

  Hui Yue stood still pondering for some time. The longer he thought, the more people started to bow down to him. Even the ones who had not been picked up by the guards started to bow down, "Please spare my family!" one of them called out and more and more started to yell the same thing as they banged their heads towards the ground so hard that blood started flowing.

  Hui Yue was genuinely shocked to see how much these members cared for each other, but he also felt that it was a waste for them to be this dedicated to a family where the patriarch would not even speak up for them.

  "All of you rise," Hui Yue spoke with a tired voice as he looked at everyone as a big wolf head appeared behind him. This wolf head looked just like a formation that had been summoned forth, but it was in fact not a formation but a phenomenon created by the dao of devouring.

  This attack could kill both many at once but also just one person. It completely depended on what Hui Yue did with it, and this time he focused the eyes of the Ancestral Worldpower wolf on the young master.

  The wolf opened its mouth, and a massive suction force appeared from within. This suction force enveloped the young master of the Chen family, and suddenly he was dragged from the ground into the mouth created by Ancestral Worldpower.

  Although these teeth were made of energy, they were still very sharp, and they chewed the young master to bits. His soul was swallowed, and instead of going towards the Yellow River it entered Hui Yue's body. The sight stunned and horrified everyone present.

>   Everyone knew that it was possible to consume souls, but normally one had to refine them. To just directly absorb them one needed to know dao of devouring and then slowly turn the soul they had consumed into energy.

  The dao of devouring was incredibly powerful; it was considered one of the top daos in the galaxy, and the daos of this rank were the ones that everyone coveted.

  Seeing the young man being able to command such a strong dao, everyone was stunned, and now, the fearful members of the Chen family were even more frightened than they had been before. Just what kind of monster had they provoked?

  When Hui Yue finished chewing on the young master, the wolf head behind him spat out the remaining bloody pulp, and he landed on the ground as meat paste with broken bones sticking out of what remained of the cultivator.

  "I will not blame the Chen family for this incident, seeing that you are all begging for forgiveness," Hui Yue said with a smile. It was a cold, sinister smile that the ones who had felt happiness from his words were worried about what the next part he would say was.

  "Although I chose to give you all amnesty, there is one thing I cannot accept, and that is the coward who feels that the living are worth nothing. Such a man is not fit to lead a family. The Chen family's patriarch will step down from his position as the patriarch. If he does not then I will slaughter not only him but anyone standing in my way."

  Right now everyone had forgotten everything about the fact that Hui Yue was merely a Primordial Immortal and that their patriarch was an Immortal of Creation, a rather strong Immortal of Creation at that.

  Hui Yue had the backing of both the Celestial Sword Sect and Diyu. Although he was far from being the strongest person present, he was without a doubt the most dangerous person present.

  The patriarch's face turned red again when he heard the words spoken by Hui Yue. He had been the patriarch of the Chen family for as long as it had existed, and he had dealt with everything that had to do with the family.

  The Chen patriarch had been born a mortal in a mortal world long ago. He had started on the path of cultivation similarly to how Hui Yue had. He had been forced to fight at every step of his journey. He had never been one of the most talented experts around, but he had seen and killed countless of geniuses.

  Because of this, he was always aware of the fact that some people could not be insulted, and he had always tried to keep a low profile for the sake of staying alive.

  This had also followed him when he formed his family. He had picked the Heavenly Dragon Gate's World because it was not the biggest sect around but it was still big enough to provide his family with safety. That was assuming they did not cause trouble with the sect. But who would have thought that his own son would cause problems with an even stronger sect?!

  When the question had been to sacrifice a large portion of the younger generation, the patriarch had just taken it as if the punishment was inevitable, yet now he was stuttering. His face had gone completely red. It was clear that he was going to go against this decision!

  "My Lord, I understand where you come from, bullying and killing your fellow guards was simply too much, and punishing my fellow family members as a punishment could be considered reasonable."

  "The fact that you decide to spare them makes me thrilled beyond belief, but to think that I would have to abdicate!"

  "The Chen family was founded by me! It has been created by me for my extensive family! To think that you would go as far and take away my family from me, this is simply outrageous!"

  The patriarch was desperate as he spoke. His eyes went wide with anger, and he could not help but spit a little as he spoke.

  Seeing him defending himself and his position as much as he was, this was something that caused every member of the Chen family to feel alienated by this patriarch of theirs.

  He had not stepped forward to try and save his family members, but now that his own position was at risk, not only did he speak unlike ever before, but he even said that it was justified to slaughter members of his own family.

  Hearing this, the hearts of everyone present turned cold. Even the members of the Chen family started to question what exactly their patriarch was thinking and whether or not it would be a good idea to have him replaced.

  "My decision is final. Abdicate and find someone else to take over as patriarch. Keep in mind that you are living in the Heavenly Dragon Gate's World and pledge your loyalty to the Heavenly Dragon Gate."

  Hui Yue would have given him a choice between abdicating and killing the many members of the family, but he quickly realized that the patriarch would have chosen to kill anyone else so long as he could stay as the family head, and this was something Hui Yue did not wish to see.

  'It is a shame that you are not strong enough to consume his soul. Such a strong soul should be enough to increase your soulforce quite a bit,' Lan Feng's voice sounded in Hui Yue's mind, and the young man could not help but smile a little. If he wanted to increase his soulforce, then he should have just killed the many experts and consumed their souls. Unfortunately, his morals would not allow him to kill so many people when all they had done was bullying his experts on the orders of their master.

  Chapter 637 - Returning Home

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  Chapter 637: Returning Home

  Just now, Hui Yue agreed with what Lan Feng said, but he understood that killing the patriarch was not something he was capable of.

  He simply did not have the strength to do anything to the patriarch, so all he could do was use his backing to threaten him to give up his position. In some way, it might be even more frustrating to live on after having to give up such a position. It would without a doubt be a huge blow to him.

  It was clear that his family was quite unhappy with him. The entire family had been gathered outside in the courtyard of their manor, and even the elders who had previously supported the patriarch with all their might were disgruntled.

  All the youngsters and guards that were under threat of being killed had blood ties to these elders, but the patriarch had said nothing to even try to save them. When it came to his patriarch seat, he had, however, argued with all his might. It was clear to see what mattered to the patriarch and what did not.

  Since the patriarch was not thinking about the best interests of the family, the elders were already contemplating in their minds who would be fit to be the next patriarch.

  "I understand..." The patriarch's face turned green as he spoke, "I understand that it is time for me to pass the baton to another expert of the family and retire."

  Although he was unsatisfied with the results, the patriarch understood that even though Hui Yue, himself, could not truly do anything to him, the two elders, Pei Bai and Yang Juan, were capable of killing him if they truly wanted to do. Their formations were frightening.

  Although this patriarch was unhappy, he understood that he had no choice but to follow the orders given by this young man. Although he was unhappy with the situation, he was the kind of person that would rather cower and survive than challenge authority and perish for their ideals.

  Hui Yue nodded his head approvingly happy that the patriarch made the right decision.

  "The new patriarch needs to swear to never cause problems for the Heavenly Dragon Gate; it would be best if they committed themselves to the sect and became a guardian family." Hui Yue continued with a smile causing all the elders to frown.

  They knew that the Celestial Sword Sect had multiple guardian sects and that these guardian sects had all increased the strength of the Celestial Sword Sect. One could even say that although the Celestial Sword Sect was ranked as one of the strongest sects in the galaxy most of their fighting force came from these guardian sects.

  While the Chen family was unhappy with his request, the Heavenly Dragon Gate was excited. Yang Juan looked at the elders with curiosity in his eyes as he wondered what choice they would make.

  "If you choose to become a guardian sect of the Heavenly Dragon Gate then we will forget abo
ut you owing us a million Worldpower Stones." Yang Juan said with a smile, "We will treat you well, and your family’s overall strength will rise drastically compared to before. You will get many benefits and cultivation resources for your younger generation as well. We will only require you to help in case a life and death battle involving the Heavenly Dragon Gate erupts. We will not go in and take over the Chen family."

  The reason that Yang Juan dared to make these promises on his own without asking anyone for permission was that he already knew what the other elders would say.

  If the Chen family joined the Heavenly Dragon Gate, it was clear that they would rank much higher than they did already, and their strength would soar. It would also guarantee everyone’s safety all the more.


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