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Odyssey Page 31

by Tony Corden

  You are one of the first one thousand players to unlock an area of the game for play.

  Reward 1: 1000 x 213 = 489900 (130%) Experience Points (770000/770000) (112191/780000)

  Reward 2: + 2% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 1 x 1 Platinum = 1 Platinum

  Fame: 1000 Fame Points (114700)

  As Lady of the Deep Forest, you have gained access to this area for you and your group. When you take control of the Ebony House, this area will become open to all players and NPCs.

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]

  She waved to the others and climbing the tree tied it off as tightly as she could. She was excited to see Mĕi who used her wings and flew over the river. She tied another rope two metres higher and repeated the process. The three now had a bridge to walk across. As each of the other stepped onto the far bank, they all received the same message

  You are entering the Deep Forest of Göskel-Orman where minimum MOB level is based on the playing level of the Land Owner. The owner is currently at Level 214. All attacking MOB will be between Level 214 and level 314. This area covers 12367 square leagues and covers the lands extending from the River Tehlikeli to the Peaks of the Duvar Mountains. Please have an enjoyable day.

  You have access at this time because you are in the same group as the Land Owner.

  When everyone was across Leah untied the two ropes and the cast Teleport to join her new friends.

  Eli said, “That teleportation is a cool spell, where did you get it?”

  “It was a gift when I visited the Pantheon of Heaven. I’ve had to use a lot of skill points to lower the cool down period. Now we have no idea what MOBs are here. They could be plant or animal, so be careful. Matt, are you ok to lead?”

  “Yes, no problems, I suggest though that you keep closer than normal in case something attacks.”

  Leah called Mĕi to her and turned her into a statue and put her in the bag. She said, “Until I know what is out here she will be a distraction for me. Let;s go.”

  Matt had taken ten paces when a vine on the ground wrapped around his foot and started dragging him through the bush. Leah dove forward and grabbed his arm. Eli rushed ahead and cut through the vine. As they stood, a hundred vines were reaching toward them. Leah and Eli began hacking while Elsa cast spell after spell trying to tangle the vines and stop them reaching the group. Leah cast Rain of Fire and the vines all pulled back. Leah turned in the direction they all pulled back to, she couldn’t see the origin of the vines, but she cast Rain of Fire in the same direction, and they retreated again. Eli passed her and began hacking at the vines. Rather than merely trying to wrap around him they changed shape and became like blades and started to whip back and forth trying to cut him. Elsa cried out as she was suddenly grabbed by several vines which tripped her and began to drag her on the ground. One began to wrap around her neck.

  Leah turned to help, but she was caught from behind by several vines which grabbed her by both arms and legs and started to drag her towards the main plant. She reached out and wrapped her hands around the vines. She calmed her breathing, closed her eyes and double cast Freeze. There was a loud high pitched shriek and the vines holding Leah shattered. Leah cut the vines holding her legs and yelling at Eli to help the others she ran towards the shriek. She arrived in a clearing with vines and bones covering the ground, a large central stem and what looked like a huge Venus fly-trap. One section of the stem was frozen, and some of the vines connected to that section were beginning to wither. Leah had very little mana remaining, so she swallowed a Mana Restore, and while it filled her Mana, she fired arrow after arrow into the Maw trying to hit something vital.

  VENUS TANGLE VINE (Level 220) 33618/48400 11000EP

  And each arrow brought it a little lower. She equipped her swords and began hacking at the vines. She was soon joined by Eli and the others. They all had scratches and various wounds, but together they began to carve a path through the vines. When Leah was at full MP, she said, “Watch out, it’s going to get hot.”

  She used her dual wield but this time with Chain Lightning. The central stem of the plant took the brunt of the attack and began to expand and give off steam. They could see lightning flickering along the vines, and then the stem exploded covering them with hot sticky sap which disappeared when Leah harvested the remains. All they received were some vials of plant extract and different acids.

  Within ten minutes they were all healed and on their way. Matt had walked at most a hundred paces when he stopped. He waved them forward to see a snake hidden in the trees maybe twenty metres ahead.

  DEEP FOREST PYTHON (Level 224) 50176 11200EP

  Eli said, “Atherleah if it is ok with you I’ll get it to attack me. Elsa keep me alive. You others can attack at will.”

  As he stepped under the snake, it dropped on him and started to crush him. Elsa kept healing him while Leah rushed forward and grabbed the head, freezing it. She then buried a knife in its eye. Eli looked at her and said, “That was easier than I thought it would be.”

  She said, “Snakes I can kill. I’ve had practice with tougher than this. I’ve found freezing them usually does the trick.”

  Matt said, “I’m not sure I should go first. This place is crazy and the MOBs much higher than I. I’ll help fight and all, but this place is scary wild. If it keeps up like this, it’ll take us a day to cover a league.”

  “Good idea.” said Leah, “I’m ok to go first if you like.”

  Eli said, “I can also. I’ve almost 200000 HP. How about you Atherleah?”

  “Just over 130000, Look, Eli, I appreciate the offer, but my agility is probably a bit more than you so I can move a little faster. Don’t worry. I imagine you will draw the agro fast enough to take the damage anyway.”

  Leah started carefully, and they had just moved out of sight of the snake when a Forest Wildercat leapt from behind a tree. It was only Leah's agility which saved her. She immediately fell forward and turned to bring the swords into play as the cat sailed over her. The swords cut two shallow groves across its stomach. Before she could rise, Elsa fired several arrows at the cat, one which stuck in its shoulder. As Eli was rushing toward it, Leah equipped Guzeltuya Bow and firing from her prone position shot upwards through the base of its jaw and into its brain.

  Eli looked at Leah who said, “What? I’ve met Wildercats before too.”

  The rest of the day was the same. They learned to identify the various deadly plants, snakes, insects and animals that would attack on sight. They rarely travelled more than one hundred metres before being attacked. With small breaks to rest and recuperate, they finally covered one league when it was time to stop for the night. Matt turned to Leah as Eli took a tent from his bag and began to set it up in a small clearing and said, “Atherleah, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but your land is crazy. I haven’t stopped fighting all day. If this continues, it will take weeks to get to your ‘House’.”

  “Don’t worry Matt, there is a trail within three leagues of here. I’m thinking two more days of this and then a quick run along the trail. But let me ask you something. Are you having fun?”


  “Then everything is ok. Alright, guys, I will see you all tomorrow at eight.”

  They all nodded, and Leah logged out.

  After a quick snack, Leah took Gèng’s advise and had two hours of NREM3 sleep. Afterwards, she had a late breakfast and then spent half an hour discussing through the proposed agreement with her parents. They were hesitant to take on the responsibility until Leah said, “Mum, Dad, I need someone I can trust to do this. Not just someone I trust not to cheat, but someone I trust to do the right thing, to make hard choices based on the sort of values and standards that I believe in. You guys taught me to live like this, to do what is ri
ght, to show compassion, to forgive, to help those who are in need. Mum, this is a chance to clothe the naked, feed the hungry and welcome the stranger. Dad, these guys need your strength, kindness, resourcefulness and support. I trust you two more than anyone else.”

  Her mum looked at her with tears in her eyes and said, “Ok Ling! We will help. But you need to be available to help sometimes.”

  ‘I will.”

  Leah then checked with John and reviewed the security arrangements. She mentioned that someone called Charlotte Brown would probably arrive at the property sometime and that he should let her in but keep her separate from everything until she had a chance to talk with her. As she was heading back to the Pod her brother said, “Hey Leah, can I talk for a bit.”

  “Sure Conner, what’s up?”

  “Nothing really, its just I haven’t seen you much in the last two weeks. I guess I miss your goofy smile.”

  “Like I believe that. I imagine you’ll get to what you want later. But how are you coping with the changes? Moving here and all that?”

  “It’s cool! Its made me think about how much time I’ve wasted at school. I’m sixteen in two years, and already I’ve no chance to do what you have done. I always laughed at you. You were always running off to study or workout. For the first time, I understand what you wanted to do with your life, and I think I might want more too. But I think I’ve blown my chance.”

  “It’s never too late to start Conner. Even now you could learn enough to make the Community Colleges. They aren’t as bad as I thought. It might take a while, but you could still be what you want to be, whatever that is. It’ll take work, but you can do it if you want to. What do you want to be?”

  “I have no idea. I just know that for the first time in a long time I want to have something to aim for.”

  “Talk with Dad.”

  “Dad? He works as a labourer, and he fishes.”

  “He works hard to give us a healthy and happy home. He worked hard so mum could take care of us when we were young. He is smart Conner, really smart. He helped me with my homework every night until I could do it by myself. He and mum taught me to read when I struggled with school. If you want to know how to find something to aim for and get it, then talk to dad.”

  “Ok, ok, maybe I will. Enough of that, what I really want to know about is Thad, who is Thad?”

  Leah’s face started to heat up, and she said, “What do you know about Thad?”

  “Not enough, I was listening when you were talking with mum the other day. So, um, is he your boyfriend?”


  “But you want him to be?”

  “Maybe, I don’t know. What I do know is it isn’t something I will discuss with my little brother.”

  “Little! Ha! I’m taller than you, and I’m still growing.”

  “I was referring to brain size, moron.”

  “When do I get to meet him?”



  “You don’t. Maybe I’ll introduce you, if, or when, you get a chip and come online.”

  “I’m old enough now for a chip if someone paid for it.”


  “I just thought that now I had a rich sister, she might love her little brother enough to help him get a start in life.”

  “You have a sister who loves you enough to say you should try on your own first.”

  Before Conner could respond, Leah’s mum came up behind him and swatted his shoulder. “Enough Shēn, I heard that last bit. You and I will talk with your father later, now go. You have a garden to dig. Go!”

  As Conner walked off Lin turned to Leah she said, “Sorry Ling, it is not good for him to ask for that.”

  “I know, but I have thought about it. If you and Dad what me to help I will.”

  “No. You are right. He needs to grow up a bit first. Your father will talk with him. Now, what are your plans for today?”

  “I’m due back in Dunyanin soon. Before that, I want to take a few lessons. I should be free for lunch around one, and then I have another test at MIT. Then probably some time learning to fly a fighter spaceship, an early dinner, more time in Dunyanin, a late dinner and then finish off my classes, a late snack and then more spaceship training.”

  “It’s too much for you. You’ll wear yourself out.”

  “It's busy, but I'm enjoying it. Don’t worry, Gèng is keeping an eye on my health, and she will stop me if it gets too much.”

  They reached Leah’s room, and she gave her mother a quick hug and entered her room, shutting the door behind her. She had forty-five minutes, so she entered Dark Moon Duel and had two lessons with Farron. So far she had learnt fourteen forms, and he added two more. At the end of the second lesson he said, “Atherleah, you are learning faster than any student I have ever had. After four more forms, you will have completed the second set. Next week there is a Challenge Tournament in the city. I thought you might join. It is an opportunity to find your ranking. You will gain much from the experience."

  “Thank you for the invitation. I need to think about it for a while. When do you need to have an answer by?”

  “Anytime before the Tournament. It is eight days from now. If you decide to enter, you will need your own weapon. It must be a weapon of this world. Do you have a sword?"

  “Not that is available Master. Do you have somewhere you could recommend for me to purchase one.”

  “Yes, there are several weapon shops near here and an armourer that I can recommend.”

  “Thank you, Master Farron.”

  After noting Farron’s contacts Leah logged out, and after a quick intake of food logged into Dunyanin. Eli, Elsa and Matt were already there, and as she left the tent, they started packing it up.

  “Good morning Atherleah,” Elsa called. “Are you ready for another slog through the forest?”

  “I think so, but I hope we can move a little quicker today. Although, I hope to level up today, and that means they get a bit stronger and faster.”

  Eli called out, “Good. I’m level 274, and I need over a million and a half points to go up one level, it takes forever. Yesterday was the best day I’ve had for months.”

  Leah let Eli led them out and was not surprised that the day turned out the same as before. They were attacked by a flock of amphitheres, by bears, boars and wildercats. Various snakes and plants, insects and birds. Nine hours later they had covered almost one and a half leagues and had had to fight for the whole distance. Nothing was too difficult, but it was a day of serious grinding. Leah asked Gèng for the tally, and he said that except for the two half-hour breaks they had averaged six minutes, and one battle for every hundred metres travelled with a total of 82 separate attacks. Leah had achieved Level 215 toward the end of the day.

  Eli said, “Atherleah, I don’t want to pry, but I’m going to. You gained almost whole level today, how did you do that? I got just under 400,000 points for the day.”

  “How much experience do you get?”

  “I have the Gold package and have built on that, so I get over 75% extra points each time.”

  “I have more than that, Mr Pry. I get over 125% extra points.”

  “What package did you get? Platinum?”

  “Very personal question Eli but if you must know I am on the wooden package.”

  Elsa broke in and said, “Enough Eli. Let a girl have her privacy.”

  “Its all right Elsa, I’m just a private person. But I guess Eli has earned the information today. He saved my life at least ten times today.”

  “Ten, I saved you at least twenty times.”

  Matt chimed in, “Sure, but she saved you way more than that. Even I saved you a few times. Elsa’s healing may even eclipse Atherleah’s saves.”

  Leah chuckled and said, “Either way I enjoyed the day. You all have had my back, and I thank you. I’m out of here. Same time tomorrow?”

  After a quick agreement, she logged out to eat lunch with the family. Leah was surprised
to see Jimmy sitting at the table. She glanced at her mother who said, “I invited him. If I have to work with the gangster then at least I can share a meal with him.”

  Jimmy said, “Oh come on Lin, let up on the gangster talk. When will you forgive me?” Turning to Leah, he said, “Leah, I’ve known your mother for years. She is angry about something I did years ago, long before you were born. I was less careful than I am now and someone got hurt who shouldn’t have. Your mother stopped talking to me after that.”

  “Got hurt! She didn’t get hurt. She died Jimmy. She died. Your get rich quick scheme killed my best friend.”

  “I know Lin, and I am sorry, I’ve been sorry for twenty years. What will it take for you to forgive me?”

  Leah’s Dad chimed in and said, “She has Jimmy, she has. If she hadn’t, you wouldn’t be sitting here now. She still hurts that’s all, and she worries about Leah.”

  Jimmy sighed and said, “Yeah, we all worry about Leah these days. Anything new happening inside? Are you safe?”

  “Safe enough for the moment, I think. Did you get a copy of the agreement?”

  “Yes, that’s what I was here for. I needed to chat with your folks, face to face. Is it alright if the bosses meet here on Saturday morning around ten and stay for lunch? You need to be in the meeting.”

  “Yes, I think that will be fine. I need to let some of my companions know as it will mean being away for a whole day in the virtual world. Do I need to have anything prepared?”

  “No! Though I expect you should be ready to answer all the questions they have.”

  “There is some stuff I can’t talk about. You know that right. They need to know there are some things I won’t talk about.”

  “That’s fine! We all know how important secrets can be. Also, they will probably bring some of the candidates with them. They already agree in principle so they will want to get started soon. How soon can you have some Pods here?”

  “They can be delivered anytime, Jimmy. Whenever one of the bosses sends a new basic Pod and John, or my dad gets it installed, then I will have another already available. In fact, after lunch, I will arrange for a bulk purchase and have some preinstalled and ready, but they won’t be available until the bosses have sent theirs.”


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