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Unexpected: Desert Knights MC

Page 43

by Paula Cox

  Her hands shake as she unlocks the door to her house, and I reach over her to steady her hands. I whisper into her ear as I guide the key towards the side, “It’s okay. There’s nothing behind the door.”

  “I’m not afraid of what is behind the door.” Michelle replies shakily. She takes a step inside and spins towards me before I can enter. “I don’t know about this.”

  “About what?” I ask as I reach my hand around her head, guiding her body to rest against mine.

  I feel her exhale deeply as her whole body softens. I lean down and press my lips to hers, my whole body sparking. She reaches around my neck and pulls herself up to her tippy toes causing both of us to fall backwards towards the alcove wall.

  Her kisses speed up frantically as I struggle to keep up with her. Her hands sink lower and press into my chest, eventually finding my collar. She pulls me in even closer as she begins to pull up the hem of my t-shirt. I fling it up and over my head as she looks up at me with eyes that are deep and dark with want.

  She drops the blanket, revealing her bare skin, cut up, bruised, and held together by white gauze. I can see small red marks where the blood has managed to push through. I get to my knees and look up at her. With a sigh I begin to kiss each of her bruises and marks along her torso, my hands tracing over the forming scars of her thin, curved body. I move towards her arms where most of the damage is, and she grimaces as I sink small kisses at her wrist and going up.

  When I make it back up to her shoulders, I feel her shudder against me. Without a word, I scoop her up from under her knees. Her arms fly to my neck as she holds onto me. With her resting safely in my arms, I find her stairs and head upstairs. She points to her bedroom, and I place her down gently on her cedar-colored bedspread.

  I lean my body over her slightly, trying not to press all my weight down on top of her. She coos as I touch my lips to her collarbones while my hands wrap around her pants. In one yank, they are down, and her legs curl up on the bed under me. She moves herself up, lounging back on the pillows as I lay at the foot of the bed.

  My hands take her left foot and begin to massage softly into the red pads of her heel. She moans in gratitude and ecstasy. I then trace my knuckle into the arch, slowly moving up towards the toes, giving each one attention. I move to her ankles, softly pressing into the thin line where her bones are. I knead her calf muscles, careful to avoid the sensitive parts, and, then, slowly, methodically inch up towards her thighs. Her legs spread slightly apart, giving my hands just enough area to move in between the downy skin.

  I lay my head between them, kissing at the cold inner parts of her legs. Her back arches up as she moves her hips closer to my face, expectantly. I move higher up her thigh towards her hip, kissing the indent of her where her panty line is. My lips make a V shape as it dips towards her naked sex.

  As I taste just a hint of her skin, the small scent of her sweat. Every bit of me is desperate to devour her pussy, to lick and suck with reckless abandon. But I, instead, move back up the length of her body where I find her soft breasts and erect nipples. My hands cover them, warming them up under my palms. Her arms move towards her head as she gives in to me. I have total control over her as she closes her eyes and feels the tip of my tongue linger over her skin and circling over the very tip of her pink little nub. I suck gently on it, using my teeth very, very gently to add a bit of pressure. My fingers work on the other one, twisting it slightly to mimic the sensation the first is enjoying.

  Michelle’s mouth opens wide, an almost silent cry finding its way out. I stop in my place and take her mouth to mine. She hums as our lips wrestle one another, again fighting to gain control. She pushes me up slightly and then rolls on top of me, taking over where I left off. Her own mouth travels down the length of my neck, my collarbone, and towards my chest where she laps at my nipples.

  Her other hand pulls at my pants, unzipping it carefully as I wrangle them off of my hips and towards the floor. My briefs go down into the pile with them as she reaches behind herself and grabs hold of my already rock-hard cock. Her fingers dance along the sensitive skin, tracing the vein along the bottom side and sending chills down my body and spine. I reach down and move her hand to my shaft, directing her on how to move up and down without turning herself around.

  I watch as her eyes light up and a small smile forms on her face as she tightens her grip. Slowly, she begins the journey from the base to the tip. She picks up speed as she goes, gliding it more gracefully and adding more pressure to the motion. I am lost in it, her hands bringing me to new places, the way her face is lit up by the purple and orange sky outside the window of her bedroom, the look in her eyes as she sees me melt into the bed.

  What Michelle wants after all that she has been through is control, and I am more than willing to be the person she takes over. Her smooth hands are now flowing over me like waves washing up to shore as my mind goes blank. I try to concentrate, try to hold it in, but her body begins to sway with her hands and I feel her moist, warm pussy nuzzle into my hips, and I can’t seem to even catch my breath.

  She leans back, slowing down her hands, as I pull myself into a sitting position. I put my hands around her neck and under her hair as I bring her in for a deep kiss, the pleasure taking me along with it. My body shakes as I hold fast to her, pushing her down into a crouching position as she readies to take me into her. But she doesn’t let up. Her ass dances on my cock, rubbing it harder and harder, grinding up against it. I feel a stir in my balls and a pumping moving up my shaft into the tip of my cock. Suddenly, I cry out, feeling myself explode. I orgasm hard, thick jets of white cum pulsating out of me and onto her naked skin.

  As I catch my breath, I fall back into the sheets, completely at a loss as to what just happened. But Michelle looks down at me and smiles brightly. She curls up into the crevice of my arm, her hands wrapping around my chest as she lets out a long exhale. She is as satisfied as I am with her work.

  Neither of us says a word as time passes around us. The sky goes dark and the sounds of the street outside fade, and my mind is finally blank. My girls are safe and sated, but I stay awake, watching Michelle as she fights off sleep. Her arms and hands curl tight around me as if I am about to disappear forever.

  Chapter 34: Reality of It


  He’s still here. I can’t believe it, but Cal is still here. Not only that, but he’s in my bed, in my home, and under my sheets. His body is wrapped around mine, and I can feel every bit of air he expels tickling the back of my ear.

  If I could keep this moment in my mind forever, I would. I have had men stay over, long time boyfriends who have even shared this space with me for extended periods of time. But I have never felt so safe, so at peace. And with all that has happened over the past two days, or the past month or so, I still cannot believe the connection he and I share.

  The morning light trickles into the bedroom as I reach over and turn the clock sitting on the side table to face me. It’s nearly ten in the morning. I can’t remember the last time I slept that long or that well. As Cal continues to sleep, his rhythmic snoring practically rattling me awake, I wiggle myself out of his grasp and walk naked down the hall to the bathroom.

  The shower shoots on, and I sit on the side of the vintage claw foot tub waiting for the water to heat up. Everything in this bathroom reminds me of Erin and her eclectic taste from the mixed matched towels to the subway tile floor she always loved. On a day like today, I’d normally find her in here, completing her marathon of a beauty routine as I try to push her out to get to the bathroom. But the halls and rooms of the house are silent today – except for Cal in my bedroom.

  I step inside slowly as I wait for my body to adjust to the heat. When I’m ready, I dip the tip of my head in first, followed by my chest and the rest of my body. I lean my hair back, sinking it in the water as the sound of water pounds at my ears. I turn and grab the bar of soap, taking in a long whiff of the lavender scent. As I press it against my body, I start
to return to normal.

  After last night, I was in some dream world, some foggy haze of what had gone on. And with Cal and I fooling around like that, it was easy to take my mind off of everything I couldn’t process it. But as I touch the soap to my scars, the bruises, the bandages still stuck to my body by dried blood, I am remembering it all. Every bit. Every ounce of fear. It floods back to me.

  I turn towards the faucet and shut my eyes. The water pushing down on me calms me, keeps me from going over the edge. I grab onto the wall for balance, but I am almost instantly pulled away. A large, calloused hand grabs at my hips and pulls me gently backwards. My back rests on Cal’s smooth, bare chest.

  I shiver a bit as I lift my hand to touch his face. He leans down and whispers gently into my ear, “Did I scare you? You’re shaking.”

  “No, no. You don’t scare me.” I mean every word.

  I feel his face change as he speaks into my wet hair, “Good. Good.”

  Our two bodies rock back and forth, swaying at the hips. I can feel his erection growing against my leg, and I find myself smiling over it. He still wants me. I push back even more, giving him more of the skin to skin contact. His hand moves from my hair, down to my neck and the line of my arm. He pops the little beads of water forming on my prickled skin as he makes a roadmap to my hand holding the soap.

  Cal takes it from me and begins to take over where I left off. He starts at my shoulders, softly massaging the soap into my skin until a nice white froth begins to form. He then moves down my back, dancing over the curve of my skin and the tip of my hips. As he dips between the back of my thighs, he uses his foot to pull my legs apart. I lift my arms above my head and he moves around to the front of me.

  His hands guide the frothy soap away from my badly bruised torso, instead moving quite deliberately to my chest. The sensation of his hands and the warm water leave me shaking when he begins to softly massage into my breasts. My nipples instantly go hard as every touch threatens to send me over the edge.

  I lean back and lift my head upwards, kissing the black and brown stubble of his three-day-old stubble. I nibble on the side of his lip, trying to distract him, but he has already honed in on my body. He is making sure he doesn’t miss an inch of me with the soap. His fingers slip over my nipples, taking them between the spaces of his knuckles. As he massages the full flesh of my tits, the knuckles twist and pull at the tiny mounds. And I struggle to keep myself from screaming out from the thin line that is pleasure and pain.

  As my chest turns bubbly and white, he picks up a patch of soap from my chest with three of his fingers and moves it down my stomach to my sex. I part my legs even farther, inviting him to cleanse me. The smooth soap glides over my skin as he feels around the folds, opening me up widely. I hear him say breathlessly, “Let me return the favor from last night, Michelle.”

  I nod, unable to speak. All I know is I want those fingers inside of me, exploring me just as my hands had their fill of his cock last night. I place one of my legs on the edge, giving him even more room to penetrate me, and he takes my invitation. A soft finger enters, splitting my body apart. I roll my head back and moan as I feel him moving steadily in a circle around me. The other two fingers press against the top of my clit, putting an intense pressure on my most sensitive points.

  His entire middle finger finds its way in me, and he begins to move in and out, first only with the tip of the finger, but then, as he goes deeper, more and more, until he is inside me up to his knuckle. I feel my pussy clench around him, trying to resist it. But with each small thrust, my own wetness increases, making the walls of my pussy as slick as my soapy skin. And I want more. Another finger slips in, and I nearly collapse onto him. He speeds up seeing me like this, full of wanting. I cry out, “Cal, pl– please…please…” I can’t get out the right words. His hands are guiding me to one of the hardest orgasms I’ve ever had.

  Instead of relenting, he begins to pick up speed, going faster with two and then three fingers jabbing upwards like a sword cutting through a man in battle. Each and every time, he dives in, then pulls almost completely out, and then dives back in again. His fingers linger over my skin for just seconds – just long enough so I can feel what it is like to have it all and lose it all over again. It’s a teasing torture that only gets worse as he railroads me at a rapid pace.

  I want him to slow down. I want to feel and be present in this moment. But what he is doing to me is far from letting up. He is relentless in punishing my cunt. He has one thing on my mind, and that is bringing me to completion. And as I feel the knots build up in my stomach, chest, and head so I feel like a balloon about to burst, I know he is about to get exactly what he wants.

  I cum as the third finger slips in, hitting my clit. And I know Cal can feel it. He eases up, letting me feel the fireworks between my legs as I pulsate deeply. Every inch of me feels lighter and freer now that I am free of whatever was pent up in me. He uses his other hand to open my mouth as he slips his wet, sweet tongue into my mouth.

  Cal eventually lets go with a sigh, and I sink back towards the faucet, welcoming the water once more. I wash off all the soap he covered me in and quickly rub in the shampoo. After all, I got in here for a reason. But Cal isn’t moving. He watches my every move with a brooding look upon his face. Finally, I ask him, “Can I help you?”

  “I want to fuck you.” He says it slowly so I don’t miss a word over the sound of the water.

  I ask him to repeat himself, “Come again?”

  “I want to fuck you.” He stands up straight and takes a step towards me. His hand cups my chin and brings my face up to his level. “I want to fuck you badly.”

  I don’t have time to resist. He turns me around immediately and leans me over so the water is spraying down onto my back and ass. I have just enough time to grab on to the wall in front of me before he enters. I let out a shriek as I feel his hard cock caress against my tired skin. “Cal! Please!”

  “Please what, Michelle?”

  I turn to face him, watching him touch and admire my body, “Please be good to me.”

  He smiles and goes back to his work. Instead of plowing deep into my body, he slows himself. I can tell he is holding back by how he uses my hips as a balance point. His fingers push and squeeze into my pale skin as he grows farther inside of me. I can feel his jagged nails leave their own, temporary scars.

  Every part of his body is longing to go at me. He wants to fuck me, but I want him to make love to me. Unlike him fingering my pussy, I want to actually know his body. I want to experience what makes his cock the best I have ever had. I want to know why I dream about him taking me almost every night since the last time I’ve had him. And to do that, I need to take him slow and deliberately.

  While he isn’t going fast, he is going deep. His long cock drives a path to new places as I lean down farther, nearly touching my toes as I hold onto the edge of the bathtub. Every time I sink lower, he lifts his hips higher, taking me from a v-angle. The water runs down my body towards my face and neck, and I can see it vibrate as my body takes the strokes one by one.

  Suddenly, Cal pulls out. He backs up against the tub and away from me. I stand and turn, unsure of what just happened. I ask him frantically, “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

  He runs his hand through his hair as he looks around the small, black and white bathroom. “It’s – I don’t know – I—"

  I interrupt him, taking a step towards him and putting a hand on his chest. “Don’t you want me? I thought that you wanted this, too…”

  He steps forward and brings my head to his. Our lips meet and he kisses me passionately. Our heads turn with each of the movements, dancing under the gentle spray of the water. Finally, he pulls me away, but still holds me in his arm. He looks down as he says, “I want to see you. I want to look into your eyes when I take you.”

  My heart melts as I think of the man covered in dirt and grime who fucked me on the floor of his bedroom just weeks ago. I wrap my arms aroun
d him and press my chest against his, my hips on his still hard cock. I pull his head down by his hair as I say in my most sultry, deep voice, “Then take me like this.”

  My leg lifts by the knee and he grabs it in midair. Cal spins me around and leans me up against the back, tiled wall of the shower and pulls the other leg up against my chest. He doesn’t blink as he presses back into me, the sensation feeling even better than the first time. We both let out groans as we ease into each other. And I hold on to the railing of the shower walls knowing that he is about to give me the ride of my life.

  He looks down as he enters and exits me, warming me up. I take my hand out towards the water and wet it, placing it on my clit. His tongue licks his lip as he watches me play with myself. When he’s ready, he pulls my hand away and whispers breathlessly, “God, you never cease to surprise me.”


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