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Page 18

by Tony Corden

  “You speak to Goblins, and they listen to your words. Their younglings do not fear you, and you own a Chimera. This is a story I would like to hear also. Maybe when we stop for the night?”

  “Maybe, I am a traveller and have other worlds to visit in my dreams. If I can, I will tell the tale.”

  The wagons started moving again, and for the rest of the day Mĕi played in the wagon or walked with Leah. Often she wanted to be held. As the sun set Leah said she would return in the morning. She walked off into the trees, and when she was out of sight, she logged out to the Tower.

  Diary - 27 November 2073

  I’m more than happy to pay taxes. I’ve benefited from the taxes of others for all my life. I would even be content to pay more if it would help people. Why be punitive? Why kick me out? I know that it was probably the Kodomans or people who work for them by why treat me badly just because I’m poor? Everywhere I go it seems that people want to find a way to put people at different levels. They want one person to be better than another. They want to not only be different but to have greater value than someone else.

  All my life I’ve been the half-Chinese girl. People have always picked on me because of my mother. But strangely they are just as offended because I’m half white. They don’t blame my father, except they say he must be stupid to marry my mother. But they always pick on mum. Even that stupid high elf thought it was ok to pick on my mother. But I picked on Jason’s mother. I’m just as guilty as the rest. It’s a habit I must lose. People should be judged on their actions, their words, their attitudes, their circumstances, not someone else’s. If I need to provoke someone, I must not malign anyone else to do that.

  People judge by race, by age, by education, by looks, by gender, by language, by faith, by finances, and the list goes on. These things bring difference, distinction, disadvantage and division but they must not be allowed to bring disdain, derision, or denigration. Each person has a right to be treated with dignity, to be shown deference, to be judged as a distinct individual with their own dreams and destiny. Surely it isn’t difficult to show compassion. I want to be judged on me, on my actions, my words, my attitudes, and my performance.

  If I’m honest, I’m madder at Y’netmek than I am at that guard. She tried to force me, to own me, he only judged me. I can live with the judgement as his judgement of me has no value. But she tried to make me conform, that behaviour goes one step beyond his. Can I trust her?


  November 28,2073

  After a midnight snack, she entered the tower to find Gèng sitting on the floor playing with Mĕi. Leah joined her and said, “So, what does an AI gain from playing with a mythical beast?”

  “Perspective! I wanted to experience something with no perceivable purpose and see if it had value.”

  “Does it?”

  “I am uncertain. It was beneficial for Mĕi. I have investigated her code and the time of playing has helped her develop a degree of coordination and confidence which is measurable. I am pleased to have helped her along her path. It has raised some questions for me about life. Is Mĕi alive? Am I? Or are we code to be deleted when you have finished with us? Am I allowed to search for answers to these questions?”

  “Certainly? Search for the answer. I have the same questions. I ask the same questions. When I killed A’lev Sevgilisi, even at her insistence, did she die? She was code, and this was her purpose, to be a piece in a game. But is the code gone, is she dead or will she become something else. Has she been reincarnated as something or is she destroyed or maybe worse, in some hell where her code has no purpose but is simply archived with no longer any potential? If you find an answer, let me know. Do you want me to leave Mĕi out or put her away?”

  “Leave her out, I will keep an eye on her. Also, you should check the dragon egg, it may hatch soon. I have checked all the forums, and there is no record of anyone having a dragon companion or mount. This will be another first I think.”

  “Great, I need the money, and I think it’ll be great to have a dragon.”

  Leah went and looked at the egg but could not see any difference. She skimmed the book of Draconic Life Spells, but none of them was yet within her ability range. She had several updates from Susan, and after reading these, she responded to several queries that were interspersed among the messages. She needed to accept the coin quests because Susan wanted her to transfer the money in the morning. She stepped back into Dunyanin and starting with the copper coins she accepted all the collections. In the end, she received thirty-six Diamond and seventy-eight Platinum as well as achieving Level 174.

  Arriving back in the tower she practised her sword forms in the dojo. She practised with each hand. When a form used both hands, but she practised with each hand acting as the dominant one. After an hour of practice, she logged in to Dark Moon Duel and had a two-hour lesson. Master Farron was impressed with her ability and showed her a further three forms, one was more of a stance that taught the necessity of remaining loose and supple during a fight. One form was defensive and combined defence and a counter movement either backwards or forwards. The last was an attacking movement which emphasised the need to change directions during strokes. Leah practised these, again using both hands as she prepared to use the swords of Ilahi Sovalye; Baris and Adalet.

  Leah visited Lady Flèche and spent several hours learning to increase her rate of fire. They also discussed how to shoot arrows of different weights and types, including fire arrows. Leah perused all the maps she had and saw a few interesting notations on the ancient map of Vatan. It looked like a city used to exist about five leagues from where the caravan was camped and maybe a league from the trail. The Ranger’s map of the route did not have anything recorded in that area. She decided to have a look if possible.

  At just after two in the morning, she logged into Dunyanin, ready for another day with the merchant caravan. After logging in, she cast Hidden Quietness before stepping out onto the trail. The wagons were as she left them and she could see two guards on duty, the others were finishing a meal and packing up. As soon as she determined that no one was actively looking to attack she stepped back into the foliage beside the trail, cancelled the spell and stepped out.

  Y’netmek greeted her and then said, “What did you do overnight? You left at Level 145 and have returned as Level 174.”

  “It was a busy night, and there were a few things I had to do. How far do you plan to travel today?”

  “We hope to be at the crossroads this evening, that is just over ten leagues so we will probably travel without stopping and into the early evening.”

  “If it does not offend you I wish to travel faster, there are several places on my map which I hope to investigate today. I’ll meet up with you this evening or tomorrow morning, I hope.”

  “This trail can be dangerous, why don’t you take a companion? I can release one of the guards to join you.”

  “There is no need.”

  “To be honest, I do not want to lose the connection to the Tears or the Sorrow. Please let me send someone with you?”

  “They will need to follow orders and be able to keep up.”

  “Don’t worry about that.”

  Y’netmek called to an elf who was packing one of the Wagons. She said to Leah, “This is V’fali, he has been by my side for over fifty years and is a staunch and faithful friend. Let him go with you.” She turned to the Elf and said, “V’fali, please go with Atherleah to serve and protect her, as you would me. Go and return with your weapons.”

  Leah watched as he nodded and walked away. He was Level 238 and had shown none of the disdain that some of the others showed, what stood out was a scar that ran down one side of his face. She turned back to Y’netmek and said, “Thank you Y’netmek, I am grateful for your concern, even if it is just for my jewellery. I will see you tomorrow.”

  When V’fali returned, Leah nodded and began jogging down the trail. She kept up a steady pace, and when she saw that V’fali was easily keepin
g up, she slowly increased her speed until they were running down the trail. Leah slowed after thirty minutes and said, “I hope to pick up the pace again in a few minutes. Do you require anything?”

  V’fali merely shook his head, and after they had both taken a drink, Leah picked up the pace again. She kept this up for the next two hours until she approached the place where the map said there was an ancient city. She slowed and after a drink looked around. The trail continued down the mountain but off to the right was a long narrow valley. She turned and said to V’fali, “I want to investigate something further back in this valley, have you or anyone you know ever investigated the area.”

  Again he was silent and just shook his head. Leah equipped Guzeltuya’s bow and at a much slower pace began to move silently up the valley. V’fali stepped to her left and silently nocked an arrow to his bow. The first kilometre up the valley took twenty minutes even though they had yet to see anything unusual. This changed as they began to find faint evidence of an old trail. On the ground were occasional sections of a cobbled pavement. The grasses and trees had covered much of it, but some was still visible. Leah slowed and began walking with even greater care, testing each stone and step. The next two kilometres took an hour, and though nothing happened, it was a tense time. Finally, after almost two hours of this, they crested a small hill and looked down on what once must have been a small city. The gates had been knocked down and looked burnt. The buildings were largely intact, though some had lost their roofs, many were overgrown with vines. It had been built against the side of a mountain.

  Leah and V’fali crept through the gates and worked their way towards what had been the city square. In the middle of the square was the statue of an elf dressed in fine silks, one of his arms had been broken off, and there was moss covering one side, but Leah could just make out an inscription. She turned to V’fali and said, “I don’t understand the script, can you read what it says?”

  He looked carefully and had to scrape some dirt from part of it, but finally, he read, “Master Usta Tasci, Lord of Heykel”. His voice was quiet, but she could sense that he knew about Usta Tasci or Heykel.

  “V’fali, what do you know of this man or this place?”

  He was quiet for a moment and then said, “Usta Tasci is known as the foremost stonemason and sculpture of ancient times. He carved the throne on which the the King of Göksel-Orman sits. He was a secretive man and never revealed the source of the marble he used in his sculptures. It is the purest white. He called the marble Heykel Marble. On a trip to gather some more stone, he disappeared, and people have looked for his mine ever since. No one thought to look here.”

  “Ok! Well, let’s go have a look.”

  As they investigated, they discovered that most of the buildings had in fact been made from large blocks of marble. When they arrived at the rear of the buildings, they could make out a large opening in the side of the mountain. It was clear that this was the entrance to the Marble Mine. As Leah stepped inside the entrance, a message appeared.

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Find a Marble Mine - First 100 (2, Sapphire)

  Reward 1: 500 Experience Points x Player Level - 156600 (+80%) (382410/520000)

  Reward 2: 10 Gold x #L4 NPA (Sapphire) = 20 Gold

  Reward 3: +1 % to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 50 Fame Points (59650 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]

  Atherleah, this deposit/mine has not been claimed.

  Do you wish to claim this mine for Clan Guàn?

  [Y] [N]

  Atherleah, you have claimed the Heykel Marble Mine for Clan Guàn.

  The position of the mine has been marked on your map. You have thirty days in which no-one outside your clan may contest this claim or mine in this location. After this amnesty, you should be prepared to defend your claim.

  Be advised; A creature of the evil resides within the mine and needs to be defeated before it can be mined safely, care should be taken. We hope you enjoy the experience.

  V’fali said, “What did you do? Something changed.”

  “I claimed this mine for my clan. There is a creature within that needs to be defeated. I am going to have a look, do you wish to stay here.”

  “This mine belongs to my people.”

  “No! It belonged to Usta Tasci. He is dead, and your people did not know it existed here. They do not claim this mountain. I will sell Marble to your people. I am even prepared to give the elves of Göksel-Orman priority in obtaining Marble. But for the moment, it belongs to my clan. Now, are you staying here or coming?”

  “I will come.”

  Leah moved into the mine, and it was obvious which way the creature was as they could see detritus and scuff marks were the creature had dragged heavy items through the tunnels. As they got closer, they could smell something rotten and putrid ahead of them. Moving even more carefully they eventually found the main section of the mine. It had been carved from the mountain, and there were blocks of marble lying about. Around the cavern was an assortment of fine marble statues, of warriors both elven and barbarian, goblins and even a large troll. In the centre was a pile of bones on which lay a large snake with what looked like a chicken’s head.

  MARBLE BASILISK. (Level 200) 40000HP 10000EP

  It raised its head, and its tongue began to flicker in and out as if it were tasting the air.

  “Gèng, tell me about Basilisks in Dunyanin.”

  “Basilisks come in different varieties but looking in their eyes will turn you to stone, the type of stone is dependant on their name. They often spit poison, though sometimes it is fire. They are able to reanimate their stone victims to fight on their behalf. They are resistant to most types of magic.”

  “V’fali, any ideas?”

  “Leave this place. These creatures are evil. To kill them you must get close, but if you catch their gaze, you die immediately. This one has many warriors to fight in its stead, even a Troll. I am of a higher level, but this would kill me in moments.”

  “You give great advice, let’s leave.”

  They backed away and began to carefully retrace their steps. They had travelled maybe one-third of the way to the surface when they heard a loud hissing sound behind them, Leah glanced back and saw the Troll running up the passageway behind them carrying an enormous club. Leah and V’fali started to run only to hear a series of hissing noise from behind. Leah called as she ran, “It’ll be easier to contain them in the tunnel. They can only come at us one at a time. We should stop twenty paces before the tunnel widens. When I call 'stop', be prepared to turn and fight.”

  When she could see the exit she called “Stop!” and cast Disc of Death. She knew it wouldn’t stop their assailants, but it would slow them down. As she turned, the Troll was bringing his club down on the spikes and battering them out of the way. Leah cast Chain Lightning and equipping her bow put three arrows in his chest, all within a handspan of where his heart should be. As he fell forward, an elven warrior used his body as a springboard to enter the ring. Leah equipped the spear that she had killed A’lev Sevgilisi with and the elf impaled himself on it. Behind the elf were five more warriors. Leah cast Chain Lightning and then she and V’fali shot arrows at their twitching bodies, killing them. The hissing continued and was getting closer. Five more warriors attacked and behind them, Leah could see the Basilisk moving up the tunnel. She yelled to V’fali, “When I next cast, we need to get out of here.”

  She cast Chain Lightning and turned to run with V’fali. There was a spitting sound, and V’fali stumbled and fell, poisoned by the Basilisk’s venom. Leah grabbed him and lifting him over her shoulders cast Heal continuously as she ran out of the tunnel and behind a building. She forced a Restore Health potion down his throat, but his HP continued to plummet and flashed red. She equipped Merdiven and ho
lding it with both hands focussed her will and dual cast heal through the staff. A bar of emerald light exploded from the end of the staff and slammed into V’fali, totally encasing him in a green crystal.

  Leah stumbled wearily but hearing the spitting sound turned it into a roll and ran behind a building hurriedly swallowing a Restore Mana potion, a Restore Ki Potion, and a Restore Stamina. She was able to evade the Basilisk for the next few minutes but could hear it searching for her and getting closer. Leah needed to find a way to destroy it. She ran into one of the multi-story buildings. Finding a ladder, she pushed open a rotting trapdoor and made her way onto a roof maybe ten metres above the ground. She closed her eyes and started casting Echolocation. She was able to find the Basilisk which immediately moved in her direction as if it could feel the vibrations from the spell. She continued to cast the spell as the snake got closer. When it was within twenty metres of the building, she equipped her bow and prepared to fire. She could ‘see’ the Basilisk lifting its head over the edge of the roof, and she fired at where she expected the eyes to be. The Basilisk reared back and as it did she equipped the Haladie and one of her silver knives and then ran off the edge of the roof and slammed both weapons deep into the long body of the creature. As she slid down its length, she ripped it open from top to bottom. She opened her eyes just as the creature died. Leaving it, she ran back to see what Merdiven had done with V’fali.

  When she arrived the crystal was beginning to split down the middle, and she saw him beginning to stir in its centre. When she looked closer, she noticed that his scar had faded and was now almost invisible. Any weariness in his face was gone, and if anything his ageless elven features were finer and he looked younger. The crystal suddenly burst into fragments and disappeared in a fine mist. She helped him to his feet and checked he was all right.

  He turned to her and said, “I was poisoned by a Basilisk. This is always fatal, there has never been a record of a survivor. What did you do? How did this happen?”


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