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Resisting Fate (Predetermined)

Page 5

by Heather Van Fleet

  It was syllabus time, and once Mr. Givens got in his teacher mode, he usually lost focus on everything around him, his class included.


  I didn’t respond. I kept my focus on anything but him. The paper, the teacher’s hairy eye brows… God, would the dude ever take the hint?

  “Are you working this weekend?” What in the hell…working? Now he wants to talk about my work schedule?

  “Listen, Jack Ass.” I snickered under my breath at my own joke, my lips fighting between a frown and a smile. Jack snorted in response, obviously as humored by my joke as I was. Okay, so if he liked my lackluster humor then he must not have been so bad, right? “I’m trying to listen to the teacher, so leave…me…alone!”

  “You mean this dick monkey? Pleasssse, he’s a whack job!”

  I tucked my chin into my chest, and dug my fingernails into my palm. All the while long, a stupid traitorous smile crept onto my lips.

  “Is there something that you’d like to share with the class, Miss O’Connell?” Crap, not again!

  I jumped at Mr. Givens sudden nearness. Somewhere during my oblivious state, he’d managed to stealthily make his way between Jack and me. I pressed a hand to my throat, pushing down the nervous ball of lump, before I could fully lift my gaze to focus on his face. His wrinkled cheeks were red and flustered, and his eyes…oh God, his eyes, they were black—demon-like and full of contempt. Shit…

  “Do I need to move you Emmy? Because I’m terribly tired of all the disturbances you create in my classroom.” He edged closer, his knees were level with my desktop, and his eyes were narrowed down at me. His finger was outstretched, and pointed directly at my face.

  My hands quivered as I tucked them together on top of my lap. I shook my head no, barely noticing Jack’s body stiffen out of the corner of my eye.

  Damn…humiliation and irritation definitely made for one cruddy first day of school.

  “This is your first and final warning for this year.”

  Yeah, okay, so last year I was a bit of a chatterbox. I so planned on being good for him this time around. I just needed to work harder. And harder still after this apparently… I nodded in understanding. There was always something creepy about this man…

  He walked off, mumbling under his breath. And yeah, I was definitely okay with whatever he was saying about me, but then Jack spoke up, and things begin to…change, I guess you could say.

  “She did nothing wrong. I was the one bothering her.” His eyes narrowed and hatred filled them once again. Complete and utter confusion built inside of my head at his words. Why did he feel the need to keep me from getting in trouble? He was so hot and cold, it’d surely give me a tumor or something. I could almost hear the words now: Seventeen year-old Emmy O’Connell dies from stress induced tumor. Okay, yeah, so I’m a tiny bit dramatic, but still…

  Would the teacher berate Jack? No, instead the old man nervously rubbed his hands up and down the front of his blazer-jacket thingy. I blinked, holy moly, was that fear in his eyes? He didn’t respond, only nodded and turned, refocusing his gaze on me. The entire class was silent. Then Mr. Givens did the unthinkable, he smiled at me, a smile that went beyond genuine.

  “Um, okay then, Miss O’Connor, you’re forgiven. Just remember,” he paused to look back at Jack before continuing on, “I’ll, uh, be watching you this year.”

  I jerked my head in agreement, yep, I was fine with that, as long as he walked away and left me alone. Nobody, in all of my life, had ever stood up to anyone for me like that! Wow…Jack Hartman was not only hot but he was chivalrous too, quite a dangerous combination in my book.

  I turned towards Jack, my thank you ready to go, but the words froze in my throat. He’d gone pale. His cheeks were white, his eyes were red, angry, and then he squeezed them shut.

  “Hey Jack, are you okay?”

  He didn’t answer, nor did he even look back over at me. He did give me the faintest of nods, but that was it. It was almost as though an internal battle raged inside of him. It was weirdly scary and fascinating at the same time. I mean, it wasn’t like he was suddenly dying or anything.

  I glanced down towards his lap, confused. His fingers had turned white within his squeezing grip. Well then, if he wasn’t dying, then was he hurt, sick? And why did my heart suddenly ache at the prospect of him suffering? The worst part of it all was in that moment, I had zero hatred for him anymore. In fact, the only single thing I really wanted to do was reach over to comfort him.

  Maybe he needs you Emmy…

  Now where in the hell did that thought come from? I didn’t know what he needed! Hell, I just freaking met him! It couldn’t be possible to know what someone needed, when you didn’t even know them, right.

  I watched him intently; unable to tear my gaze away, even though I was probably crossing that stalker line. My chest started to ache, anxiety hung over me as he laid his head down on his bent, left arm. His eyes closed, his hands tightened even more. For a fraction of a second though, he opened them long enough to focus on me. The look that was there was almost reassuring…I turned away, exhaling a shaky breath. Still, as I sat there throughout the length of class, I had to fight some sort of internal urge inside of me, an urge that demanded I reach over and run my hands through his wild, spiky hair. An urge to comfort him, be there for him. Good thing I never follow through with my urges.

  I gripped the yellow pencil tightly between my fingers again, and clenched my teeth so tightly, it hurt. Why, suddenly, did I feel as though I owed him? Why did I feel as if we were connected with some invisible wire stringing between us? Ugh, I seriously needed more sleep.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and blew out a slow, soothing breath. Jack Hartman was apparently going to be this big, giant mystery that I’d be forced to solve, even though I probably shouldn’t.

  Chapter Five

  The day dragged like a fat man racing to get his vegetables. I didn’t see Jack the rest of the morning, or the afternoon for that matter. I honestly wasn’t too sure if he had stayed at school. What I did know was that he looked awful throughout the remainder of first period, even falling asleep at one point.

  The weirdest part about the whole thing though was the fact that the teacher never once, said anything to him about his little nap, even as he snored like a freight train.

  My ride home wasn’t much better either. Kelsey still wasn’t talking. Her giant boy stick up her butt had not been loosened apparently. I wanted to help her, really I did. She was suffering in silence, and I respected that. I’d done it many a times myself in the past.

  “Sissy!” My little brother Jamie was in full on boy ruckus mode as he blew into my room with his Super Mario plush toys loaded in his arms. He was obsessed with the stupid things and would watch YouTube videos all day long to watch other kids play with them.

  “Hey ninja, what’s happening?” He plowed into me as I sat fidgeting around with my email at my desk. I ran my hand through his wild, blond curls. How did his hair stay so white when my hair was currently one shade redder than a tomato? Granted my mom has blonde hair, but it was nowhere near as white as my brothers.

  “Whatcha doing?” His sticky, syrupy hands tangled in the locks of my hair and he stared up at me, his big green eyes were bright, loving. That was the only similarity we shared. Otherwise, people would have never known we were siblings.

  “I’m doing a little work. Did mom feed you dinner tonight, or did daddy?”

  “Daddy did. Mom’s sleepy again.” I tucked him in closer. That was basically code for mom’s too upset with dad to deal with reality.

  I scratched his back, as he pretended to make his little dudes jump through mushroom kingdom on the keyboard of my laptop. I smiled down at his rambunctious ways, he always looked so innocent, so full of love, even as he ka-powed his little heart out. It was too bad that his parents were too screwed up in the head to realize what a great little guy they had for a son.

  “Well ninja, what do y
ou say we run you a bubble bath and get you ready for bed?” Glancing over at the clock, I gaped. Jesus, it was already eight-thirty? I stared down at his clothes, nice; he was covered in muddy overalls from daycare still.

  “Can I take my toys in the bath with me?”

  God, If only I could be four and plead over the little things again…

  “Of course! I’ll grab the bubbles, you grab your friends.”

  He jumped off my lap with a high pitch squeal, racing out of my room to his own. I shook my head and smiled as he bounced away.

  Just as I leaned over to plug in the computer’s charger, a scream echoes from the hall, sending my heart to hell.

  “Jamie? Where are you?” I raced towards the direction of my brother’s room. It didn’t take me long to realize that it was my mother’s scream. The sight of the step-douche’s hands around my mother’s throat was never fun, but it wasn’t the first time either. He had her pressed against the wall; his face was inches from hers.

  “Listen, you bitch, I told you to do my damn laundry, but all you’ve done is lock yourself in your room since ya got home from work, and my laundry ain’t gonna do itself.” A sharp slap pierced the air as tears poured down my mom’s face.

  She obviously couldn’t breathe, but then again she wouldn’t have responded anyways. I stood with my arms outstretched on either side of the door, my heart wasn’t out of control, but I was ready for whatever needed to be done.

  “Maw-my?” Jamie cried, fat heavy tears dripped from of his eyes, he popped out from the shadow of his doorway and huddled closer to my legs. I reached out to grab him, keeping him behind me, fearful that John would go off on him next.

  I stood there, plastered in place, a growl in my throat, my hands readied for battle, as John dropped my mom like a limp rag onto the floor. He turned and I stiffened even more.

  He was looking at me now.

  His eyes were bloodshot, his lips curled into a snarl. I tried to stay calm, but I struggled with every inch he moved closer. “And you, ya little tramp, all you do is sit in that damn room of yours playing on that stupid computer and reading your stupid books. That was my money you got that shit with, and I want it paid back, now!”

  His fury didn’t waver. And I pushed Jamie back towards the hall. He dragged his feet, trying to cling to me, but I settled him with a look and a fast nod. The last place he needed to be was in hell with me. I lifted my gaze, and turned back around, but apparently I’d run out of time myself.

  John’s hands were on the wall as he stumbled in front of me. I couldn’t get away, without him getting to Jamie. So I stayed plastered against the wall…waiting for whatever punishment he was about to give me.

  I should have been scared. Hell, I should be terrified, but the only thing that concerned me, was getting my brother, and yes my electronics and books, to safety.

  “You didn’t buy that stuff, John. I did. With the money that I made working, something you know absolutely nothing about.” Crap, I went and shoved my foot in my mouth once again.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of my mom tiptoeing towards the other door that connected with my brother’s room. She was done crying at least, but her neck, even from my distance, appeared inflamed, swollen even. I hated her even more for standing there, doing absolutely nothing to protect me, her teenage daughter.

  “Oh the hell I didn’t buy that shit, Emerly,” Wonderful. He was apparently trying to pull the full name crap on me. Not cool step-douche, so…not…cool. “You are an ungrateful little whore, just like your mother?”

  I turned my head to the side. He was inches from me now. His head hovered over mine, spittle dangled from the edges of his mouth. Okay, so was he a man, or a rapid dog? My bets will always be on the latter.

  He seemed to be too wobbly on his feet to really do any damage, so I turned my head back and crossed my arms in stubbornness. He snarled down at me, I snarled back. “Well, what are you going to do about it, John? Ya going to hit me? Beat me like you do my mom?” My right foot tapped out a rhythm on the floor as anger flared even more in his eyes.

  Um okay, so he wasn’t backing down this time…

  I gulped, and then my palms began to sweat, especially when he placed his hands on both sides of my head. Slowly, he took his hand and scratched his nails down the side of my face. I raised my knee. I was so going to kick him where it counted the most.

  “Emmy…” My mom’s voice warned. Distraction was not my friend, and I turned to look over at her.

  I wasn’t her! I wasn’t going to stand there and take it like she had! My focus strayed to my brother, thankfully finding him suddenly planted in front of my mother. Unfortunately, it looked as if she was using him as her own personal shield. The bitch…

  Before I had a chance to yell at her, to tell her to keep my little brother safe, something pushed against my throat, something hard, and full of pressure. It was so shocking, so painful even, that I didn’t even have time to gasp.

  Dammit…they were hands…dangerous hands, hands that were, at that point, gripping and clawing frantically at my neck.

  My face began to burn, spots of red and white formed behind my lids. Still, the evil incarnate before me wouldn’t stop pushing against my larynx.

  Death neared…not yet dammit—no, not yet. I wasn’t afraid for myself, hard to be afraid of death when I didn’t really have much of a life. But Jaime…it terrified me to be cut off from him. What would happen to him if I died?

  I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t beg for mercy, because everything darkened and my lungs contracted one final time and stopped. I stopped. A thought trembled through me, a solitary sliver in the blackness.

  So this is it…this was death.

  * * *

  “So you mean to tell me, that the stupid son of a bitch will be out by tomorrow?”

  “Yes, that’s what I meant, unless of course the young lady wants to press charges. His wife isn’t going to, so it’d be up to her. Now, if you’ll move along young man, the paramedics really need to gocheck on her.”

  Wow, who knew God actually smelled so good? Holy balls, was that cologne?

  I stared up through tiny slits, only to notice the shadow of my heavenly being. His strong arms were wrapped around my back and legs as he cradled me tightly against his chest. It was so warm there, so inviting too, that I couldn’t help but snuggle even closer.

  “Emmy, are you awake? Open your eyes Emmy. Show me those beautiful eyes.”

  Wow, the angel was actually speaking to me too? And he sure as hell sounded familiar. “I see you in there. You might as well come out, Strawberry.”

  I stiffened. Suddenly my dream God had turned into the sexiest devil alive.

  Jack Hartman.

  Why was he there? Why was he holding me like he was protecting me too?

  “Just give her time son. She’s been through a lot of trauma tonight.”

  “Shit, Uncle Alan, I’d say she’s been through a whole hell of a lot more than a little trauma, I mean, look at the bruises on her neck! Christ, I’m gonna kill the bastard myself!”

  I swallowed, reaching up to cover the base of my throat with my quivering fingers. I moaned. It was like I had the worst case of strep throat on record, combined with the feeling of an almost broken neck too.

  Jack’s warm hand grazed across my forehead, brushing my surely messed up hair away from my eyes. And for an inkling of a second, the pain seemed to cease. Then he dropped his hand and he growled.

  “Dammit! Zachary never said that it was this bad. I’m thankful I was here,”

  Zachary? Shit, Zachary didn’t know much of anything about what was going on in my home. Nobody knew a damn thing about what went on at home, other than the fact that they knew I lived with a laid off freak who liked to indulge himself nightly with the bottle.

  Besides, I was more curious about how and why Jack was here than anything.

  “Come one, Jack, he didn’t know it was to this point yet, honestly. He tried t
o watch over her. Did everything he could to protect her. Hell, he made it his duty! The boy would literally plant himself right outside of her window every night that we’d allow him. With the change coming up on him so suddenly though, and without any real warning at that, we didn’t have time to access any further details about the situation. I’m sorry.”

  I winced. Why in the hell was Mr. Martin apologizing to Jack about all of this? It wasn’t his problem, nor was it Jack’s either. Besides that, they weren’t making any sense! What did he mean Zachary used to plant himself outside my window? And change? Was he talking about the changes in schools?

  My head was officially spinning.

  “Well he obviously didn’t care as much as everyone thought he did, otherwise he would have known something like this was happening. Hell, I’ve been here less than two days and I already sensed trouble.”

  “You have what he didn’t, Jack, you know this. Besides, he loved her!”

  “Screw love, it wasn’t obviously enough now, was it? Besides, even if I didn’t have the advantage, I’d still know something was going on.” He growled. His body went tense.

  My head was pounding from all of the confusion. Nothing they were saying made any sense! I started to fully open my lids, needing to confront the situation around me at hand as the sound of wheels squeaked in my ears.

  “We’ve given you enough time, Jack. Now, let us take her in for observation at least, okay? She may have internal injuries that you can’t see.”

  He crushed me tighter to his chest and I literally had no strength left to argue with his chivalry.

  I sighed, finally able to focus on the tense jaw of Jack. His chin had a slight shadow to it, as if he hadn’t shaved for a while. My body started to tingle again, like it had in the hallway at school, even more so when he brushed his hand down my cheek. I shivered, a little from the cool air hitting my legs, but mostly from his touch.


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