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Scarlet's Torment (1)

Page 11

by Krihstin Zink

  Like Tim and Kim, I select a clear coat mani. The nail tech quickly finishes our nails. We pay then tip our attendant. We leave the salon content with our fresh nails.

  “Now where to?” Tim questions.

  “I could eat,” Kim replies.

  “There’s a quaint little Mediterranean bistro around the corner. They usually don’t have too long a wait,” I offer.

  Gino’s Bistro is a quick drive past Pretty’s. Of course, the day I say they don’t have a large lunch rush, we’re surprised by the lack of parking spots. After Tim circles the parking lot twice, we finally find a spot far from the bistro. We exit my Tacoma then make our way toward Gino’s. About halfway to the entrance, Kim fails to notice a BMW convertible as it almost hits her.

  “Ahhh!” Kim grabs her chest in shock. The BMW barely grazes her legs. Any closer and she would have been under the BMW.

  “Sorry, sugar. You were in my blind spot,” an older man shouts as he attempts to leave his car.

  Tim says, “We’re all right, sir. Right, Kim?” Kim nods in agreement. We wait as the older man drives away, then cautiously continue toward Gino’s.

  “Welcome to Gino’s. Table for three?” a small, pixie-sized girl questions from behind the hostess’s podium.

  “Yes,” Tim replies. The hostess nods at a striking male server; he smiles at our group then asks us to follow him. Kim sits on one side of our booth, so I sit with her while Tim scoots into the other side. Strangely, our server plops down next to Tim.

  “Is this all right?” he questions when he notices our confusion.

  “Yeah,” Tim responds.

  “All right. My name is Lake. I know it’s weird. My mom wanted Luke, but my dad wrote Lake, then they never had an opportunity to change it. Anyhow, how is everyone? What would you guys like to start with?” Lake inquires as he searches our faces for a response. We order water with lemon then decline any appetizers.

  While Lake gets our water, we decide to order blackened salmon salads. Lake gracefully walks over with our lemon waters and complimentary croissants with sweetened butter. We thank him then place our orders and Lake then trots off.

  “Is it me, or is Lake digging Tim?” I inquire with a smirk across my face. Kim laughs so hard she drools, causing all of us to laugh.

  “Yeah, Timbo—you stud! Lake is totally digging you!” Kim smirks at Tim before patting his hand.

  “What do you gals think? Should I ask Lake for his number?” Tim questions then twists his lips as he searches the room for Lake.

  “Are you sure you want to start dating right away?” I question then stare and wait for Tim’s response.

  Honestly, just like me, Tim was too consumed with work—he left his love life severely neglected. He mentioned having several flings here and there, but nothing serious. Tim gazes at me with concern. How could I advise him against finding happiness?

  “Go for it, love, but guard your heart,” I offer before patting his hand.

  “Of course,” Tim expresses as he perks up and smiles at us. He turns to Kim and questions, “So, what do you think of Naples so far?”

  “I like it a lot. I’m glad I’ve met you guys. You’ve made this transition easier.” Her response causes me to glare at Tim, but he shrugs when Kim isn’t looking.

  “Truth is…” Kim divulges that she’s from Georgia, but stayed in Illinois after school. She discloses that she had a lucrative boutique until she met Haskell. He was a local Chicago lawyer. Naturally, Haskell swept Kim off her feet. Their relationship was sweet until Haskell interrupted Kim while she was assisting a recently wed husband that was buying his wife a surprise.

  “Haskell was beyond drunk in the middle of the day. Can you believe him?” Kim utters before rolling her eyes and slapping the table. Tim and I shake our heads then wait for her to continue. Turns out, Haskell lost it, and then destroyed and burned Kim’s boutique. The cops knew that Haskell was a violent threat and helped Kim file an insurance claim as she finalized her preparations to leave Chicago.

  After receiving her insurance check, Kim returned the keys of her penthouse apartment, then checked into a hotel room near the airport. She thought all was over with Haskell, until he surprised her in the lobby of her hotel. Kim tried to escape Haskell’s grip, but he grabbed a handful of her hair and slammed Kim’s face into a wall. After Haskell had subdued Kim, he began to fondle her. She said she cried for help, but Haskell had her pinned in a corner. I stare at Kim and notice bruises I hadn’t seen before.

  “You’re safe now,” Tim whispers as he squeezes Kim’s hand.

  “A security guard was able to help me escape, but Haskell fled before he could be arrested. I haven’t heard from him since,” Kim utters as she slouches down then stares at the other patrons.

  “So, we’re both starting over,” Tim announces before he’s distracted by an argument outside the window. A small woman is yelling up at a man twice her size. She tries to slap his face, but instead her hand smacks his shoulder. The little woman cradles her face into her hands as her shoulders shake. When the tall man notices us gawking, his face forms into a menacing stare.

  We jump and avert our glances elsewhere. While we restrain from gaping, we hear car doors slam. We sigh with relief.

  “That was strange,” Tim blurts out before rolling his eyes and searching the room.

  “Yeah,” Kim and I retort.

  Lake appears with our salads. “Three blackened salmon on a bed of greens with balsamic vinaigrette,” Lake announces with a triumphant smile.

  “Thank you,” we say in unison.

  “So, Lake, are you from Naples?” Tim inquires.

  “Yes, I was born and raised here,” Lake replies then grabs his arm before swaying from side to side.

  “Cool,” Tim responds as he pokes at his meal.

  “Cool,” Lake nods as his eyebrows and lips squeeze into a pout.

  Obviously, Tim’s out of practice with approaching other guys, and Lake, well, who knows what the heck is his issue. As the nosey friend that I am, I feel the urge to step in.

  “So, Tim here is new to the area, and has lost his ability to speak. Would you have some time to spare to be his tour guide?” I question then wink and smile at Tim before searching Lake’s face for a response.

  “Yeah, that’d be cool. I must warn you, between waiting tables here and my online photography course I’m limited on free time. But I’m due to have a weekend off two weekends from now, maybe, if you’re free I would enjoy showing you Naples,” Lake shares as he rests his arm on Tim’s side of the table.

  “That’s perfect!” Kim blurts out. Tim and I glare at Kim.

  “Sorry,” Kim apologizes, but her grin shows she’s not sorry.

  Tim retrieves one of his contact cards then, with what composure he has left, says, “We’re off to the Keys on Friday. But you should contact me when you have some spare time. I can be chatty in a more relaxed setting.” Tim lays it on thick before producing a devilish smile.

  Lake blushes then smiles as he glances at his shoes. I could not recall the last time Tim showed such delight. Lake snatches Tim’s card, stores it in his pocket, and then wishes us a pleasant stay.

  “That was delicious. A gal can get used to days like this,” Kim says as she relaxes into her seat. We all finish our salmon and most of our salad, so no one requests a to-go container. After paying for our meal and leaving a generous tip for Lake, we leave so that a family of four can be seated.

  It’s now four in the afternoon—I’m tired and consider suggesting we return home to relax for the evening, but Kim says, “Could we stop at a store? I need some lady products.”

  “Oh no, you’re on your period, too?” Tim screeches at Kim.

  “What?” Kim glares at Tim.

  “No, not me, silly. Scarlet is on her monthly, too,” Tim declares as he starts my Tacoma then drives to a nearby Target. I don’t feel like going in, so I stay in my truck with Tim.

  We’re silent as we observe Kim leave
the car, then watch as she greets every person she passes before entering Target.

  “Do you think Haskell will…” Tim begins.

  “Don’t even finish that sentence,” I snap.

  “Scarlet, what if she’s lying? What if she killed Haskell then escaped before anyone could catch her?” he questions as his eyes widen and his head pulls back, then he rests his hand on his chest and waits for my response.

  “What? Tim, come on. I think she is an honest person,” I offer as I glance at my phone and notice that David hasn’t replied to my morning text. I debate on sending him another message then decide against it.

  “Hopefully she’s not a mass murder who robs then kills us,” Tim retorts. We become silent for a moment until Tim bursts into laughter.“I need wine,” he proclaims as he gives his temples a slow rub before combing his fingers through his hair. “Have you heard from David?” Tim questions as he checks his phone.

  “No,” I respond as I glance at my phone.

  “He must have had a busy workload,” Tim offers before giving me a lopsided smile.

  “Probably,” I respond with a shrug.

  “Are you all right, Scarlet?” Tim inquires as he turns to face me.

  I sigh then consider how to respond to his question without sparking anymore questions. I realize I’m taking too long.

  “Well?” Tim questions as his eyes widen and his lips squeeze into a side smirk.

  “Honestly, Tim, I just have the worst feeling about this trip,” I confess as I stare out the window.

  “I know, babe. But, I’m sure we’ll have a fabulous time,” Tim offers with a tender smile, but I’m still uneasy. Kim has a skip in her step as she grows close to my truck.

  “Target had the exact items I needed,” Kim announces with glee .

  After securing our seatbelts, Tim starts my truck then merges into afternoon traffic. Twenty minutes pass as we idle before traffic finally clears up. Then another ten minutes pass before we’re finally able to merge into the exit ramp.

  At last, Tim drives into my neighborhood with ease then returns my Tacoma to its normal parking spot. Tim unlocks the doors as we exit and stretch.

  “How long is the drive to the Keys?” Kim questions.

  “Roughly five hours,” Tim responds.

  As soon as we’re inside, Tim’s cell rings. He excuses himself and walks into the living room. I follow Kim into the kitchen.

  “Is it all right if I grab a glass of water? My salmon was a tad over-seasoned,” Kim inquires with a facial expression comparable to a child in an unfamiliar home.

  “Yes, yes, of course. Kim, please make yourself at home,” I assure her before telling her where the glasses are.

  She responds with a warm smile. I observe as Kim retrieves a glass, then serves herself water from the refrigerator door. I no longer hear Tim, so I follow Kim into the living room.

  “Everything all right, honey?” Kim asks Tim as she sits on the sofa opposite him. I occupy the spot next to him.

  “Yes. Lake called to give me his number. He said he’s in a complicated relationship with his on-again-off again boyfriend,” Tim murmurs before he slumps into the sofa.

  “Hmm…” Kim and I say in unison.

  “They share an apartment, but Lake sleeps on the sofa. He has no place to go. Drama…” Tim proclaims as he rolls his eyes.

  “What do you plan to do?” Kim questions before I’m able to speak.

  “I told Lake that we could remain friends, at least until things become less complicated. Last thing I need is to be in the middle of a love triangle,” Tim musters up as he stares at the blank flat-screen.

  “What else is there to do?” Kim questions as she, too, stares at the blank screen. I notice that it’s 5 PM, so I turn on the news. For a moment, we’re silent and distracted by the meteorologist droning on about the beautiful autumn weekend Naples would be having. Out of my peripheral vision, I notice Kim place her water on a nearby surface. She readjusts herself several times until she just plops her head on a sofa pillow. I turn to Tim as he settles into his sofa nap position.

  After I place my purse on a nearby surface, I check my phone—still no calls from David. Before I’m able to send him another text, his photo covers my screen.

  “I was just thinking about you. How was your day?” I answer, a tad too chipper.

  “Long. I wanted to reply to your sweet morning text and started to, but one of my new patients had to have an emergency D&C.”

  Without interrupting him, I let David vent. Apparently, David’s new patient came in for a three-month pregnancy check-up. She had complaints of cramping and spotting. David tried to console her with a sonogram, but both the new patient and David were discouraged when they viewed the small, motionless fetus.

  “She was devastated,” David discloses before releasing a low sigh. The new patient had miscarried, and the cramping and spotting were just the beginning of the heartbreak.

  “Her spotting turned into a heavy flow; we had to rush her into surgery to try to keep any complications at bay. Our efforts were futile. She bled so much, at one point we thought she would bleed out. Thankfully, we were able to stabilize her, and now she’s recovering. If all goes well, I will release her tomorrow.” He grows silent. I search for anything to say.

  “That poor woman,” I offer as I release a sigh. Was that too insensitive? Honestly, it’s all I can say. We’re silent as if to show our respect for the unfortunate passing of the patient’s unborn child.

  David clears his throat then says, “I was thinking about staying the night with you. Would that be all right?”

  “Of course, babe,” I blurt out, obviously failing to tame my excitement. David informs me that he’ll rush home, pack a bag and then will be at my front door as fast as traffic allows. He mentions that he’s on call until Saturday and that he might be able to stay until I leave for the Keys. I remind him that Violet is at Milton’s. We affectionately say goodbye then end our call. I stretch out on my bed then stare at the ceiling. I have no intentions of falling asleep, but before I can resist, I’m dozing off into a deep slumber.

  In an instant, I’m thrown into a dream. My heart’s racing as I run and become drenched in sweat. But, for whatever reason, I cannot see my pursuer. I trip, tumble, and fall. I hurt my knee so badly that I cannot lift myself. I hear footsteps—slow, taunting footsteps. I’m relieved when I see David, but become horrified as I witness David morph into Kate. I look at my knee; to my dismay, my legs are missing. I scream in agony as Kate finishes with the rest of me. I plead with her to stop, and yell for help until she stabs my throat.

  I’m startled by David’s touch. “Shh… I’m here,” he whispers in an attempt to calm me. He strokes my hair as I bury my face into his shoulder. I move away from his shoulder and search his eyes. Immediately he says, “Tim let me in. He seems nice.” I nod in agreement. With as much detail as I can bear, I share my nightmare with David.

  “Whoa. I transformed into Kate? How strange...” His eyebrows furrow as he stares at me. We collapse into each other’s embrace. David glances at his cell then says, “It’s six. What would you like to do?” For a moment, I reflect on our options, but acknowledge how exhausted I am.

  “Honestly, babe, I want to shower, get into some comfy clothes, and just be as lazy as possible.” I snuggle my head on top of his chest. We lie intertwined with one another on the verge of falling asleep until Tim knocks on the door.

  “Can we come in?” Tim questions from the hallway. David grins then scrunches his nose. I smile at David then tell our company to come in. Tim and Kim walk in with uncomfortable expressions as they consider where to sit but remain standing next to my bed. David and I sit up to face Tim and Kim.

  “So… are we staying in tonight? I’m up for whatever,” Kim offers as she breaks our mutual silence.

  She glances at Tim, he adds, “Maybe we could order take-out. Do you guys like Indian? Is there an Indian restaurant in Naples?”

d quickly answers, “Not sure. Let me check.” He retrieves his cell and, in a flash, discovers we’re within range of Lotus Flower’s delivery service.

  “I’ll pay for dinner. What does everyone want?” David questions. Tim is first to reply; he orders garlic naan bread, tandoori chicken, and chicken samosas.

  He then says, “Scarlet, do you have any wine to go with dinner?” I’m unsure, and suggest that he search our wine collection for what he thinks would match nicely.

  We’re all enticed by Tim’s meal, so we order enough for the four of us. Quickly, David places our order, provides my address, then thanks the person on the phone. We leave my room for the kitchen. On the kitchen island, I place four plates with silverware along with four wine glasses.

  Tim returns from the pantry/wine cave with two bottles of wine, his lips stretched out into an infectious smile, then says, “There were several bottles of this red.” He sets the wine bottles down in front of Kim.

  She leans over to read the label then says, “Fine with me.” She grins at me. Tim searches the kitchen for the wine opener then walks toward the bottles as if to open them, but then decides to give David the honor.

  “Are you sure?” David questions as he accepts the wine opener.

  “Yes, I feel too famished to even try.” Tim leans his head to one side as he places his hand against his forehead.

  Kim snickers at Tim’s acting, David and I join in, but stop when we see Tim’s annoyance.

  “Let’s have a bottle before our food comes,” Tim retorts as he makes a hand gesture for David to hurry up. I nod in agreement. Honestly, between the four of us, we could polish off a bottle easily. We observe David as he opens the wine bottle, then fills our glasses.

  Without hesitating, we select our glasses, but before anyone can take a sip, Kim declares, “Here’s to a bright future in Naples!”

  David glances at me then furrows his eyebrows as he mouths, “Huh?”


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