The Duke of My Heart (Regency Romance)

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The Duke of My Heart (Regency Romance) Page 12

by Hanna Hamilton

  Maybe, if Iris could find love, all of this would be worth it.

  It wasn’t until her eyes fluttered shut, and sleep came to claim her, that she thought about Ewan again. The handsome Lord who danced with her in the hallway, making her feel special. He liked her as Daisy, he enjoyed her company despite her background, although he leapt away quickly proving that he would never marry her.

  Still, it did not matter, it was a sweet and happy memory now. The moment was magical, but never to be repeated. She would never see him again. He would have to live on only in her dreams, in place of her prince... starting tonight.

  Chapter 15

  The land surrounding the mansion that was about to become Iris’s new home stretched for miles. The grass went on forever and there was even a small orchard off in the distance. That filled Iris with excitement as she imagined herself sitting in the shade on a hot day, picking apples to crunch upon as the hunger got too much, losing herself in her own little forest, daydreaming the entire time...

  Not that she was here for play and dreams, she needed to remember that. She was not Lady Iris Warwick anymore, someone with leisure time to spend as she pleased, she was Daisy Jones, the simple servant girl. There was work to be done, and she had to do it.

  Well, handmaiden actually, to the lady of the house. When Daisy spoke to Victoria the day after the ball, she discovered that was the only position that needed filling so she hastily agreed to it on Iris’s behalf. Iris probably would have agreed to it anyway, it was still preferable to the alternative! Whenever she began to feel overwhelmed, she remembered that at least she was not married!

  “Hello, I am Daisy Jones, your new handmaiden,” she practiced her initial greeting under her breath. “Your new staff member.” Urgh, there had to be a protocol for this. Why did she not know it?

  Actually, the chance to discover all that she could from Daisy vanished very quickly. Her friend got wrapped up in wedding plans, in setting up the financial arrangements and moving things forward almost instantly. She moved in such a frantic, desperate manner it was almost as if she was scared that something would come along to ruin it if she did not act fast.

  She must have really wanted to be the Duke’s wife, there was no other explanation. It did not have to make sense to Iris to be the truth. Daisy wanted what she wanted, and she was on the verge of getting it.

  Iris fingered the small bundle of money that lay in her pocket in an attempt to regain that sense of freedom once more. It wasn’t much – even less now that she’d paid the driver who had brought her here in a carriage arranged also by Daisy– but she was still grateful that Daisy had managed to organize that much for her. It was not easy for any woman, even a lady, to acquire cash. This had taken a lot for her to do.

  “I am Daisy Jones, pleased to meet you...”

  Her eyes ran along the mansion with awe. Iris had always assumed that her family was the wealthiest around, but this home was much grander and more impressive than the one she grew up in. Maybe money stretched further out of the city and allowed people to purchase bigger properties, but her father did not want to move because he liked to be in the heart of everything. The outskirts of the city were far enough for him. She had certainly travelled some distance to get here, so it felt like another universe.

  Although Iris never travelled far, so everything would feel like a great distance.

  Maybe she should have assumed that this family would have more money than her... the Warwick girls had never been given a permanent handmaiden. The maids completed the tasks that a handmaiden would, but that was not their sole purpose. Only the truly very wealthy could afford that.

  The white bricks shone in the sunlight, giving off an even more impressive glow. There was a welcoming feel to the place, but even that couldn’t help Iris right now. Nerves darted through her like there was no tomorrow.

  You have been brave already, she told herself. You have come this far. You can knock on a door.

  There was only one person inside that building who knew who she truly was. Daisy had been forced to tell Victoria some of the truth so she could explain her own disappearance, but she had sworn her to utter secrecy. Iris felt that she probably would keep the information to herself, to prevent her cousin from being exposed as a fraud, but the anxiety was still there. Anything could still go wrong, she was not naïve enough to not see that.

  She had to force her wooden legs to move, to walk towards the house. It wasn’t easy, a big part of her wanted to resist, but this was what she had signed up for. The least that she could do was follow it through, for Daisy. Daisy had her happiness now, at least Iris could feel good about that.

  Once she settled in, it was likely that she would be just as happy too. After all, in a strange way, this was what she had always wanted.

  Iris curled her trembling hand up into a fist and she stretched up to knock on the door. She paused briefly, standing like a statue who had been frozen before getting the chance to take action, and then she just went for it.

  Bang, bang, bang.

  The sound felt so loud it reverberated through Iris’s skull. She leapt backwards like a frightened little mouse, but she managed to quickly regain herself just in time.

  The door swung open, and behind it, there was a man in a tight fitted, black tuxedo staring at her. At first, she thought he might be the gentleman of the house, but the moment her eyes spotted the white gloves that had been slipped over his fingers, she recognized the truth. He was the butler, of course, she should have known that much. That information alone allowed her to blow out a big, calming breath of air.

  Serving staff, she could cope with.

  “Hello, I am Daisy Jones...”

  “Oh yes.” His snooty tone almost threw her. Her butler never looked down on anyone. “We have been expecting you, please come inside.”

  She followed him into an extremely impressive reception area. Marble tiles covered the floor, there was a grand staircase which separated into two at the top, and artwork that Iris felt certain was painted by some of the best artists around.

  She couldn’t help noticing that there were no family pictures, just like in her own home. Her family could afford them, but her father did not seem to want them. Iris wondered what the reason was here.

  “Lord Oakley is not here at the moment,” the butler told her regretfully. “He is on business in the city.” Iris’s chest tightened, the city that she had just come from. “But I am certain he will greet you upon his return.”

  “Right.” Iris tried to think, but she could not recall her father ever greeting any of their staff. “Of course.”

  “But Amy is here, and it is her that you shall be working for.”

  He leant in as if he was about to whisper a secret to her, before pulling away leaving her with nothing. As Iris tried to work out what it might be, his pinched expression left her incredibly confused.

  “Am I to meet her right now?”

  “I believe so. If you would like to leave your bag here, I will have someone take it to your room.”

  “Yes... thank you.” She paused for a beat, and the butler stared at her the whole time. “I am sorry, I do not remember if you have already told me, what is your name?”

  “I have not.” His tone sent ice cold chills up and down her spine. “But that does not matter, you will not need to address me.”

  “What... ever?” There was such a comradery between the staff at her home, why was it so different here?

  “I cannot imagine so.”

  “Where is Victoria?” Iris demanded, starting to feel a boiling sensation to her blood. “I would like to speak with her. She is my... my cousin, after all.”

  Iris cringed as she said that, because she was so sure what this man already knew, but his face refused to give him away. It was almost as if he had been trained in turning his emotions off.

  “Victoria is busy with her duties, as I am certain you must understand having worked in a position such as this before.” Was that s
arcasm? Iris felt like he knew everything by that tone. That hurt. She wanted to start this new life without anyone knowing her. “You may have your family reunion once your jobs are done.”

  “And when will that be?” Iris asked pointlessly, because his back had already been turned.

  With a rapid roll of her eyes, Iris scurried to keep up with him. This nameless butler had long legs which made his strides almost impossible for her to catch up. A small part of Iris believed that he might have been doing this on purpose, but she did not like to wonder why.

  The rapid pace meant that Iris kept her eyes focused more on the butler's back, rather than the home around her, so of course, she missed out on getting to know her new environment. It was so large that she also knew she would get very lost if she wasn't careful. It was a maze, almost designed to confuse and make people dizzy. Hopefully, it would be the sort of place that Iris would eventually get used to.

  It wasn’t until they stepped into a bedroom that Iris finally drank everything in, and she was surprised with how much beauty she found herself looking at. Gorgeous velvet curtains in a deep red colour, with a large rug to match. A four poster bed with decoration carved into the wood and a wonderful midnight blue throw covering it. A dressing table that put the one that Iris had in her home to shame, and a wardrobe that took up almost one whole length of the wall... stuffed with dresses.

  This girl had absolutely everything that a proper lady could need, and by the looks of it, she embraced it too. She wanted to make the best of her title, which meant she deserved it.

  Iris hoped again that Daisy would do the same. Not only was she desperate for her friend to be happy so all of this would be worth it, she also wanted her name to remain safe. It was not exactly her name anymore, but Iris still felt protective of it. She did not like the idea of it being taken for granted. Maybe she would never hear of it at all, but it was more likely that she would. The world was not a small place when everyone knew one another.

  If Daisy had this life, then everything would likely be okay.

  “Miss Oakley?” All of a sudden, the butler spoke with kindness and professionalism in his voice. Iris had to believe that it was her causing the issue. “Your new handmaiden is here.”

  “Daisy Jones.” Iris stepped forward when it became obvious that she was not about to be introduced. “It is wonderful to meet you.”

  She bobbed into a curtsy, but the girl barely acknowledged her. Instead, she was examining her reflection in the mirror just as Iris used to do when she was at home.

  Iris watched her tugging at her dark hair as she stared into her pale turquoise coloured eyes. Her pale skin had makeup brushed over it, and her lips were painted a pinkish colour, but for some reason, she did not look happy.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” Iris asked awkwardly. Now she understood why the maids worked as handmaidens in her home, there did not seem to be a lot to do. “Would you like me to brush your hair?”

  “I do not know,” Amy shrugged. “I suppose so.”

  Iris shot the butler a warning look, and he slunk off like a disgraced snake. His attitude was incredibly annoying, especially as Iris could only speculate where it might have come from, but right now her priority had to be keeping this young lady happy. That was her job, after all. She would deal with him at another time.

  As Iris dragged the brush through Amy’s hair, she tried to get her talking, figuring that would be the best way to bring her out of her shell a bit around her. She guessed she might be shy.

  “So, Amy, like I said it is lovely to meet you. You are a very beautiful young lady; I feel privileged to work with you.”

  "Hmm," came the short reply. Clearly, compliments were not the key!

  “How old are you?”

  “Sixteen.” Again her expression tightened. Iris recognized that look, it was the glare of a girl who had reached the age of marriage far too quickly. That was a subject that she needed to stay away from.

  “So, you father is away on business, is he not?”

  “My father is dead.”

  Oh! “But I thought there was a master to this house?” Daisy had told her that much, and the butler had confirmed it. That had to be the case, surely?

  “My brother is, ever since both of our parents died, but you wouldn’t think it because he isn’t ever here.”

  Ah, loneliness, another emotion that Iris knew well. Maybe she would have to step into Daisy’s shoes even more now and befriend this girl. She had needed it desperately, and it seemed that she wasn’t the only one.

  “That must be very difficult, but you have a lovely home.”

  Amy shrugged and slid her eyes closed which gave Iris the impression it was time for her to be quiet for a moment. She would have adored it if Amy felt comfortable enough to confide in her, but it was only her first day, her first hour in fact! She had to give her time.

  “I don’t know why they hired you,” she eventually blurted out. “After the last girl got bored of me, I told them not to bother. It’s my brother, he cannot leave things alone.”

  “Maybe he feels guilty for not being around too much.” To Iris, he sounded very hard working and caring. There were far worse things he could be! “This might be his way to make it up to you.”

  “I would rather have a friend,” Amy snapped sadly.

  “I... could be your friend.” As soon as Iris started this sentence she knew it was wrong, but there wasn’t any other way to finish it so she just kept speaking.

  “You will never be my friend,” Amy practically hissed. “You cannot understand me at all. Your life is far too different from mine? What on Earth could you offer me?”

  As she flounced from the room, knocking the hairbrush to the ground, Iris looked on in sympathy. The sad fact was she was probably the person who understood her best, but she couldn’t admit that because of who she was. She could not say anything that could give the truth away. Too many things were riding on it.

  It wouldn't be easy, but she needed to find some other way to make Amy see that she could help her. She would never suggest a switch, that idea was insane, but there had to be something she could do. It would be lovely to assume that she was brought here for a purpose and that she could somehow do some good.

  Iris had never made a difference before, not to anyone. Maybe this was the time that everything turned around. Maybe some cosmic force had brought her to Amy so she could help her in the way that she could never help herself.

  With a newfound determination, Iris stood from where she sat and she strolled across the room. Amy needed her, so Iris would be there for her.

  Chapter 16

  By the time the day had drawn to a close and the sun was tumbling from the sky, Iris was relieved from her duties. However, she was more than annoyed to see her bag still sitting in the middle of the room, exactly where she left it. If the butler had not arranged for someone to take it to her room, then how on Earth was she supposed to know where to go? It had been challenging enough for her to find her way back to this place. She couldn’t get to a place that she didn’t know the way to.

  A rage snaked through her chest, Iris felt hurt and angry at what she considered to be a very nasty betrayal. Even if the butler knew the truth about her, this was no way to behave. He was still supposed to act like a gentleman.

  With an angry determination, Iris grabbed the bag from the pathetic heap it was on the ground and she stalked through the hallway until she found someone. This sort of behaviour would not have been acceptable had the master of the house been home from his business, so she would not take it now.

  Maybe the serving staff were used to being treated this way, but Iris assumed that would be from other people, not one another. From the stories she had heard in the past, they got enough trouble from the high-born people, so why would they do it to each other? It seemed utterly preposterous, should they not all be on the same side?

  “Where is the butler?” Iris snapped at the first young girl she caught co
wering in the corner. “He would not tell me his name but I should like to speak with him anyway. His behaviour has been unacceptable.”

  “Are you... Daisy?” the girl asked anxiously. While she waited for a reply, her eyes darted from side to side as if she suspected that she was about to get caught.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I’m Victoria.”

  All of Iris’s emotions puddled into nothing as she looked at this girl. Now that she was staring at her properly, she could see elements of a family resemblance. Victoria had mousier coloured hair and slightly greener eyes, but both her and Daisy had the same warmth in their smiles.

  She was also glad that she'd been addressed as Daisy. The less they spoke about the truth, the less likely they were to be overheard. She was not sure if that conversation would be necessary eventually, but for now, it was better to keep things simple.

  “I thought that you would come and see me as soon as you got in?” she enquired with a much quieter tone than Daisy usually spoke with. Iris could not picture this girl being brave enough to suggest a switch... not that it was a bad thing to be more reserved if everyone was like Daisy, the world would be a very different place.

  “I wanted to, but the butler told me that I could not.” Iris did not know if she was overstepping a boundary or not, but she wanted Victoria to know the truth.

  “Yes, Mr. Shipman, he can be... difficult.” Iris didn’t need to be told that! “But he will come around, you shall see.”

  “I do not know where I am to sleep.”

  Iris changed the subject quickly because she wasn’t sure if she believed that statement or not. It would be nice to think that everything would fall into place on its own accord, but Iris was not convinced that things between her and him could ever be fixed.

  Even if he wanted to, right now she was so angry that she wouldn’t even care.


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