Keep It Simple (MMG Series Book 4)

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Keep It Simple (MMG Series Book 4) Page 11

by Hilliard, R. B.

  As he walked through the door, Tut’s eyes hit mine and he frowned. “You always looked pissed. What do you have to be pissed about today, big man?”

  My eyes cut to Bobby and he nodded in understanding. No discussing Sarah in front of other people.

  Bobby tossed the file on Tut’s desk. “Read this and tell us what you see.”

  “Then we need to discuss what Bobby and I found on Dooley Shane,” I told him.

  “Please tell me that motherfucker is still dead,” Tut muttered.

  “He’s dead alright, but guess who he had on his payroll before he went down?” Bobby asked. Tut raised an eyebrow in question and Bobby gave it to him. “Dana Harkins.”

  Surprise registered in his eyes. “No shit?”

  After dropping that bomb, we talked strategy. By the time we were done, it was well into the dinner hour. We decided to grab a pizza before walking to Patterson’s for a drink. Tut had someplace to be, so he left after a few beers. I was busy nursing my second beer when Sarah walked through the door. She was wearing a tiny dress, her hair was in a messy knot on top of her head and she had that damn lip gloss on again. I watched her search the room and wondered if she was meeting Zane or Hunter here.

  Fuck that.

  As I started to stand her eyes lit on me and then scanned right past me, as if I wasn’t staring straight at her.

  I’m going to spank her ass for that.

  She walked by the bar where we were sitting without even a second glance and disappeared down the hallway where the restrooms and phone were located.

  “Be right back,” I said, and followed after her.

  She wasn’t in the hallway or on the phone. That left the bathroom. Folding my arms over my chest, I leaned against the wall and waited for her to come out. After what seemed forever, the door opened and there she stood.


  Her eyes widened in surprise before narrowing into tiny pissed off slits. “What are you doing here, Cas? You made it very clear you want nothing to do with me.”

  Her anger turned me on. “I didn’t say I wanted nothing to do with you. I said we can’t be together,” I calmly explained.

  She leaned towards me and hissed, “It’s the same thing.” She was right, it was the same thing, but for some reason I was in the mood to split hairs.

  “Actually, it’s not. We can always be friends.” I delivered this suggestion with a big smile.

  The incredulous look on her face humored me. A friendship between the two of us would happen when hell froze over. Evidently, she felt the same way. A few girls scooted past us and entered the bathroom. Grabbing my arm, Sarah dragged me down to the end of the hall and around the corner, where no one could hear her laying into me.

  “Look, no offense or anything, but I can’t be your friend.”

  I gave her a hang dog look, and asked, “But why?”

  Her gorgeous blue eyes searched my face, before narrowing with skepticism. “Are you teasing me, Cas whatever-your-last-name-is?”


  “Pardon?” I loved it when she said pardon. It was hoity-toity and nothing like her.

  “Ashford is my last name.”

  “Oh,” she replied. “That’s a nice name.” Before she could say anything else, I leaned in and kissed her. She opened her mouth to protest and I slid my tongue inside. She tasted like mint and smelled like heaven. She hesitated for a second before giving into the kiss. Raking her fingers through my hair, she moaned down my throat. I planted a hand on her ass and pulled her in to my throbbing erection. I couldn’t be around this woman and not want her. Grabbing a fistful of her hair with my other hand, I pulled her head back and swept my tongue from her collar bone to her ear. I bit down on her earlobe and she huskily whispered my name.

  “You are not going out with Hunter Lake,” I told her.

  She pulled back far enough to look me in the eye. “What?”

  This time, I posed it as a question. “Are you going out with Hunter Lake, Sarah?”

  “I…No! Why would you think that?” I started to answer, when she hissed, “What? Don’t tell me you’re jealous?” When I failed to answer in her allotted two second time frame, she lit into me. “Wow, you are really something. You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either. Two words come to mind right now, Cas Ashford, and they are, Screw you!”

  On that note, she turned on her heel, stormed down the hallway and out the front door, leaving me and my hard cock high and dry.

  Even I had to admit, I deserved that. I stood there long enough to pull myself together and devise a plan of action.

  “Where’s Sarah?” Bobby asked, when I returned to the bar.

  “Pay up and let’s go,” I answered.

  Bobby stood and tossed a few bills on the bar. “Where to?” he asked.

  “We’re going to give Hunter a visit.”

  With no argument, he followed me out of the bar and back to the office, where we retrieved my truck. On the way to Whisky’s, I gave him the shortened version of what happened with Sarah.

  “You can’t blame her for being pissed, you know? You’ve cornered her twice now, gotten her all hot and bothered, and then pulled back and told her it was a mistake. If I was her, I’d sure as hell be pissed.”

  “I never said it was a mistake. I told her we couldn’t be together and then told her she was not going out with Hunter.”

  “I bet that went over well,” Bobby snorted sarcastically. A few minutes passed and then he asked, “What is it with you and this girl, Cas?”

  I wish I knew.

  Instead of answering his question, I flipped on the radio and ignored him the rest of the drive there. As usual, the place was packed. I had to drive around the block three times before finding a parking space.

  “Do you know what you’re going to say?” Bobby asked.

  “Sure do.”

  I spotted Zane the second we stepped into the Dungeon. He was behind the bar, talking to one of the waitresses.

  “We drinking?” Bobby asked.

  “Nope.” I was here for one thing and one thing only.

  “You here on business or pleasure?” Zane asked when we reached him.

  “Last night you had two ladies at your bar,” I said.

  “Got hundreds of ladies in my bar each night. You’re gonna have to be more specific,” Zane answered.

  “Tiny little thing named Sally, who works at Dragonfly,” I clarified.

  Zane nodded his head. “Yep, she and the tall, exotic beauty, I think her name was Sarah. They both stopped by. Why are you asking?”

  His description of Sarah pissed me off. “Sarah is off limits,” I clipped.

  Zane gave me another nod of understanding. “She yours?”

  “In a matter of speaking. She’s also Max McLellan’s little sister.”

  “You tell Hunter this?” Zane asked.

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  “Tell me what?” Hunter stepped up to the bar and asked.

  “You remember the exotic beauty from last night named Sarah?” Zane asked him.

  “Sure do,” Hunter smiled.

  “Off limits,” I growled.

  “The hell?” he shot back.

  “She’s Max McLellan’s little sister,” Zane announced. Hunter visibly blanched. “Plus, she belongs to Cas, here.”

  “You sure about that?” Hunter challenged. “I didn’t see you with her last night.”

  “Positive,” I said.

  “She’s really McLellan’s sister?”

  “She is,” I answered.

  Hunter shook his head. “It’s your funeral, man.”

  I smiled.

  It sure is.

  Chapter Nine



  Cas Ashford should have been named Cas Arsehead. For the past three hours I had been lying in bed staring at the ceiling. Over and over the encounter at Patterson’s played through my head. Why did I let him kiss me again? Seri
ously, what is wrong with me? Finally, not able to stand it any longer, I snagged my phone from my bedside table and checked the time. 3:35 am. Not giving one flip that it was the middle of the night, I Googled Cas’s name and current address. Where the hell is Sullivan Street? I hit the icon that said find address and nearly pissed my panties when my phone started shouting directions at me. I hadn’t the foggiest idea how to shut it up, so I shoved it under my pillow, held my breath and prayed I didn’t wake up baby Mac. After a minute or so of silence, I knew the coast was clear and let out my breath. Then I burst into silent giggles. Max wasn’t lying last week when he said I should probably read the manual to the new phone he bought me.

  Quietly, I crept across my room to the dresser and pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. On the way out the door, I nabbed the closest pair of shoes and threw my phone in my purse. It took me all of ten minutes to reach Cas’s new place. I whistled under my breath as I pulled in front of a cluster of Mediterranean looking townhomes. I’m not sure what I expected his place to look like, but this definitely wasn’t it. It was nice, as in really nice. I glanced at the clock before turning off the car. 4:11 am. This may be the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, Sarah. One way or the other, this limbo I was living in had to end.

  Wide steps led up to a mammoth front door. As I stood on Cas’s front porch staring at his door, I took stock of my emotions. I was nervous and scared. No one is making you feel this way, but you, I told myself. If therapy had taught me anything, it was to take ownership of my feelings. Inhaling deeply, I lightly wrapped my knuckles against the door. When nothing happened, I exhaled the breath I’d been holding and rang the doorbell. A few minutes passed before the door finally opened. There stood a sleep ruffled, sexy-as-hell Cas wearing nothing but a pair of track shorts.

  His eyes widened in surprise when he saw me. “Sarah? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” The concern in his voice made my stomach dip and my pulse flutter.

  I stood there glued to his porch, thinking, I am definitely not okay. My mouth opened, but no words came out. Stop acting like a loon! I screamed in my head. That seemed to do the trick, because suddenly I could speak again.

  “We need to talk about what happened tonight.”

  His jaw dropped. “You do realize it’s after four in the morning?” he rasped. I tried not to look at his body, much less think about the effect it was having on mine, but it was hard.


  As if reading my mind, his eyes dropped to the front of my t-shirt, where my traitorous nipples were poking out, and a sinfully sexy smile lit up his face. “I see you missed me,” he said with a wink. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to jump him or slap him. Both would be equally satisfying.

  “I am aware of the time, thank you. However, I can’t sleep until we clear the air.”

  He held out his hand. I hesitated for a second. Am I really going to do this, again? Yes, I think I am.

  As I placed my hand in his and he laced our fingers together, I thought about how safe and warm his touch made me feel. No one had ever made me feel so alive. Cas pulled me inside his house and I found myself pressed against his deliciously hard body. I tried not to whimper with lust. Locking the door behind us, he turned and gave me an evil grin. Then he jerked me around and lifted me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  I let out a shriek of surprise. “Really, Cas, this again?” I asked from my upside down position.

  “Shut it,” he commanded.

  “I’m beginning to think there is nothing simple about you,” I muttered. His response was to spank my ass, hard. “Ouch,” I hissed.

  “I have been wanting to do that for a long time. Next time, I will make it harder,” he stated. I really wanted to reply, but wasn’t sure I was ready for him to go all Fifty Shades on me just yet.

  After lugging me up a flight of stairs, down a long hall and into a masculine bedroom decorated in taupes and chocolates, he dropped me onto a very comfortable king bed. I lay sprawled against his pillows as he slipped off his shorts. His body, not to mention his gloriously large dick, stood in front of me and my mouth went utterly and completely dry. Other parts of me, however, did not. I came here to talk about us, but all I could think about was how much I wanted this man.

  “We need to talk,” I stated, trying not to stare at his happily bobbing erection.

  “Talk,” he replied.

  “I can’t with that staring at me. Could you please…do something with it?” I was getting flustered. I hated feeling flustered.

  The evil grin from earlier reappeared on his face. “I can think of at least a dozen things to do with it, sweetheart” His low, sexy voice was going to drive me mad. Like the evil bastard he was, he wrapped his long, tapered fingers around his engorged cock and squeezed. My mind blanked. As his hand moved up and back down several times, all I could do was stare. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen.

  “You didn’t come over here to talk. You came for this, didn’t you?” he huskily asked.

  I shook my head, no.

  “Liar,” he whispered.

  “Tell me you want it and I’ll give it to you,” he crooned.

  Again, I shook my head, no.

  “Shoes off,” he commanded.

  Not able to take my eyes off his stroking hand, I kicked off my shoes.

  “Shorts and panties next. I want to see how much you want me.”

  I shouldn’t do this. I am going to get hurt.

  “Now, Sarah,” he commanded.

  I jumped and quickly stripped off my shorts and panties.

  Smiling, lasciviously, Cas pulled his hand from his bulging erection and took a step toward me. “You like to watch, don’t you? Well, watch this, sweet Sarah.” Placing one hand beside me on the bed, he leaned forward and slid the fingers of his other hand between my legs. I bucked in both surprise and delight when he ran his thumb and forefinger through my wet slit. “So wet,” he whispered, applying more pressure, and I let out a loud gasp of pleasure. “So damn pretty,” he murmured. “I have dreamt about tasting you again. Tell me you want it and I’ll give it to you.”

  Our eyes locked and held in challenge. Never in my whole life had I been this turned on. I wanted him. I wanted this…whatever this was. It was probably going to destroy me in the end, but to have him right here, right now, was well worth the fall.

  Not able to hold out any longer, I gave him the words he so desperately wanted. “I want it,” I whispered.

  He crawled onto the bed. Right as he lowered his head between my legs, he gave me a sexy wink. Without warning, he plunged his tongue inside me and I yelped in surprise. His deep laughter reverberated through my body and I responded by raking my fingers through his gorgeously thick hair. I scratched my short nails across his scalp and he gave me a clit tingling growl. Eyes glued to mine, he opened his mouth and flicked his tongue across my sensitive nub. Sucking in a deep breath, I let out a groan of pleasure. His pupils dilated with lust and I almost lost it right there. He dropped his eyes and focused in on his target and I braced. Slowly and methodically he devoured me. Soon he zeroed in solely on the prize and picked up momentum. Lash after lash of his tongue took me higher and higher until I finally exploded. In the back of my mind I knew I should be horrified I orgasmed so quickly, but it had been so long since I’d been touched this way. He licked and sucked me to the brink of another orgasm and, right as he was about to deliver it up, he stopped.

  “Cas!” I gasped in outrage.

  With a smile, he sat back on his heels and ordered me to take the rest of my clothes off. Once I was completely bared to him, he flipped me onto my stomach and pulled me to my knees. Grabbing both of my hands in his, he slid me forward and instructed me to wrap my fingers around the slats of his headboard and hold on. I had no idea where he was going with this. Here I was, holding onto his headboard in a semi downward dog position with my naked ass in the air, wondering how in the hell I’d gone from needing to talk about what happened tonight,
to this, and I suddenly started to panic.

  Time to go.

  I let go of the headboard right as the warmth of his tongue hit me from behind. Jumping in surprise, I repositioned my fingers around the slats and held on tight. Oh my God, what is he doing to me? I jumped again when he placed his large hand across the flat of my back.

  “I’ve got you,” he said.

  “I don’t know what to do,” I whispered.

  “Just feel,” he said. Gently pressing my torso flush against the mattress, he lowered his mouth back to my oversensitive pussy and ate me from behind.

  “Oh.God.Oh.God.Oh.God,” I chanted, as the mother of all orgasms slowly gained momentum.

  Right as I was about to explode, he pulled his tongue out and replaced it with his cock. Using deep and hard strokes, he quickly got me back to where I was right before he switched it up. After having his mouth on me, I was so primed that it only took a few strokes to get me the rest of the way there. I shouted his name as I came. Cas rode me through the rest of my orgasm, before flipping me onto my back and sinking back in.

  “You look so damn good with my cock in you,” he panted.

  I loved when he talked dirty. It was such a turn on. In fear of saying something stupid, I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I expected rough. What I got was a deep, soul melting kiss. Eyes on mine, he stroked in and out of my body. I could feel another orgasm building at the base of my spine as I ran my hands down his neck, over his shoulders to his back.


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