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Different Roads

Page 15

by Lori L. Clark

  His jaw clenched and he stood up, “Yeah, sure.”

  We walked wordlessly across the street to my car. His shoulders were stiff and his hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his jeans. My right hand gripped the mace Shelley had insisted I bring along. When she stuck it in the front pouch of my hoodie earlier I almost laughed at her, until I saw the look of concern on her face, “For my own peace of mind,” she’d pleaded.

  I tried to avoid getting between Damon and my car. I made sure to stand beside him instead of in front of him.

  “What’s your problem tonight?” he rubbed his hand along the scruff on his chin.

  “Damon, look, I’ve been doing some thinking,” I paused to give my brain time to remember the script I’d mentally gone over about a thousand times on the drive over. I took a deep breath before continuing, “I think it would be best if we didn’t see each other for awhile. I need to focus on school and maybe earn some extra cash working at Trader Joe’s. I don’t think dating fits into my life right now.” There, I’d said it. I braced myself for his reaction and fingered the hard cold plastic of the pepper spray.

  “Don’t think dating me fits into your life right now, or dating in general?” he took a step closer and his eyes were black with anger.

  “Both,” I said with as much conviction as the fear I felt would allow.

  “Fucking great,” he said with an eerie calm-before-the-storm kind of voice. He closed the distance between us and glowered down at me. “Know what I think Jaq?”

  The hair on my arms stood on end and I tried to put some space between us. Lightning fast, his left hand fisted in my hair and he yanked my head back. I was barely able to register the pain from my scalp before he drew back is arm and slammed his fist into my face. I heard what sounded like gravel crunching as my head ricocheted between his fist and the roof of my car. He shoved away from me and took a step back. My knees folded like a paper airplane beneath my body. I whimpered and he walked away, swearing under his breath.

  “That’s what I fucking think about the whole thing, Jaq.”

  I lay motionless. I was terrified he would come back to finish what he’d started. I reached up and eased my fingers through the hair on the back of my head where he had slammed it into the car. There didn’t seem to be any blood back there, but when I pulled my hand away, big clumps of my hair came with it. Fuck.

  Chapter 43

  I waited until I heard the sound of Damon’s truck as he roared off before I eased slowly to my feet. I was a little surprised he walked away while I was still breathing. Maybe he was hoping I’d let my guard down before coming back to finish what he’d started.

  Something warm ran down my face. I looked down at the front of my sweatshirt and saw that it was soaked through with blood. A lot of blood. I carefully pulled the hoodie over my head and held it against my bleeding face while I started my car to head for home.

  I reached for my cell phone to call Shelley; she’d made me promise to call as soon as I was on my way home. I frowned when I noticed three missed calls from her and dialed her number.

  “Jaq, thank God you called,” she breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re okay?”

  “Define okay?” I asked in a nasal-sounding, broken nose sort of way.

  “Jaq?” she sucked in a breath. “Why do you sound so funny?”

  “Look, I’m on my way home. I’ll tell you when I get there, okay?” I said.

  “Okay, we’ve got to run to the store,” she said. “I tried to call earlier to let you know we won’t be long, half-hour tops.”

  “I’ll be fine. He took it… well. I guess.”

  “We won’t be gone long. Lock the door as soon as you get home, and memorize the number to 9-1-1,” she said, trying to interject a little humor into a completely humorless scenario.

  “Got it, funny girl,” I said and disconnected the call.

  I couldn’t help but watch in my rearview mirror all the way home. I had an uneasy feeling gnawing at me from the inside out, and I couldn’t be sure if it was an adrenaline rush hangover or something more. “Stop trying to scare yourself shitless Jaq,” I muttered and eased out of my car.

  As soon as I got through the door, I flipped the deadbolt and left all the lights off, except for the one above the stove that we always used as our nightlight. I grabbed a baggie and filled it with ice and made my way to the bathroom. One peek at myself in the mirror and I wished I hadn’t looked.

  The skin at the inside corners of my eyes had already started to turn purple, no doubt they would be full-blown shiners by morning. I resembled something out of a late-night creature feature and it made my stomach clench. Blood covered the front of my clothes and there was even some spattered on the tops of my good white running shoes. “Fucking bastard ruined my new white shoes,” I shook my head.

  I sat the baggie full of ice in the sink and emptied the pockets of my clothes before I undressed. I retrieved my robe from the bedroom and turned on the shower. I wanted to clean myself up so that when Shelley got home she wouldn’t freak completely out and think for sure I was going to die from a loss of blood.

  I was only in the shower for a few minutes when I swore I heard the sound of breaking glass. I froze and the skin at the back of my neck prickled with a fight or flight warning. I held my breath and waited, straining to hear over the pounding of my heart. Shit, was that the sound of the deadbolt unlocking? Are those footsteps walking down the hall? Fuck. I waited, hoping it was Shelley and she’d call out to let me know they were home. Until then I was too afraid to even breathe.

  The sound of splintering wood as the bathroom door burst in on its hinges made the breath hitch in my chest. I was paralyzed with fear as his large hand yanked the shower curtain aside, ripping it from the plastic rings. I recognized Damon’s face, but the absolute pure evil blazing from his eyes did not belong to anything of this world. His hands fisted through my hair, and he jerked me out of the tub as though I weighed nothing.

  The breath I’d been holding released in one toe-curling scream, promptly earning me an ear splitting slap to the side of my head, “Shut. Up!” he hissed. He spun me around so I was facing the tiled wall and shoved my head repeatedly against it. He let go of me and I crumpled to the floor, where he proceeded to unleash numerous kicks. Know what a wishbone sounds like when you snap it in two to make a wish? That’s the noise I heard inside my head as his boot connected over and over with my battered body.

  I wasn’t sure what the loud explosion was that I heard. It was followed by a blinding flash of light and something warm and wet splattered all over my naked back. The smell of gunpowder and blood assaulted my senses. Somewhere in the fog of my thoughts, I heard Shelley screaming my name right before every single thing went black. Shelley? Where are you going, don’t leave me Shelley. I’m so afraid.


  I always loved Jaq. She was my soul mate, the love of my life. I never even got the chance to tell her I’d filed for divorce and was going to try and make things right with her.

  Even though life led us down different roads, it always seemed like we were destined to be together. Unfortunately, by the time I figured out what she’d probably known all along, it was too late. The emotional scars I’ve carried around this past year will take a lifetime to heal. I’m not so sure a lifetime is long enough for some of the wounds.

  Today is November seventh. Jaq’s birthday. Even though she always despised celebrating her birthday, a few of us are going to Pete’s to celebrate her memory and knock back a few shots of tequila in her honor.

  There’s a special place in hell for people like Damon Blackwell and I hope he feels the pain he inflicted on Jaq every second of eternity.

  Jaq, I will love you always.


  First of all, I have to thank Mary Kelley for her editorial advice and expertise. Great minds think alike. If, while reading this book, you come across any errors — don’t blame Mary. I re-wrote several parts of the book aft
er the initial editing, based on her suggestions. If you are looking for a freelance editor, drop her a line:

  I would also like to thank Antoinette Rugh who said one day at work: I have an idea for your next book… She proceeded to do the first initial outline and planted a whole bunch of seeds which became a big part of this book. (Sorry Toni, I changed the ending.)

  Jean Maurie Puhlman, thank you for your tireless support and suggestions along the way through the writing of all of my books. Let’s hope there are many more to come!

  I have many friends and family members who have supported me along the way and never stopped reading my work, page by page, chapter by chapter.

  Last, but certainly not least, Thanks to my mom and dad for my first 1973 Dodge Charger. Dad wouldn’t let me get the 440 Magnum! Thanks both of you for everything.

  About the Author

  Lori L. Clark was born and raised in the Hawkeye State. She reads. She writes. She runs half-marathons for fun. She is at home in the fine state of Missouri with her only child, who has four legs and fur.

  Find Lori on twitter: @clarklori


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  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43



  About the Author




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