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Smite Page 27

by J Moon

  Evelyn appeared before him in a swarm of bright lights, along with other archangels who walked beyond him and into the factory. She looked behind, “I want this place scrubbed down good. Get everything you can and leave nothing behind. Her heels clicked on the pavement as she sashayed towards Gabriel. “You did a good job Gabe,” she said as she walked over.

  Gabe nodded, “Well thank you ma’am.” He paused for second and then he asked. “How many casualties?”

  Evelyn sighed before saying, “Hundreds. We are still counting them.” She looked down at her shoes as he walked towards Gabe. “He didn’t wipe us out but they did take a lot of us out. I’m sure the Sons of Chaos are nevertheless celebrating.”

  “Yes, they probably are.” Gabe looked over his shoulder. “What’s with the cavalry?”

  “We are going to scrub this place down and take whatever we can back to headquarters. Hopefully there can be some good that comes out of this catastrophe. Though demonic in nature, the League soldiers were quite impressive. We can use their armor to better our own, and it would be even better if we can learn any intelligence on the Sons from encrypted files.”

  The archangel could spot a disaster coming a mile away. “Ev, that’s a big mistake. You should burn all of it and this building too. Forget the League and whatever we can get from them. This was a merciless enemy. An evolution of destruction. We should purge the Earth clean of existence.”

  Evelyn folded her arms. “I understand your frustration Gabriel but do keep in mind that we have a bigger war coming, and as a Dominion it is my duty to prepare us for the long haul.”

  “Ev—” Gabe started.

  “That’s it Gabe,” She interrupted. “I said what I said and my orders will be followed. Do I make myself clear?”

  Gabe swallowed hard, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Evelyn nodded. “That’s all,” she declared before being swallowed up in bright lights and ascending back to Heaven.

  Once the bright lights faded from Evelyn’s ascension, everyone unfroze. Nia ran into her father’s arms and hugged him tightly.

  “Baby girl!” Pop shouted as he rocked Nia. Pops wrapped his arms around Nia and held on tight like he never wanted to let go. “Thank God you are okay.”

  Gabe slapped Pop’s shoulder. “Feeling better?” already knowing the answer.

  “Hell of lot better,” Pops said as he released Nia. He took off the bandage, and the wound appeared to be all but healed, appearing as a scar. “Whatever that was you need to let me take that back to Brooklyn and make some money off it.”

  Gabe chuckled. “Sorry, no can do.” Then he looked over to Nia. “Mr. Ebony you should be proud you raised a strong daughter. She’s a survivor.”

  “Just like her mom,” Pops returned.

  “You, Nia Carter,” Gabriel smiled just saved us all, and that’s why you're awesome”

  With her father holding her she said, “And I couldn’t do it without my partner in crime.”

  Pop was hardly amused. “So how the hell are we getting home?”

  Gabe pulled out his keys. “Don’t worry I have my ride.” He clicked the button and the engines of The Ark roared.

  Zora took a step towards them, “I know you're not going to leave again without saying goodbye.”

  The archangel stuck a smile of childlike glee on his face. “Course not,” he said as he wrapped her in a big hug. He looked over to Langston and Josephine. “Come on guys bring it in don’t be shy.” Langston wrapped his arms to Gabe’s left as Josephine joined from the right, and Nia wrapped her arms behind the archangel. Together as one, the group took a long exhale.

  Josephine broke in sharply, “Now then, it’s definitely time I head back to Paris. I’ve seen enough to realize that I belong in Europe.”

  Langston turned to her, “Best of luck to you Ms. Baker.” In a very gentle manner he kissed her hand, “It was nice meeting and almost dying with you.”

  Josephine cackled, “Ditto sweetheart.” Then she beamed her radiant smile to them all. “Really it was nice meeting you all.” Then she looked over to Gabe, with a sultry grin on her face. “And of course it was nice to see this handsome devil again.”

  Gabe pulled her into a hug, “Oh I’m sure we'll be seeing each other again Jose.” And as the archangel pulled her closer, he looked over to see Major Rhodes comforting Betty Tate.

  Gabe walked over and rubbed her shoulder. “I’m so sorry for your loss Betty.”

  Betty looked up, sadness in her eyes but still a tinge of resilience in them as well. “I don’t know how we are going to continue on without the Colonel.”

  Gabe gripped her shoulder and stared her into the eyes. “I’m sure you will find a way. Besides, that’s what Colonel Brown would want. To continue to protect and fight the good fight against evil.”

  “Sir but who will lead command?” Major Rhodes interjected.

  “I see no better leader than right here. I think Ms. Betty Tate would be a perfect leader. Let that be known as an order from up high.”

  Major Rhodes saluted with a snap. “I couldn’t give a better recommendation sir.”

  Gabe slapped his shoulder. “Carry on soldier.” He looked back to Nia and Pops. “Come on Nia. It’s time I finally take you home.” After saying another round of goodbyes they piled into The Ark. With a roar and celestial chimes, The Ark faded away.

  Before Nia knew it she was back in her own time and neighborhood. It seemed too amazing to be true. A vivid life-changing dream.

  Pop wasted no time climbing out of The Ark. “Thank you sweet baby Jesus.” He looked back at the two of them, looking like sad teenage lovers. “Well I’m going upstairs to get me a nap before work. I’m gonna let y'all say goodbye.” Pops started up the stoop then he turned back around, “And don’t take too long.”

  Together Nia and Gabe got out of The Ark and sat on its side, watching Brooklyn and missing the sweet whimsical vibe of the Harlem streets.

  “Do you think it’s possible for you to come back and visit? Or maybe you know if you need me I can go with you on your next mission.”

  Gabe smiled at her. It was warm yet telling. She didn’t even need to hear what came next. “You know I can’t do that.”

  Nia looked down.“I know.”

  “But I must say of all the interesting humans I’ve met. So far, you are my new favorite.”

  “Aye,” Nia laughed and linked arms with Gabriel. “I know because I’m freaking awesome,” She bit her lip to stifle a sob and then closed her eyes.

  “That’s right,” Gabe said and his face tightened and became more serious. “Just because I can’t come back to visit doesn’t mean I won’t be watching. So you better be awesome….like I know you can be.”

  Nia stood from The Ark, “I will be.” The words were so bittersweet as they left her lips and her eyes stung as she fought back tears. Then she looked over to him in the wonderful morning light as it caught his eyes, and made Gabe look like every dream she ever wanted coming true.

  Passion pulled at both of them and her lips sought his. Their kiss seemed to last for eternity as time stood still and everyone faded away. They both broke the kiss shared the same gasp of awareness and pleasure as they pulled back enough to witness what had been in front of them the whole time.

  “Goodbye Nia Carter,” Gabe muttered.

  “Bye Gabriel.”

  The archangel got in The Ark and Nia waved as it rumbled down 49th. Then suddenly just like he came, he was gone just as quickly.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Once Gabe left Nia, he ascended into Heaven. As soon as he stepped into the Dominion’s office, applause erupted as glorious voices sung out beautifully. All of his brothers and sisters, and superiors stood there waiting for him.

  “Job well done,” Evelyn said with a smile on her face as she held out her arms. “Your faith has served you and you proved yourself once again to the Creator. Now we will receive his love.”

  All at once they lifted their heads and a b
linding bright light expanded in the room. Warm, fuzzy, and fulfilling the Creator’s joy flowed into all of the celestial beings. Gabe began to feel whole again, with his mission fulfilled. All thoughts of doubt and fear were instantly driven out of his mind.

  Gabe opened his eyes and turned his attention to the central monitors. “What’s going on?”

  Kevin began typing. “We are hacking into one of the drives we found at the abandoned factory, for Intel.” Kevin smiled over to Gabe. “Luckily, we can ask him about anything we find for more information.” He laughed with a nerd like snort. “The Sons of Chaos won’t know what hit them.”

  Gabe raised a brow. “Ask him? What do you mean Kevin?”

  Kevin looked at him in confusion. “You didn’t know we got him? He was still alive and topside so we brought him here.”

  Gabe turned to Evelyn. “You brought him here!” he shouted.

  “Yes,” Evelyn answered as Kevin pulled up a live footage of the demon being held in rings of light below.

  “Why the hell would we bring a devil level demon, here Evelyn?” Gabe asked, his patience short.

  “We didn’t want to throw him back in the pitt. Orders were given up high to contain him in the rings of light to gain intelligence on the Sons of Chaos. A lot has happened Gabriel. Not only did they succeed in attacking SMITE headquarters but they also managed to open a Hellgate in Atlanta. Our sources believe some of the sons have escaped! Michael is containing the situation now but as you can see, our situation is dire.”

  The archangel was stunned silent. All life drained from his face. Never since the Great rebellion has such tragedy and catastrophe struck at once.

  The demons were winning.

  “Gabe you wouldn’t question orders from the upper choir...would you?”

  Having been restored by light, the archangel calmed down. It was in his angelic nature to follow orders and not to rebel. “Yes ma’am. I guess,” he said but there was still a voice that told him something was amiss. The archangel didn’t want to give into this rebellious human notion so he suppressed the thought to the back of his head if only for now.

  Evelyn turned to Kevin. “Continue to decrypt the drive.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Kevin responded with his head down as he typed harder. As he continued to work harder something made him pause. “Ummm,” he murmured and as he increased his typing speed.

  “What’s wrong?” Evelyn asked.

  “Nothing,” Kevin responded. “It’s a bit tougher to crack than I thought.”

  Evelyn folded her arms. “Well if you can’t do it. Then let me get another angel.”

  Kevin held a hand up in protest. “No ma’am I got this. Just give me a minute.” He cracked his knuckles and continued to type. At that instant a Baphomet, the insignia of the Sons of Chaos appeared on the screen. “Uh oh.”

  Gabe turned to Evelyn and sprinted over to Kevin’s side. “What do you mean uh oh? What’s happening?”

  Kevin tried to stammer out an answer but before he could, the hazard lights came on, and an alert flashed across every monitor.

  Raphael shook him. “Kevin what’s happening?”

  “I don’t know it’s like the system is alive. It’s hacking us and attempting to access our drives.”

  “Access our drives?” Evelyn asked.

  Gabe nudged him back to the computer. “What is it attempting to access?”

  Kevin started typing again, then he put his hand towards his mouth, as he began to flush red. “Holy snap. It’s accessing our identity drives. It’s downloading the human appearance of each angel and sending it to a remote drive.”

  “Well shut it down!” Evelyn shouted as the faces of messenger angels, SMITE agents, and allies flashed across the scene. A rapid download bar showing the progress of the hacks transmission to the Dawn.

  Kevin started ripping cords frantically to no avail as the bar continued to progress. “It’s not stopping!” Kevin hollered in a half breath. Evelyn helped him struggle to unplug.

  “Stand back!” Raphael ordered. He cocked his gun and shot the driver. With a blast, the drive exploded and the status bar disappeared from the screens.

  There were heavy breaths of worry amongst them all. Raphael turned to Evelyn. “How many agents do you think got exposed?”

  “Could be hundreds,” Kevin concluded.

  Just when things couldn’t get any worse, he shuttered at the eerie sounds of clicks that rung out in the red lights.

  Kevin whirled around. “That’s strange. Why are all the doors opening?”

  Gabe wasted no time in dashing out of the offices, he left with question marks still on the others’ faces. Without given much reason Raphael followed behind him.

  “What do you think is happening?” Raphael shouted to Gabe’s back.

  Gabe peered over his shoulder as he made quick pace to the ascension hall. “He planned all of this. Since fusing with the machine he has been very calculating. The demon was going to get this Intel one way or another.”

  Together they hopped into the elevator and descended two hundred flights down to the weapons vault and rings of light prison. When the archangels approached the cell that was supposed to hold Legion, they found dead archangels laid out instead, and the rings of light disabled.

  “He killed them,” Raphael shuddered with a hollow breath.

  Gabe quickly raked his gaze around each angel. Six bodies scattered the floor. “There was supposed to be seven guards. He possessed one.”


  “I don’t know but we need to catch him ASAP.” Gabe looked over to Raphael, “Do you know any routes of escape from here?”

  “Tunnels on the lower levels,” Raphael responded as he armed his pistol. “Only two ways to access it. Staircase on the right and ot on the left.”

  Gabe pulled out his eagle. “I’ll take the staircase and you'll get the tunnels,” he ordered.

  Raphael nodded as both angels parted ways. Gabe burst open the door and saw the silhouette of an angelic guard, quickly descending the stairs. “Legion!” Gabe shouted.

  A man looked up and smiled. Wasting no time Gabe jumped over the stair rail, and wind whipped at his face, as he descended down. Gabe hit the ground only a few seconds behind to see the doors leading to the tunnels, flap behind. With a brush of his shoulder, Gabe threw the door back open and came to a halt as he saw nothing in the darkness and heard no footsteps. With a frustrating sigh, the archangel continued to run forward in the darkness of the tunnel.

  A silhouette in the darkness brought both the demon and archangel to a sudden halt. Inside the body of an angel, the Legion did not have the ability of his previous host. So he rose the gun to defend himself.

  “That won’t be necessary.” A voice called from the darkness. “Go ahead and put the gun down.

  Gabe clung to the shadows as he watched, and waited. He was stunned speechless as he matched the voice to a face.

  Legion reluctantly stood down, and took a step forward. “I was told that I would have help if I was captured and Heaven Reign wasn’t a success.” The demon circled. “But I couldn’t believe that there would be two rogues in SMITE command.”

  “I’m not a rogue. I’m simply doing my part to move things further along,” Evelyn said as she stepped out of the darkness.

  Legion wrinkled his nose. “I understood Uriel’s role in all of this. Why are you doing this?”

  With her head raised high Evelyn said, “We all have a role to play in this apocalypse demon.” She paused dramatically. “Even you still have a part to play.” She opened the door behind her. “Now go before the agents flush the tunnels. This exit will take you to a room of hidden elevators that you can use to descend back to Earth.”

  Legion chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Gabe had enough he rose his eagle eye pistol, and shot. Legion darted out of the way but was pierced in the should but one of the rounds.

  Evelyn held the door, “Go!” she shouted.

  With a sna
rl on his face and his hand over his wound, Legion ran out through the doors.

  Gabriel was appalled as he stared at Evelyn. He started after Legion but quickly Evelyn slammed the door shut. “Stand down Gabriel.”

  He reached for the door and Evelyn blocked him. She pointed a finger at him. “I said stand down.”

  Anger tore through the angel, and it reflected on his face. He thought about all of the loss that had occurred during the mission and began to question all of his missions. “All of my brothers and sisters. How could you have allowed this? How could you be a part of this?” Gabe asked.

  Silence followed as Evelyn struggled to find words to calm him. “I know this seems wrong but everything will be revealed to you in due time. For now, you must uphold your grace and maintain silence.”

  “Maintain silence?” Gabe echoed. “You alone have caused the death of so many angels and humans. How can I be silent?” Gabe sent his gaze to the grainy tiles on the tunnel floors, the textures blurring like an out-of-focus kaleidoscope as she stared into the darkness, human emotions slamming into him all at once. The archangel was as confused as to why especially after having been restored.

  Evelyn continued trying to explain but her voice became lost as the emotions made his head spin, and his heart slam into his chest.

  A hot flash came over him as a pain throbbed in his head. Just as the archangel felt as though he was about to self-destruct, he heard a small still voice. It startled Gabriel so much, that he had to look over his shoulder.

  Gabe knew that voice.

  It was a voice that gave command to create the Heaven and earth. A voice that separated the light from darkness. It was the voice of the Creator. He spoke once to Gabe before and now he gave him a command in a single word. This word was so startling that it brought back the human emotions even in the midst of receiving joy at its sound.

  “Fall.” The voice whispered.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Nia looked out to the night’s sky from her window right above the fire escape. She thought about Langston and wondered what he would do if he knew just how famous his words would become. Then her mind went to Josephine. She kicked herself for not teaching her how to twerk. Nia laughed at the thought of being known as the girl who invented twerking. Then she wondered how Zora would react to all the powerful black women in her time such as Oprah, Beyoncé or Michelle Obama.


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