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Trust in Me (Saved #1.5)

Page 4

by Shelby Reeves

  In my heart, I know what Bo is saying is true. Hell, I’m a guy. As a guy, I don’t want no male hanging around my girl, but I trust Cassie.

  Shit, I have to call her and apologize.

  Bo leaves, giving me some privacy.

  Putting the phone up to my ear, my heart pounds as I wait for her to answer.

  “Oh, J, I have been so worried about you,” she says, her tone laced with a slight panic.

  “I shouldn’t have gotten so mad at you last night, Cassie. Between missing you so much and already being ill because I knew I would have to play babysitter for Bo and Jess, I let the jealous part of me take over. I didn’t give you a chance to explain.”

  A sniffle comes through the phone, making me feel guilty. “I get why you don’t want me to talk to Seth and I respect that. Other than talking some at school and when he comes to the diner, that’s it. We don’t go anywhere together. He knows much I love you, J because I made it perfectly clear.”

  “I can’t lose you, Cassie.” The sun would not rise if I lost her.

  “You’re not, J,” she assures me. “Why didn’t you answer my calls? That’s what scared me the most.”

  I can’t lie to her. “When you hung up, I threw my phone and left it where it landed for the rest of the night while I went and got shit-faced drunk.”

  Hearing her suck in a harsh breath about killed me. “Please don’t ever do that to yourself again, J. Promise me.”

  “I’m so fucking sorry, Cassie, I promise you.” Bo tried to warn me and I didn’t listen for shit. “I wish I was there with you.”

  “Me too, J. Me too.”

  Christmas break is upon us and although this holiday isn’t one of my favorites, with J staying up here for a week, it just might become my favorite holiday. My parents used to celebrate, going overboard sometimes with decorations. Post drugs, I was lucky if they even noticed what day it is.

  “Damn at all of this snow, Cassie. How do you deal with it?” J complains when we walk through the door of Aunt Beverly’s warm house.

  “I like the snow.”

  J shakes his head in dismay. “I’m glad we rarely get snow at home.”

  Setting his bags on the floor in the room he will be sleeping in, he snatches me up in his arms. It’s a good thing he is holding me because his kiss makes my knees buckle.

  “What do you have planned for us this week?” J murmurs, his lips grazing mine as he speaks.

  “A little bit of this and a little bit of that,” I reply vaguely. Mamma C is closing the diner on Christmas Eve and Christmas but I am working three days while J is here. J says he is going to come hang out with me and meet everyone. I’ve been telling him how wonderful the staff is, especially Mamma C, who is also looking forward to meeting J.

  “That’s a very vague, but intriguing answer.” He attacks my mouth like a starved man, eating for the first time in days.

  “I’m hungry,” I tell him when he draws back slightly. J releases a low growl. “For food,” I clarify, seeing he took my statement completely opposite of what I meant. “If you’re hungry, I know a little diner that makes the best chicken tenders.”

  Leaning over, his lips brush my ear. “I’m starved, Cass, but it’s not for food.”

  My cheeks flush a dark shade of red. “Later,” I promise.

  Cassie and I walk hand in hand to the small diner a few blocks from where she stays with her Aunt.

  “Girl, you better bring him over here for a proper greeting!” an African American woman who looks to be in her forties yells.

  Cassie and I walk right up to the bar and take a seat. “J, this is Mrs. Carrey or Mamma C as everyone calls her.”

  I hold my hand to her and she accepts it. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  “It’s nice to meet the guy behind her smile.” She winks at Cassie as she talks to me. “What brings you here on your off day? Shouldn’t you be showing him around or something?”

  “J said he was hungry so I told him about your delicious chicken tenders,” Cassie explains.

  “That’s not what I said I was hungry for,” I remind Cassie who instantly blushes knowing people around us know exactly what I mean.

  Mamma C grumbles to herself. “I wish I had someone to talk to me like that.”

  Mortified, Cassie hits me in my gut. “Can we just order, please?”

  Giving Cassie a wink, I tell Mamma C our order. “We will have two chicken tender plates, Mamma C.”

  She smiles as she writes our order down. “Coming right up, honey.” Cassie’s boss is awesome.

  Placing my hands on Cassie’s thighs, I lean closer, my mouth mere inches from hers. “I will be placing my real order later,” I murmur, then giving her a chaste kiss.

  As I lean in to kiss her pretty lips, I feel the presence of someone standing behind me. It’s an unwelcome presence which has me on guard.

  “There’s my best friend!” a male voice shouts from behind me. He could be hollering at anybody, only he walks around me, heading straight for my girl.

  Cassie leans back, smiling warmly at the guy. “Hey, Seth.”

  So, this is Seth. Sitting straight up, I fold my arms over my chest. Seth is already on my shit list so my eyes are going to be trained on his every move.

  “Why on earth are you here on your off day?” What’s it to him? Does he keep up with her schedule or something?

  “I brought J here to meet Mamma C and we are hungry.” Cassie turns her gaze back to me. “J, this is Seth. Seth, this is my boyfriend, J.”

  Seth’s arm shoots out to me and I accept his hand, firmly shaking it. “Nice to finally meet the guy Cassie talks about non-stop.”

  Can’t say the feeling is mutual. “Good to know she talks about me. All good things I hope?” I can be nice if I want to be. Going by my first impression of the guy, I can’t say that I like him, but then again any guy who hangs out with my girl is automatically on my bad side. Cassie, I trust with every fiber of my being. Seth, on the other hand, can kiss my ass. If he makes one move on Cass, he will be flat on his back before he even knows what hit him.

  Seth beams, resting his arm around Cassie who shifts uncomfortably. “Oh yeah, I practically know everything about you from just listening to her.”

  I lift a brow at Cassie who blushes and shrugs. Seth still has his arm draped around her and it’s bugging me. Taking her hand, I pull her toward me so she stands between my legs with my arms enclosing her.

  Let this punk try and take her from me.

  Seth acts unaffected, and maybe he is, but I’m not going to let him try and swoop in. He may think being friends with Cassie will make her fall for him, but he’s wrong.

  Cassie is mine.

  Forever and always.

  Seth’s surprise visit to the diner had gone better than expected. J was nice to him even though I could tell he doesn’t like him. Breaking up a fight is not on my list of things to do today or any day for that matter.

  “Are you sure he hasn’t tried to put a move on you?” J asks once we are in the car, driving away from the diner.

  I want to roll my eyes, but I resist. “No, he hasn’t, J and I highly doubt he will.”

  Taking one hand off the wheel, he links his fingers with mine. “He seems like a nice guy, Cass, but don’t let your guard down around him, okay?”

  “I won’t,” I promise him. “I love you, J, only you.”

  Lifting our joined hands, he kisses my knuckles. “I know, Cass, and I love you. It’s hard not to be jealous when it comes to guys talking to you because I know they are thinking of how beautiful you are and how they want to get with you.”

  Seeing other girls strut in front of J makes me red with jealousy, too, so I understand where he is coming from. “Only you, baby,” I reiterate, even though he knows.

  Getting J to play in the snow was a challenge, yet I managed to persuade him with a pouty face he can’t resist. He has almost fallen twice and we aren’t even off the steps yet. “You and winter don’t re
ally get along do you?”

  Grunting, he holds on to me as we carefully make it down the last two steps. More snow has fallen overnight, adding to our already six inches. “Summer is my favorite season, Cass. I don’t almost break my neck going down the steps when it’s warm.”

  Having lived up here all my life, I’ve learned to love the snow. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “Highly doubtful, Cass.”

  Letting him go, I lie down in the freezing snow and create a snow angel. When I am done, I hold my hand up for J to help me to my feet. “Now, you create one.”

  He seems hesitant, but lies down an arm's length away from mine and creates his own. I help him up and we admire our snow angels.

  “Mine looks better,” J comments with a hint of laughter in his voice.

  Instead of replying, I bend down to gather some snow, shaping it in the form of a snowball. J notices what I am doing and starts backing away.

  “Don’t even think about it, Cass.”

  Holding my snowball up, I chunk it at him, hitting him in his shoulder.

  “It’s on now, Cassie.”

  And so a snowball fight breaks out between us. I’ve managed to hit J several more times so far, only missing him a few times. J isn’t giving up, though, firing two more in my direction. They keep coming, one right after another and I’m constantly getting pelted by snowballs. How is making them so fast?

  “Okay, stop! I surrender!” I concede.

  J comes over to me, sweeping me up in his arms, my legs locking around his waist. His chin lifts up as he brings his mouth to mine, making my body heat despite the bitter cold.

  “The best victory celebration ever.”

  I laugh and shake my head at him. “I don’t think you are supposed to celebrate by kissing your opponent.”

  “When my opponent is drop dead gorgeous, I can’t help it.”

  My face flushes crimson. “Want some hot chocolate?”

  “Sure, but don’t think I don’t know what you are doing. Accept my compliment, please. You’re gorgeous, Cass, so get used to hearing me say it.”

  And this is one of the reasons why I love him. “You are very handsome yourself, mister,” I reply, still not accepting his compliment.

  “Oh, I know,” he says confidently. “See how easy that was, Cassie?”

  A pang of sadness washes over me when I think about how confident I used to be. “It used to be so easy to accept people’s compliments when I was popular and outgoing, J. Now, all I want to do is hide. My parents changed my life so much over three years so I’m not sure if I know how to be that confident girl again.”

  “You’re perfect the way you are, Cassie. I don’t want you to be the girl you were then, I love you for who you are now and that’s who I want you to be. If I am honest, I like seeing you blush when I shower you with compliments. You’re so humble and sweet, baby. Don’t ever change.” With my arms around his neck, I lean forward, resting my cheek on his broad shoulder. J seems to find the sweetest things to say to me at the perfect moment.

  “I love you so so much.”

  “And I you, Cass,” he murmurs in my hair. “Now, how about that hot chocolate?”

  J sets me on my feet then takes hold of my hand. While I make two mugs of hot chocolate, J makes a pallet on the floor in front of the fireplace. Unsure if he wants marshmallows in his or not, I bring the bag with me.

  J takes both mugs and sets them to the side while I get comfortable between his legs. Resting my back to his front, I fix the blanket so it’s covering us both.

  “Do you want marshmallows in your hot chocolate?” I ask, holding up the bag.

  “You can’t have hot chocolate without marshmallows, Cassie. It’s against the law.”

  “Well, okay then,” I giggle, opening the bag.

  J rest his chin on my shoulder. “Marshmallow me.”

  Lifting my hand, I pop the marshmallow in J’s mouth. “Mmm… Hot chocolate, marshmallows, and Cassie. What a delicious combination.” J nuzzles my neck, placing a soft kiss on my heated skin. “I’m going to miss this when I go back in a couple of days.”

  This past week has been one of my favorite times and I don’t want it to end. “I don’t want you to go.”

  His arms tighten around me. “Trust me, Cassie, it’s tough leaving you here. It takes every ounce in me to not pack your bags and bring you with me.”

  “It’s only been like eight weeks so far, yet it feels like an eternity.”

  “Don’t remind me that we still have five months to go,” he grumbles. “I worry about you being up here.”

  “I’ll be fine, J. Don’t worry about me,” I assure him.

  “Can’t help it, Cass. The world is a dangerous place and with that being said, I hate that you walk home alone from the diner at night.”

  I can’t help but sigh, even though I know he is right, it is dangerous for me to walk home alone at night. “I know, J, but what other choice do I have?”

  “As much as I hate this idea, I don’t see another option.” Groaning, he adds, “Ask Seth if he can either walk you home or drive you home.”

  Wow, I totally didn’t expect those words to leave his mouth. “Are you honestly okay with Seth taking me home? Cause if you aren’t then I won’t ask him.”

  “No, I’m not okay with it, but I don’t want anything to happen to you. Besides, it’s not you I don’t trust, it’s him. If he ever tries anything with you, tell me.”

  I want to tell him Seth is harmless, but I refrain. Of course, I said the same about Zack and look how that turned out. “Okay, J. I’ll do this for you.”

  Kissing my cheek, he murmurs, “If anything ever happened to you…”

  Shifting so I am facing him, I cup his cheeks. “Oh, J, I feel the same about you.”

  Without J in my life, I’d never be the same. He swooped into my life when I unknowingly needed him the most and saved me.

  There comes a time in life when we all have to intervene in someone else’s life, even if the other disagrees. I’m at that point. Sitting back and watching Colt drag Jess into a situation she shouldn’t be involved in, is not something I will sit by and watch happen. Jess is an innocent person who will wind up hurt or worse if Colt doesn’t leave her out of it.

  Colt is standing with a group of guys by their cars when I arrive. Cars line the streets while people crowd the road. One thing I have learned about Colt is that he likes to race. Street racing in a rural area or city is not only illegal but dangerous. And now, he has gotten Jess involved.

  Colt notices me and the fucker smiles. “Bo, what a surprise! I didn’t know you were coming.”

  Shaking his hand, I skip the pleasantries. “We need to talk.”

  His smile vanishes instantly. I have to be smart and not cause a scene. If I had to guess, these other guys would have his back in a fight. Four people to one would get me killed.

  Colt and I step away from his friends to talk privately. I’m sure he knows what I am here about. Then again, he isn’t the brightest crayon in the box.

  “Whatcha want to talk about?”

  “I think you know why I am here. You need to keep Jess away from here. I don’t give a shit about what trouble you get into, but leave Jess out of it.”

  He folds his arms over his chest defensively. “What Jess and I do while we are together is none of your business. How do you know she doesn’t want to be here?”

  Anger boils inside of me, but I try to calm it down. “I overheard her talking to Cassie about it so it became my business. I’m telling you, leave her out of it,” I snarl.

  Colt scowls, not happy with my underlining threat. “At least I’m not scared to tell her how I feel,” he fires back. It’s no secret to J and Cassie, and while I haven’t professed my feelings to Jess, she pretty well knows. As far as anybody else, I haven’t said a word. “Of course I know, Bo. I see you watching her all the time and I also see you two arguing constantly. So while you keep breaking her heart, I’m picking up
the pieces.”

  He's got me there. Maybe people see more than I think they do. “I have my reasons. But we’re not talking about me and Jess.” Even if I wasn’t into her, I’d still be here because we are friends. Or whatever we are. “Tell me, where is she while you are off racing?”

  “She waits for me. Where else would she be?” I’m not sure which is worse, her on her own or her being in the car with him while he is driving at a high rate of speed. “Look, Bo, it’s almost race time. I have to go.”

  “Where is Jess right now?” I seethe as he walks away.

  Colt shrugs, lifting his hands. “Who knows. Right now, I have a race to win. Maybe you should stay and see our victory kiss,” he gloats as he walks backwards before turning around and continuing to head back to his car.

  Since Colt is obviously no help, I pull out my phone and text Jess.

  Where are you?

  While I wait for her to respond, I search the bystanders who are crowded around the cars who are currently revving their engines. I hope and pray she isn’t in the car with him.

  As the speed down the street, I get a text from Jess.

  At home. What’s it to you?

  That fucker lied to me. I breathe a sigh of relief as I head back to my truck. She’s at home. She’s safe.

  Sitting in the driver’s seat, I debate whether I should go talk to her or not. What will I say to her? Everyone has been pressuring me to tell her how I feel and while a small part of me is considering it, I’m not sure if I can do it. What have you got to lose? My heart, for starters.

  Can I come over and talk to you?

  God, I hope I don’t sound desperate.

  I guess

  That isn’t a no, but it doesn’t necessarily mean yes either. I’ll take it, though. I’ll take whatever I can get with Jess.

  Bring me food

  What would you like, Darlin?

  Anything. I’m starving.

  I chuckle, setting my phone in the cup holder next to me. This is not how I saw tonight going. It’s better.


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