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Her Portuguese Man Of Love (BWWM Romance Book 1)

Page 6

by Sherie Keys

  She watched him enter the office and then she turned to look at the street that she was on. The driver gave her a smile.

  “Would you like me to drive you anywhere?” he offered with a kindly tone.

  “No, actually. I think I’ll explore it on foot. Thank you, though,” she answered. She put a star on the map in her phone so that her GPS could take her back to the same spot if she happened to get lost, and she waved goodbye to the driver and headed down the sidewalk past businesses and shops. She stopped for a coffee and continued onward, drinking in the brew and the culture of the beautiful old city around her.

  Her phone buzzed, and she saw that she had received a text from Justin, though it was nothing more than a question mark. She laughed, knowing he was looking for an update. Touching the screen of her smartphone, she called him, and he answered immediately.

  “Well? How’s it going? I haven’t heard anything from you since you got there, and I’ve been just dying to hear how it all is. I didn’t want to interrupt your vacation; I know just how much you needed it, but I do want some updates. So how is it going? What’s going on?” Justin sounded like a kid on Christmas morning, so excited to hear all that was happening with his best friend.

  She laughed. “Before I tell you anything about what’s going on here, I want to know what’s going on there!”

  With a pained moan, he answered, “Things are just fine here. We’re working on the pain in the ass zoning commissioner, we’re working on the business plans, and I’m looking for a warehouse for us to be based out of. Things are fine. Now, update on my best friend in a foreign country please!”

  Drawing in a deep breath, she began, “Well, here’s what’s happening. I’m not sure that you’re going to believe it.” She hesitated, and then dove into the story. “So, when I was checking into the hotel, which is amazing by the way; thank you so much, I met a guy.”

  “You did?” he asked, sounding intrigued.

  “I did. He’s beautiful, and he’s so sweet and thoughtful. His name is Adrian. He was at the hotel waiting at the bar to meet a business partner. He looked over at me and I looked at him, then voila, there were serious sparks. He came over and introduced himself and asked me to have a drink with him, but I was so tired that I said no.” She smiled as she thought back to their beginning, which seemed much further in the past than it actually was.

  “You didn’t get drinks with him? Awe! Honey! Beautiful man! Foreign country! Get the drink!” Justin was pouting.

  “Well, don’t get too upset about it. Listen!” She laughed at him. “I went up to my room and called you-”

  “Thank you!” Justin sounded as if he was beaming.

  “And a bellboy came to the door with a delivery for me,” she continued.

  “I remember that,” Justin added.

  “Well, it was two dozen red roses, a bottle of champagne, and some gourmet chocolates from Adrian as a welcome gift.” Delphine couldn’t stop the smile that pushed her cheeks back.

  “Oh my god. Way to make a first impression!” Justin said enthusiastically.

  “Right? Well, I drank a couple of glasses of champagne, ate some of the chocolates, and went to bed. It was a long flight and I was tired. So, when I got up in the morning, I was going to go out on my own and check out the city, but when I went down to the café in the hotel, Adrian was waiting for me, and invited me to have breakfast with him. I did, and he offered to take me around the city and show me the local side of it.” Her thoughts were swimming with all of the events of that day and how he had made her feel so important and special, as well as how much he had ignited a desire in her for him.

  “Oh wow! He’s so totally into you!” Justin was practically giddy with excitement over her story.

  “We went around the city and he showed me a lot of it, and then we went out for drinks and music. They play a kind of melancholy music here called Fado. Have you heard of that before?” she asked.

  “Yes, actually. There’s a place in the Village where they play it on Thursday nights, but I hear that it’s much better over there,” he mused.

  “It’s amazing. I’ve never heard anything like it. It didn’t even matter that I didn’t understand the words they were singing. I understood the emotion and the music, and it was so heartbreaking and touching. I loved it.” She had found her way to a park, and she sat down on a bench beneath a huge shady tree and sipped at her coffee.

  “So, we spent the evening enjoying that, and then he took me back to the hotel and Justin…” She trailed off and took a big breath, shaking her head, “Honey, I can’t tell you what that music did to my poor broken heart. I was so emotional, so enlivened, and so… I don’t know what. So ready for someone to try to fix the hurt that I was feeling. He kissed me, and I swear I practically melted right there in his arms.”

  “Oh, I love this. I really do. You needed that so much,” Justin swooned.

  “Well, I asked him to stay, and he did. It was without question the most incredible night I’ve ever had with a man. I don’t know if they take Latin boys aside in school or something and tell them how to be amazing lovers and romantic men, but he was just… wow.” She felt her body warming just thinking about the passion that she had shared with Adrian.

  “You are lighting my fire, girl. So hot! I love this! And you’re right about Latin men. I don’t know how they all know that, but they do. They’re inherently romantic. Even the gay ones. Just hot as fire,” he assured her.

  “We’ve been practically inseparable ever since. Site seeing every day and it’s such an incredible place, Justin. I wish you could see it. Then we’re together at night and it’s hotter in the sheets than it is out in the sun. I’ve never had a better time, that’s for sure.” She giggled softly.

  “Oh honey! I am so glad that you went on this trip! You needed this so much, and he sounds like the perfect fix for your heart. I couldn’t have planned that better if I’d tried to. It’s the universe, and it’s taking care of you!” He was adamant that her good karma was coming back to her. “So, now what? Are you going to let him steal your heart away and move to Lisbon or something? Do you think this could be serious?”

  Reality snapped harshly at her and she blinked, remembering that her vacation was swiftly coming to an end, along with the perfect man she was lovers with. “Oh… well no. I guess… I don’t think anything is going to continue past this time with him. I mean, how can it? I live in Manhattan and he lives in Lisbon. That’s the end of that right there. I’m not about to do a long-distance thing and I’m not ready to get into a relationship. This has just been some healing time for me. Some fun and release, really. It’s not meant to be anything longer.”

  “Do you like him?” Justin probed gently.

  “Well, of course I like him. I’m sleeping with him.” She answered shortly, a slight pout forming on her face.

  “No, I mean… do you really like him?” Justin pressed a bit further.

  She sighed, and her shoulders slumped. “Yes, I like him. He’s intelligent and sweet, he’s funny and witty, he’s romantic and thoughtful. What’s not to like? That has nothing to do with anything though. He’s a fun distraction, but I’m leaving, and I don’t want anything beyond that.”

  Justin moaned in disappointment. “No? Well you know what’s best for you, and you seem to be keeping a level head about all of this. So that’s good. At least you had him for a while.”

  “I guess so. I mean, he’s been incredible, and I feel really lucky that I’ve gotten to spend this time with him. I just know that I have a lot waiting for me at home and I need to get back to it.” She hadn’t wanted to think of New York while she was in Portugal, especially after having spent so much wonderful time with Adrian.

  “Then have the time of your life and come back to reality only when you have to. I’ll be waiting here for you.” Justin’s smile for her could be heard through the phone.

  “Sounds good. I love you. Thank you so much,” she told him gently.

sp; “I love you too! Please be safe and happy. See you soon,” he told her with love, and then he ended the call.

  She saw that Adrian had messaged her, and she decided to head back to the car, knowing he would be waiting for her. When she arrived, he looked excited and happy, and he embraced her, giving her a tender kiss.

  “Have you eaten? Let’s go have lunch, shall we?” he offered, looking hopeful.

  “That sounds good. I haven’t eaten yet, and I’m ready to!” She let him help her into the car, and they were taken to an old family restaurant that overlooked a beautiful valley.

  As they sat at their table sipping cold champagne and eating their lunch, Adrian eyed her curiously. “Have you enjoyed this time with me?”

  “Much more than you could ever really know,” she answered with a grin. “It’s been better than I ever thought that it could be, and I have you to thank for that. It’s meant such a great deal to me.”

  He nodded and smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s been wonderful for me as well. Very refreshing. I haven’t had fun like this in a long time.” Adrian was quiet for a minute, and then he looked back at her again, raising his eyes to meet hers. “It makes me think about it coming to an end. When are you leaving?”

  She swallowed, and her heart skipped a beat. “I’m leaving in two days.”

  Adrian only nodded again and looked back at the plate of food before him. He said nothing about it, and that made her wonder what he was thinking, or if he was even thinking anything at all and he was just wondering how much time he had left with her. She didn’t want to let her mind dwell on it too long, as it made her feel a little sad. Instead, she did her best to focus on the moments at present with him and to relish in his company and affections in such a beautiful paradise place.

  He took her back to the hotel, and they talked about Portugal on the way; about music and food, culture and history, and the conversation did not return to her vacation. When they reached the hotel, he took her directly to her room and drew a bubble bath for her in the massive old tub. He lit candles and pulled some of the soft red velvety petals from the flowers that he had sent to her, dropping them atop the hot steaming water.

  Taking his time, he slid her clothes from her, kissing her skin as it was unveiled to him, running his fingers over it and tasting her as if he was savoring every inch of her along with every moment with her.

  When she was bare, he brought her into the bathtub with him and massaged her shoulders at first, then moved on to all of her body from her breasts to her hips and her legs, spending extra time on her feet. She had never been so turned on in her life, and she felt breathless the entire time.

  “You are the most charming, romantic man I’ve ever met.” She smiled at him as she leaned forward and kissed him as he was facing her in the bathtub.

  He gazed at her intently, as if nothing outside of the bathroom existed, only the two of them in the whole universe. “It’s easy to be that way with you, because of who you are and how you treat me too,” he replied, running his fingers back and forth gently over her thighs.

  “Well, I’m just being myself. I don’t have the time, energy, or interest in being anything but who I am,” she answered. “But I’ll tell you this, I have loved spending all of this time with you. Really just loved all of it.” She smiled widely at him and lifted his hand to her lips to kiss his fingertips.

  Eyeing her carefully, he drew nearer to her. “Answer me this.” He traced her lips with his finger and then drew his fingertip up her cheek, following the line there. “Are you falling in love with me?”

  The silence between them suddenly felt heavy to her, and her heart began to beat faster. “No, I’m not.”

  He nodded, and his expression did not change or even hint at what he was thinking. “I bet,” he said silkily as he reached for her and pulled her up onto his lap, bringing her to straddle just over his pelvis, “if you stayed longer, you would fall in love with me.” He lifted his mouth to hers and kissed her for a long moment. When he released her, his blue eyes searched her dark ones.

  Delphine shook her head. “There’s no way. Staying here longer with you wouldn’t make me fall in love with you.”

  He reached his hands to her breasts, cupping them and massaging them as he gazed up at her and spoke, and she felt the heated desire already burning in her catch flame. “I would be willing to make a wager with you about that.”

  She raised one eyebrow as he took her nipple into his mouth and began to suck at it, teasing it and biting softly at it. Desire for him scorched her limbs and raced through her veins. He began to massage his thumbs over the tender flesh between her legs and she gasped, tensing with pleasure.

  “A wager?” she whispered, her eyes half closed as his fingers dipped into her slightly.

  “Yes,” he said, watching her. “I’d be willing to bet that if you stayed longer, you would fall in love with me.” Adrian began to rub her body harder and she grew breathless. “I’d like that.”

  “I bet I wouldn’t.” She gasped, feeling as if her whole body was catching on fire.

  “Let’s find out. Stay another week with me. Come to my home. I’ll even give you your own bedroom, so you have your own space. I promise you, by the end of the week you’ll be in love with me.” His voice was deep and serious, and her body was vibrating with the pleasure that was sweeping through her. He moved his fingers faster, harder, and deeper into her, and she could barely breathe.

  “I’m not going to fall in love with you,” she managed to gasp as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the building tidal wave inside of her.

  “Take the wager. Stay with me and give me a chance to try.” He spoke against her breast, his lips moving over her hardened nipple. “If at the end of the week you aren’t in love with me, I will give you a million dollars and send you back to New York. Say yes.” He grew insistent and sucked hard at her breast in between his words. “Say yes!” he urged her again, just as her orgasm overwhelmed her and she cried out, shuddering as her whole body tensed with the release.

  “Yes! Yes…” she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tightly as an anchor in the swirling dizziness of her ecstasy. She felt the head of his erection enter her then, sliding deep into her, filling all of her as he began to move, holding her hips tightly with his hands.

  “You will fall in love with me,” he murmured against her neck, and she had barely come down from the internal chaos of her orgasm when another one built up swiftly, and he thrust himself into her, making her come again.

  They did not speak the rest of the long while that they were in the bathtub making love. They did speak as they showered the soap off of them and left the bathroom for the bedroom. It wasn’t until she was dressing for dinner that his words caught the center of her mind again, and she bit at her lower lip as she buttoned her dress.

  “You’re serious about coming to your house for a week?” She asked, glancing over at him as he zipped his pants. The things he’d said to her while they were in the bathtub had her wondering if he really meant it, because it sounded like the most outlandish thing she had ever heard.

  “Yes. I’m very serious about it.” He walked over to her then, and her breath caught in her throat. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and his sculpted body was nude from the waist up, while his well-tailored pants hugged him in just the right places. He was stunning to see, especially in a bedroom.

  Taking her in his arms, he kissed her softly and then held both of her hands in his. “I could not be more serious about this. It’s a genuine offer. You come to my house and stay with me for a week, and I know that at the end of that week you will fall in love with me. If you don’t, I will admit the loss. I will give you a million dollars and I will send you back to Manhattan. You’ve agreed to that. Do you still mean yes?”

  His blue eyes searched her face, and she felt as if she was melting. “Yes, I will take you up on that wager. Adrian, I really like you, but I’m not going to fall in love wi
th you. I want you to be realistic and not have your feelings hurt when it doesn’t happen.” She paused then and tilted her head to one side.

  “Why do you want me to fall in love with you?” she asked suspiciously. “Just because you think you’re so charming and romantic that you could make anyone fall in love with you? Is this a game to you?”

  He shook his head and touched her cheek with his fingertip. “It’s not a game. Think about it though, what a gift it would be if a woman as incredible as you fell in love with me?” He gave her a smile and kissed her lips softly once more before letting her go. He walked back over to the other side of the room and finished dressing himself, and she watched him for a long moment before she looked away to finish readying herself.

  The facts of their wager moved through her mind like a kaleidoscope. A million dollars. Falling in love. Both of those were ridiculous things, she thought. But another week with her unbelievable lover, another week in Portugal, another week in the surreal world that she found herself in, those were not ridiculous things. She hoped that Justin would understand. She was sure that he would, and that he would encourage her to stay just a little longer. She hoped that the bee business they were starting would be all right for one more week. She felt confident enough in Justin’s handling of it that she knew it could.


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