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The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven

Page 13

by C. L. De Leon

  “Do you love her?” Dillon asked Garrett unexpectedly.

  “I do,” Garrett replied, looking Dillon straight in the face.

  “Does she know?” Dillion asked.

  “No Sir, I told her once but I don’t know if she believed me. You don’t have to worry Sir my father raised me with morals, with respect, to wait for marriage—I haven’t--you know,” Garrett admitted.

  “Had intercourse?” Dillon looked at him surprised and relieved.

  “I thought that I was in love with this one girl once…she was my best friend in middle school, we dated all throughout high school--then she wanted to have sex and when I told her I thought more of her than having sex out of the confines of marriage--I literally proposed--She laughed in my face and walked away without another word…I really thought I loved her. Then I laid eyes on Reighlyn, it was the proverbial ‘AWE’ moment. Where everything in the world is right, everything and anything that hurt you can no longer exist as long as she is near. I felt it in my whole body. I felt it. I didn’t think, I felt. You know?” Garrett looked at Dillion and Dillon looked up from the leather harness that he was stitching sleeves onto to hold the two halves of Reighlyn’s staff and smiled.

  “Son, I know exactly what you’re talking about,” Dillion said to Garrett’s relief.

  “And what would that be?” Reighlyn called from the doorway startling both of the men in front of her.

  Dillon laughed, and Garrett stared. “Nothing sweetheart, come try this on,” Reighlyn walked over to stand in front of her dad who turned her around to face Garrett.

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “I love you,” Garrett proclaimed loud and proud. “You don’t have to respond, you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I just can’t--not say anything.”

  Reighlyn stared at him, wanting to say so much, wanting to tell him that she loved him too, but she was shell shocked by his impromptu admission in front of her father no less! She jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck, squeezing him as tightly as she could, pulling his lips to hers.

  “Alright love birds, it’s time to go,” Dillion said.

  Garrett set Reighlyn down, Dillon smiled at his daughter, at the strong and beautiful woman she’d become and the strong man who stood beside her.

  “Put this on and tell me how it feels,” Dillon said as he helped slide her shoulders into the harness, turning her to him showing her how to fasten the two clips that wrapped around to the front, further securing the harness and the weapons it held.

  Dillon walked over to the wall where all the staffs were set, grabbing a long box wrapped in newspaper.

  Dillion set the box down gently before his daughter. “I wasn’t there for a lot of holidays and birthdays so…I want you to have this.”

  Reighlyn looked at her dad, tears welling in her eyes, blurring her vision. “You didn’t have to do this Dad.”

  “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to,” Dillon said pushing to box toward her.

  “Open it, please,” he said pushing the box closer to her again.

  “Okay.” Reighlyn flashed her Dad a smile, blowing out a breath, as she began to tear open the paper on the box.

  Pulling off the top she froze seeing what rested inside of the box. “Dad… Oh you shouldn’t have…where did you get this?” Reighlyn asked as she picked up a five foot silver staff that swirled with paisley looking designs craved into the silver.

  Reighlyn lovingly stroked the staff as she pulled it from the box.

  “It breaks in half just like the practice one…but this one has another trick.” Dillon smiled mischievously. “I’ll walk you out to show you.” Reighlyn reached out to Garrett, who grasped her hand as they followed Dillon up top to begin their journey.

  Once they reached the open air, dotted by the sparkle of thousands upon thousands of stars Dillon demanded their attention once more.

  “Watch,” he bade his daughter as he began spinning the staff in a disciplined exercise he had taught her, breaking the staff into to rods, continuing the exercise with precise precision, then stunning both Reighlyn and Garrett the two and half foot rods broke down again opening in the middle to reveal links of chain connecting them. He spun the flails in a dance so graceful, yet promising devastating purpose.

  Reighlyn was in awe at the poise of which her father moved. As quickly as the flails came, they went, turning back into two and a half foot rods, which Dillon then connected into the full five foot staff handing it over to Reighlyn.

  “How?” She asked.

  “Here” He said breaking the staff back in half showing his daughter the secret button that would release the rods into flails.

  “Where did you get this?” She asked in awe.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He said laughing; he pulled his daughter close, kissing her on her head.

  “You should get going. Stick to the map at all costs,” Dillon said looking to both Reighlyn and Dillon.

  “Remember that your mother and I love you, and be careful. I smiled at my dad. Still in shock that he was here with us.

  “And son,” Dillion called out to Garrett. “Do take care of my daughter.”

  “I will, Sir,” Garrett said moving closer to Reighlyn.

  “Love you too, Dad.”

  Reighlyn hugged him once more, pressing the button on the flails returning them to two and a half foot rods, sliding them into place behind her back into the harness.

  “Time to go,” Reighlyn said turning back to Garrett, constructing a telekinetic disk for them to stand on as they began their ascent into the sky.

  Garrett grabbed her hand stepping up on to what seemed like nothing. Reighlyn slowly began their incline, Dillon stood at the door watching them rise, when Jasper burst through the door at full speed, if Dillon hadn’t been a seasoned warrior he surely would have stumbled.

  Jasper was screaming for Reighlyn. Dillon began his approach of the man, as Reighlyn set Garrett and herself back to the ground.

  “What are you doing?” Reighlyn asked.

  “You can’t go, you can’t do this!” Jasper said as her pulled Reighlyn to the side.

  “Really Jasper? Who said? Last I checked I was this big bad prophesied leader and an adult. I’m pretty sure I can do as I please…and it pleases me to help these people which you are keeping me—us-- from doing!” Reighlyn said pulling her arm from his grasp.

  “You can’t go with him,” Jasper said sounding defeated.

  “I’m going, he’s going. This is bigger than this,” Reighlyn said motioning to herself, Jasper and Garrett.

  Dillon stepped up behind Jasper, Garrett moved closer to Reighlyn. “But,” Jasper started to say something when Dillon interrupted.

  “But they love each other, if you would worry more about the war at hand then getting into my daughters pants we’d all sleep easier knowing someone was on the job 24/7.”

  “You love him? Is he going to be with you?” Jasper searched my face, looking—hoping for my denial.

  “I do, I am,” I said apologetically. I never wanted to hurt him, I cared for Jasper too.

  “We’re leaving, while were gone I suggest you get over your lust for the woman I love,” Garrett said nodding to Dillon as he pulled me back toward him.

  “I am your friend, I am more than grateful for every kindness you have shown me since my being here, please know and understand that I do care about you. Could I be happy with you? Yes, but for how long? I not only believe, but I feel from the bottom of my soul that he is the person for me. I value you, and I hope that my friendship can and will be enough. If not, this is going to be one rough patch considering we have to work together. You are my second from now on you should act as such,” Reighlyn said as delicately as she could.

  Garrett took Reighlyn by the arm again turning her from Jasper. “And our journey begins,” he said wrapping his arms around her waist as she brought them high above the tree line.


; It’s been hours since we left the South gate making the trek through the forest.

  I followed behind the group of escapees, keeping to myself. I was afraid to talk to them, and if my sister came I might be able to hold her off giving them a running chance.

  “Everyone take a break,” the blonde man called out as we happened onto a small creek.

  I fell to my knees at the creek edge cupping my hand splashing the cold spring fed water onto my face, making an attempt to wash the dirt off my arms.

  I wish I would have thought about changing my clothes before I decided to break out a hundred or so people and run away with them.

  My shorts and spaghetti strap shirt weren’t going to protect me well; at least I had on my boots. I sighed and sat back leaning against a tree next to the creek.

  The blonde man was walking toward me. “I apologize but I don’t know your name, and I figured we should at least be on a first name basis,” he smiled.

  I tried to smile back, it may have looked more like a grimace, I sighed. “My name is McKenna…McKenna Shade,” I said.

  “McKenna, I’m Rob. The two blonde women who’ve been walking with me are my wife and daughter, Trish and Becca. So now that we have a minute to talk I was hoping I could ask you a question.”

  “Sure,” I replied.

  “Why?” He asked.

  “Why what?” I replied confused.

  “Why help us?”

  “Because I’m not like her,” I simply stated.

  “Sweetheart that is obvious to anyone with eyes,” Rob laughed.

  “I won’t press you; just know that if and when you are ready to talk we’re here to listen.” He pointed out his wife and daughter again who were off to the side, staring hopeful that Rob was gaining a foothold with me.

  “Well in any case Siddehlee went above the canopy…She thinks were somewhere near what used to be El Paso, she said she can’t be sure as the majority of the area has been terra formed. Do you know Texas?” He asked.

  “Not much I’ve been to a few places, my sister kept me inside of compounds or left me with people who would just keep me in and not allow me to go out,” I said.

  Rob looked at me as if he had just been hit, disgusted with the thought of my being a prisoner, which made no sense. I was blood of their enemy; they should hate me even if I released them.

  “If I draw a map do you think you could use that to open a dimensional portal?”

  “I don’t know. I can try. I’ve done it with items before…pictures, maps and other stuff…so it may work,” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “You said that your sister kept you locked up? Where were your parents?” Rob asked compassion and confusion clearly written on his face.

  I stared at my hands, contemplating if I should tell him the truth or not. It guess it really didn’t matter what I told them any way, it wasn’t like I was going to make Cora look any better or worse.

  I steeled myself, looked into his eyes. “My sister and I share a father. I never met my mother, my sister says it’s because she was a drug addict and didn’t have what it took to be a part of a family, let alone a mother. I came home from school one day and my dad was gone and my sister was there. She said that he ran off also, she gave me a note from my dad explaining how he hated me because I reminded him of my mother and he couldn’t suffer to live with me, care for me, or attempt to love me any longer. I think he ran off like her, but then again Cora may have killed them both, who knows. She moved into my Dad’s house and took care of me. Attempting to train me to be like her… Evil…”

  Rob put his hand on my shoulder in some attempt to comfort me. “How old were you when your dad disappeared?” He asked.

  “I was six.” Tears welled in my eyes, threatening to spill forth as I remembered the horror I had seen and been forced to undergo for the past ten years.

  I gave Rob a weak smile. “It’s okay, I’m free now. Even if she came for me, or all of us, I know that I would be at peace with my death, because I found the courage to fight back, to leave.”

  Rob patted her shoulder. “So wise for such a young lady, how old are you?”

  “Sixteen.” Rob looked as if he had been slapped in the face.

  “Sixteen? Did you say sixteen?” I shook my head yes.

  He yanked me into a hug then, dredging up memories of my dad, more so than before. The only human contact that I’d had since he left was abusive.

  I broke down and began to weep, when I opened my eyes his wife Trisha and his daughter Becca were kneeling next us, along with a few of the others who had been near enough to hear.

  I stood up, looking to those around me, then to the sky trying to gage how long we had been by the creek.

  “We should go,” I said to everyone, we had stayed too long. Siddehlee touched down from above the trees, wings folding and disappearing as if they hadn’t been there at all.

  “Get up, there’s a large force approaching north of us and closing quickly, we don’t have much time. If we move quickly we have a chance.” She grabbed people that were sitting on the ground or stood there dumb struck pushing them in the right direction.

  Rob stood, yelled for everyone to stick together. Panicking, I couldn’t allow these people to die for me; I couldn’t allow them to die period! I ran to Siddehlee grabbing her roughly by her shoulders. “Take me up above the trees.” I demanded.

  “You’re a Psiconist, can’t you do it yourself?” She scoffed.

  “Please just take me up.” Siddehlee wrapped her arm undermine, hoisting me up above the tree line, I could make out some hills in the distance, maybe a 50/60 miles away, they were tiny from here, but far enough away that it make a difference.

  Thankful for the full moon and its light that allowed me to see, I signaled to be taken back down.

  “Rob!” I called out trying to find him to relate my plan.

  “Siddehlee, I can get everyone to the hills in the distance, I’m going to open a portal,” I explained.

  “How are you going to do that? Everyone is running around.”

  “I can open small portals.” With that I ran toward the first group of people who were running opening a portal that would stay open for a minute and no more, making an attempt to get as many people as I could away from the approaching enemy.


  We touched down at the second predetermined destination. We had been flying for about an hour now.

  I sat down on a bolder at the edge of the clearing, sipping my water, I watched Garrett as he unfolded the map checking our position, and making sure we were indeed going in the right direction.

  “How do you know where we are?” I asked.

  He turned to me smiling. “The stars.” He said simply.

  “Really? You can tell where we are by the stars…like by the constellations?” I asked unconvinced.

  “Yes, by the constellations,” Garrett smirked.

  “Where did you learn that?”

  “My Dad taught me, it’s probably why he sent me with you. Not to assume that you couldn’t find your way with someone else.” He winked at me.

  “We’re about a half hour out. I think we should go up and around to this destination point, go in on foot,” he said showing me lines and dots on the map indicating where we were and where we needed to be.

  “Sounds good.” I put my water back in my pack standing, pulling it on over my flails; I looked up feeling Garrett’s eyes on me.

  “I know this isn’t the time or place, and this may be a little forward, but we are about to risk our lives for people we don’t know.” He ran his hand through his hair, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other.

  “I want you to know that I really do love you. I wasn’t just saying that, it’s not something I would say unless I meant it.” He stopped pacing before me and watched me for my reaction.

  “I love you...this feels crazy,” I laughed walking over to him, looking into his eyes.

  I ran my hand down the side of
his face, feeling stubble, reaching around to the back of his neck pulling myself up onto my tip toes kissing him gently. Calling on my gift we began to levitate off the ground.

  “Which way?” I laughed.

  “Ah, this way, toward that hill right there. See it?” He asked.

  Looking into the distance where he pointed.

  “I do,” I beamed at him.

  “Time to kick some ass and run away,” I said, causing Garrett to let out a side splitting laugh.

  We rose above the tree line, holding tight to Garrett, speeding us toward the hills in the distance. Our cosmic convening waited.


  I was running, looking for anyone I had missed. I’d been ripping people for an hour now; I don’t even know how many people I had transported. I had to make sure I had gotten everyone out of there.

  I could hear voices behind me, distantly, but they were there. They were coming.

  I put my head down and pushed on, afraid that if I glanced back I would stop, afraid to move forward, afraid to be without my sister even if she is a raging psycho who’d done nothing but torture me my entire life.

  Most of all I was terrified that I would eventually be like her; I was running to stand still, trying to find me, trying to find out who I was and where I belonged in this world. Unknowingly I was running toward the destiny that had claimed me before I was born.

  I could see a cave ahead; I could hear bushes and branches breaking behind me, calls from one soldier to another. Marking areas clear, moving closer to my position the cave seemed my only chance to open a portal without being caught.

  I hoped that Rob and his family had gotten farther ahead than I had; they were the people I had looked for the most and the ones I hadn’t seen.

  Inside the cave I moved to the very back hoping that I didn’t run into a bear, the majority of the country maybe even the world had been terraformed returning it to wilderness, returning the majority of the world back to the 1600’s or earlier.

  I ripped the portal, the edges glowed faintly blue illuminating the cave slightly, that’s when I seen them behind boulders, bloody and unmoving.


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