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Page 21

by Tony Corden


  "Or nothing! This is my expectation."

  "Well, Good talk, Meredith. I appreciate it. Blunt, but straight to the point. I'll think about it."

  Leah got up to leave, and the Gorgian stepped forward.

  Leah said, "Step back, Fido. I said I'd think about it. Ok."

  She turned and sat back down and said, "I've thought about it. No!"

  Meredith said "No?"

  "That's right, No!"

  "That is unfortunate. You should know that this sets you at odds with me and my friends. There is nowhere you will be safe, I will destroy you and your family. Dunyanin is mine. When I find you, I will kill you. This world is mine. Run, I will give you one week and then I will find you and kill you here as well."

  "Now that was all supposed to come after I said, 'or?' Then, it would have made you sound, wicked and evil, but now you come across as merely petulant. Is there anything else or was that it?"

  When Meridith said nothing, Leah stood and walked outside. As she left, she passed another Gorgian entering the room. She touched a button on her comm unit and heard Meridith say, "When we finish here, find her and kill her." Leah was glad she had left the small bug under the table. It had cost her 200 Gold, and already it was coming in useful.

  She decided to listen in on the conversation. She heard Meridith say, "Welcome, Packlord Filtiarn! Please join me."

  "Well met Packleader Mahigan. Who was the cub?"

  "An annoyance, nothing more. She will not see the night, nor howl in my presence ever again. How may I serve?"

  "Stop attempting humility Mahigan, it doesn't suit you. Did you receive the plans for our invasion?"

  "Yes, Kurt here picked them up earlier today from the drop point. I haven't reviewed them yet."

  "You will need the following code, VILKAS-42316, this will unlock the cube. We need you to provide the support as indicated. If your fleet helps in this way, we will give you this sector to rule. How many ships will you bring?"

  "I will bring my whole fleet. I have five months and hope to double my fleet by then. You promised to provide a full set of your empire's star charts, is that on the cube."

  “No, our charts are extensive. Instead, we are giving you a new Corvette and have loaded all the charts into its memory. The keycard your servant picked up is the owner's chip for a starship. It is at Bay 127A on Level 6, use the same code to enter."

  Leah didn't wait any longer but set off at full speed toward the outer concourse. She contacted Gèng and said, "Overlay the route to Level 6 Bay 127A on my vision and find me an independent qualified Captain who can fly the ship. I want them to meet them there immediately."

  As she ran, she listened to the two continue their discussion. As she arrived on the sixth level, she heard them begin to wind up the conversation. She was at Bay 123B when she heard Merideth say, "Give me the keycard and data chip."

  She passed Bay 126A when the Gorgian said, "It's gone. When she took my belt, she must have taken the card and chip."

  As she arrived at Bay 127A, she heard Merideth screaming for them to find her and kill her slowly. She slowed and walked into Bay 127A to find the Bay empty. Gèng said, “I have been unable to find a Captain on such short notice. I suggest you claim the ship and disappear. They need the Keycard to take the ship, and the game mechanics will not allow them to damage or enter it if you are not on board.”

  Leah entered the airlock and waited as it cycled. When it opened, there was a closed door in front of them with a keypad. Leah swiped the card and entered the code. The door opened.

  Leah said, “Gèng, can you direct me on where to enter the owner's chip."

  Gèng checked various manuals and directed Leah to the bridge. Leah sat in the central chair and placing her hand on a palm reader, inserted the chip. After a moment a voice said, "Welcome Atherleah. You are the new owner of this brand new Meridian Corvette 6000. You need to register a name for your vessel."

  “Please name the vessel ‘Annoyance’.”

  “That name is unique. Your registration is complete. Your AI has been given control of the Annoyance. Enjoy your day.”

  Gèng said, “I have full control. We need a qualified pilot to leave the dock. All fees are paid for the next month. If you leave now, they can’t do anything to the ship until they find you, and get the owners chip.”

  Leah grabbed the chip, shoved it in the top of her boot and left the bridge at a run. Ten minutes later she was on the lowest deck of the station hiring a room for the night As she prepared to log out,

  Gèng said, “You have a call from Mahigan the Black.”

  “Ignore it. Let’s leave for a while. I have a lot of research to do before I have any chance of escaping the station.”

  Leah appeared in the Tower and immediately began to study the world of Cosmos Online. Cosmos Online was galactic in scale, and there was talk of a new development soon which allowed inter-Galactic travel to Andromeda and the Magellanic Clouds. There was no levelling as such, growth was measured in skills attained and technology acquired. The Meridian Corvette that Leah had taken from Mahigan was the largest vessel capable of being flown solo although it was recommended for a crew of eight to ten. To buy new, it would cost in the region of fifty Rhodium or 50,000,000 Virtual Credits. Leah considered simply selling it, but somehow that wasn’t as satisfying as learning to fly it and exploring a whole galaxy. Most spacecraft in the game were not equipped to leave their home system. Ships like the Annoyance, however, could make use of a faster-than-light (FTL) drive system called a Quantum Drive. The Quantum Drive allowed a ship to leave this physical universe and move through what was called Plankian Space. Travel was not instantaneous.

  FTL speeds depended on the type of Quantum Drive the ship possessed and was related to the wavelength and frequency of the ship in Plankian Space. Leah’s Ship had a Type 3 Drive and a calculation of density (ρ) and velocity (v) when the ship engaged the drive allowed the Annoyance to achieve a Relative Velocity (V) of V = c(βvh/ρ)^3, where c was the speed of light, h was Plank’s constant and β was the Broglie constant for the Quantum Drive. Very roughly, in the case of the Annoyance, this equated to a speed of ‘x’ cubed times the speed of light where x was the translation velocity as a multiple 100000 m/s. If the Annoyance were able to translate while travelling at one million m/s, then her relative velocity would be 1000c or 1000 times the speed of light. If she were travelling to a star system 50 light years away, then the trip would take her just over two and a half weeks. If she could reach a translation speed of two million m/s, then the same trip would take less than two and a half days.

  Mahigan was considered one of the top five players and owned a 200 plus private fleet. She was the involved in numerous business ventures including mining and security. Mining in Cosmos Online was able to be done by a single player working as an Asteroid Miner with a simple Laser equipped Jackhammer or using enormous mining ships which could devour whole asteroids at a time. The need for metals was unending as the demand for new ships, stations and weapons continued to outgrow the supply.

  Many people played for the opportunity to explore the galaxy, finding new planets and discovering new and exciting technologies. Others joined for the martial side of the game. They fought aliens, but also each other. The six races other than humans were in constant war with each other, and they often used mercenary troops to help in campaigns. A well-equipped mercenary could find an opportunity to fight almost every single day. Travel between systems took time, however, and so many people never left their starting planet but maintained multiple identical avatars, one in each system of interest; skills, money, personal weapons and armour were transferable between characters, ships and anything that was useable by more than one person was not transferable. The fee Leah had paid allowed her to have two avatars. There was no upper limit to the number of avatars you could have, as long as you were prepared to pay for the privilege.

  Packlord Filtiarn was an NPC and was in control of the Fi
ltarian home fleet stationed around their homeworld of Lyall, 402 light years from Earth in the Constellation Canis Major. One of Mahigan’s Avatars commanded a Starfighter Battalion in his fleet. It was reported that his presence in the 55 Cancri system was a detour on his way home from a mission to Nagendra the home planet of the Lizard analogue who were called Nagendrians. Nagendra was in the Constellation Draco. His mission had been to seek help in the war against the Teldarians. It was unknown what the outcome of the mission had been.

  Leah’s head was spinning when she stepped out of the Pod. She was a little startled that her mother was waiting, so she had a quick shower and got dressed. She explained that she was only out for the next 20 minutes and then she would be in the Pod for another three hours. She looked around and saw that the room equipped with a microwave and some cooking facilities. Her mother explained that the adjoining suite had been transformed into a bedroom and that Jin expected to stay there for at least a week to check on Leah. Leah was aware that her independence was likely to be a little curtailed, but she loved her mother being around. After looking at her mother’s room, she said that Gèng would let Jin know when Leah was almost ready to exit the Pod.

  Before Leah re-entered Dunyanin, she texted Thad and the others and invited them to the tower at midnight. On arriving in Dunyanin, she expected Y’netmek to be gone, but she could still see the caravan through the trees. She walked out, and everyone began to pack up ready to leave. She found Y’netmek and said, “I thought you would be gone by now?”

  “V’fali would not leave without you. He has declared you K’lbimizin. After hearing his tale and seeing the wonder of Heykel, for we travelled there yesterday to see it, we also decided to wait for you.”

  “What is the meaning of K’lbimizin?”

  “It means you are of our heart, that you are High Elf and of noble line. You are to be followed and protected. He has declared you his Lady. This is a declaration of fealty, not affection. In our land, you have no say in this, it is his declaration, and he will determine how to meet his obligations.”

  Leah looked over at V’fali who was listening to the conversation a few steps behind Y’netmek, and she said, “Fine. I suppose then I will travel toward Göksel-Orman with you. I calculated it would take me five days, how long will it take the Caravan?”

  “Usually we travel at a slower pace, but as you have a deadline, we can make the trip in six days travelling fast.”

  According to Leah’s ancient map, there was an older trail that looked shorter than the one used in this age. Y’netmek planned to follow a track beside the river. In earlier days there was a direct route that was less than two-thirds the distance. Leah said, “Why have your people abandoned the Old Trail to Göksel-Orman?”

  Leah explained that she had an older map of the area and it had an almost direct road joining the junction and Göksel-Orman. Y’netmek looked surprised and then said, “There is talk of the Road of Kings. The path you describe would go through the Valley of Despair, and no High Elf has willingly entered the valley in Millennia. It is rumoured that the valley was destroyed and cursed by Mage Orumeck as he and Guzeltuya fled her father. The army her father had sent was destroyed in the valley. It is said that they inhabit it still. Any who enter, never leave.”

  Gèng checked the various user sites, and there was no mention of either the Road of Kings or the Valley of Despair. Leah said, “I plan on making my way down the Road of Kings. I understand that it is unsuitable for the caravan. I thank you for waiting, but I believe this is the best path for me. I will leave to find the Road after we have travelled two or so leagues.”

  Y’netmek didn’t try to dissuade Leah but walked away to get everything moving. As they travelled, Leah said to Y’netmek, “Y’netmek, you seem to have accepted my leaving without any argument. Two days ago you would have done anything to dissuade me.”

  “If indeed you are K’lbimizin, then such a journey is not only your right, it is your duty. Only the King can limit one so named. It is possible that some of us may even join you on the journey. Travelling with a K’lbimizin is an honour.”

  Two hours later Leah could see the geographical landmarks which matched the start of what she now knew was called, the Road of Kings. She said goodbye to Y’netmek and began to jog toward a small gap in the low lying hills to the left of the trail. V’fali and three others joined her. She stopped and turned to them and said, “I understand that you wish to join me. If you come, I expect that you will do as I ask. If not then it is best you stay here.”

  They all nodded, and she walked with them a while discussing their strengths and weaknesses. Besides V’fali there was C’sur, S’glam and S’abit. S’glam and S’abit were brothers and were recognised as the best scouts in the caravan, Leah sent them out ahead. C’sur was considered the best archer in the group and was an accomplished fire mage. He walked on her right and a little behind while V’fali walked on her left.

  As they approached the small valley, they could see the remnants of the road. It was overgrown, and trees had grown through the road in places, tearing up the stones. Leah felt comfortable in moving rapidly, and the five were soon jogging down the road. After two leagues she stopped for lunch. So far there had been no MOB’s of any sort even though they could hear birds and insects as they ran.

  S’glam and S’abit set off a few minutes before the others, and it was with some surprise that Leah saw them stopped in the middle of the road some twenty minutes later. They did not look to be in danger but stood at the top of a rise staring forward. When the three joined them, they also stopped to stare at the sight. About 100 metres down the next slope the Road was in pristine condition. Standing at the beginning of the Road were four stone statues, they were all High Elves and dressed in armour. As the five walked down the slope, the four statues began to lose their granite appearance, and took on the colour and look of life. Leah stopped several paces before what were now four High Elf Warriors.

  Leah realised that she was standing in front of the warriors alone. Her companions had disappeared. One of the warriors noticed her gaze said, “Your attendants will greet you at the end of the road, should you survive. Are you ready for your trial?”

  “Sir, could you explain the trial?”

  “This is the Road of Kings. You must travel from one end to the other, taking the seven steps of a ruler without failing, and without dying. This is the Trial. None have taken it since Orumeck, who in his failure, tainted the fourth step. None have taken the Road since his time.”

  “Sir, what do I need to be ready?”

  “You must know yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your success, your failures, your tools, your mind, your heart and your people.”

  “How long is the Journey? I am a Traveller and must leave this world for a time every nine hours. I have five hours left before I must leave. I can have a break now and then return.”

  “You are given one hour for each step. Return here after the sun rises tomorrow. I suggest you get to know your swords; you have yet to master them.”

  Leah bowed and took several steps backwards and found the warriors once again turned to stone. Her companions were still missing. She moved back over the hill and found a small clearing. She equipped Baris and Adalet.

  Baris was longer than Adalet and had a longer grip for use with both hands. The seventy-centimetre blade was slightly curved and resembled pictures she had seen of Japanese Katana. Adalet had a similar shape, but the blade was only forty-five centimetres in length. She decided to practice first with Baris and work through her forms. As she drew Baris from its scabbard, she felt her whole body tingle, she looked around and found herself in large area that reminded her of her dojo in the tower. Several people were practising hand to hand combat, and one couple were sparring with swords. As she looked around, a woman dressed all in white walked into the room and over to Leah. Leah could feel her presence as she got closer.

  “Finally, an aspirant! So Atherleah, you have come hold
ing my sacred swords and wish to become my Paladin?”

  “With respect, No! I have come to tame my swords, and I don’t know who you are.”

  “I am Utsal, goddess of Light and Truth. Those belong to my Paladin.”

  “They belonged to your Paladin, past tense, but you lost them. I have them now.”

  “But are you worthy of them? If you are, then you can serve me as Paladin.”

  “With respect, I already follow a God. I cannot be your Paladin.”

  “Then you must leave, this is my temple. Leave the swords.”

  “I will be happy to leave. You brought me here so just show me the way out. The swords go with me.”

  “You are impertinent.” Utsal waved her hand, and Leah felt Baris jerk in her hands.

  She held on. Baris began to slip in her fingers, so she moved her stance to hold it two-handed. Utsal made the motion again but this time with greater force. Leah changed her stance so that her body was aiding in keeping Baris in her hands. She calmed her mind, activating her Ki to help resist.

  Utsal brought her hands together and formed a sword similar to Baris. She said, “I will have to take them from your body.” With that, she began to attack Leah. Leah raised Baris to defend herself and then had to work for the next few minutes just to keep Utsal from killing her. After several minutes of sparring Leah was worn out, she had several cuts on her arms and legs, but she firmly held onto Baris. Leah hadn’t managed to get a touch on Utsal. Utsal stepped back and said, “This is taking too long. Prepare for the end.” She then formed a second shorter sword from air and stepped toward Leah. Leah drew Adalet and began to use both swords in a combination of the Filipino stick fighting and the sword forms from Dark Moon Duel. After several minutes Utsal finally got through the defence and cut Leah’s arm causing her to drop Baris. She then attacked with both swords and disarmed Leah of Adalet as well.


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