Book Read Free


Page 8

by Tony Corden

  The position of the mine has been marked on your map. You have thirty days in which no-one outside your clan may contest this claim or mine in this location. After this amnesty, you should be prepared to defend your claim.

  We hope you enjoy the experience.

  Atherleah turned and saw that the portal had disappeared, outside it was still snowing.

  “Well let’s try the second option.”

  Zack said, “Let’s stay and mine.”

  Leah said, “I’d like to explore, but I don’t want to fail in the Odyssey. Anyway, as we explore the other mine we’ll have the layout of this one.”

  Everyone nodded, and they headed back out into the snow. Five minutes later they were at the cavern Thad had found. The portal had disappeared, and instead, there was a doorway with a small sign and a handprint scanner. The sign read, ‘Storehouse and Main Office of the Guàn Platinum Mine: Official Members Only’.

  Leah placed her hand on the door, and it swung open to show a small warehouse carved out of the rock with empty shelves. In the corner of the room was a wooden box with a lid. With nothing else in the room, Zack walked over to the box and found several coils of rope, some pitons and a climbing hammer. He picked them up and then they left the storage area closing the door behind them. As they walked back to the midpoint, Amy said, “Atherleah, four diamond is a lot. We’ve all made money on this journey, and I’d like to chip in a fair share. In fact, here is a diamond as my fee for joining.”

  She handed the coin to Leah who took it with an astonished look on her face. She gave Amy a hug, and a quick thank you, but before she could move on, Wisp handed her a coin, followed by Thad, James and Zack.

  “This is more than four guys, let me work it out equally.”

  Thad said, “Nope, most of what I have in my bag at the moment and most of my EP and gear is because of you. Keep any change.”

  All the others said something similar and Leah thanked them and then headed down the ridge with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. When she arrived at the area below the ledge, she took one end of the rope, the pitons, and the hammer and climbed to the crawlway. She quickly secured the line and waited until Amy reached the top. When Amy arrived, Leah moved into the crawlway and asked that the last person bring the line with them. Leah crawled along only a short distance and waited as each member made their way in. Finally, Zack gave the all clear, saying he was up and the rope was collected. The crawlway continued for almost forty metres before it ended in a small portal. When everyone was close Leah crawled through and found herself in a circular room on her hands and knees. In the middle of the floor was a shaft heading down. As soon as Zack entered the room, they all received a message.

  Level 4 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (3, Diamond)

  Atherleah (Level 83), you have discovered a hidden Level 4 Area:

  Goblin Mirror Mine of Platin

  You are the first player to access this area. This is your third, 'First 1 (Diamond)’ achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 83 = 535350 (+29%) Experience Points (116000/116000)…(107505/124000)

  Reward 2: + 3% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 3 x 10 Platinum = 30 Platinum

  Reward 4: Increased probability of valuable drop. Luck is increased by 7.5 whenever you are in this Cavern. During your first time in the Cavern, the probability of all drops is increased to 0.5.

  Fame: 1000 Fame Points (19000)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  Leah looked down the shaft and could see some light maybe fifty or more metres below. Zach had already hammered in a piton and tied off the rope. Leah stepped forward, but Thad said, “Let one of us go. It's time we stepped up if we’re going to be part of a clan and not just a short-term group.”

  Leah nodded, and as Thad stepped forward, Amy said, “You stay here Thad, you can’t sneak.” She then grabbed the rope and silently lowered herself down. Amy used the ring to call them down and reported a short empty corridor at the bottom of the shaft. She hadn’t looked at where it went, but at the moment it was safe. Leah was last into the shaft, and she untied the rope and brought the piton with her, using the gloves she slithered down the shaft. One end of the corridor ended in a blank wall, but they could see where someone, they assumed goblins, had been mining.

  In the other direction, although the tunnel wasn't straight it remained horizontal. As they moved along the tunnel, they occasionally passed under similar shafts to the one they used as an entrance. Amy had just gone under such a shaft when something from above dropped on her back and began clawing into her. Thad was just behind, and he grabbed it with both hands and tugged it off her back ripping out some of her flesh. The creature seemed to turn inside out and started clawing at Thad who threw it away from him. Before it could scurry away, Wisp had put an arrow through it pinning it to the floor. Leah and James both cast healing spells on Amy and then Thad. The creature had a thin round body with eight appendages. It looked like a large grey dinner plate with spindly legs. At the end of each leg was a sharp claw. The eyes were small, and the mouth was round with multiple teeth situated around the circumference and facing the centre.

  PEST - CAVE MITE (Level 10) 1000HP 80 EP

  “Level 10!” Amy said, “That thing bloody hurt.”

  Leah harvested it and received

  1 Vial of Cave Mite Blood*

  * Note: A useful ingredient to make Potions which increase speed and agility

  Leah said, “Ok, let's be careful. When we get to a shaft, I’ll echo ahead and see if we can find them before they attack.”

  Two shafts later when Leah used her Echolocation spell she picked up several shadows in the shaft. James and Wisp each sent a fireball up and two smoking mites dropped down and started to scurry toward the group when arrows from Amy and Leah stopped them. They didn’t find any more mites as the corridor soon opened into a well-lit room. Peeking in they saw it was full of goblins. There were over forty Level 90 soldiers. There were also Level 90 Goblin Miners, but these were chained together in groups of eight. Altogether there were 80 miners. There was a larger shaft with elevators using ropes and pulleys in the centre of the room.

  Pulling back from the edge Leah said, “How do we isolate the guards and not harm the miners?”

  Zack said, “Why do we have to save the miners?”

  James said, “Integritas! Prospertas! Praesidium! Purity, Prosperity, and Protection. We don’t kill slaves dude. Its wrong; even in a virtual world.”

  Thad said, “Three tunnels, three tanks, sorry Leah. Three healers and distance attackers. If we stay in the tunnel entrances the most who can attack are two at a time. We can all take on one of these guys, and most of us would succeed against two. It’ll just mean a long drawn out affair.”

  Leah couldn’t think of anything better, so she said, “Agreed, whose with who?”

  “You and Amy, one healer, Zack and Wisp, and I’ll go with James. I think if we spread out around the room. Arrows and Fireballs can cross the room and attack from behind.”

  “Any problems, anyone?"

  When everyone shook their heads she continued, "Then Amy and I will stay here, Wisp will Group Hide you four and drop James and Thad one-third of the way around clockwise and then they will keep going for one more third. We attack in fifteen minutes. No, wait, I’ll attack and hopefully draw them here. If they all come, then you can take potshots at their backs until they notice you. If not, then Thad start fighting, and then finally Zack.”

  Everyone agreed, and fifteen minutes later Leah stepped out of the tunnel and began firing arrows at the guards. As soon as they noticed her some moved toward her. She shot at the stationary guards, and soon all the guards were headed in her direction. As they got close she cast Rain of Fire and finally she turned toward the tunnel, and cast Disc o
f Death. Four guards were caught in the circle, and all the rest were hammering away at the spikes which started to bend and split. She cast Chain Lightning at the four guards inside and then equipping her sword she flowed around them, killing them all. Meanwhile, Amy had been shooting arrows at the guards around the disc hoping to keep their attention as the other four began attacking the back of the pack with spells, arrows and swords. The spikes began breaking, and more guards headed toward Leah, but instead of heading for the tunnel she sent Chain Lightning at them and then bringing the sword up she began to move in what Amy later called a 'dance of death'. Some soldiers began to focus on Zack and Thad. Soon everyone was dealing with at least one soldier as Leah continued to move through and around the soldiers surrounding her. She kept moving, and they followed like children around a football, or moths around a flickering flame. Then, as suddenly as it began, it stopped. All the soldiers were dead. Thad looked at Leah and said, “Yep, that was my plan, I said, ‘Let’s not fight safely in the tunnels, let’s put Leah out in the middle of the room so everyone can attack her and then she can kill them all.’ Good plan, well executed.”

  Leah looked sheepish and then walked up to him and looking up into his eyes said, “Your plan was good, I got carried away. I’m sorry. Next time I’ll try and stick to the plan. I promise I’ll try. Will you forgive me?”

  He looked down at her and was suddenly embarrassed and said, “Of course I forgive you. It worked better than I could imagine. I was just concerned that’s all.”

  She reached up and tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Thank you for being concerned.”

  She turned and walked toward Amy who sent her a private message on the rings, “So you worked it out, huh?”

  Leah smiled at her, and replied, “I think I’m starting to.”

  After harvesting the forty guards, Leah walked over to the slaves with Amy and said, “Can you ask them why they are chained up?”

  Amy said, “We have another Goblin Patter Skill why don’t you use it?”

  Everyone agreed, and after using the scroll, Leah asked, “Why are you chained up?”

  They stayed silent, so she asked again; finally one of the Goblin’s said, “We mine the Platinum, but the boss is afraid we will steal it, so we have been made slaves and are made to work for nothing.”

  “What would you do if I set you free? I don’t agree with slavery, and I think people who work deserve to get paid. If you decide to attack us, then we will kill you. So what will you do and where will you go if I set you free?”

  “We have nowhere to go, we will sit here and wait for a new boss. We hope the new boss will pay us. But we think the current boss will kill you and chain us again.”

  “Do you know the way to the other mine near here like this one.”

  “Yes, but it is empty, it will belong to dwarves and humans and elves. They will kill us if we go there.”

  “No, it belongs to us. We have claimed it and own it. If you agree to give us as the owners 50% of what you mine, we will let you keep the rest or we will sell it and give you the money, except what it costs us to move it to the people who buy it. You can live in the mine, or you can just work there. If you agree, then we will give our permission for you to mine. If you steal from us, then we will come back and throw you out.”

  The goblins began chattering back and forth so fast that Leah couldn’t keep up. She turned and saw her group staring at her.

  “What?” She said, “It’s a good idea. They will mine it, and we get half. We don’t want to hang around all the time and mine. Also, I think it’ll be a while until someone finds the mine.”

  Zack said, “We’re not upset, we’re just amazed that you get an eighty-strong workforce for next to nothing and they’re all at a level to mine Platinum. It's cool.”

  Everyone was nodding, so she turned back to the goblins. Their spokesman said, “What about the rest of the slaves in the mine?”

  “We plan to free all the miners.”

  “And our families?”

  “Where are your families?”

  “There is a huge cave on the lowest level, and our families are in a locked enclosure. If you free our families, we will work your mine and give you 75%.”

  Amy stepped forward and said, “50% is enough. We don’t need more to rescue families. We would do that anyway.”

  Leah nodded, and after she repeated it for the others in English, so did Wisp. The three men looked a little less pleased, but they smiled, and after being glared at by Amy, they also nodded. Leah then took a set of keys that one of the guards had on them and began unlocking the chains. She asked that the Goblins remain on the level and asked the spokesman to describe the rest of the mine. As expected, there were eight more levels. They had to descend the main shaft. This was the beginning of the rest period, and all the levels would be congregating in the centre room for food, and then, sleep. When asked what was for food the goblins showed them a bin full of the cave mites. The goblins in the lower caves hunted the mites as a food source. Amy shuddered, but Leah smiled as she thought of their mine soon being denuded of Cave Mites.

  Leah asked for a volunteer to come with them, not to fight, but to show the way and to talk with the other slaves at each level and get an agreement. Two goblins volunteered, and all agreed to descend to the next level after it was cleared.

  Each level down had better quality ore, and several levels produced gems. The further they went down; the higher quality guards they faced. At the lower levels, mages were added to the mix.

  It was fairly straightforward. At each level, they would attack and kill the guards, release the captives after achieving the same agreement. At each level, Leah and Zack were escorted by some miners to the rock face where they mined the quota they needed to finish the Odyssey. Thad couldn't help as he was not at the Expert level yet.

  Six hours later they had finished the all the levels and plundered various hidden storehouses. They had all the coins, the ores, the gems and had rescued the families. Before they left the mine the Nine Elders of the Goblin Community, one from each Level came and promised their service. As they did a message appeared.

  Atherleah, Clan Leader of Clan Guàn

  The nine elders of the Bent Ears Goblin Clan have offered their service to your clan. They will mine the clan mine for 50% of all they mine. In return, you give them permission to enter your mine and to work it. It is expected that you will also provide some security should others attack your mine. Do you accept these terms?

  [Y] [N]

  Leah accepted and received another message.

  Atherleah, Clan Leader of Clan Guàn

  Clan Guàn is now recognised as having over 300 employees. This, in conjunction with your claim of the Platinum Mine, means the clan has achieved Level 4 Status. In light of your increased Level, you are responsible for paying an increased levy toward the maintenance of the Clan system. An amount of three (3) Diamonds is due to be paid within the next ten Dunyanin Days. To achieve Level 5, you must have more than 10 members and have a clan headquarters within Dunyanin

  Clan Achievement: First 100 (1, Sapphire)

  Clan Guàn has achieved Clan Level 2 on its first day in operation

  Reward 1: All current and future members receive +1% to all future experience

  Reward 2: 1 Platinum for the clan coffers

  Clan Fame: 500 Clan Fame Points (500)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: All Clan achievements are public

  Clan Achievement: First 50 (1, Ruby)

  Clan Guàn has achieved Clan Level 3 on its first day in operation

  Reward 1: All current and future members receive +2% to all future experience

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum for the clan coffers

  Clan Fame: 1000 Clan Fame Points (1500)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: All Clan achievements are public

  Clan Achievement: First 10 (1, Diamond)
  Clan Guàn has achieved Clan Level 4 on its first day in operation

  Reward 1: All current and future members receive +3% to all future experience

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond for the clan coffers

  Clan Fame: 2000 Clan Fame Points (3500)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: All Clan achievements are public

  A final notice arrived as the exit door appeared:

  Level 4 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (4, Diamond)

  Atherleah (Level 93), you have completed a hidden Level 4 Area:

  Goblin Mirror Mine of Platin

  You are the first player to complete this area. This is your second, 'First 1 (Diamond)’ achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 93 = 641700 (+38%) Experience Points (136000/136000)…(49181/146000)

  Reward 2: + 3% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 4 x 10 Platinum = 40 Platinum

  Fame: 1000 Fame Points (20000)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  Stunned the six friends entered the octagonal room.


  November 25, 2073 B

  The friends looked at each other, grinning. Leah said, “Well at least we have something to discuss at Zack’s later.”

  They agreed to meet in two real-hours and logged out. Leah arrived back in the Tower and logged out. She grabbed some food and after a few stretches logged back into the Tower. Leah was about to head to her classes when she saw a Chinese lady standing in the Tower watching her, the lady looked to be in her mid-twenties and had long black hair pulled into a tail behind her head. She wore a traditional silk top and silk trousers. The top was red and had a stork embroidered on the right side in gold thread. Her trousers were black. She was wearing silk slippers. Her face was striking, more elegant than beautiful, but flawless in complexion and symmetry.

  Leah smiled and said, “Hello Gèng, I love the outfit and the avatar.”


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