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Page 4

by Marie Tuhart

  “She’s gorgeous,” he said to Sue.

  “I need to change.” Nicki tugged at her hands again, but he held them fast.

  “You do that, darling.” He brushed a kiss against her lips before releasing her.

  Confusion brewed in her eyes, and Adam fought back a grin. PDA—Public Displays of Affection—wasn’t his style, but it was about to be.

  “I’ll be right back.” Nicki almost ran to the screen, only to let out a small scream when his hands closed over her shoulders.

  “Easy, love.” His fingertips rested against the pounding pulse in her neck. “You need someone to unzip you.” He inhaled the scent of strawberries. She still used the shampoo he’d given her. Pressure eased in his chest. She wasn’t completely erasing him from her life, at least not yet. Not ever if he had his way.

  Fine tremors shook her as he unzipped the dress, his knuckles brushing the naked skin of her back. “Your skin is still like silk.” He slipped his fingers beneath the dress to down her waist. He fought the urge to lower his hands to cup her pussy, to see how wet she was. Instead, he skimmed up her sides and cupped her breasts.

  “Adam,” she gasped. Her head dropped against his shoulder, her eyes closing as she took a deep breath.

  “I’ve missed you so much.” He pulled her against his chest. Having her in his arms awoke the slumbering beast within him. His palms covered her breasts and caressed them. Warmth filled his hands. Her nipples puckered, teasing his nerves.

  “Not here,” she whispered.

  She was right. “Okay.” He removed his hands. She stared at him for a moment before scuttling behind the screen. Adam forced his muscles to relax when he walked back out to Sue.

  “You wanted to see me?” He kept his gaze on Sue, but his mind was picturing Nicki behind the screen stripping off the costume.

  “I completed all the new costumes you ordered.” Sue grinned. She was a bubbly, strawberry blonde who barely came to his shoulder but packed a punch when she needed to.

  “Wonderful. You are a miracle worker.” One less item for him to worry about. Usually the costumes were finished well in advance of the start of the movie, but the several of them had met with disaster on their way to the set.

  “Not a problem.” Sue smiled as Nicki strode out from behind the screen dressed in jeans and a blouse.

  “Thanks for letting me try it on.” She handed the dress to Sue, but her hand lingered on the fabric.

  “I should be thanking you for letting me show off your design,” Sue said.

  “I’m glad you were liked it and were able to use it.” Nicki ducked her head.

  Adam watched the conversation with fascination. Was Nicki worried her design wasn’t up to snuff? Or was it something else? He’d figure it out later, but right, now he wanted to get her alone.

  “I’ll walk you back to your trailer,” he said as they made their way out. He didn’t miss the way Nicki gave the dress a last longing look.

  “I’m not going to my trailer.”

  “Are you off to see Michael?” He ground his teeth together. Damn it, what was wrong with him? Michael had a girlfriend, and Nicki wouldn’t poach from another woman.

  She stopped, glaring up at him, the second they exited the building. “None of your business.”

  “Nicki, he’s got a fiancée,” he pointed out.

  “I know. And for the record, because your jealousy is showing again, there is nothing between Michael and me. We’re just friends.”

  The green-eyed monster slipped back into his hiding place. Adam fought back a grin. Fierce little protector. “Good. Why don’t you come up to the house and watch the rushes with me?” The words flowed out of his mouth with a jolt of surprise. He never had an actor or actress watch rushes with him. But he wanted to keep her close, and this was a way to do it.

  “Watch the rushes?”

  “Yes. I’d like your opinion on the scene. I think something is missing.” He took her hand and led her to the house.

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea.” The indecision in her voice almost had him laughing.

  “It’s a great idea.” He pushed open the front door and led her down the hall. “The director’s room is in the basement.” He guided her down the stairs and into the room.

  Nicki let out a small gasp when she entered. Adam ignored it. She hadn’t seen the finished product. He led her to one of the overstuffed, forest-green chairs. “Be right back.”

  He took the stairs to the projection room. He loaded the digital film into the machine and stood at the doorway of the projection room. Nicki’s head swiveled right then left as she took in the decor. Adam almost smiled. She’d told him the room would look great in green and blue-green colors rather than the black and gray he’d picked out.

  He’d taken her advice on the furnishing, and had to admit, the room looked more open and inviting. He’d kept the director’s room smaller than most would. He wanted small sofas and loveseats so he could cuddle with Nicki when they watched a film in here.

  Adam grabbed the remote and sauntered back down the stairs, taking the seat next to her. “I’m looking at the flow of the film.” He used the remote to turn the lights down. “I sense there is something missing from the first meet scene, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

  “Okay.” She wiggled down in her seat. Adam ached to put his arm around her and snuggle, but he held back. If he pushed her too far, too fast, she’d run. He’d almost blown it by cupping her breasts in the costume room.

  The film flipped on and he settled back and watched, but his attention wandered after a few minutes. He turned his head. Nicki was biting her lower lip. She always did when she was concentrating hard. He found it endearing.

  He slid his hand over the back of her chair and began stroking her hair. She stiffened but didn’t pull away. Her silky tresses caressed his skin. Long or short, her hair retained the softness he loved. He was about to move closer when the film ended. Stifling a groan, he drew his arm back, hit the remote to shut the film off, and turned the lights up.

  “What did you think?” he asked.

  “You’re right. Something is missing.”

  He waited. He wanted to see if she saw what he’d seen earlier.

  She sighed. “I hate to admit this, but there’s no spark between Michael and I in that scene.”

  “Not like you had the day of filming when the bed collapsed.” Jealousy flared in his gut, making it churn. “Want to tell me what was so different from that day to today?”

  Her gaze avoided his and she ducked her head.

  “Hey.” Grasping her chin, he gently lifted her head and turned it his way. Her eyes were filled with indecision. “Nicki?” His palm cupped her cheek.


  Before he could blink, her lips were on his. Her arms wound around his neck and their tongues tangled in an intimate dance.

  His hands cupped her shoulders, roaming up and down her back before cupping her ass. He wanted more. “Nicki,” he whispered after breaking the kiss.

  “Adam,” she whispered back. Her fingers slid to his bare chest. She’d unbuttoned his shirt without him even noticing. Her soft skin against the hair on his chest created a firestorm in his blood.

  His cock jerked, straining in his slacks. If he wasn’t careful, this would be over before it started. Her touch was driving him to the edge of control. That was the last thing he wanted. He’d keep his control if it was the last thing he did. Then her lips caressed his neck, and he lost his good intentions and brought his hands up and cupped her breasts through the fabric of her blouse.

  Damn fabric. He tugged her shirt apart, his lips following the path of exposed skin until something cold and metallic brushed against his lips at her neckline. Lifting his head, his gaze focused on the gold chain. He followed it down to the hollow between her breasts. There rested a small gold band.

  His heart skipped a beat. She still wore her wedding ring? The small symbol gave him hope for thei
r future. Using his index finger, he traced the chain all the way to the ring, and Nicki shivered.

  “God, I love your touch,” she whispered.

  Hope flared within him. He twisted the front clasp of her bra, and he pushed the fabric out of his way, his palm covered her bare breast. She moaned as his lips replaced his fingers.

  She arched her back. His tongue traced her hardening nipple before switching to the other. Nicki’s fingers tangled in his hair. Slipping his arms under her ass, Adam lifted her and shifted their position on the sofa.

  Nicki murmured something incoherent when he angled his body over hers. His lips trailed from her breasts to her navel. His tongue made wet circles around it.

  “Oh, God, Adam.” Her fingers dug into his shoulders.

  He lifted his head. Her face was flushed, her eyes glazed over with passion. Her mouth opened, but all he heard was her rapid breathing.

  “Easy, my love.” His lips found the rapid pulse in her neck.

  He wanted more than her body. He wanted her heart, her soul. He wanted his wife back. Until this moment, he wasn’t sure it was possible, but now…he had to do this carefully or he could lose her again.

  Shifting his hands, he sat up and cuddled her against his body, willing his heart to slow down.

  Nicki forced air into her lungs as she lay in Adam’s arms. His cock was hard against her thigh. She rubbed her cheek against Adam’s chest. She loved the way his coarse hair teased her skin. “Why did you stop?” she asked. It wasn’t like him to call a halt to their lovemaking.

  “Because you’re not ready.”

  She chuckled. “Any more ready, and I’ll explode.” It was true. Passion and heat filled her veins, her body was flushed, and she was primed for him. That should worry her, but it didn’t. This was Adam. Her husband. The man she wanted in her bed. Her Dom. Damn, she was a mess of contradictions, but right now, all she wanted was him.

  “True.” He cupped her chin and lifted her head. “This isn’t the time or the place.”

  His tone was firm as he called a halt to her seduction, and his words made her flinch like a bucket of cold water. Oh, dear Lord. She looked down and hastily pulled her blouse together before scrambling out of his lap. She turned to face him to give him a piece of her mind.

  His jaw was clenched tight, every muscle in him tense and straining. It hit her. The situation wasn’t Adam’s fault; it was hers. She hadn’t tried to stop him when he kissed her. She was the one who had opened his shirt. No protest had left her lips when he’d pulled her into his lap. He was right to call a halt.

  They were insatiable with each other, but sex would solve nothing. They’d never had a problem in that department. With him, the attraction was too easy to pursue. Talking, not so much.

  “There will never be a right time or place.” Her heart contracted at her words. A deep ache started in her stomach at the truth before her.

  “There will be.” He stood, and his fingers brushed hers.

  She fought against tangling her fingers with his. She couldn’t afford to get involved with him. Hell, who was she kidding? She had never stopped being entangled with Adam. He was with her night and day in her heart, in her mind, and everywhere she looked. She’d only been fooling herself.

  And that didn’t sit well with her.

  “I need to go.” She pulled away from his seductive touch and surged to her feet. She made her way out of the screening room to the front door and out into the night air.

  Nicki burst into her trailer, slamming the door behind her. She stripped off her clothes and hit the shower. She needed to erase Adam’s scent, but his touch would still linger in her heart and mind.

  She leaned her arms against the tile wall and let the water cascade down over her shoulders. She couldn’t blame him for what had happened at the house; she’d been there, too, and she’d never protested. She hadn’t pulled back when her hands tangled in his hair or when her nails traced the muscles of his back. And damn it, she’d kissed him back instead of insisting they have a conversation. Her body trembled at the memory. She couldn’t control herself around him.

  When he’d called a halt using his stern voice, anger had bubbled up inside her—with herself more than him. She wanted him. Nicki shook her head, turned the shower off, and stepped out. She dried off quickly and slipped on her favorite nightshirt.

  In the small kitchen, she rummaged around the cabinets for something to drink. She needed something stronger than tea or coffee or soda to help her forget his tender caresses, the minty taste on his lips, and his masculine smell.

  The contents of the cabinet swam before her eyes as grief swamped her. A sob tore from her heart. She slammed the cabinet door, spun away from it. She took several uncoordinated steps to the bedroom and flung herself onto the bed, crying as her heart broke. But that wasn’t possible. Adam had broken her heart a long time ago.

  The tears continued to flow—tears for her, tears for Adam, and tears for the child they’d lost. She couldn’t seem to take the chance with her heart, to broach the most painful subject and get involved with Adam again. She’d barely picked up the pieces when he walked out on her, but he was a hard man to resist.


  Two weeks later, Adam’s frustration level hit nuclear status. Ever since they’d made out in the screening room, Nicki had avoided him as much as she could. He rubbed his chin. Maybe plan B wasn’t the best idea.

  He’d sent her flowers, candy, even her favorite movies on DVD. He’d even gone as far as to fly in her favorite cake from the only bakery that made it in San Francisco.


  She hadn’t acknowledged his gifts, but he knew she’d received them from the knife throwing gazes she kept giving him. Plus, the crew began teasing her about having a secret admirer.

  A knock sounded on his office door. He’d hoped to get some work done in the quiet, but his mind was in turmoil. Adam raised his head as Michael poked his head in.

  “Got a minute, Adam?”

  “Sure.” He hated to admit he was jealous of Michael. Michael was able to be close to Nicki every day on the set—touch her, hold her—just what Adam wanted to do. But deep down, Adam knew Michael was a good man and had his own woman to contend with. He was just acting with Nicki. “Come sit down.”

  “No thanks. I think I’ll stand.” Michael strolled into the office with the ease of a trained performer.

  “Spit it out,” Adam said.

  Michael frowned but crossed his arms and spread his feet wide. “What is going on between you and Nicki?”

  “That’s our concern, no one else’s.” Adam steepled his fingers and rested his chin on them, waiting on Michael’s next move.

  “Can’t you see how miserable she is?”

  Adam straightened. He hadn’t. What he did notice is how she avoided him yet interacted with everyone else. Hell, was he so lost in his own world that he wasn’t paying attention to Nicki? It seemed like it. “I guess I haven’t noticed.”

  “Everyone is talking. We all know about your marriage to Nicki.”

  “You know nothing.” He rose from his chair, determined not to overreact to Michael’s words.

  He was only stating the truth. People were bound to start talking. The tabloids had splashed their marriage around like the movie special of the week, and their separation had been even more spectacular. Luckily, the press had never found out the real reason they had separated. He really hated the media at times.

  “Maybe I don’t know all the particulars, but it’s obvious Nicki is unhappy, and I think you might be, too.”

  “Drop it.” Irritation flooded his veins. Why hadn’t he noticed Nicki was unhappy? He was her husband; he should notice these things.

  “She’s talking about leaving.”

  Adam’s head snapped up. “Like hell she’s leaving.” He stormed out of his office, anger and fear filling his gut. There was no way in hell Nicki was leaving this film. He wouldn’t lose her again.

  Ten minute
s later, he found her in the makeup area on the set, calmly sitting in the chair as Amy applied powder to her face. The time he’d spent trying to find her had increased his temper.

  “You are not leaving,” he told her. Their gazes met in the mirror.

  “Amy, would you give us a few minutes?” Nicki asked.

  “Umm, sure.” Amy scrambled away from her, giving Adam a wide berth.

  “Now, what are you talking about?” Nicki asked.

  “Michael just told me you’re planning on leaving.”

  “I am.”

  “Like hell you are.” He grasped her shoulders and spun the chair so she faced him. “You’re not leaving until this film is finished.”

  “Leaving the film?” She cocked her head in that questioning way he’d always found endearing. He fought against the urge to place his lips against the exposed skin of her neck.

  “Quit repeating my words.” His hands tightened on her shoulders. “You’re perfect for the part, and you know it. Don’t let your anger at me stop you from doing your job.” He couldn’t let her leave. He’d invested too much in her. And it wasn’t just the film, he needed her.

  “Oh, Adam.” Nicki started laughing.

  He scowled at her as she continued to laugh. There was nothing funny about this situation. “Nicki—”

  “Relax.” She placed her hands on his forearms. “Rein in your temper. Michael must have misunderstood what I said. I’m only leaving for the weekend.”

  Adam’s fingers relaxed on her shoulders. Why had Michael implied she was leaving the film? Or did he? Were Adam’s own insecurities working overtime? “Going to visit your parents?” She liked to visit them when she could, and since they lived in Colorado, it wasn’t all that often.


  “Where are you going?” Was she meeting another man? Dread filled his gut.


  “Oh, hell no.” WestCon was one of the biggest science fiction-fantasy conventions, and he wasn’t about to let her appearance as a scream queen cast a negative light on his film. The press would be all over it and her. It was the kind of publicity he didn’t need. “Cancel.”


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