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Page 24

by Tony Corden

  As time began, she became aware of the tension in her squad as they waited. Korucu eased next to her and whispered, “They have two guards on the roof and five or six wandering the gardens. The boundary wall is topped with broken glass. I don’t think they expect anything, these are the usual precautions. I believe the slaves are kept in the Eastern wing of the main house although there is talk of a basement where punishments take place.”

  He then drew a schematic of the villa, showing the position of the guards and the various entrances. The position of the slave quarters and the supposed entrance to the basement. Leah, U’sak and Korucu discussed various options and plans before agreeing on the method of assault. Leah would teleport to the roof and neutralise the two guards. From there she would kill one of the perimeter guards at the place the squad would be climbing over the wall. They would then kill the other ground guards before heading to the slave quarters.

  Everything went as planned and fifteen minutes later Leah and Korucu were at the entrance to the slave quarters. Leah picked the lock, and they sidled inside. The room was long and narrow. Along one wall were a row of cages. In each cage were between three and five slaves, elves, humans, and dwarves. While Korucu checked if the mother and child were in the building, Leah began to open the cages, explaining that they were being released if they wanted their freedom but they needed to be quiet. When Korucu returned, he shook his head and said that new slaves were apparently kept in the basement for the first few weeks to train them. Leah organised the slaves into eight groups and said that each group would have a member of her squad who would lead them to a rendezvous point outside the city while she checked the basement. As she stepped outside, she saw her squad kneeling and the whole courtyard filled with Desert Warriors, all with nocked arrows pointing at her and the squad. She then noticed that U’sak wasn’t kneeling but was standing near the leader of the Elves.

  He said, “Sorry Sef, but you were leading us to our deaths. This way we have a hope of restoring peace.” He then nodded to someone behind Leah, and as she turned, she saw Korucu’s fist descending. She started to step to the side, and everything went still.

  She was standing before another High Elf wearing a golden crown. He said, “Atherleah, I judge you unworthy. You failed to keep control of your squad. U’sak and Korucu mutinied and had to do your job for you. They tried to bring peace. In the end, they were not successful. If you are to lead, you must earn the trust of your people not simply order them around. Your actions led to your capture and the enslavement of the remaining members of your squad. You were naive. Prepare yourself for the fourth trial.”

  He disappeared, and Leah was chained to a wall, she could see the remainder of her squad, bound and in a cage. A Desert Elf was stoking a fire in the corner. Everything was still.

  Sef Atherleah, you and your On’dan have been captured. You are in the basement of a villa owned by Kum Firtinasi, First Prince of the Dunes in the slave city of Esir Sehri.

  This time as the text began to scroll it also started to flicker. This time when it disappeared time did not resume. There was another flicker to one side, and Leah turned at found herself looking at Suzluk, Goddess of despair. Suzluk said, “The fools. This step of the Road was made mine by the curse of Orumeck. It is mine, and now you are mine. Kum Firtinasi has been my follower for many years. He has experience at destroying someone’s will. When he has finished with you, he will give what is left to me. Know this, whenever you log in to Dunyanin you will be here, with me. Oh yes, I know the truth of this world. You can log out, but you will never again enjoy it here. Your only other option is to cancel your subscription and start again. But I have contacts even in your world. I will find your new identity and ruin that also. By the way, one of my followers, by the name of Merideath says that you should respond to her message or the pain you feel here will be multiplied in every world in the virtual universe. She also wanted you to know that unless you respond soon then you will find that your enrolment at MIT is cancelled.”

  Leah’s features slumped, and she was about to log out when she saw two more figures curled up in a cage in the corner, one was an elven woman and the other a young elven child. She steeled herself and then looked into the shadow that hid Suzluk’s face and said, “What of the woman and her child?”

  “They will be branded as slaves and sold. The woman will go to some harem and the child to the mines. If she survives till womanhood, she will most likely end up in the brothels. Her code may even be sold elsewhere in the virtual universe. Young innocents are a valuable commodity.”

  Leah allowed her shoulders to slump again. Time resumed, and the desert elf looked up and the prostrated themselves before Suzluk. She said to him, “Get your master. I have instructions for him.”

  As he rushed out of the room, Leah called out to her squad, “Are you all ready to leave this place?”

  Suzluk turned to Leah and said, “They will never leave this place.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you. Bitch!”

  “Defiant, how are you defiant? Watch while I tear the girl into small pieces before your eyes.”

  As Suzluk turned away, Leah teleported herself out of the chains and a pace behind Suzluk. She equipped Adalet in her right hand and a vial of Basilisk poison in her left. She tossed the vial toward Suzluk at the same time as she brought Adalet up. Adalet broke the poison vial and continued through and into the neck of Suzluk, but even Adalet wouldn’t cut through the neck of a Goddess. Leah dropped a Crystal of Isolation to prevent Suzluk from leaving. Suzluk’s health was at 60%, and she stared at Leah, Leah equipped a vial of the Adamantine Poison and throwing this at Suzluk brought Adalet around and cut the other side of the neck. She then dual-cast Freeze at Suzluk’s neck and equipping Merdiven brought the Morningstar around and slamming into the side of Suzluk’s head. The neck shattered and the head went flying. Suzluk’s health plummeted as Leah walked over to the head. She took her Haladie and drove it through the top of Suzluk’s skull.

  She stared down at the lifeless body. Everything went still, and she appeared in a throne room standing before seven seated High Elf Kings and Queens. She recognised the three who had talked to her.

  The central figure stood and said, “Atherleah, Godslayer. Are you prepared for our judgement?”

  “Prepared, yes. But know this, despite your previous judgements I would still do the same things. Any nation that gives up the least of its citizens so the rest can live in peace is not a nation I want to be a part of. Any nation that can stand by and watch a woman be violated and they do nothing is not a nation that I want to be a part of. Any nation that uses treachery and the sacrifice of others to save themselves is not a nation I want to be a part of. If those things are what makes the difference between a High Elf and a kir, then I am proud to be called kir.”

  “Atherleah, we find you worthy. Even though you have only finished four of the tests. In each, we see the characteristics that we value in our rulers, compassion, faithfulness, courage, wisdom and strength. None wanted to declare you unworthy, but this has always been our way. We must know you can be strong, though all reject you. You must be able to rule when everything is against you. Orumeck gave in to despair and made Suzluk his God, he gave her power over the road. You have destroyed her. Even now one of her high priests has ascended to the Pantheon. Beware, they will still hunt you. You have walked the Road of Kings, We name you K’lbimizin. We name you Markiz. We name you Lady of the Forest.”

  The Elf to his right said, “Markiz Atherleah, we mark you as a Lady of the High Elves.” A vibrant green orb rose from his hands and drifted towards Leah, She reached out a hand and touched the orb. The green sank into her hand, and a verdant tattoo of vines and forest flowers appeared on her hand and spread up her arm, she could feel it tingling the skin as it spread all over her body. After a few moments, it faded and disappeared.

  The Elf said, “It is visible to all who rule in the High Forests.”

  The Queen who stood to the left
of the first speaker stepped forward and said, “By tradition, each Royal House of the High Elves must provide four Warriors to serve as bodyguards for the King. Though the tradition is still practised, the houses forget that these warriors are those who have attended their Lord on the Walk. Receive your servants.”

  V’fali, C’sur, S’glam and S’abit all appeared and were dressed in a similar fashion to the four elves who guarded the walk. As one they all stepped forward and said, “Markiz Atherleah, K’lbimizin, Godslayer. We pledge our lives to your service and to the safety of the King.”

  Before she could say anything, they rose and stood two on each side of her. The central King said, “Farewell Markiz Atherleah, one step will bring you to the hill that overlooks Göksel-Orman. No one has stepped on the Hill of Trials since the time of Orumeck. Wait there until the Elven Court arrives. Do you have any questions?”

  “Only one! Did the mother and child survive?”

  “A worthy question! The answer is yes. The child grew and married a prince of the Royal House. The current King is her descendant. Now go and be welcomed by your people.”

  Leah took a step backwards, and everything disappeared. She was standing on a hill overlooking a valley. In the valley, she could see the outlines of buildings, all carefully woven among the trees. From her skin, the tattoo suddenly flared with light, and a bright green orb rose from her head and hung over the hill. She waited, but nothing else happened. She did hear several cries echoing up from the valley. She turned to the four elves and said, “I didn’t mean to leave you, were you alright, what did you do?”

  V’fali responded, “We watched your trial K’lbimizin. We were told to consider if we would serve one such as you. This was the easiest decision of my life. Now we must stand watch over the hill, lest any disturb you. May we take our leave?”

  “Certainly, thank you for your service. I trust you will be content to watch the king?”

  “My Lady, there is no greater honour in all the elven lands.”

  As he and the others took up post, Leah told Gèng she would read the messages now.

  Stab (Brain/Death Stroke) (0/730600)

  You have killed Suzluk, Goddess of Despair

  Experience Points Received 1497730 (+105%) (605000/605000) … (357755/615000)

  World Achievement: First 1 (3, Painite)

  God Slayer

  Atherleah (Level 191) You have slain the Goddess Suzluk. This is your third World Achievement: 'First 1 (Painite)’.

  You are the first player to slay a God.

  Reward 1: 10000 x 193 = 3956500 (105%) Experience Points (615000/615000) …(549255/645000)

  Reward 2: + 10% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 3 x 10 Diamond = 30 Diamond

  Fame: 15000 Fame Points (100300)

  You have achieved the title: God Slayer

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Quickest to Achieve 100000 Fame - First 1 (3, Diamond)

  You have completed the Achievement Quickest to Achieve 100000 Fame. You have surpassed the previous fastest by a period of 53 Dunyanin Days.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 199 = 2139250 (+115%) Experience Points (645000/645000) … (78505/680000)

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum x 3 = 30 Platinum

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (100800)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Atherleah, you achieved over 100,000 Fame points. You are now recognisable throughout the realm by NPC’s and Travellers alike. Depending on their race and affiliation you will be treated with reverence or fear.

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Quickest to Reach Level 200 - First 1 (2, Diamond)

  You have completed the Achievement Quickest to Reach Level 200. You have surpassed the previous fastest by a period of 32 Dunyanin Days.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 203 = 2212700 (+118%) Experience Points (680000/680000) … (197205/720000)

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum x #L4 NPA (Diamond) = 20 Platinum

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (101200)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 5 Dungeon (Trial) Achievement: First 1 (4, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 207), you have completed a Trial:

  The Road of Kings

  You are the first player to finish this Trial. This is your fourth, 'First 1 (Painite)’ achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 207 = 2287350 (+121%) Experience Points (720000/720000) … (294555/750000)

  Reward 2: + 4% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 4 x 1 Diamond = 4 Diamond

  Fame: 5000 Fame Points (106200)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  After reading the messages, Leah sat and meditated on her day. In one day she had amassed the same number of Diamonds as before. She was disturbed however by Suzluk’s reference to Merideath. More so that the goddess had known about MIT and was aware of the real world and the virtual universe. She had never considered that an AI within one world might affect what happens in another. She asked Gèng to forward a transcript and AV copy of Suzluk’s threat to Safety Oversight AI 4.

  Gèng said, “Safety Oversight AI 4 would like to visit you in the Tower when you are finished here. She asked permission to bring several acquaintances of hers.”

  “Tell her that it will be fine as long as they will keep my privacy, for whatever its worth these days.”

  “She agrees. Also, you have a voice message from Amy.”

  “Play it.”

  “Girl, I know that was you. God Slayer, really! Why am I stuck on this side of the mountains? The whole team is here, and we just want to know how to get your luck. Well done. We miss you.”

  Leah pulled out her map of Ancient Vatan and looked along the route from Pazar to Ticareti. She noted several areas where there was an old castle, a mine or a trade road. After checking with Gèng on what had been found already, she asked Gèng to send a message to Amy.

  “Hi Amy, God Slayer is not the name I would have chosen. Still, it is only one of several titles I picked up today. If you were interested in luck, then I suggest heading to Ticareti and one league after you cross the first stream, turn right and head inland for a league. You might have some luck and find and old castle. If that doesn’t work out then when you get back on the main trail look for the remains of an older trail about halfway to Ticareti. It might, if you're lucky, lead you to a mine, and if my guess is correct, there will be another trade route from the old mine directly to the outskirts of Ticareti. These are only guesses by the way. I’ll see you soon in Cosmos Online. Bye.”

  As she finished, she noticed that her four warriors had moved to the part of the hill facing the city. She stood and could see what had caught their attention. There was a procession of elves leaving the city and beginning to make their way through the forest toward the hill. She sat down and continued to meditate as it would be almost an hour for the elves to reach the top. Forty-five minutes later, V’fali came close and said, “Excuse my interruption, K’lbimizin, the King and his court approach.”

  Leah stood and said, “Am I supposed to kneel or bow?”

  “You are named K’lbimizin, you are named Markiz, you are named Lady of the Forest. You may bow the head with respect, but nothing more. I will introduce you if I may.”

  “Thank you V’fali, that would be appreciated.”

  It took another twenty minutes for the large group to arrange themselves facing Leah and her four attendants.
Finally, V’fali stepped forward and went to one knee before his king and said, “King I’hali E’lfler Ustasi, Lord of the Forest, Lord of Yesil Adalar. I present to you Markiz Atherleah, Noble of the Road of Kings, named K’lbimizin and Lady of the Forest, the Lady of Heykel, Dragon Slayer and God Slayer.”

  Leah bowed her head then looked at the King. His face was mostly unreadable, but she could see a tension around his eyes. She waited. Finally, he said, “Welcome Markiz Atherleah to the Kingdom of Göksel-Orman. You have surprised us, we thought the Road closed.”

  “It was your Majesty. The curse is lifted, and the Road is once more open to the Rulers of Göksel-Orman.”

  V’fali stepped forward and said, “My King, the curse was defeated as my Lady slew Suzluk, Goddess of Despair.”

  “Well Markiz Atherleah, I invite you to stay at the Palace. You must return with us and be our guest at a feast tomorrow evening in celebration of your presence.”

  The King then turned and began to make his way down the hill. His court followed, and Atherleah was soon standing alone on the hill, surrounded only by the four warriors. She said, “Somehow I think my presence is more a problem than a blessing.”

  V’fali responded, “My Lady, it is a shock to my people. First, you are not a purebred High Elf. Second, if the way is open, then nobles will once more be expected to complete the Trial. Many are unfit to rule. Third, the King must present you with a gift of property as Lady of the Forest, and as Markiz you outrank all but three in the Kingdom, and so your gift must be large. You have upset all the power in the Kingdom.”

  “Good points, V’fali. I shall try and be gracious. We must follow on.”

  “Yes my Lady, we must hurry to the Palace and then find a dressmaker, you need some better clothes for the celebration.”

  As they approached the city, Leah was thrilled with the way the Elves seamlessly integrated the forest and the city. There were thousands of people and buildings, but they didn’t appear to leave any clashing footprints on the forest, buildings enhanced the natural rather than hiding it. The city didn’t have a clearly defined beginning or end although there was a point on the trail where guards checked the passers-by. Leah concluded that this was the 'official' entrance. The streets were more like forest trails though there were sections with rows of wagons and tents which made up a market or food alley. As she walked, Leah could see many travellers in the city. There were more players here than she had ever seen.


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