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Keep It Simple (MMG Series Book 4)

Page 3

by Hilliard, R. B.

  Five minutes later Mr. Pickerson walked out of the motel room. As I predicted, he nervously searched the parking lot before walking the woman to her car. Once there, he played grab ass for a few minutes before parting ways. I digitally recorded the whole thing. When the coast was clear, Bobby started up the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. Halfway back to the office, he resumed the conversation.

  “You want me to be your wing man tonight?”

  “I’m not sure I’m going,” I admitted.

  “If you don’t, I will.”

  “The fuck you will,” I snapped. Bobby smiled and I inwardly cursed myself for giving him a reaction.

  “Look man, I’m not telling you to forget what happened. I’m just reminding you the rest of your life is out there waiting for you.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Phil.”

  He laughed. “I’m much better than Dr. Phil and a hell of a lot cheaper.”

  I pulled into the office parking lot and put the truck in park. Then I sighed heavily. I was so damn tired. I had no more fight left in me.

  “All I want is for it all to be over, Bob. I want to forget, but I can’t. I want it to have meant something, but it never will. I want him back, but it will never be.”

  A hiss of air escaped from Bobby’s mouth. He didn’t have to say what we both already knew. It would never truly be over. If I hadn’t gone that night, I wouldn’t be sitting here now with my heart in my hand, having this fucked up conversation with Bobby. I thought back four years ago to the first time I set eyes on Alexandria Gibson.

  Bobby and I had been working at a small protection agency in Wilmington, North Carolina. He was head of security and I was the resident private investigator. Business was booming and with it came some definite perks. One of these perks was client development. Clients would invite us to private parties. Most of the time, I was too busy to go. However, since I had just finished a big case and needed to blow off steam, I accepted. The party was being held by Sterling Gibson, a big swinging dick and ongoing client of ours. Sterling was a pretentious prick, but he paid well and he liked me and Bobby. When we were first hired, our boss, Everett, gave us the low down on all of the existing clients whose asses we needed to kiss. Sterling Gibson was at the top of that list.

  My plan that night was to drink Sterling’s top shelf liquor, eat his expensive food and then go home and crash.

  We were at the bar getting our second drink when Bobby murmured under his breath, “Don’t look now, but here comes Gibson’s daughter.”

  A second later, a woman stepped up to the bar. With heels on, she barely came to my chin. At first glance, I noticed her long, straight blonde hair and striking facial features. She had extremely high cheekbones and big pouty lips. She asked for a white wine. After the bartender handed it over, she zeroed in on the two of us.

  “Having a good time?” She had that sexy, Southern, low-country drawl that sucked you in and held you captive.

  “This is quite a spread,” Bobby replied.

  Her big brown eyes drifted to mine and she smiled. I wouldn’t call her pretty, but she wasn’t ugly either. She was striking. One thing she definitely had going for her was her giant rack. Tonight, she had those babies on display. Daddy must have paid a fortune for them. Bobby’s lips twitched and I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

  “I’m Alexandria Gibson,” she said, “but people call me Xandria.”

  “Bobby Preston,” Bobby responded. Her eyes shifted to me. As she blatantly checked me out, I did the same to her. When her eyes finally reached mine, I gave her my name.


  “Cas with no last name, like Cher or Prince?” she asked.

  I could tell by the sway of her body, this was not her first cocktail of the evening and, as intriguing as Alexandria Gibson may appear, I wasn’t willing to go there with a client’s daughter. I had known entitled princesses just like her my whole life. Women like her came with a lot of demands, none of which I was willing to meet.

  “Something like that,” I muttered. With a nod to Bobby, I grabbed my drink and veered straight to the buffet table.

  A few minutes later, Bobby found me. “Thanks douche. You just left me standing there,” he complained.

  “She wants you,” I told him.

  “Fuck you,” he chuckled. Once our plates were loaded with food, we headed for one of the empty tables. Ten minutes later, Alexandria and another woman joined us. For a while no one said a word. I could tell the ladies were uncomfortable, but didn’t care enough to do something about it. All I wanted was the booze and the food.

  “So, Cas, my father tells me you work for him,” Xandria said.

  Swallowing a mouthful of food, I informed her that Bobby and I worked for Everett Clarke, not her father.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Same thing,” she huffed.

  Her holier than thou attitude irritated me, so I decided to mess with her. “No, it’s not. Your father hired Everett’s agency. Bobby and I work for Everett. It’s pretty simple when you break it all down.” My words were slow and concise. If she was smart, she’d pick up on the condescending tone.

  She cocked her head, as if trying to figure me out. “You don’t like me, do you?”

  “I don’t know you.” A manipulative smile spread across her face as she leaned forward slightly moving her shoulders so her breasts pushed together. My dick stirred in my pants. Of course my dick wanted her. He very rarely discriminated.

  “What if I want to get to know you?” she coyly asked.

  I smiled at her. “Honey, there is only one part of me that’s even remotely interested in you right now, and trust me when I say remotely.”

  In a very calculated move, she sat back in her chair and slowly pulled her dress up her bare thighs. I glanced over at Bobby to see if he was enjoying the show, but he was busy talking to her friend. When her dress reached the top of her thighs, Xandria uncrossed her legs and exposed her bare snatch. It would take a fucking eunuch not to get ensnared in the crude, but effective web she was weaving. My dick was now at full attention. Bobby leaned over to say something and got an eyeful of what she was openly dishing. I had to laugh as he practically choked on his own spit. Without a word, Xandria lowered her dress and stood from the table. My gut screamed not to go with her, but as always, my cock trumped it. I should have listened to my gut.

  “Want help cataloging the photos?” Bobby asked.

  Clearing the memories from my head, I grabbed the camera case and opened the car door to get out. “Only if you stop talking about tonight. If I decide to go, I don’t want you involved. The Brewer case is going to take up most of our time over the next few weeks. I’m not sure I have room for anything else.”

  He held up his hands. “Fine, but for the record, I think you should go. That is the last I will say about it, I swear.”

  For the next two hours, we worked on closing the Pickerson case. When we finished, I drove home, took a hot shower and crashed for a few hours. I dicked around my apartment until eight or so that night and then finally decided I had to see Sarah one more time.

  Patterson’s Pub was only two blocks from my apartment complex. It was an easy, but brisk walk in forty degree weather. For a Thursday night, the pub was busy, but nowhere near as busy as the weekend crowd. ACDC’s Back in Black was playing on the jukebox and a handful of people were on the dance floor attempting to dance. None of them was Sarah. I searched the bar before moving deeper into the crowd. A hand reached out and grabbed my sleeve as I passed by a high top table and I paused to see who had me.


  She was perched on a high back leather stool. Someone bumped into me as they passed by and I suddenly found myself wedged between her thighs. I stared down at her big blue eyes, sparkling with amusement. Bobby hit the nail on the head when he called her gorgeous. Her beauty was almost other worldly. She wore her hair up tonight, which high-lighted her perfect face. Her lips were coated in a dark red gloss. Taking half a step back, I leaned
forward to apologize and found myself breathing her in. She smelled incredible. I wrapped my fingers around the back of her neck and pulled her close, so she could hear me over the noise.

  “You are just the person I was looking for.”

  With a slight turn of her head, she leaned into my ear and replied, “I spent the day wondering whether or not I should come tonight.”

  “Are you alone?” I asked and felt her shiver. I liked that I affected her. Shit knows she affected me.

  “Yes,” she softly said. I wanted to adjust myself, but didn’t want to call attention to the fact I was uncomfortably hard just from talking to her.

  A waitress passed by us and I flagged her down before she could get away. “What are you drinking?”

  “Guinness, please.”

  “I’ll have an IPA, Stone if you have it.” I waited for the waitress to leave, before resuming our conversation.

  “To be honest, I wondered the same thing,” I confessed.

  She cocked her head at gave me a perplexed look. “Why did you ask me to meet you here if you didn’t want to?”

  “Trust me. It’s not that I didn’t want to. It’s just…complicated.” No way in hell would I dish about my problems. Not here. Not ever.

  She gave me a sympathetic smile. “Believe me, I understand complicated.”

  I doubt that.

  The waitress arrived with our beers. I handed Sarah’s to her and grabbed mine. “I propose a toast. Whatever happens, let’s make sure and keep it uncomplicated.”

  “Here’s to keeping it simple,” she said, and tapped her bottle against mine.

  Two beers later, we were talking about the craziness of PI work and laughing our asses off. Yes, Sarah was a dream to look at, but she was proving to be so much more. She was interesting and easy to talk to. She was funny and could laugh at herself. She was the whole fucking package. She was everything I would want in a woman…if I was free.

  Girl Crush started playing on the jukebox. Sarah jumped off her stool and held out her hand. “I love this song. I believe you owe me a dance from last night.” Placing my hand in hers I felt the rightness of her touch down to my bones. As she pulled me across the room and onto the dance floor, I wondered what in the hell I was doing. I hated to dance. I pulled her close and smiled when I heard her breath hitch. Her face fit perfectly in the crook of my neck and when she wrapped her arms around me, it felt as if they belonged there. Keep it simple, I reminded myself. The problem was it didn’t feel simple. We fit together. It’s damn good this thing between us had an expiration date. Otherwise, I would be running for the hills right now instead of pulling her closer in my arms.

  The song ended and we headed back to our table. Once we reached it, I found myself blurting, “Would it complicate things if I told you I wanted to take you back to my place?”

  “No, but it would definitely make them interesting,” she dryly replied. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Taking her hand in mine, I helped her off the stool and into her coat. Instead of walking her back to my apartment, we hopped into her car and she drove us the two blocks.

  Grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, I led her to the living room sofa and placed them on the coffee table before sitting down next to her. I was nervous. Once upon a time, picking a girl up in a bar and screwing her brains out was like breathing to me. Those days seemed like many lifetimes ago. For some reason, this mattered. Too bad I couldn’t let it.

  Her hand on my face brought me back to the moment. “Hey killer, stop over thinking things.”

  “Killer?” I asked.

  “You look so serious. Should I be afraid?” She craned her neck and darted her eyes from the kitchen, to the living room and back to me. “Do you have body parts hidden in your freezer? Are you going to hurt me?” She pretended to shiver with fear.

  So damn cute.

  Without thinking, I pulled her across the sofa onto my lap. My hand accidentally brushed against her side and she tensed.

  Is sweet Sarah ticklish?

  Digging my fingers into her ribs, I tested my theory. Sarah convulsed in spasms and squealed with laughter, which made me laugh. After a minute or so of horsing around, I stood from the sofa and swept her over my shoulder.

  Laughing hysterically, she slapped me on the ass and screamed, “Take me to your dungeon, killer.”

  With a shake of my head and a smile on my face, I carried her down the hall and deposited her onto my bed. She bounced and then snuggled into my comforter. I didn’t want to think about how right she looked in my bed. I didn’t want to think about how long it had been since I’d laughed with someone. I didn’t want to think about anything at the moment except for getting inside this woman. “Mmmmm, your bed smells good,” she moaned.

  I took off my boots and then pulled hers off one at a time. When I yanked my shirt over my head she gasped in delight.

  “Wow, killer, you sure are something to look at.” Her words of praise made me smile. I worked hard to keep in shape. In my line of business, I had no other choice. Still, seeing the look of lust in her eyes validated something inside me, something I’d been missing for a very long time. I held out my hand. When she took it, I pulled her up to a sitting position and helped her out of her sweater. A simple black bra encased her more than ample tits. Nothing about this woman was fake or false, which made her all the more attractive to me. At the moment, she was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I wanted to strip her down. I needed this woman completely naked in my bed. I had to touch every inch of her. She unbuttoned her jeans and I helped her pull them off. Then she reached around behind her back, unhooked her bra and let it drop to her waist. As she tossed it on the floor and slipped out of her panties, I was speechless. From her tits to her pretty little pussy was sheer perfection.

  “You are absolutely perfect,” I told her.

  “I am bloody far from perfect,” she snorted. “Just ask anyone who knows me.”

  “I detect an accent in that sentence. Where in Europe are you living?” I suddenly needed to know where she’d return to at the end of the week.

  “Scotland,” she answered. Her eyes dropped to my bulging fly and widened dramatically. “That thing looks dangerous.”

  “You have no idea,” I teased.

  She licked her lips and suddenly, I had to taste her, but she was too far away from me. Grabbing her ankles, I pulled her across the bed. When I had her where I wanted, I leaned down and captured her mouth with mine. She instantly opened for me. One hand on the back of her slender neck, the other wrapped in her hair, I gave her everything I had and then some. She pulled back and panted my name. Then she dove for the button of my jeans. I stepped away from her greedy little hands and she growled. I kid you not, the woman growled at me.

  “Hold on hell cat, you might damage him.” Her eyes darted from my straining cock up to my face. Then she flopped back onto the bed and howled with laughter. While she was busy laughing, I stripped my jeans and boxers the rest of the way off and turned to snag a condom from my nightstand drawer. After Alexandria, condoms were a must for me.

  When I turned back, her laughter instantly disappeared and her eyes bulged in shock. “Bloody hell, it’s huge,” she gasped. Now it was my turn to laugh. “I’m not kidding. There’s no way that will fit in me.”

  This sobered me up. “Please tell me this isn’t your first time.” I didn’t want to walk away, but if this was her first time, I would. She needed someone better than me as her first.

  “Hardly,” she scoffed. “That,” she said, eying my cock, “is not normal.” I had to laugh. This woman was seriously funny.

  “I promise to be gentle.”

  Our eyes connected and we both smiled. “Bring it on big boy,” she challenged.

  I could tell she was nervous about my size, so instead of plunging in like I wanted, I decided to back up the bus a bit and get her ready. I started by massaging her feet and working my way up her calves. Her legs were long, lean and beautiful.
  I stroked my fingers lightly up and down her legs. “I can’t wait to have these wrapped around me.” Her responsive moan made my dick pulse with anticipation. Placing my thumbs on either side of her drenched opening, I dropped my head down and took a taste of what she was offering. “Sweet and salty, just as I thought,” I mouthed against her skin. Her hips lifted for more and I chuckled. The woman was dizzying to the senses. I could get used to this. It had been so long since I’d touched a woman like this. I’d forgotten how incredible it could be. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure if it had ever felt this good.

  As I delved deeper, Sarah thrust her hands into my hair and pulled. “If you keep that up, I’m going to come,” she panted.

  “That’s the intent,” I whispered against her pretty pearl. Then I sucked her into my mouth and she exploded. As quick as my fingers could manage, I tore open the condom wrapper and suited up for battle. Her once wary eyes were now happily sated. She was ready for me and, fuck knows, I was more than ready for her. Lining myself up to her entrance, I gently pushed in and paused for a second, wondering if she had spoken the truth. She was tight. I mean really tight. Before I could pull back and ask, she wrapped both legs around my waist and sucked me deeper inside her body. There were no words for how good she felt wrapped around me.

  “I want to feel you come on my cock, Sarah,” I told her. She smiled like a seductress and I was a complete goner.

  The next thing I knew, I was gripping the slats of my headboard, while stroking in and out of the tightest, most sublime pussy I had ever been in. I couldn’t take my eyes off her face. She was beautiful, but when she had me inside her, she was magnificent.

  “Ohmyholymotheraboveyourgiantcockispuremagic,” she chanted. All I heard was giant magic cock, which was good enough for me.

  I felt the tingle of an orgasm building at the base of my spine and knew we were now on borrowed time. Releasing the headboard, I slid my hands under her ass. At the same time I pushed back into her tight channel, lifted her hips up and ground down on her clit.

  “Oh God,” she whispered.


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