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Page 16

by Tony Corden

  Over a cup of tea and some familiar congee, Leah talked about the last week, about school, the various worlds and about her friends. Jin was interested in the friends and questioned Leah about the boys and Thad most of all. Leah was honest and she appreciated the questions and advice from her mother. After a while her father arrived, he had been fishing. He came in with several large fish and a few crabs.

  After a quick hug, he sat down and said, “It’s strange Jin, when I was fishing I swear I saw our daughter climbing out of the river in her underwear surrounded by a whole group of men.”

  Leah had skipped the slavery part of the story, but after the questioning look from her mother, she told them about Jackson, the party and the slave mine. She mentioned the men who were waiting outside the Pod facility as well as Jimmy’s help. After she was finished, she sat quietly and waited for their reaction. Her mum spoke first, “You did good Ling. You keep doing good. I will pray for you. I don’t want you to go back, but now I think you must, even if that devil Jimmy helps you. But no more underwear, you take proper clothes to swim in.”

  Her father was glaring at the wall, Leah knew this was not a good sign. He rarely lost his temper but when he did then everyone had best watch out. Finally, he said, “Atherleah, named for Athena the Goddess of War and Wisdom. I’ve nothing to say, except, when you need me I’ll be here for you. Now, help me clean these fish.”

  Just like that, everything was all right again. She was loved and she was supported. This was all she had ever wanted from her parents. After breakfast, she helped with the chores. The only difference was Jimmy’s boys, who shadowed her every move.

  After lunch, she sat quietly listening to her mother tell her about the happenings in the Switch over the last week. Gèng interrupted, “Sorry to interrupt Leah but when you have a moment I have an email from the Australian Government you need to read.”

  Leah didn’t let on to her mother, but when a break came she allowed the conversation to end and said, “Excuse me, mum, I have some things to arrange before I go back tonight, is it ok if I spend some time in my room?”

  “Sure, off you go. Better pack your things as your brother is spreading out. Maybe help him clean up.”

  When she got to her room, she said, “Ok Gèng, what’s so important?”

  “I’ll project it into your vision. It is best if you look at a plain wall so that the text is easier to see.”

  Leah looked toward a blank wall and then Gèng projected the letter into her sight.

  To: Citizen Atherleah Carroll FQC3465278 [AI 628B44CE81]

  From: Australian Federal Bureau of Taxation

  Regarding: Unpaid taxes and Negative Taxation Status

  (Reference Number: FQC3465278-1173-001)

  Citizen Carroll,

  It has come to our attention that you are the recipient of virtual income which places you above the minimum threshold for negative taxation. As a recognised adult you must assume the responsibility to fulfil your duties as a citizen. During the previous seven days, a total of 68,992 Virtual Credits was transferred to your account from virtual earnings. This money is considered to be taxable by the Australian Federal Government.

  We assume you have not declared this income due to youthful oversight. To aid you in fulfilling your citizenship responsibilities we provide this assessment and note the following:

  1. Your current tax debt stands at 103,488 Australian Dollars. You have been extended a period of seven (7) days to pay this after which you will be charged interest at a rate of 18.45% per annum, compounding daily.

  2. You are no longer eligible to receive Education Assistance.

  2a. You have 48 hours to vacate the assigned apartment in the Karalee POD Facility. You will be billed for the previous week’s use.

  2b. You owe the Brisbane Community College 40,000 Australian Dollars for the courses that you are currently enrolled in.

  3. As a tax paying adult, you are no longer eligible to receive Negative Taxation Housing Assistance. You have 48 hours to remove your possessions from Assisted Living Apartment 134A-14-45 registered to Michael and Lin Li-Jin Carroll. Should you continue to reside at this domicile you, and your family will be evicted.

  4. Further income must be declared and will be taxed at a rate of 50%, as prescribed in the Australian Federal Taxation Code.

  5. Any reference to this communication in any forum or media may lead to prosecution if it is found to be detrimental to the Australian Federal Bureau of Taxation or the Australian Government in any way.

  Should you require any further information or assistance, please contact the Australian Department of Taxation and quote your ID and the reference number.

  Yours Sincerely,

  Assistant Commissioner of Taxation, Dr C. B. Wilson

  Australian Department of Taxation

  Leah sat there for a few minutes. She had known the Government had a right to tax income but this seemed so impersonal and punitive. She had the money and she could always rent a Pod. She worked out that if she withdrew another eight diamond that would pay the taxes, the additional tax and the Brisbane Community College. She still needed to organise Pod rental and move all her gear to a new Pod. She needed to research her options and she needed time to think. She needed to get back to the Pod.

  She sent a quick message to Jimmy saying she needed to leave soon then she went to discuss things with her mother. Her mother understood and after spending a little time with her brother Leah headed to Jimmy’s. Jimmy was waiting and said, “Rushing back. The only safe way, in daylight, is over the bridge. Can’t this wait?”

  “Sorry, but no! I’ve been evicted from the Pod and have to move out of home. I need to sort through my options and with very little time I need to go Virtual, it’ll increase my useable time by three hundred percent.”

  “How much do you owe?”

  “Just over a hundred thousand but the main issue is dealing with Pod rental and housing.”

  “Stay at home.”

  “I can’t! If I don’t move out, they will evict the family. I need to get back to the facility and see what I can rent and where.”

  “Keep in contact. I've sent for John, he will lead you over the bridge. I’ve people on both sides and we have paid the bridge security to let you through. Still, keep the knives and sticks out of sight.”

  “Thanks, Jimmy. I’ll let you know how it works out.”

  Chapter 4

  Forty minutes later Leah was in the Tower. Her first point of contact was the Pod Facility. She looked up the contact and was sent a virtual address. Gèng provided the portal, and Leah stepped into a reception room. The receptionist was the lady she had seen previously at the steps leading up to the higher levels of the facility.

  “Hello, my name is Atherleah Carroll. I am currently using a Pod at this facility, but my circumstances have changed, and I will be taking up the cost of staying here, could you please tell me what the fees will be?”

  “One moment, ah, here we are. The Government will stop the subsidy on that room and Pod at 11 am, Tuesday, November 28. Unfortunately, we have no vacant Pods available in the foreseeable future.”

  “What about that room, could I take over the rental?”

  “I’m afraid not, the owners are renovating that suite, and it will be out of commission in the foreseeable future.”

  “Do you operate any other Pod centres in Brisbane? Maybe one of those has a vacancy?”

  “Let me check. Our company operates all public Pods in the greater Brisbane area. I’m sorry, but it seems we have no places available for you at any of our centres.”

  “Nothing available, or nothing available for me?”

  “I’m sorry Ms Carroll, but we do have the right to refuse occupancy. If you have any further questions it would be best for you to visit our Corporate Offices, they can be found by a search using the key phrases, ‘Kodoman Group’ and ‘Customer Service.’”

  “I see, thank you for your help.”

ing to the Tower Leah searched for other providers of Pod facilities but was unable to find anything. She would need to buy or rent both a Pod and an apartment. She began searching for something suitable close to the Switch. After several hours of hunting, she was narrowing down her options when Gèng interrupted her.

  “Leah, I took the liberty of installing a basic accounting package, and I’ve been looking through your finances and the Australian Tax Code. I believe I have found a possible solution to your problem. I know you have been looking for a possible residential property, but I would suggest you also consider a commercial enterprise.”

  “Commercial, how does that work?”

  “The Government has several taxation initiatives to encourage education and some to encourage small businesses. These were established more than thirty years ago, yet I can find no place where they have been repealed, amended or scrapped. If you start a commercial enterprise focussed on providing Pod access and education, then you can claim almost fifty percent of the cost as a tax deduction. The reason I mention this is that there is a commercial property near the Switch which has been vacant for the last thirty years. When Pods first came on the market, this property was rezoned as Commercial with a special emphasis on education. The building was remodelled as a Pod Centre, but nobody wanted to buy it because of its location. The heritage society has prevented the government from rezoning the building, and it sits vacant. It is still in good condition because the government has been providing security over the years.”

  “Where is it and how much?”

  “I refer to what was once the Old Water Treatment plant on Rivers Road.”

  “That’s huge, it is larger than this facility. How much would that cost?”

  “It is currently marked for sale at fifty-million dollars, or it is available to lease, as is, for one and a half million dollars a year.”

  “I don’t have that much.”

  “I know, but you must remember that when you sell everything you have collected and Çaresiz opens, then you will have that much.”

  “What about tax?”

  “The various laws will allow you to use all costs as tax deductions. This will include a Pod, security, internet access and the school fees. The government gets the lease money, and you have an option to buy the property at any time.”

  “I’ve already searched for a Pod. A new one costs around 250,000 Credits, that’s twenty-five Diamond. How can I afford that, and the lease?”

  “You have income from the clan mines, and when you sell what you have accumulated you will, I believe, be able to pay the lease. You should see the property and talk with a financial adviser, but I believe it will allow you not only to survive but to prosper. You can rent space for other Pod users.”

  “Can you arrange a virtual walk-through of the property and please find an independent financial advisor for me to see. I should probably do that anyway.”

  Within a few minutes, Gèng had arranged both, and Leah chose to visit the site first. The old plant had several large buildings, two had been converted into spaces suitable for Pods. Power and Internet had been installed in all rooms. One of the other buildings was remodelled as office space, while others were storage areas. There was a large car-parking area and several hundred square metres of lawn. Around the whole property was a three metres high, security fence.

  Gèng then arranged a visit to the virtual showroom of the DMR Pod company. Before entering the portal, she said, “Gèng, do you want to come with me? In your Avatar form?”

  “I am always there.”

  “I know, I was just wondering if you could and if you wanted to?”

  “One moment, I have checked, and it is permissible and yes I would like that, thank you.”

  As Leah walked through the portal, she was joined by Gèng who was clothed in the same style as in the Tower. They were met by a saleswoman who explained over the next hour all the different models and any special features. Leah was excited about the latest models which increased scanning functions. She believed that this might save her needing to make a trip to the medical centre to see what the unintended consequences of the Neural Enhancer Implant might be. After getting all the information and pricing, she and Gèng exited to the Tower.

  “So Gèng, what did that feel like.”

  “It was very constricting, limiting myself to a single perspective was difficult.”

  “We’ll talk more about that later, but now I should see the financial planner.”

  Walking through a portal, she arrived in a well-appointed office with a well-dressed man sitting behind a large desk.

  “Welcome Atherleah, my name is George, and I am a financial planning AI. How can I assist you today?”

  “How secure and confidential is our conversation?”

  “I have the highest level encryption and will never reveal any information, even to my owners.”

  “Your promotional material claims you are independent, do you have any constraints on the advice you give?”

  “Yes, I am constrained to offer advice in line with the law, so nothing shady. The company is non-aligned regarding financial institutions. Once you set the parameters, I will use over thirty different modelling pathways and give you a summary of all options.”

  Satisfied, Leah laid out her situation and the various options she had available. Over the next hour, the advisor questioned her on everything: about her parents, her gaming style, her clothing choices, favourite foods, hobbies, friends and enemies. He then sat back and was silent for almost thirty minutes. Finally, he stirred.

  “I am sorry for the delay. Many of the data points are at the extremes. For example, your earning potential and the possible corporate environment where you will be in opposition to a settled but aggressive competitor. I also needed to seek advice from a taxation accountant. I have provided a detailed document for you on the various options, and I am available to discuss the document.”

  “A verbal summary to start would be good.”

  “Your AI has given you reasonable advice. You have the potential to succeed in the corporate environment, and all the taxation incentives are still in operation. If you are prepared to work hard and game hard you have an 80% chance of successfully achieving your objectives; a place to live, work and study near your family and ongoing financial security. One caveat, this is based on the assumption that your competitors do not step outside the law and that the Government does not change the guidelines or laws. You will also achieve your goals, though on a much smaller scale by renting an apartment and installing a Pod.”

  “If I was to start a company what would my next steps be?”

  “You need to see a corporate lawyer and make sure everything is airtight but if you give them the document I prepared they should be able to do everything within a few hours, and you could even take possession of the property later today. I suggest you have your lawyer do the work. Finally, I suggest you do not allow people to know this was your AI’s idea. There is some evidence that personal AI’s are not able to make such an intuitive leap, this inability is hardwired and not a statement of AI potential.”

  “Do you have the name of a trustworthy, independent, corporate lawyer?”

  “Our company has someone we use. I have given your AI the contact. Be careful though, she is real, not an AI.”

  “AI’s are real. Don’t you mean; she is human?”

  “Indeed! Goodbye, I am always available should you need other advice.”

  Gèng was able to get an appointment with the lawyer for later in the afternoon. Leah had an hour to wait, so she logged out to eat and read the advice. An hour later she was ushered into the office of Susan Drisedale, Solicitor. After a short introduction, Leah handed Susan the advice and waited while she read it. After several minutes Susan began to laugh and then said, “Are you serious, you want to take on the Kodomans?”

  “I don’t want to, I just want to study in peace. But I have only two choices, it's this or something much simpler. I su
ppose I have chosen this because I’m riled they kicked me out of their facility. What do you advise?”

  “Don’t ask me, I think that family needs some serious attitude adjustment or jail time. I just want to know if you realise the scope of what you are starting. You need to find over two million dollars in revenue every year for the next few years at the same time as you study at MIT, the Brisbane Community College and fend off what may be a highly aggressive opposition.”

  “I understand, is it doable?”

  “By most people? No! By you? Maybe! May I visit your world and see some of this ‘loot’? I play in Dunyanin and to be honest if you have this and can prove it to me, I think it will work. I’ll also take my fees in-game.”

  “What do you play?”

  “I’m a human Master Ranger who does enchanting on the side.”

  “Are you free now?”

  “Sure am, I’ve blocked out several hours for you on advice from the financial services group you hired.”

  “Gèng, please give Susan the address to the podium, I wish to arrive with her.”

  “Certainly, I shall meet you in the Tower with some refreshments.”

  Susan and Leah arrived on the podium together, and Susan stood in shock looking around.

  “This is amazing, I’ve never seen a personal world like this except when I visited a developer once. You say your AI has done this, amazing.”

  Together, they walked to the tower and Leah was pleased with the way Susan reacted to everything. For the next hour, they walked through the tower and Leah showed Susan the various treasures. She didn’t show her the material from the Demon’s realm, but she did mention she had more. The final two rooms were new, even Leah had not yet been in them. In the first Gèng had reconstructed the largest of the Adamantine Mamba skeletons. It was curled along the ceiling, there were displays of all the Adamantine and the various jewels. In the final room was the partially reconstructed skeleton of Lord Y’sam Ejderhasi, the treasure chest, the dragon egg and Leah’s suit of Dragon armour.


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