Trust in Me (Saved #1.5)

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Trust in Me (Saved #1.5) Page 6

by Shelby Reeves

  “I miss you too, Cass. I’ll be back shortly.”

  I let out a huge sigh of relief. Glancing briefly at Seth, my eyes narrow at him. “Don’t let me forget the hot chocolate and marshmallows.”

  Seth chuckles. “You’re fucked even if you do get them. Cassie isn’t stupid.”

  “I know, don’t remind me.”

  Pulling up outside of a club Seth said he heard them say they were going to, he points out Clara standing by a group of girls. Just seeing her reminds me of Ellen and Heather and how mean they were to Cassie. One look at Clara and you can tell she doesn’t play nice.

  Seth follows behind me as we cross the street and walk right up to them. “Clara, I think we need to talk.” The tone of my voice is anything but friendly.

  Clara whips around and glares at me. “And who the hell are you?”

  “I’m sure you have heard of me. J Michaels, Cassie’s boyfriend? I understand that you girls are giving my girl some problems and I don’t take too kindly to anyone messing with Cassie.”

  Clara steps closer to me, running a hand across my stomach. My hand shoots out, stopping her. “Well, well, who’d have thought that ordinary Cassie could snag such a hottie?”

  “I’m warning you now, if you give her any more problems, you will regret it.”

  “My, such harsh words. But alas, your threat doesn’t scare me.”

  “It should because you see, I have some proof that you do more than just powder your nose.” Clara blanches at my bullshit lie. Hell, I don’t have one spec of dirt on her, but her reaction only fuels me. “You also wouldn’t want anyone to know that you have sticky fingers now would you?” Seth mentioned that he has seen Clara steal before. “If you so much as look at my girl wrong, your secrets will be no longer secret, got it?”

  “Fine,” she huffs.

  “Glad we are on the same page.” The moment my back is to her, my smile unleashes.

  “How the hell did you know she is on drugs?”

  “I didn’t, I just guessed.” Truth be told, Clara acts so much like Ellen that I just assumed.

  Seth shakes his head, amused. “You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

  Mission accomplished.

  I have been putting this off for as long as I can, afraid to go see them. They weren’t the best parents all the time, but we had some wonderful times together pre-drugs. Those memories I will cling to, to remind me of the good times.

  Gripping J’s hand, I stare at the headstone before me, fighting back the tears. To this day, I still don’t understand why they couldn’t tell me they loved me. Was it that hard to say? There are times when I don’t feel connected to them and I don’t know if I should feel bad or not.

  “Want me to give you a minute alone?” J’s gravelly voice rumbles in my ear.

  I squeeze his hand harder. “No, I want you here with me.”

  “Okay, baby.”

  Without removing my eyes from their grave, I release all of the unspoken words I have wanted to say for so long. “You know, for three years, I hated you both, and a part of me still does. I know hate is a strong word but you put me through so much and I didn’t know how to get you two to understand that drugs were not the answer. Running wasn’t the answer. Like I have told you several times, your problems will always catch up to you. I guess now is the time to say I told you so. When I was young, I remember both of my parents telling me daily how much they loved me. Why did you stop? Did you know how much it hurts to not feel wanted or loved? I needed to my parents to not only tell me but to show me. Maybe you felt like you failed me. I’m not going to lie; in some ways you have. But I forgive you, I forgive you both.”

  J wraps his arm around my waist, guiding me back to the truck. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders, allowing me to stand taller. Getting all of my feelings out, telling my parents how I felt wasn’t easy, but I did it and I am proud of myself.

  “That felt good didn’t it, Cass?”

  “Oh, yeah. I feel tons better.”

  J and I go visit Mamma C one last time before he has to be at the airport. After this past week with J, I feel as if our relationship is stronger than ever.

  “It’s good to see you again, country boy,” Mamma C greets us as we step inside.

  “Country boy?” I question my boss.

  “Yeah, it’s his nickname,” she replies with a wink.

  “I like it,” J chimes in. “What’s the special today, Mamma C?”

  “I’ll bring you out something good.”

  “By the way, thank you for letting my girl have a few days off.” J tugs me closer, kissing my temple.

  “Anytime, country boy. You have got a wonderful girl sitting next to you.”

  As usual, I blush at her compliment as J throws his arm over my shoulder, agreeing with her. J and I snag two seats at the bar while we wait for our food.

  The bell over the door chimes as Clara and two other girls walk in. I can’t help but groan, keeping my back to them. Surprisingly, Clara doesn’t come near me at all. Mamma C appears with our food, setting it in front of us, along with our drinks.

  When she notices, Clara, she immediately marches over to them. “I thought I told you girls that you aren’t allowed back in here? Go on right now. I meant what I said.”

  Clara and the two girls scurry out the door seeming frightened. At least I am safe from them at work.

  It’s Valentine’s Day and while I wish I could be six hundred miles away to spend it with Cassie, I’m stuck at school listening to these monotone teachers. If Cassie was here, we’d possibly skip school just to spend the day together at our spot.

  Opening my locker door, I am stunned when I see it plastered with pink decorations. Decorations I know Cassie didn’t arrange. Glancing at the iron number on the front of the locker, I confirm it’s mine. Judging by the handwriting, I know who is responsible for this.

  Heather has to stop this obsession with me dammit. My hands tear through the hearts and streamers, ripping them to shreds and disposing of them on the floor at my feet.

  “Holy shit, J! What happened to your locker?!”

  Still angry from my discovery, I turn to Bo. “Go and tell Heather that if she doesn’t stop, I will go to her father and spill all of her secrets!” And trust me, there is a lot. “She better leave me the fuck alone, Bo.”

  “Whoa, don’t take your anger out on me, bro. Don’t worry, I will go tell her.”

  I need to get out of here.

  Slamming my locker shut, I shove through my classmates until I reach the door. There is only one place I want to be and that is where I feel connected to Cassie.

  Gazing at our tree, an idea hits me, giving me a gift idea for Cassie’s birthday next month. I snap a picture of our carved initials to make sure all of the details will be exact.

  This visit, I want Cassie to come to me. I’m sure I can sweet talk Mamma C into letting her have the weekend off. That woman loves me so I’m sure it won’t be an issue. Seth can drive her to the airport if her aunt can’t. Yeah, it’s all coming together now.

  Pulling out my phone, I first make a call to Mamma C asking if Cassie can have the time off. As I thought, she let her have the weekend off. I also made sure she knows not to tell Cassie.

  Next, I make a call to a florist up there. I may have already wished her a Happy Valentine’s Day this morning when I talked to her, but that doesn’t mean I can’t buy her flowers and have them delivered.

  And finally, I call my girl, to hear her angelic voice.

  I may not be a romantic guy, but I like to think I know how to make a girl smile. Something has shifted between Jess and me over the last few weeks. We haven’t argued, yet we haven’t been honest with each other either. If I had to describe our relationship, I’d say we’ve become the best of friends. It’s strange that we have reverted back to how we used to be, although I feel happier than I have in months.

  “Colt been bothering you?” I ask Jess, who is gathering her books out of her locker.

  Jess huffs, irritated that I keep asking her. Since Christmas break, I ask her at least twice a week if Colt has started bothering her or come near her. I can’t help it, though. My protective streak takes command when it comes to her. “He tried to give me roses, but I threw them in the trash.”

  “Good, he’s a dick.”

  “Bo,” she scolds.

  “Don’t act like you care about him. He hurt you, Jess.”

  Jess closes her locker and turns to me. “You have too, Bo. What’s the difference?”

  There is no denying that I have hurt her in the past and I feel bad for making her cry. Taking a step closer to her, I swallow hard at what I am about to say. Her breathing becomes labored at my close proximity. “The difference, Jess, is that I care about you. All he wanted was sex from you when I just want you.”

  Her breath hitches and her eyes widen a fraction. “Bo, you can’t say things like that to me and not do anything about it.”

  “I don’t know what the hell I am doing here, you know this. I’m trying so hard to fight whatever it is I am feeling and it’s not working. I make you cry when all I want to do is make you smile.”

  Her mouth opens, then closes. “I-I…Bo, I don’t…I don’t know if I can let you in again. The last time I did, you hurt me and I do not want to feel like that again.”

  “I’m sorry about my past mistakes, okay? I don’t mean to go off on you like I do, I swear, it’s just I have so many feelings that I don’t know how to handle and you get the brunt of it.”

  “Thank you for your honesty, Bo. Can we just continue to be friends like we have been these last few weeks and see what happens?”

  No, that’s not what I want. I finally decide to tell you how I feel and you friend-zone me. “Sure.”

  Jess wraps her long arms around my waist, her head tilting up to kiss me cheek.

  “Isn’t this cozy.” I hear from behind me.

  Jess drops her arms and takes a step back. I automatically turn, stepping in front of Jess to face Colt.

  “Just walk on, Colt.”

  Ignoring me, his eyes focus over my shoulder at Jess. “What did I say, Jess? Didn’t I tell you that it was about him?”

  I grind my jaw. “Shut the hell up, Colt. You don’t know shit.”

  Jess steps out from behind me. “Mind your own business. Bo and I are not in a relationship.”

  Colt scoffs, shaking his head. “You honestly expect me to believe that when you have been pining for him for the longest? How pathetic is that, Jess?”

  Grabbing Jess by her arm, I tug her back, placing her behind me. “Watch it, Colt, or I will lay you out right here,” I growl. “Do not disrespect her.”

  “Don’t come to me begging for another chance when he breaks your heart again because you know he will. That’s all Bo does.”

  I know for a fact Jess won’t go back to him, yet it stings when people keep reminding me of how much I hurt her. It’s killing my chances with her even more. I finally found a girl who brings me to my knees and I can’t have her.

  Damn it, starting today, I’m changing for her. No getting drunk, no yelling at her, and no sleeping around.

  I’m the guy for you, Jess, you’ll see. I will prove it to you and everyone else.

  I’ve been helping more on the ranch to try and keep my mind off of Cassie being gone. But this weekend? She’s all mine. My plan is set and I am more than ready to have her here, back home. Mom and Dad are also excited since they get to see her, too.

  Cassie will be the big eighteen. If only there was a way she can transfer back to Brilliant and finish out school at home with me. With graduation two months away, I highly doubt they will let her transfer back.

  The second she is in my arms; my lips find hers. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to taste her lips or hold her in my arms.

  This long distance shit sucks.

  “Just as sweet as I remember,” I whisper, my mouth grazing hers as I speak.

  “Hmm…” she hums, throwing her arms around my neck.

  Our situation has been wearing on both of us, but the second I have my arms wrapped around her, I feel alive. Everything melts away when our lips touch.

  “It’s so good to be back here,” Cassie says when we are on our way home.

  It’s so good to have her here.

  Cassie isn’t much into surprises so I’m kind of scared she is going to be freaked when she gets to the house. I send Bo a quick text letting him know that we are on our way.

  The whole hour and a half drive, Cassie and I talk about nothing and everything. With her tucked into my side, we grow closer to one another. It’s hard to determine what made me fall in love with this beautiful girl. It could be a few different reasons. Her heart, her smile, and her strength are a fraction of what I love about her.

  The way she blushes when she is embarrassed, which is a lot, is the cutest thing in the world. I could go on and on about her, but the simple fact is, Cassie makes my world go around, even during the darkest nights.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you,” I tell her as I help her down. Before her feet touch the ground, I steal a kiss from her.

  She narrows her eyes at me. “J, what have you gone and done?”

  Linking our fingers, we walk up to the house. “You’ll see.”

  “I don’t like you right now,” she pouts.

  “Aww…baby, don’t be like that. I think you will love it.”

  I stop when we reach the front door to cover her eyes. With one hand shielding her eyes, I open the door and help her step inside. Once the front is closed, I guide her, laughing at her when she grumbles something under her breath.

  We slow to a stop in the kitchen and as I drop my hand, everyone yells, “Happy Birthday, Cassie!”.

  Shocked, her hands fly to her mouth. Mom is the first one to hug her, followed by Dad, Jess, and finally Bo.

  Her hand swats my stomach, causing me to grunt. Grasping her arm, I tug her into my open arms. “Happy Birthday, Cass.”

  “I can’t believe you did this! Thank you!”

  I smile at how happy I made her. “Cassie, I’d give you the world if it meant you were happy.” Hell, I would suffer if it meant she was happy.

  “Even if all I had was you, I’d still be the happiest girl on the planet.”

  Finally, the party is over and I can steal my girl away from everyone. The cool air does nothing for my heated skin. I’ve been waiting to take Cassie to our spot since she left so I am anxious to get there. The bed of the truck is filled with comfort for our night under the stars.

  Parking my truck the way I always do, I hop out and rush around the truck to get Cassie. “I miss being able to bring you here.”

  “It won’t be long and we can be here as much as we like,” she promises.

  I’m right behind Cassie as she settles in the bed of the truck underneath the comforter.

  “I wonder what constellation we can find tonight.”

  With her curled into my side, we gaze at the night sky in search of a constellation. This is something she loves to do and I am glad I get to be the one she shares her interests with.

  Cassie lets her fingers draw lazy circles on my middle, making me crazy for her.

  Rolling on my side, I fuse my lips to hers, kissing her until she can’t breathe. In no time, we are lost in each other, our clothes discarded off to the side.

  Cassie shivers beneath my fingertips and I love that I can make her feel that. She arches against me, a soft gasp leaving her pretty lips. “Do you know that each time I touch you it feels like the first time all over again?” The first time feelings never go away and if I feel all of that each day with her, I am a hell of a lucky guy.

  “Then don’t stop touching me,” she pants.

  I chuckle, removing my hands from her for a moment to watch her squirm. Ten seconds was all either of us can stand. My lips trail the hollow of her neck down to her collarbone, hitting the spots I know she likes.

��J,” she says my name like a prayer as I slide gently inside her.

  I know exactly what my girl needs. And what my girl wants, my girl gets. “I’ve got you, Cass. I always will.”

  She hums a sound of pleasure as my hands glide down her body grasping her hips.

  “Move with me, baby,” I murmur, kissing behind her ear. I bite back a groan as her hips flex beneath me. “That’s it, Cass.”

  Cassie has ruined me for eternity. As she comes undone with me, it suddenly hits me that I want our future to begin soon. Spending the rest of my life with Cassie would allow me to die a happy man.

  My night with J was amazing, but then again, every day with J is amazing. I momentarily had a silent freak out when I realized J and I didn’t use protection. I’m still not on any kind of birth control and while J assured me it will be fine; I was still slightly scared.

  Saturday, J and I ride the horses for a while, which is something I am quickly beginning to love. Bo and Jess come over that evening and we have our own little bonfire in the backyard.

  It’s great being home and being surrounded by the people you love. Jess and I haven’t talked much since I have been away so I’m grateful to have this opportunity to catch up with her.

  “Girl, I didn’t tell you what went down with Colt did I?” As Jess fills me in, I can’t help but thank the lucky stars that she and Colt are done. I knew from the start that they shouldn’t be together. I can’t tell Jess who she can and can’t date so I am glad she figured it out on her own.

  “What about you and Bo? Things seem better between you two.”

  A sad look fills her eyes, but it quickly disappears. “He practically told me he wants to be with me, but I asked him if we could just be friends for now.”

  My jaw drops in shock. “Jess!”

  “I know, okay! Things were going so well between us and I was afraid dating him would screw it up and I would lose him!”

  “Is he okay with only being friends?”

  Jess shrugs, clearly unsure. “He said he is okay with it.”


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