Thomas Kindercook and the Pink Pyjamas
Page 12
“What is it?” Gatsby looked concerned.
“It has to do with my travels. Let me pose this question to you Gatsby. When was the last time you saw a Storm Dragon?
“The Storm Dragons! Everyone does their best to avoid them I think.”
“Yes, however, you cannot help but run into them on occasion. When was the last time you actually saw one?”
Gatsby looked like he was thinking hard. “It may have been 50 years or so. While I was travelling around the country, I ran into one. I barely got away with my life.”
The king nodded. “That is about right. It's been about half a century since the last sightings of a Storm Dragon.”
“But what does that mean? They can't have gone extinct! They were anarchists, yes... disorganized... but there were more Storm Dragons than any other race!”
“That's been bothering me as well Gatsby. That is why I have been travelling lately. I have been going to the head of the other dragon races and gathering as much information about the Storm Dragon as I could. From the little I could find out, there is a feeling that they have gathered somewhere, possibly organizing for something. Had they been killed off, or gone extinct for some reason, you would expect to at least run across a body, or some other significant evidence, but they have simply vanished.”
“Gathered!” Gatsby spat. “Storm Dragons?! They don't gather! They have no organization! How could that be possible?!”
“Possible or not. Many of the last sightings were of larger and larger groups of Storm Dragons. Then, about 50 years ago as you said. Nothing.”
“What has this to do with us sir?” Thomas had been sitting quietly the entire conversation, but he still couldn't see how he fit in. Gatsby, yes. He was a dragon, and not just a dragon, but a royal. But Thomas was nothing. Less than nothing as he wasn't even the wizard he had claimed to be.
The king regarded Thomas with a serious expression. “If you are truly a trans-dimensional wizard, then there is some value to an association with you. I am not convinced that the value is greater than a tie to the Ganton Dragons. I think you will need to prove your association with Edric of Westminster.”
The king rose from his chair and walked over to the bookshelf. “I believe that everything happens for a reason Thomas. I believe you when you say you are from another dimension. How you got here, I have no idea. But you are here at a time when I believe that there will be a crisis with the dragon world. I don't know how you fit in. But I know someone who might.”
The king looked back over to Thomas, “You are a very young man, but you showed some courage tonight. Not too many would dare spit into the face of Tretchbolt Argnot. It may not have been the most civilized way to handle him, I do know he was staring at you, part of the blame lies with me, but you did show some nerve. For future reference however, it may not be wise to do that again, you may be a wizard, but that means little to him.”
The kings' demeanour lightened a little. “ I didn't make it easy on you at the banquet. I believe you have quite a lot of fortitude.”
Fortitude? Did Thomas hear the king correctly? Thomas' acting must have been better than he realized. His drama teacher would have been thrilled.
“ My daughter wishes to marry you, and I am prepared to accept this.”
Thomas couldn't believe what he was hearing. The king was giving his permission?
“But there are conditions to be met.” The king continued. “First. You must travel to the seer. Alanna will know the way. I must know how you fit in with the grand scheme of things.”
A journey? As tired as Thomas felt, he would be happy to get out of BlueShift.
“The next condition has to do with you Gatsby.”
Gatsby straightened up.
“I want you to approach your father. I still need the alliance of the Ganton Dragons for what lies ahead. I don't believe this is too much to ask considering the pain you have caused these past three hundred years, do you Gatsby?”
Gatsby was quick to agree to speak with his father.
“Good. Then the final step will be talking to Edric. At that point we will announce the marriage, and things will be set in motion. Does this meet with your approval Thomas?”
What choice did he have really? The same choice he had had since arriving in this world.
“It sounds alright with me sir.”
For the first time all evening the king smiled. “Then it is agreed.” The king stood and picked up a sealed letter from the nearby shelf. “Present this to the seer. He will give something to you in return, bring it back to me when you complete your task.”
The king offered his hand to Thomas. Thomas took it reluctantly and shook it. “Well then, if you will excuse me, I am quite tired from my travels. Thomas, you will be staying with Alanna now of course, you are engaged. Glen is eager to get his house back. He mentioned something about a smell. Well Glen is a little particular.” The king chuckled. “When he found out he was housing a powerful wizard, he became nervous and asked if I wouldn't mind lodging you for a while.”
Thomas was about to say something, but the words failed him for not the first time that night. Before he could think of anything, the king was already leaving the two behind in the study.
Gatsby was standing there with an odd expression on his face.
“Gatsby? What's the matter?”
Gatsby shook off whatever had been preoccupying his mind. “Hm? Oh.... nothing. I guess I am just a little worried about confronting my father. I haven't seen him since I went on the run. I think he will be more upset than Alanna was.”
Thomas couldn't imagine that.
The door opened up, and a nervous looking Alanna entered the room.
“What did father want?”
Gatsby sighed. “It's not good Alanna. He believes a war is brewing between the Alkamire and Storm Dragons.”
Alanna seemed shocked. “The Storm Dragons! They are brutal warriors!”
Gatsby nodded. “He wants me to get the help of the Ganton Dragons. I will be leaving shortly for home.” he sighed. “I am not at all looking forward to it, but even I know this is more important than my feelings.”
Gatsby looked at Thomas and Alanna and frowned.
“What's the matter Gatsby?” asked Alanna.
“Hm? “ Gatsby shook his head. “I better get going. It's just.. it's been a long night I suppose.”
Gatsby nodded toward Thomas and Alanna, and departed the room.
“I guess we better be getting some sleep too.” said Thomas turning to Alanna.
Thomas suddenly went completely red. “Uh. Your father... he said I would be staying here with... you.”
Suddenly it was Alanna's turn to blush.
Gatsby stood outside the door for a few moments before leaving. Why was he feeling so bad all of a sudden? When he had sat across the table from Alanna and Thomas, and Alanna had kissed him, he suddenly wanted to hit Thomas in the face. When the king had said Thomas was going to stay with Alanna... he felt his heart pang. It had been three hundred years. That's a fair amount of time by anyone's standards. Maybe in that time, enough distance had been put between their childhood friendship that he was able to see her as more now. Only it was too late. Thomas and Alanna were heading on a mission together, and Gatsby was going home to face his father. He wondered how long it would be until he was allowed to see the light of day after that. What a mess he had gotten into.
Gatsby walked sadly through the halls. It seemed he wasn't going to be free after all.
King Alkamire Aqual retired to his chamber where his wife, Queen Eva, sat, reading a book.
“So? How did it go with the boy?” Eva asked looking over the top of 'Customs of the Storm Dragon.'
Alkamire nodded. “I believe he may be the one we have been waiting for.”
“Really?” Eva didn't sound convinced. “He hardly looked like a great and powerful wizard to me.” She laughed
mirthlessly. “He looked more like a scared boy that had bitten off more than he could chew. Do you honestly think that our daughter is in love with that?”
“Of course I don't.” Alkamire paused. “She wants a way out.” sighing he sat down beside his wife. “This Thomas. He was terrified. I could smell it on him. True. He stood , unwavering, and confronted me. Me, at my worst. I don't have to tell you that that isn't easy.” Alkamire pulled the book out of his wife's hand. “He endured sitting across the table from Tretchbolt, all the time trying to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible.” Alkamire laughed heartily. “I thought Tretchbolt would tear his arms off when he spat that Ognought into his face!
Eva had to laugh at that as well.
“This boy, he's not a wizard. At least, not yet. He has an aura of power, but he is young. If Alanna wishes to make alliances through him to the humans, well, we could do worse. We already have the Ganton Dragons allegiance after Gatsby's blunder. One more alliance can only help.” Alkamire shook his head. “I feel sorry for Gatsby. Ganton isn't going to go easy on him. Gatsby believes that he is going back to negotiate a treaty between us.”
Eva frowned. “Why did you send Gatsby away?”
“Eva, Gatsby may not realize it yet, but I watched him all night. He's in love with Alanna, and I can't have him mess things up again.”
Thomas had to duck quick as a porcelain figure missed his head by inches. “You are NOT sleeping on the same bed as me!” Alanna was yelling.
“Keep it down Alanna! Do you want your father to hear you?
Alanna crossed her arms and sat roughly down onto the bed. “Hrmph.”
“Look, I am probably more uncomfortable than you are. I didn't ask for any of this. I was blackmailed.”
Alanna shot Thomas a nasty look.
“Look, all I am saying is, I am tired. I don't want to sleep on your cold stone floor. I promise. All I want at this point is to sleep, and forget most of tonight.” Most of tonight. Maybe he would hold on to that kiss for a while.
“I swear. I will have the guards do away with you Thomas if you try anything. Now turn around.”
Thomas knew exactly what Alanna was capable of when she was angry.
“Oh, uh, alright.” Thomas replied clumsily.
Thomas could hear a bit of rustling and then quiet. “Alright. You can turn around again.”
Alanna was tucked into bed and looking quite smug.
“Um, Alanna?
“Yes Thomas?”
“I don't have any clothes.”
“That's not my problem.”
“I guess I could sleep in these. They are quite comfortable actually.”
“You will NOT! Those are VERY expensive. We need to keep you looking presentable around father.”
Thomas sighed. “Why is it that I am the only one who has to wear my underwear here?”
Alanna pretended to close her eyes, but Thomas could see she was still peeking. “Aren't you going to get ready for bed now?
“I can't get undressed with you staring at me like that!” Thomas retorted.
“Well I am in quite a comfortable position, I don't feel like moving.”
“Do you think that you could at least close your eyes.” Thomas knew she
was making this difficult on purpose.
“OH.... I Suppose.” Alanna made a big show of closing her eyes, like a little girl waiting for a present.
Thomas began to slip out of his clothes.
“Hey! No peeking!” Thomas was quick to cover up.
Alanna giggled. “Very well.”
Thomas slipped quickly out of the rest of his clothes, not bothering to fold them or place them neatly. He dived into the bed and pulled the covers up over himself.
“You sucked all the warm air out!”
Thomas rolled his eyes. She was acting like a little girl. “Just how old are you?”
Alanna regarded him with a serious look. “Do you really want to know?”
Thomas just shook his head. Engaged to someone older than his family tree.
The bed had been repaired pretty quickly. He supposed royalty had its privileges. Most of the figurines had also been replaced as well. It was a really amazing, if not somewhat girly room.
“Thomas?” asked Alanna after a few moments of awkward silence.
“I just wanted to let you know.... you did a really great job tonight.”
Thomas looked at Alanna, and quickly turned his gaze away. She was being nice? “Uh, thanks. I guess, to be honest though, I didn't really feel that it went that well.”
“Nonsense! When we first got here, and father was a Dragon, I thought that it was all over. You actually marched up and presented yourself to him, despite him doing his best to make you feel intimidated.”
“Oh I was intimidated. I think I aged about 5 years on the spot.”
Alanna smiled. “Good. Then you have just about caught up to me!”
Thomas laughed. “I will catch up to you, and pass you. I will be the only 80 year old with a wife that still looks 18.”
“Oh please Thomas. I will look at LEAST 19 by then.”
Both of them laughed.
Thomas felt more relaxed than he had all evening. “I really thought it was over though when I spat that grape-thing into Tretchbolt's face.”
Alanna was almost in hysterics now. “Poor Tretchbolt. First social event in centuries, and a wizard spits in his face! Really Thomas, such a violent reaction to a kiss!”
Thomas went completely red at that. “Well... yeah.”
“You act like you had never been kissed before.”
Thomas shifted in the bed uncomfortably. “...yeah.”
“Yeah what? You haven't?” Alanna asked surprised. Then she thought about it. He was only fourteen years old. Not fourteen dragon years, in which case he would be close to twenty-eight hundred years old. She suddenly felt bad for ruining it for him. A fourteen year old boy. He had been through more than most humans go through in a lifetime these past two days.
“No.” Thomas felt uncomfortable with this subject.
“Well, then, I apologize.”
“No! That's alright! It was great! I, ah, I mean it's okay. I mean it was okay. Well no, it was better than okay of course. I mean, except the spitting. The spitting wasn't so... I mean... Gah!” Thomas buried his head in his hands.
“Really? Hmm. Well circumstances may call for me to do that again at some point. Next time, try not to act so surprised. It doesn't do anything for appearances.”
“I think it's quite late now. We better get some sleep.” Alanna turned away from Thomas. “Goodnight Thomas.”
Thomas watched Alanna in the dark for quite a while. He watched as her breathing slowed, and she eventually stopped adjusting her position.
“Good night Alanna.” said Thomas. He smiled, and fell into a deep sleep himself.
Tretchbolt Argnot hated social gatherings. He scrubbed furiously at a purple stain in the middle of his forehead. He thought he got it all when he was at the king's banquet, but apparently he had missed a spot. He must have looked very distinguished walking around with purple splotches on his face the entire evening.
Tetchbolt growled.
The kid that the king had sent him to keep an eye on was going to be trouble. He just knew these things. The king had been right. There was no way that his daughter and that boy had any sort of relationship. He supposed he could excuse most of the boy's behaviour as 'meeting the king jitters', but when Alanna kissed the boy, his head nearly popped off. Tretchbolt scrubbed a little harder. Well, parts actually did.
The Miserable Death Inn did its' best to live up to its' name. It was sort of a theme inn, where actors sat in the public areas, and spontaneously would enact horrible 'accidental' deaths that could happen while staying there. Theme bars, inns and dining were the latest fad in
BlueShift. These types of actor ridden establishments were catching on more and more lately. Tretchbolt had just chosen the first inn he had run across with a room still left to let.
Sitting down on the bed, he picked up his sword and scabbard. Dragons usually fought tooth and nail, but if that was all you knew, you would die quickly in a tight passage or end up in a stew pot if you needed to fight your way through an advancing party of goblins to escape a collapsing mine. All things he'd had many experiences with.
Tretchbolt yanked the sword out of its scabbard. He hadn't used the sword in ages, and the blade showed some signs of age. Some rust, some tarnish. He apologized to the sword out loud. “I haven't taken very good care of you, have I? Well don't worry, we will be working together again soon.” Tretchbolt took a whetstone out and started to run it over the old blade.
The king wanted him to train this young boy up to fight did he? The boy was rather scrawny looking, even for a fourteen year old. He didn't really have a very high opinion of this kid. Ognought aside, there was something not quite right about him. He smiled. He supposed no one would complain too loudly if there was a slight accident during a training session with him. Something that would give him a purple mark on his head. Ah but that would have to wait. The boy was off to find The Seer shortly. Tretchbolt would need a little more time to prepare. Tretchbolt smiled a rare smile. Things were about to get interesting.
Thomas woke up feeling quite refreshed. It was the start of a brand new day! He stretched out his arms wide and ran up against something soft. “AAAAAHHHH!!!!” Alanna screamed at the top of her lungs. She blindly shoved Thomas as hard as she could. He went flying out the side of the bed and onto the hard cold stone floor in his underwear.
“Sheesh!” Thomas exclaimed as he reached for his pants. It wasn't as if he had meant to touch her. He figured that this was a bad sign for the beginning of a new day.
Thomas reached for his clothes and started to yank them on. “It's just me you know!”
Alanna was fully awake now. “There is a 'your' side, and a 'my side' of this bed. Cross that line, and there is a risk that you won't make it back.” Alanna huffed.
“You describe the bed like a battlefield.” Thomas huffed.
“That's right, and we're on opposing sides. Remember that.”
Princesses really were moody. She was nice when he expected mean, and mean when he expected... he didn't know. Maybe at least affability.