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Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set

Page 35

by Carolina Moon

  He kissed me again, even deeper this time and I wondered if he was struggling with his decision.

  Finally, he pulled away slightly. “Can’t,” he breathed. Using his thumb under my chin, he tilted my head back to look into my eyes. “I’m on duty till eleven.”

  “You can come back,” I offered, surprised at my boldness.

  “I’d better not,” he said with a final tender kiss and then touched my lips with his fingers as he stepped back out onto the porch.

  I was disappointed but maybe he had more sense than I did at that moment. “Tate, please be careful out there tonight.”

  “Will do,” he said, stepping out onto the porch again and putting his hat back on. “Oh, what time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”

  I hadn’t even thought about getting back to the bakery the next morning. Then I remembered that the McDonalds would be there for their Christmas morning coffee and donuts.

  “So you’re working tomorrow, too.” I asked, trying to corral my thoughts. God, I’d never had a kiss make me feel so weak and alive at the same time.

  “I want as many of my men to spend time with their families as I can allow. I’m on duty all day. Pick you up about eight. How’s that?”

  “That’s fine,” I said, my lips, my whole body was still tingling from his kiss. “I’ll be ready.”

  He winked and crossed the snowy yard to his Jeep.

  I stood in the doorway until he backed out onto the road and drove away. Once inside, I took off my coat and headed upstairs. Now I needed a cold shower.

  In the bathroom, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I was smiling. “Nice smile, girlfriend,” I said to my reflection. “You’ve been doing that a lot today.”

  And once I was standing under the pounding spray of the water, I realized that I was humming. That was another good sign.

  Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, I crawled into my bed and snuggled down under the covers. Home, safe and sound, I thought as I closed my eyes.

  For the first night in a long time, my thoughts didn’t even go near the painful memories of what had happened last spring when my heart had been broken so badly I thought it would never heal. Instead, I lay there remembering everything that had happened during the day and how much fun I’d had with the children. I promised myself that after the holidays I’d do something to help Frankie’s family.

  And then I let myself think about Tate’s kiss. I touched my lips, imagining I could still taste him. Was he thinking the same thing about me? I hoped so. I let myself think about how it would feel to be with a man again. Not just any man. And not Sean. I let myself think about how it felt to be near Tate to inhale his clean scent and how it felt to be in those strong arms, held tightly against that solid male body.

  As my thoughts wandered freely, I replayed that kiss at my front door over and over in my mind. I relived how it felt, sliding my arms around his neck and pressing my body against his. There was no doubt he wanted me. His hands and body had let me know that in no uncertain terms.

  With a sigh, I slipped my hands under the covers and between my legs. I pretended that Tate was there in my bed with me, both of us naked while our hands explored freely. His caress would ignite little fires all over my body until I begged him to give me what I needed. At that moment, it was my own fingers working their magic in my most intimate places but, at that moment, I would have given just about anything for Tate to be there.

  Within minutes, my breath caught in my throat and I shuddered through an intense orgasm. Waves of pleasure crashed over me as the release went on and on and I moaned into the darkness.

  When I slowly, reluctantly returned to reality, I lay there gasping for breath and blushing furiously at the silly romantic notion of sharing my bed with Tate. He could have any woman in the county, probably had sampled most of them. Why would he look twice at a curvy, slightly overweight, bakery owner who didn’t even have proper boots to wear?

  “Because you’re pretty and smart, Lexi,” I whispered into the pillow. “And don’t you forget it!”

  Chapter Eight

  The alarm jolted me out of a dreamless sleep. I sat up, looked at the clock and headed for the shower. Tate would be here to pick me up in an hour.

  About halfway down the hall, I stopped. “It’s Christmas,” I said. “It’s Christmas day.”

  This was supposed to be my wedding day. But Sean had taken a different route and so had I. For some reason, that thought didn’t sit long in my head nor did it torment me as it had in the recent past. I had a business to run and grow and I was determined to help Frankie and his family out somehow.

  And Tate had kissed me last night. Or had I kissed him? No matter. I was excited about seeing him again soon.

  I made coffee and hopped in the shower. For whatever reason, I chose my outfit for the day with a little more thought than usual. A fluffy red sweater with silver threads woven through the fabric topped a pair of dressy black jeans. Turning around, I frowned at the way they hugged my hips and thighs but there wasn’t much I could do about that.

  “New Year’s Day,” I said to myself as I made up my green eyes and spent a little more time taming my blonde curls. “You start a new diet and exercise regimen. This will be your year to shine,” I said to my reflection.

  The woman in the mirror smiled back at me, green eyes flashing with determination. “Yeah,” she said.

  After my little pep talk, I poured a cup of hot coffee and moved to the big window in the front of my house. It truly was a winter wonderland outside my door. Every inch of everything was covered in a pristine white blanket. The sky was as blue as glass and my outside thermometer read well below freezing. A couple of fat cardinals argued at the bird feeder, their beautiful bright red feathers contrasting sharply with the white backdrop.

  I saw Tate’s black jeep moving slowly down the road and held my breath as it made the turn into my driveway. Staying by the window, I watched as he climbed out of the Jeep and headed toward my front steps, making yet another path in the snow for me. By the time he stepped onto the porch, I had the door open and was smiling an invitation for him to come inside.

  “Merry Christmas,” I said. “Would you like some coffee for the road?”

  “Sure,” he said, and followed me into my small kitchen. “You look pretty this morning.”

  “Why, thank you, sir,” I said, pouring coffee into a travel mug for him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Before the last word was out of my mouth, he had me in his arms again. The kiss was, again, like nothing I had ever experienced before, tender and demanding at the same time. And the thrill of his lips on mine took my breath away. I returned his kiss, sucking gently on the tongue he offered and moaning when his hands moved down to the small of my back.

  There weren’t as many clothes between us as the night before and I was sure he could hear my pounding heart, feel the heat of my desire. When I reached up to hold onto him, my sweater slid upward and his calloused hands on my bare skin set my whole body on fire. Both of us moaned when, without breaking our kiss, I caught his big hands in mine and guided them in between us. He accepted that invitation and worked them up under the front of my sweater. Caressing the lacy cups of my bra, he groaned and palmed my stiff nipples.

  Was it just the day before that I had been so nervous around him? This was a different feeling altogether.

  “Lexi,” he whispered, kissing his way down my neck.

  I longed to feel his mouth on my flesh where his hands had been and boldly unbuttoned my sweater. He took the hint and kissed the tops of my breasts that overflowed the cups of my bra. Then he licked the sensitive skin in between and I whimpered, thrusting my chest toward his face. I felt him fumbling for the catch at the back of my bra.

  At that moment his cell phone chimed.

  Both of us froze.

  It chimed again, louder this time.

  “Sorry,” he breathed, disappointment showing on his face. “I’m on duty. I have
to take this.”

  I nodded, simply because I could not speak and stayed right where I was, pressing my body as close to his as possible.

  Tate cleared his throat as if trying to get his voice under control when he pulled his phone out of the small, protective holster on his side. I squirmed closer and he kept one hand up under my hair, making exciting little circles with his fingertips on the back of my neck.

  In less than a heartbeat, his entire demeanor changed. He went cold and still and pulled out of my arms.

  “Isabella,” he whispered.

  It wasn’t so much what he said, but the way he said her name that brought me crashing back to earth.

  He turned his back on me and headed toward my living room. I took that opportunity to button up my sweater and get myself back under control. My hands were still shaking, sudden tears stinging the back of my eyelids when I grabbed my coat and hat and put on the sensible boots I had decided to wear. I had been hoping to make him proud of me for making that decision but I guess that made no difference now.

  By the time, he finished the call I was dressed to go out into the weather.

  Neither of us said a word when he turned to face me again. I mustered up a smile and led the way outside. I almost fell twice on the way to his vehicle but Tate made no move to catch me. He was either too preoccupied with his recent phone call or he was afraid of my reaction.

  Just as I rounded the fender on the passenger side, I slipped and caught myself on the door handle. I yanked the door open and climbed inside, face red from exertion and embarrassment. Another Casanova crashing into my life and I had fallen for it…again! At least this time it had been purely physical.

  Tate was already behind the wheel, waiting patiently. I crawled in, shivering with cold into the welcoming blast of the heater. He put the Jeep in gear and backed out of my driveway.

  The ride into town was quiet with Tate concentrating on navigating the icy spots on the road. The bad curve had been treated and was mostly just wet slush and for that I was thankful. I sat, staring straight ahead. Every once in a while I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. His square jaw was set, his beautiful, kissable lips in a tight, straight line. A vein throbbed at his temple. The silence between us was deafening.

  I sat with arms crossed, seething with anger and not even knowing why. Then, I slowly began planning my day.

  How was I to know that day wasn’t going to go anything like I had planned at all?

  Chapter Nine

  Tate stopped in front of the bakery and I opened the door. “Thank you,” I said, climbing out of the vehicle and dropping to the ground.

  He nodded his response.

  I slammed the door hurried toward the bakery. The snowman I’d built with the boys the day before stood there sturdy and proud but I barely noticed it. All I could think about was getting away from Sheriff Tate Chandler until I got my emotions under control. After all, it was just a kiss…or two…and some touching…and intimate whispering.

  Had I imagined it, or had he been just as excited as I was.

  No matter. Evidently the rumors were true and I had just dodged a bullet straight to my heart.

  Tate waited in the Jeep until I was inside. When I turned the sign to OPEN he drove away. He had already been there and built a fire. Taking care of his flock again, I presumed. The room was warm despite the frosted window and door.

  Taking a deep breath, I decided I would get the coffee going and then lose myself in preparations for the new online business. I was sure I had a lot to learn to make that happen. Maybe the day would go quickly.

  “Get used to it,” I said to the empty space. “You’ll probably live alone here for the rest of your life, running this bakery and turning into a grumpy old lady who makes her employees work on Christmas…

  Soon, I had the radio on, playing softly and the coffee was almost done. The rich aroma filled the room and reminded me of home. Christmas morning at my parents’ house was always a big deal, filled with family and a huge breakfast and lots of presents. I was sure this year with the new babies it was pure enchantment. I decided I would call them later just to wish them a Merry Christmas and to let them know I was doing just fine.

  The jingle bells tinkled over the door and I looked up to see a very old couple making their way inside. This had to be Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.

  “Merry Christmas,” I said, sounding way more cheerful than I felt.

  “We weren’t sure you’d be open,” Mrs. McDonald said softly, her blue eyes as bright as buttons. Her bright blue toboggan on her head, contrasted with the silver hair curled around her heart shaped face.

  “I like traditions as much as the next person,” I explained and then I laughed. “And besides that Ida Mae and Lacey told me you’d be here and I’d better be ready.”

  “We’ve been coming here on Christmas morning since we were married,” Mr. McDonald said. He was only slightly stooped, with a shock of white hair.

  He caught his wife’s gloved hand in his and they exchanged a look that spoke of nothing but a lifetime of love and devotion.

  My eyes stung with tears and I quickly looked away.

  “Have a seat and I’ll get your usual,” I told them. “Unless you want something else.”

  “No. Coffee and the Christmas donuts will be fine,” Mr. McDonald said, helping his wife to a table closest to the fireplace and holding her chair for her.

  “Love your snowman out front,” Mrs. McDonald said.

  “Thank you. Some of the neighborhood children built it for me,” I explained.

  I hurried to the back to find the special Christmas donuts Ida Mae had prepared for the McDonalds like she did every year. They were right where she told me they would be. I poured coffee and fixed it just the way I’d been instructed and then brought the tray to their table. They had taken off their hats and gloves and now their hands were linked across the table. They were looking into each other’s eyes, enraptured with one another. Just like the young couple the night before, they might have been the only people on earth.

  “Merry Christmas,” I said when I put the tray on the table.

  “Merry Christmas, dear,” Mrs. McDonald said.

  “So, do you like living here?” Mr. McDonald asked.

  “Yes, sir, very much,” I told them. “And the shop is doing great. I was afraid after Mr. Sweet passed on that I might be taking on a dying business but I should have known better. With Ida Mae and Lacey doing the baking, how could we go wrong?”

  “Good,” he said, munching on one of the donuts. “Ida Mae somehow improves on these every year.”

  We all laughed.

  “I’m sure your family is missing you this morning,” Mrs. McDonald said.

  “My family is all in Chicago and there are two new babies this year so…,” I finished with a shrug. God, I didn’t want to talk about this, but I didn’t want to cut them short, either.

  “Maybe you’ll get to visit them for New Years,” Mrs. McDonald said.

  About that time, the jingle bells tinkled cheerily and we all turned.

  Tate stood in the doorway.

  “Tate.” Mr. McDonald stood and the two men shook hands.

  “Sir, how are you and the missus this fine Christmas morning?”

  “We are just lovely,” Mrs. McDonald said, allowing him to kiss her wrinkled cheek. “We were just telling Lexi here how happy we are that she decided to be open on Christmas so we could keep our anniversary date.”

  “Anniversary?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes, dear, we met right here at the bakery. I worked for Mr. Sweet and Charlie here came in every morning for donuts and coffee on his way to the bank,” Mrs. McDonald explained.

  Charlie laughed and squeezed her fingers tenderly. “I must have eaten a thousand donuts before I had the nerve to ask her for a date. Prettiest girl in the county and she said yes.”

  “We were married on Christmas day of the next year,” she explained.

  “So this i
s your wedding anniversary,” I said, surprised. No wonder Ida Mae insisted on this being perfect.

  “Sixty years today,” Mr. McDonald said with a wicked grin that told me he had been quite a handsome man in his younger years.

  “And we’re more in love than ever,” Mrs. McDonald added.

  Tate tipped his hat. “Well, I’m happy to be the first to wish you a happy anniversary,” he said.

  “Too late for that,” Mr. McDonald said. “We’ve already talked to each of the children this morning.”

  “How many children do you have?” I asked.

  “Six,” Tate told me.

  “And the grandchildren, too,” Mrs. McDonald told us with a little chuckle.

  “Enough about us,” Mr. McDonald said after taking a sip of his hot coffee. “Ah, perfect. Now, why are you two working on Christmas Day?”

  Both Tate and I started to explain at the same time. Stopped to allow the other to continue and then started all over again. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. It all sounded so lame. We both ended up saying we were working so our employees could spend time with their families.

  “That’s all well and good,” Mrs. McDonald said. “But don’t forget about yourselves. You need to take some time for yourselves.”

  “Tate, I’m surprised you’re not spending Christmas with a new lady friend this year. Why, you could have any girl in the county,” Mr. McDonald said.

  Tate shifted his feet uneasily and muttered something.

  “He already has, dear,” his wife giggled. “Evidently they didn’t fit.”

  “Peggy,” Mr. McDonald scolded but it was obvious he was trying to keep a straight face.

  Then the three of them burst into laughter.

  At that point, another customer came in to buy a box of Christmas cookies and I was thankfully busy for a little while.

  The couple was still at the table when Tate came up to the counter and asked for coffee.


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