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Alpha's Mate

Page 11

by Moya Block, Caryn

  “Sergei, guard the entrance. Andrei, come with me.” Dmitry wanted to see where they were mining. Why were they stealing gold from the pack? Their family accounts should have given them enough to live on easily. Of course Lenka’s uncle was the head of his family. Perhaps Jacob wouldn’t give Lenka the money he wanted.

  “Over this way, Alpha,” Andrei gestured.

  Andrei led the way down a tunnel and to the left. They were headed deep into the mountain with the tunnel becoming narrower the farther they went. Something didn’t seem right. Dmitry could feel the hair on his neck beginning to stand up. He could have sworn the gold ran in the tunnels to the right.

  “Are you sure this is right, Andrei?” asked Dmitry.

  Andrei turned to answer when Dmitry saw the trip wire across the tunnel. Before Dmitry could stop him, Andrei triggered the wire, and there was an explosion. Pieces of the ceiling started to come down over their heads. Dmitry pushed Andrei out of the way of a boulder. It glanced against his shoulder with bruising force. Finding a ledge along the side, Dmitry pushed Andrei underneath, and joined him as dust and rock flew into the air. Coughing and eyes watering, they covered their faces to get away from the dust.

  Before the dust cleared Dmitry could hear Sergei calling their names. Unable to call out, Dmitry reached for his mind using telepathy. We are fine. How badly is the tunnel blocked?

  We’ll have to dig you out, but the right side doesn’t seem too bad. One or two big boulders and we’ll have you out.

  Call for help then. This was a trap, and we walked right into it. Dmitry sent to Sergei. Wiping dust from his eyes and nose, Dmitry looked around. The dust was starting to settle covering everything in a fine layer. Andrei was coughing beside him.

  “Use your shirt as a filter. Try not to breathe it in.” ordered Dmitry.

  Andrei nodded his head in understanding. Dmitry spit dust out of his mouth and settled down to wait. His shoulder hurt badly and he made sure to close off the link to Violet. She already suffered through his getting shot. She didn’t need to suffer through his bruised shoulder. Once a little room was cleared, he would shapeshift and heal it.

  Not wanting to take the chance of breathing in the dust, Dmitry reached for Andrei’s mind with his telepathy. Andrei are you alright? Did you get any injuries?

  Just, the injury to my pride. I am sorry, Alpha. You saved my life when you pushed me out of the way of the boulder. Thank you. Illarion almost became an orphan today. I should have paid better attention. I thought since the scent trail was old, there was no danger. Andrei apologized.

  Exactly what they wanted you to think. It was a trap, Andrei. I am as remiss as you.

  Rest now, once help comes we will try digging on this side as well.

  Dmitry? came Kolya’s voice into his mind a short time later. What trouble are you in now?

  Very funny, now get me out of here.

  Already working on it. You’re hurt, I can feel your pain.

  It is nothing. Once I shift, it will heal. Get me out of this hole.

  Feeling a little claustrophobic are we? You never did handle closed in spaces well.


  Yes, Alpha.

  Dmitry smiled. Kolya could always do that for him. He shifted slightly and hissed as the pain in his shoulder increased. He could hear the men pulling the dirt and boulders away. He reached out his hand to Andrei. The pack is here. Can you shift around to the right?

  I will try. Let me see what I can do. answered Andrei.

  Andrei turned around facing the tunnel and scooted forward slightly. There isn’t much room. A large boulder blocks the way. I have no way to move it.

  We will have to wait for our brethren to rescue us. I am afraid they will never let us hear the end of this.

  This was my fault. I have endangered the life of the Alpha. I will await the pack’s judgment. Your mate will be displeased, and I am ashamed to have caused her pain.

  Violet will not know of this. No one is to tell her. She suffered through me getting shot. I have closed down my side of the mating bond to ensure she doesn’t feel my pain. There is no shame. The danger was to both of us. Let it go, Andrei. He couldn’t let Violet suffer his pain. As she was human, he wasn’t sure what it would do to her. If she was a Lycan, he would still have tried to shield her. He hated the fact she shared his pain of getting shot. It shamed him that he was unable to protect her, in his weakness. Never again.

  Kolya, where is Violet?

  She is with Alena, cleaning up my cabin. Since I haven’t heard a whisper from them, I assume you are keeping her shielded. Now cover your faces, we are getting ready to move this last boulder.

  With the boulder moved, there was just enough room for them to slide out. Andrei went first. Dmitry could hear him coughing on the other side. Pushing his way forward, Dmitry felt dizzy from the pain in his shoulder. He reached out with his good arm, and felt Kolya grip his hand and start to pull him out. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and focused on keeping the pain away from Violet. He was coughing and hacking as Kolya helped him sit up. Then Kolya lifted him into his arms and carried him to the entrance of the cave. The rest of the pack members followed with Sergei supporting Andrei.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Rescuing you, of course. Now shift.” Kolya lowered him to the ground and kneeled at his side. “Your pain is radiating off you in waves. You won’t be able to keep Violet shielded if you don’t shift immediately. It’s a wonder you’ve managed it this long.”

  Knowing his friend was right, Dmitry called the shift to his body. Light danced in front of his eyes and he felt his muscles and bones change. Hair and claws grew from his skin. What was left of his clothes shredded. With Kolya’s help, they fell away from him. There was a hot energy around his shoulder. When he thought he couldn’t stand another moment, it was done. He stood in front of Kolya. A huge black wolf, his head down, he panted. Kolya smiled and buried his hands in his friend’s fur. “I am glad to see you are back to normal. With all the dust you looked like a ghost.”

  The black wolf got a mischievous look in his eyes and then started to shake. Dust flew everywhere.

  “Hey, that wasn’t nice.” laughed Kolya, as he jumped back.

  Soon all of them were laughing and patting each other on the back. The Alpha was safe, and a disaster averted. Kolya took charge, sending Sergei home with Andrei. The others were put into groups to continue the search. Now they needed to watch out for traps.

  With his hand resting on Dmitry’s head, they turned towards the lodge. The path was narrow going down the mountain. But it opened up once they reached the valley floor. The trees and breeze helped shake the last of the fear and pain from Dmitry’s mind. He walked companionably next to Kolya, who continued to rest his hand on Dmitry’s back.

  “You are taking too many chances, Dimka. As your Beta, I would ask you to keep yourself safe. You should not be searching for Lenka and going off alone.”

  Dmitry in his wolf form snorted and shook his head.

  “You have been shot and now caught in a trap. You have to admit you are in danger. I will assign a guard detail to you.”

  Dmitry growled and showed his teeth. He wasn’t going to put up with a guard detail, and Kolya would know it.

  “You can growl all you want, my friend. I think you should spend time with your mate. She seems sad and lonely, when surrounded with the pack. I think she is missing you.”

  Dmitry flushed with embarrassment. It was a good thing he was in wolf form and no one would see. Was he neglecting his mate? He felt a sudden inpouring of love coming from the mating bond. With it shut down, Violet could still reach him. She continued to amaze him with her telepathic abilities. Not wanting her to know what transpired, he shut the link down further. He needed to shield her. It was unbearable to him that his pain hurt her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Violet longed to have this crisis over and her old lover back again. Last night, the report came in that Lenka
and Igorek must have left pack lands, since no one could find them. Dmitry became angry and ordered the women from the front room. Violet left with Yelena and Alena, but in her room upstairs she heard raised voices going on into the night. Dmitry came to bed after she was asleep.

  She sat on the edge of the bed, a new day before her, and thought about leaving. Dmitry said he needed her, but he was never around. But it wouldn’t really fix whatever was wrong? She loved him. She didn’t want to live without him. Why did she put herself in this position? Dmitry shouldn’t have to choose between her and his duty to the pack. There must be a way to make this work.

  If Dmitry couldn't be with her, then she would stay with his family. She didn't want to become an added burden on him, when he was already so stressed. Being Dmitry’s mate was like being married to a prince. Affairs of the state always came first. Is that what she wanted for her life?

  Violet was making her way downstairs, when she heard sobbing coming from a room down the hall. Her first thought was Sonya was suffering from her grief. She quickly made her way to the door. But, when she looked in, it was Alena who was crying her heart out on the bed.

  “Alena, what is it? What has happened?” Violet rushed over and smoothed the hair away from Alena’s face. Alena cried harder as Violet grabbed a tissue from the box on the table and held one out.

  “Come on, Alena. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Do you want me to call Yelena?” she asked.

  “No....” said Alena between sobs. “He doesn't love me....”

  Violet felt more confused than ever. “Who doesn't love you?”


  “But you’re being silly, of course he loves you.”

  “No, he doesn't want me....” Alena mumbled, still crying.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “We did all the work on his cottage, but he won't let me move in. I don't think he really wants me as his mate.” confessed Alena.

  “Alena, you worked so hard on the cottage. Did he say why he won't let you move in?” Violet didn’t know what was going on. She knew Kolya loved Alena. What was going on with these two, and how could she make it better for them?

  Just then, Yelena came in the door, and Violet let out a sigh of relief. She didn't realize how much she depended on Yelena's help in situations like this. She wasn’t used to being part of someone’s life. She wanted to help but felt so inadequate.

  “Come, Alena, you know Kolya loves you. He is worried about Igorek and Lenka. You would be alone and unguarded at the cottage. He is trying to protect you.” Yelena assured her.

  “Really, Mama? Then why doesn't he say so? He just said ‘No’, and ran out the door.”

  “Men are often gruff when they are worried about their women. You would think they would be kind. But they get aggressive, even with their mates.”

  Just then all three women heard the front door bang open and the frantic voice of Kolya calling for Alena.

  “See, he has felt your distress, and has come running. Is that the act of a man who doesn't love you?” asked Yelena.

  Violet gave Alena a quick hug and then followed Yelena out into the hall. She smiled in encouragement as Kolya came running past them and into Alena's room. Violet knew now they would work things out. If only her problems with Dmitry could be fixed so easily. Why didn’t he come running, anymore, when she was upset? Of course, it did make her feel ridiculous when he did. But it also made her feel cared for. Tonight, they needed to have a talk.

  Dmitry shifted into wolf form and nose to the ground, was hot on Lenka's trail. He felt Violet wake up, her confusion and pain coming through the mating bond. But he couldn't stop now. Sergei and Grigori followed after him, fanning out. Unfortunately, Dmitry lost that battle last night. Kolya assigned a guard detail to the Alpha. Dmitry hated taking resources away from other duties. But Lenka and Igorek were a danger to the pack and needed to be found.

  Violet would have to understand pack business would always be top priority. But Dmitry felt his heart clench with guilt. Shouldn’t Violet be his top priority? She gave him her love and support. She didn't deserve to be treated this way. But the decision was already made. He would try and make it up to her tonight. He could bring her flowers.

  Dmitry followed the trail up into the mountains, but lost it at the river’s edge. He knew they entered the river but where did they come out? Knowing the water would be cold, he jumped in. The current was fast here. With a burst of strength he swam across. After crawling his way out, he shook off the excess water. He searched the ground with his nose and eyes. But there wasn’t a paw mark or scent trail to be found. He moved farther and farther up the river bank, but still found no trace of them. Finally frustrated and tired, Dmitry turned back down the river. This wasn’t getting them anywhere. With Grigori and Sergei following, they made their way down the trail, to the bridge at the base of the mountain. It was time to find his mate.

  Dmitry walked into the lodge and up to his room in wolf form, a bunch of wild flowers clenched in his teeth. He could hear the women talking in the kitchen. But before he looked for his mate, he wanted to shower and put on clean clothes. He needed to look his best for her. He walked into the bathroom and shifted. Turning on the hot water, he put the flowers in a glass on the sink. He could see the trail of mud he tracked into the room. Yelena would not be happy with him for the mess. Shrugging his shoulders he jumped into the shower and pulled the door closed. He couldn’t wait to hold Violet in his arms. He wanted to taste every inch of her. To let her know, without words, how very important she was to him.

  When Dmitry walked into the kitchen half an hour later, flowers in hand, he found only Alena and Sonya in the kitchen.

  “Where are Violet and mother?”

  “Taking a basket of food over to Kiryl and Dasha's house, their young son Vasya fell and broke his arm. He is only four, and in a lot of pain. He can’t control his shifting yet, so the injury isn’t healed. Mother took over soup and pain medication. Violet went with her.”

  “Did they take someone with them?” asked Dmitry stiffly.

  “Anton escorted them.”

  Dmitry was irritated to realize Violet wasn't sitting around waiting for him. If she was confused and hurt, why did she go out with his mother? How could he comfort her, or give her flowers, if she wasn't home? Putting the blooms on the table he stomped outside. He was so angry. How could this have happened? Then he walked off towards the meeting hall. There was so much to do, and only one person to do it. The beauty of the forest around him could not change his bad mood. He chided himself as he walked. He couldn’t afford to be angry. He ignored Violet all this week. What did he expect? Kicking at a branch across the trail, he admitted he was being unreasonable. Something needed to change, and he was very much aware it was probably him. His parents always shouldered the problems of the pack together. They were a team. He needed to include Violet, not shield her. He was going about this all wrong.

  Reaching the large metal building, housing the meeting hall, he went inside. He needed to see if the chairs were set up, and meet with the elders to receive their blood oath. All of his seconds and their men gave their oath and accepted the bonding. Dmitry feared several of the elders would balk at the idea, including Lenka's uncle. But now the decision was made all pack members would give the oath, or have to leave pack lands. The ceremony for the elders would take place before the general meeting tonight. Dmitry wanted to give them a little privacy out of respect for their age. He approached the group with confidence. He would talk to Violet tonight after the meeting.

  Violet was sitting next to Dasha, while Yelena inspected Vasya’s arm. She felt Dmitry’s irritation like a slap to her face. He was angry with her, because she wasn't home where he wanted her. Violet felt the tears start to come and excused herself to go outside. Anton seeing her distress followed her. He put his arms around her and let her cry.

  “He doesn't mean it, Violet. He is so stressed out right now. Pack members ha
ven’t attacked each other for generations. The only thing we’ve ever dealt with is the passing of the Alpha position. Since it has been passed from father to son for the last three generations, those fights have not been to the death. But now he has three people dead. Two rogue males that will have to be killed. It all falls on his shoulders, because he is the Alpha,” explained Anton

  “I know, but sometimes I wonder if he picked the right mate. How can I help him? I'm just a human female. Any of you could knock me aside like a gnat.”

  “Just love him. Love is what he really needs. Someone to love him, no matter what.”

  “I do love him. Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder.” Violet said patting his arm as she stepped back.

  “Anytime, sister, I am here if you need me.” Anton assured her, squeezing her on the shoulder.

  Violet tried to put away her fears and went back inside to help Yelena. Vasya was a cute little guy, but his arm was really hurting him. Yelena was having a hard time getting him to take his medicine. Violet thought a moment, then picked up one of the cookies and hid the pill inside the chocolate chips. She caught Yelena's eye and them offered the child the cookie. Vasya took the bite and swallowed down the pill without realizing it was there. With a sigh of relief Yelena and Vasya's parents tucked a quilt around him and let him finish eating another cookie. Before long he was yawning and falling asleep, and Kiryl gently lifted his son and took him to bed.

  “Thank you so much for helping,” said Dasha, Vasya's mother.

  “Yes, it was a good trick, hiding the pill in the cookie. His struggles upset me so much; I didn't think to do something else.” Yelena admitted.

  “I was glad I could help.”

  Soon Violet, Yelena, and Anton were on their way back to the lodge. Violet ran her fingers through the needles of the trees and smelled the warm air filled with the scents of the forest. She really loved the woods.

  When she walked inside the lodge she wasn't surprised to see Dmitry was already gone. She missed her chance to see him. She could feel the tears coming again and ran upstairs to their room. She never saw the glass of wildflowers on the table in the kitchen.


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