Mario Cuomo
Page 29
Iraq War, 106, 181
Irish Americans, xvii, 96–98
Islam, 159, 175, 186
Israel, 175–76
Italian Americans, 2, 65, 83, 99, 123, 259; discrimination against, 166; and mistaken identity, 82–85; Talese on, xvii; values and accomplishments of, 160–65
Jackson, Jesse, 225, 242
Jackson, Miriam, 224
Javits, Jacob K., 93–94, 155
Javits, Marian Borris, 93–94
Jessell, Harry, 40
Jesuits, 8, 284
Jesus, 10–11, 14, 32, 110, 124, 157, 216–17, 263
Jews, 8–9, 12, 14, 88, 161–63, 166, 190–91, 218; O’Connor and, 118; Postanik on Cuomo, 72–74; Westchester Holocaust Commission speech, 144–50
jobs, 199, 204
John Paul II, pope, 37
Johnson, Richard, x
Jorling, Tom, 34
Kafferman, Charlie, 294
Kaye, Judith, xxiv, 288
Keefe, Nancy Q., 183, 242–43, 248, 250
Kemp, Jack, 48
Kempton, Murray, 266
Kennedy, Edward, 187, 255
Kennedy, John F., 7, 155
Kennedy, John F., Jr., xxv, 155
Kennedy, Robert F., 7, 95, 155, 242
Kennedy, William, xxiv
Kerry, John, 189
Kessler, Harry and Ruby, 130, 142, 161, 164, 197
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 7, 273
Kirk, Paul, 242
Kissinger, Henry, 226–27
Klores, Dan, 288
Knox, Simmie, 91
Koch, Edward I., 88, 95, 155, 185, 188, 220–21, 223–28, 230, 236, 255, 259, 261
Kragle, Ralph, 294
Kramer, Marcia, 266, 289
Krasnow, Erwin, 294
Krupsak, Mary Anne, 259
Kuralt, Charles, xi
Kurlander, Larry, 288
Kurson, Ken, xvi, 57
labor, 65, 123, 131–32; O’Connor and, 118; Talese on, xvii
LaDuke, Glendy, 1, 207–8, 277
Lady Gaga, 281
law, 14, 70–72, 198, 258
Lazarus, Emma, 274
Lee, Sandra, 266, 283
Lehman, Orin, 34
Lehrman, Lewis, 48, 66, 229
Lewis, C. S., xiii, 153–54
Liberty Scholarship Programs, 269
Libretti, Lava, 1, 207, 277
lieutenant governor, job of, 259
life, 124–25, 154, 156, 167, 180, 189–91, 227, 268; philosophy of, 31–51, 185–87
Lincoln, Abraham, 39, 45–51, 123, 125, 195, 263–64
Lincoln on Democracy (Cuomo & Holzer), 29, 39, 113, 250
Lindsay, John V., 60, 155
Littlejohn, Richard, 294
London, Herb, 247
Long, Mike, 66
Longfellow, H. W., 38
Louis, Joe, 64
love, xii, 14, 20, 32–33, 224, 252–53, 263, 266, 275–76; Siracusano on, 25; Teilhard on, 111
love letters: book as, ix, 291; Cuomo on Lincoln, 50–51; Cuomo on O’Shaughnessy, x–xiv
Lovett, Ken, 288
Lowey, Nita, 245
Luddy, Bill, 156
Luddy, William F., 8
Lundine, Stan, 87–88, 288
Lupica, Mike, xiv, 266
Lynch, Dan, 288
Lynch, Loretta, 257
Maas, Peter, ix
MacArthur, Douglas, 72
Maccioni, Sirio, ix, 9, 55, 81
Madoff, Bernard, 55
Maggiore, John, 256
Mahoney, Joe, 288
Maier, Howard, 266, 283
Maier, Mariana, 282
Malara, Anthony, 78–79
Mara, Wellington, 39
Marconi, Guglielmo, 163
Marcus Aurelius, 40
Marino, John, 288
Marino, Ralph, 246
marriage equality, 47; Andrew Cuomo on, 272–74
materialism, 126, 170–71
Matthews, Chris, xxv
Mattone, Joseph, 288
McBrien, Richard, 115
McCourt, Malachy, 54
McGrath, Kevin Barry, 233
McGrory, Mary, 23–24, 266
McManus, Bob, xvi
McShane, Joseph, 293
meaning, xxii, 4–6, 14–15, 31–32, 34–35, 62–63, 104–13, 145, 251, 269
media, 40–43, 220, 265–66, 288–89
mediation, 55, 59–61
melting pot, 43–45
mentoring, 86–87
Mentoring USA, 6
Michaelian, Edwin G., 155
Milano, Robert, 288
militarism, 175, 178
millennium, 61, 156–72; predictions for, 167–70
mission, 165–66. See also meaning; principles
Modell, Bill, 255
Modell, Michael, 255
Mondale, Walter, 187–88
morality, 104–20; technology and, 169
More, Thomas, 37
More Than Words (Cuomo), 57, 113
Morgado, Bob, 288
Mowshowitz, Israel, 73, 88, 288
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 155
Mucha, Zenia, 25
Mulholland, Royce, 288
Mullen, Tom, 243–44
Mulligan, William Hughes, 98, 293
Mulrow, William, 288
music, 6, 27–31, 111–12
Nachbaur, Fredric, 292
Nadler, Mark, 279
Native Americans, 171
nativism, 144
natural law, 109
Nebel, “Long John,” 54
negativism, Teilhard on, 108
neighborhood, 80, 95–96, 258–59
Newfield, Jack, xxiv, 8, 153–54, 240, 242, 255, 266
Newman, Eric, 292
New York City, 121, 268
The New York Idea (Cuomo), 196
New York State, 17, 34–35, 37–38, 146–47, 194, 199, 260, 269, 273–74
New York State Labor-Religion Coalition speech,1982, 131–32
Niccolini, Julian, 81
Nichols, Beverley, 192
Nixon, Richard, 59, 192
Noble, Ray, 27
Noonan, Margaret, 292
Noonan, Peggy, 11
Notre Dame speech, 1984, xix, 9, 104, 115–16, 263
Obama, Barack, 199–200, 202–8, 256
obituaries, xvi, xvii–xx
objectivity, xxiv–xxv, 230
O’Brien, Des, 81
O’Brien-Nicholson, Kate, 292
O’Ceallaigh, Daithi, 243
O’Conner, Dan, 256
O’Connor, John Cardinal, 116–19, 240
O’Donoghue, Brian, 266, 283
O’Donoghue, Kristine, 282
O’Donoghue, Madeline Cuomo, 266, 282
O’Donoghue, Samantha, 250–53, 282
O’Donoghue, Tess, 282
O’Grady, Jeremiah Aloysius, 98
O’Hare, Joseph, 293
O’Mara, John, 24
Omega Point, Teilhard on, 109
Omega Society speech, 2005, 104–13
Omouc, Oiram, 207
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 155
Orden, Erica, xvi
O’Rourke, Andy, 156, 208–12, 243–44, 255
Osgood, Charles, xi
O’Shaughnessy, Catherine Tucker, 30–31
O’Shaughnessy, David Tucker, 294
O’Shaughnessy, John, 30
O’Shaughnessy, Kate Wharton, 294
O’Shaughnessy, Matthew, 86–87, 294
O’Shaughnessy, Nancy Curry, 94–95, 172
O’Shea, James, 294
Ottinger, Dick, 156, 225, 242
Page, John, 37
Paley, William S., 228
Palmieri, Renato, 81
Palomino, Fabian, 93, 235, 238, 260, 266, 288
Parkinson, A. J., 1–2, 38, 44–45, 207, 275–77
parties, political, 48, 209–12
Partridge, Bob, 294
Pasquale, Michael Curry, 77
passion, 154
Pataki, George, 24–25, 78, 198–99
Paterson, David, 259
Paul, saint, 109
Pavarotti, Luciano, 6
Pavelle, Gregg, 294
Pelosi, Nancy, 23, 155
Percoco, Joseph, 256, 266, 288
perfectionism, 157
Le Perigord, 238
Perpignano, Christina, 282
philosophy of life, 31–51, 185–87
Pileggi, Nick, xxiv
Plunkett, William, 25
politics, xxii, 12, 92, 192–93, 197–98, 258, 267–68; Church and, 136–37; parties, 48, 209–12
Pollard, Don, 294
Porcelli, Mary, 60, 256, 288
Postanik, Joseph, 72–74
poverty, xix, 106, 123, 160–61, 171, 183, 194, 232
Powers, Frederick B., 155
Powers, William, 25
pragmatism, 195; progressive, 23, 262
Pratchett, Terry, 95
preemptive war, 47–48, 106
presidency, 24, 156–58, 183–85, 189, 198–99, 205–6; Andrew Cuomo on, 267; O’Shaughnessy on, 19–23, 239–43, 250; Spinelli and, 84–85
Pretlow, Gary, 289
priesthood, 215–16, 282, 284
principles, 13–14, 32–33, 40–41, 49, 63, 104–15, 124, 132, 135, 159, 161–63, 185–87, 190, 217–18, 261, 268–69, 272; and rhetoric, 262–63; in tragic situations, 178–80
Pritchard, John, 84
privacy, xxii
progressive pragmatism, 23, 262
public service, 17–25, 35, 126, 158–59, 209, 220, 233
Quaal, Ward, 127
Quayle, Dan, 83
Queens, 12, 95–96, 105, 129–30, 258–59
Quinn, Peter, 113, 288
Racette, Ann-Christine, 292
racism, 166
radio, xi–xii, 91–92, 173
Randall, J. R., 48
Rather, Dan, x, 36
Reagan, Ronald, xix, 82, 123, 127, 188
Reason to Believe (Cuomo), 4–6, 40
Redd, M. Paul, 8
regrets, 191
Reid, Ogden Rogers, 155
Reilly, Joe, xxi, 54–55, 78
Reisman, Phil, x
religion, 125, 131–32, 263; Italian Americans and, 162–63. See also church-state separation
religious liberty, 115, 126
remembrance, 144–50, 233, 236
Republican Party, xi, 48, 66–67, 122–23, 203, 209
Reston, James “Scotty,” 103
rhetoric. See speeches and rhetoric
Riggio, Leonard, 92, 288
Rinfret, Pierre, 247, 249
Rivera, Dennis, 288
Rivera, Mariano, 283
Roberts, Sam, 248
Robinson, Jimmy, 228
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 64–65
Rockefeller, David, 69
Rockefeller, Happy, 69
Rockefeller, Laurance, 69
Rockefeller, Nelson, Jr., 244
Rockefeller, Nelson A., xxvi, 67, 94, 155, 226, 231
Rockefeller family, 67–69
Romney, Mitt, 203
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 274
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 121, 274
roots, 80, 95–96, 161–62, 258–59
Rosenberg, Alan, 294
Rosenthal, Abe, 243
Ross, Steve, 228
Rubenstein, Howard, 226
Rudin, Lou, 228
rugby, 99
Rushing-Schurr, Jennifer, 292
Ruskin, Alvin Richard, 155–56
Russell, Mark, 279
Russert, Tim, 103, 113, 115, 187–88, 235, 288
Safire, William, 103–4
St. James Cathedral speech, 1986, 133–39
Sampson, Calvin, 225
Samuels, Howard, 288
Santucci, John, 8
Scalia, Antonin, 18–19
Schiller, Friedrich von, 112
Schlesinger, Stephen, xvi, 113, 288
Schmuckler, Alan, 279
Schumer, Chuck, 28, 74
Scollon, William “Kirby,” 8
second chances, 213, 219
security issues, 168, 174–75
September 11, 2001, 48, 106, 151, 172–79; anniversary of, 179–87
shabbos goy, 8–9, 190–91
Shanley, John Patrick, 120
Shapiro, Walter, 182
Shaw, Artie, 27
Sheinkopf, Hank, 288
Shesol, Jeff, xvi
Shining City on a Hill speech. See Democratic National Convention keynote speech
Shnayerson, Michael, xxv
Shribman, David, xvi
Silver, Ron, 85
sin, 125, 157, 215
Sinatra, Frank, 163, 228
Siracusano, Luciano, 25, 288
slavery, 137
Smith, Emily, x
Smith, Liz, 253, 279
social issues, 170; O’Connor and, 118
solidarity, 182–83
Sony, 91–92
Sorensen, Ted, 65
soul, xxiii, 20, 25, 27–52, 82, 232, 236
Spacey, Kevin, 290
speech, freedom of, xiii, 40–43, 127–28
speeches and rhetoric, 57–76, 113, 124, 189, 225; best of, 103–20; convention keynote speech, xix, 103–4, 113, 123, 187–88, 268; E Pur Si Muove speech, 113–15; First Inaugural Address, 17–18, 229–34; Golway on, xviii–xx; Holocaust Commission speech, 144–50; Labor-Religion Coalition speech, 131–32; Lincoln and, 46; Notre Dame speech, 1984, xix, 9, 104, 115–16, 263; Obama and, 200; radio and, 92; Supreme Court and, 19; theory of, 257–58, 262–63, 270
Spinelli, Joseph, 53, 83–85, 288
spirituality, 27–52, 213–21, 270
Statue of Liberty, 128–31, 274
Steiner, Brandon, 77
Stengel, Andrew, 87, 288
Stephanopoulos, George, 18–19
Stevens, Don, 293
Straus, Ellen Sulzberger, 54–55
Straus, Eric, 54–55
Straus, R. Peter, 54
Straus, Varinda, 54
Strauss, Bob, 243
subjectivity, xxix–xxv, 230
Sulzberger, Punch, 54
Sunshine, Ken, 288
Supreme Court, 18–19
sureness, 24, 31
sweetness, xii, xvi, 4, 20–21, 30, 43, 264
Taishoff, Rob, 40
Tale of Two Cities speech. See Democratic National Convention keynote speech
Talese, Gay, viii, xvi–xvii
Tappan Zee (Malcolm Wilson) Bridge, 94–95
technology, 167–70, 196
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 12–14, 33, 56, 108–9, 111, 132, 139, 152, 236, 263, 284
Teresa of Calcutta, Mother, xxv–xxvi
terrorism, 172–87
Tese, Vincent, 247, 266, 288
Thayer, Ann Wharton, 294
Thomas Aquinas, 67
Tikkun olam, 14, 33, 63, 110, 145, 150, 217, 269; in tragic situations, 178; as universal, 186
Toobin, Jeffrey, xvi
Toscanini, Arturo, 163
trade, 168
Tragale, Mary, 60, 256, 288
tragedy, 174–75
Travis, Neal, 81–82
Trump, Donald, 192
Tsongas, Paul, 73
Tzedekah, 14, 33, 63, 110, 145, 150, 217, 269; in tragic situations, 178; as universal, 186
understanding, 177–78
United States, 121, 124–26, 128; Andrew Cuomo on, 272–74; culture of, 40–41, 43–45, 272–74; immigrants and, 128–31, 139–44, 163; offenses of, 176; O’Shaughnessy on, 241
usury, 215
Valeant, Joe, 79–80
values. See principles
Van Heusen, Jimmy, 27–28
Villano, Steve, 288
Vincentians, xxii
Wagner, Phyllis, 228
Wagner, Robert, 228
war, 47–48, 106, 168; on terror, 174–75, 181
Washington, George, 210–12
Webster, William, 83–84
t, Donald V., 40
Westchester Holocaust Commission speech, 2000, 144–50
Whitman, Walt, 37–38
Why Lincoln Matters (Cuomo), 39
Will, George, 83
Williams, Brian, 36
Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, xxi, 4, 45, 83, 256
Willkie, Wendell, xxi
Wilson, Malcolm, ix, 7, 94–95, 98, 155, 255
wine, 260
Witt, Alex, 256
women priests, 219–20
Woodward, Kenneth, 57
work habits, 89, 201–2
World War II, 106
Wright, David, 288
Wright, Robert, 109
WVOX, 191, 289; interviews, 155–221; and September 11, 2001, 172–73
Zambelli, Drew, 256, 288
Try to cheer up, you guys! (Left to right) The author, the governor, and the author’s son David Tucker O’Shaughnessy, now president of Whitney Media. (Wendy Moger-Bross)
When once giants worked the land of politics! A rare photo taken at the Executive Mansion on Eagle Street in Albany. (Left to right) Former Governor Malcolm Wilson; Perry Duryea, the Montauk lobsterman who became the powerful speaker of the New York State Assembly; the governor; and Sol Wachtler, chief judge of the Court of Appeals. (Don Pollard)
Mario’s last hurrah! Celebrating Andrew’s election to a second term as governor with Matilda at the New York Sheraton in 2014, one of Mario’s last public appearances. (Don Pollard)
Party labels don’t matter. The governor always had high regard for the affable Jonathan Bush. Brother of President George H.W. Bush and uncle of President George W., Jonathan is also the father of TV host William “Billy” Bush. (Wendy Moger-Bross)
For many admirers of Mario Cuomo, this is their favorite photo. It was taken at the Hotel Syracuse after an exhausting all-day visit to the New York State Fair in 1986. (Don Pollard)
The governor and New York State Inspector General Joe Spinelli, a Cuomo favorite. Executive Chamber staffers beat the State Police (just barely) 7 to 6 in the game. Mario hit two home runs. Shortstop Spinelli made a dazzling play at second base. Mario yelled from the mound, “You’re so short . . . I thought you were going to miss that!” (Don Pollard)
“I know how to spell ‘Malcolm.’ ” Mario and Malcolm Wilson share a laugh at the naming of the Tappan Zee Bridge for the great Westchester orator and former governor. Mario said of Malcolm, “He would defeat you in English . . . and finish you off in Latin!” The sign misspelled Wilson’s first name as “Malcom”! It was quickly replaced.
Confab at one of our WVOX studios. (Left to right) The governor, the author, and New York State Supreme Court Justice Samuel George Fredman, an early Cuomo supporter and a towering figure in Jewish affairs and the Democratic Party.
Our first radio interview. “This guy was so damn bright, I wanted to get the hell out of the studio.” At this precise moment we were discussing capital punishment. “Vengeance doesn’t work . . . it just doesn’t work,” said Mario. After the program, I started calling Democrats, “Who is this guy? Who the hell is he . . . ?”