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Pirate's Treasure

Page 3

by Capri Montgomery

  “I think I’m not touching you enough.”

  She wasn’t quite sure how this game was supposed to be played. She wasn’t the type of woman…no, maybe she was since she was doing it, but she had never used a man to make another man jealous before. “Nick, at the end of this trip I want Andrew to make a move for me. He won’t do that if you keep making him think we’re headed towards love.”

  “Maybe we are.”

  She sat up straight and stared into Nick’s eyes. He couldn’t be serious. “Nick, I’m in love with Andrew. You knew that when you came out. It’s why you agreed—”

  “No. I agreed to come out because I’ve missed having you in my bed and I want you back.”

  “We haven’t…in years.”

  “I know. Nobody’s come close to you, especially not in that department.”

  “Nick, it’s not going to happen.”

  “So you’re just going to waste your best years wanting a man who doesn’t want you? Think about it. We could be great together.” He stood. “Well I think I’ll go below and take a nap. Wake me for the cove.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Or, come join me if you’d like.” He left her sitting there with her thoughts.

  Lindy shook her head. This was not happening. How could a simple plan go so wrong? She should have just hired somebody, but Andrew would have seen right through that. Briefly, very briefly, she wondered if Nick were right. Andrew might not ever want her the way she wanted him. She wasn’t getting any younger. Nick was a good man, smart too. She missed being held. She missed that a lot, but she would rather be alone than with the wrong guy.

  “Andrew, do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “Well I guess I’ll go below then.” They would be to the cove soon and she wanted a few minutes alone, unobserved. She was well aware that Andrew had been keeping a watchful eye on her most of the day. It’s why she played into Nick’s flirting. Maybe she had played into it too much.

  “You can keep me company.”

  “Okay.” She stood beside him. She loved being on the ocean. There was no other place she felt this at peace. “Except the lab.”


  She realized she had spoken aloud. “I was just thinking there’s no other place I feel this at peace except in the lab.”

  “The ocean’s got that beat. You can’t get fresh air in the lab.”

  “True. The lab is a very safe and sterile environment.”

  She noticed the way Andrew gripped the helm. His knuckles were nearly white.

  “Is that what you see in him? He’s safe, is that it?”

  “Safe? I wouldn’t exactly call Nick safe.”

  “From what I can see he’s a sure thing. He’ll settle down, provide the house, the car, the lifestyle…”

  “Andrew Bateman!” She stared at him with an air of indignation. “I can provide my own house, car and lifestyle.”

  “I’m not saying you can’t. I’m just saying that most women want that.”

  “Oh,” she simmered down. “Well I guess some women may date based on that, but not me. I want somebody who will love me like pirates treasure, protect me even though he knows I can protect myself, hold me when he knows I need to be held, make me angry, make me laugh, share my passions.” She wanted him. “Nick’s a good guy, Andrew. Maybe you should get to know him better and then you’d see that.”

  “And does he do that for you? Does he meet all your needs?”

  Was she mistaken or was there a sexual meaning behind the word all? She didn’t know how to answer him. Maybe she didn’t know how because she had never really thought about it. The entire time she was with Nick she never thought of him as forever—probably because she knew he didn’t feel inclined toward forever with her either.

  “Well, would you look at that—saved by the cove.” She smiled, patted Andrew on the shoulder and went below to get Nick.

  At least now they would dock for the night. She and Nick could explore some of the marine life near the beach. Nick would most likely want to explore in the shallow portions as well. His snorkel gear hadn’t gone unnoticed. The islands would provide a glimpse into some beautiful marine life, which should make Nick’s trip more than worthwhile. He hadn’t brought dive gear so she guessed he would be free diving—if at all. He had often told her he preferred free diving to having a tank weighting him down.

  “Nick,” she knocked on the door. “We’re getting ready to anchor for the night. There’s plenty of daylight left if you want to go ashore.”

  Nick swung the door open. “Thanks.”

  Nick was definitely shirtless. Her eyes raked over his body. The years had been good to him.

  “Don’t forget your shirt,” she saw the glow of seduction in his eyes. She was not going to be seduced, not unless Andrew was doing the seducing.

  Nick slid a t-shirt over his head and secured the fabric over his torso. “I wouldn’t want you to overheat out there.” He winked.

  “You’re entirely too arrogant.” Although it wasn’t arrogance so much as it was extreme confidence. His confidence and intelligence was what won her over the first time. In some strange fashion Nick had reminded her of Andrew—though there was nothing in particular. Both men seemed to fully posses what they wanted, both were confident, smart, but only one seemed to want her.

  Before she knew what was happening, Nick had both hands planted on the wall, boxing her in. His lips brushed hers gently before owning them completely. Possessive, heated, wanton was this kiss. It was as if he needed to lay claim with haste.

  Lindy planted both hands on his chest and pushed gently. Fortunately, Nick took the hint and let her up for air.

  “We’re anchored.” She heard a dry voice say from above. Lifting her eyes upward she could see Andrew standing at the top of the steps.

  “We’ll be right up.” She caught a glimpse of the smile on Nick’s lips. This was not what she had planned. She wanted to get Andrew to notice her as a woman, not push him away. The plan would have worked had Nick not had his own agenda that seemed to involve getting her in bed—his bed.

  That kiss seemed perfectly executed. It was as if Nick knew just the moment to make a move. Then she realized he had heard the anchor drop. She had too, though it didn’t register through her thought process. He must have known Andrew would come to see what was keeping them. What Andrew saw was Nick copping a feel. As usual, the pleasure was severely one sided.

  Chapter Four

  Andrew sat across from Lindy at the dinner table. The atmosphere was thick with tension. He watched Lindy all evening and into the night. Lip action with the professor hadn’t taken long. He wondered what else wouldn’t take long. He wanted her to be happy. He wanted her to date somebody, or at least that’s what he told himself. The reality was he wanted her to date only if there were no risk of her getting too involved. So far he had already heard the professor trying to convince her to go back to Florida with him.

  “He’s not good enough for you.” He didn’t just wait to make his thoughts known because the professor had gone below deck for a few minutes. He waited because he had been at war with himself; fighting what he wanted.

  “You don’t even know him.”

  “I know enough.”

  “One of these days you’re going to realize I’m not a kid. I don’t need your help to find the right man for my life.”

  Was she telling him this professor was the right man? He couldn’t even imagine the two of them together without wanting to throw the professor overboard. His mind drifted back to the kiss he had seen earlier. The professor’s hands had been strategically placed to box her in. Her hands hadn’t explored his body. It was almost as if she had been ambushed. Maybe she had. Or maybe he just needed to believe that. For years she had wanted him and he pushed her away. Maybe she was moving on. Maybe he should let her go, but he couldn’t. She had wanted him. It was time for him to remind her of that. He would find a way. There was no way this pro
fessor was going to take her away.

  “You never answered my question earlier.”

  By the way her hand froze in action he was sure she knew what question he meant. “When the two of you were together, did he meet all your needs?”

  He watched her eyes, relentlessly searching for the answer. He wanted to touch her, feel her smooth skin beneath his fingers, but the table stood between them. “Well?”

  “Andrew, I don’t see where that’s any of your business.”

  He watched the shallowness of her breathing, the way her chest rose and fell with each breath. He didn’t need to touch her with his hands; his eyes were doing well enough on their own.

  The moment stretched between them like the silence of the calm before a storm.

  “Lindy.” The professor came back in. “I think I’m going to bed. Care to join me?”

  “Maybe later,” she said absently.

  What the hell did she mean, “maybe later”? Andrew wanted to toss the professor over board so badly he couldn’t believe he hadn’t done it yet.


  Andrew waited for the professor to disappear before picking up where he left off. He wanted an answer to his question. She didn’t seem to want to give him one. He noticed her sudden nervousness and he had his answer. “He didn’t; did he?”

  “Nick was thoroughly satisfied.”

  “Were you?”

  She gathered the dishes and walked away. He followed. “New topic,” she said. “Or I’m going to bed and leaving you with the dishes.”

  He didn’t mind doing the dishes, but he did mind the thought of her going to the professor’s bed. “Okay, you win;” he tossed up his hands in surrender. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “Nothing,” she sighed. “I’m tired. I think I’ll get ready for bed.”

  He placed his hand on her arm. “I’m sorry if I pushed too far.”

  “You didn’t,” she looked away before returning to meet his gaze. She smiled. “Maybe I’ll come back up for a little while. That is if you’re willing to share the deck.”

  “I’m willing.” He was more than willing. Maybe he should toss the other lounge chairs overboard so she would have to share with him. No, that would be too obvious. The last thing he wanted was for Lindy to think he was after her because of the professor.

  She left him alone with his thoughts for too long. He was starting to wonder if she had changed her mind and decided to forgo his company for the professor’s until she returned to the upper deck wearing sleep shorts and a tank top—no bra. The edges of her hair were wet and she smelled like fresh soap.

  “I figured I better shower first. As tired as I am I might not be able to keep my eyes open much longer.” She sat down in the lounge chair he positioned in front of him. The moment she rested her head on the chair he could tell she was on her way to sleep. He wondered if it had anything to do with her mysterious doctor’s appointment. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her and what might be wrong. Why was she keeping it from him? He wanted to ask her, but he refused to wake her from her peaceful sleep. Instead, he lifted her from the chair. She stirred just a little. “Shh,” he whispered as he carried her to the captain’s quarters in his arms, her head resting gently on his shoulder.

  He could have awakened her and let her go sleep in her own bed, but that would have been a gross waste of the perfect opportunity. Andrew made sure Lindy was comfortably situated in the bed before easing in behind her. He draped his arm gently over her waist and drifted off to sleep.

  Andrew awoke several hours later. Lindy was still in his arms. She was beautiful, soft, almost angelic. She stirred in his arms.

  “Nick?” She mumbled groggily.

  Andrew frowned. Hell no he wasn’t the professor. “Wrong man.” His tone was harsh and bitter.

  “Oh,” she tried to move away, but he held her close. “I thought I fell asleep on deck.”

  “You did. I didn’t think you wanted me to leave you out there. Had I known you wanted to share a bed with the professor I wouldn’t have bothered.”

  She yawned. “I didn’t want to share a bed with Nick.” She expertly shifted out of his grasp, rolled over on her stomach and drifted back off to sleep.

  Lindy never slept long. Was she sick? Was something wrong? He looked at her, watched her breathe. He needed to know she was okay. He had to know what that visit to the doctor was about.

  “Wait a minute. Did you say you didn’t want to share a bed with the professor?”

  “Uh huh,” she moaned.

  “Did you want to share a bed with me?”

  She shifted restlessly, rolling onto her side and turning away from him. Damn, another question he wasn’t getting an answer to.

  Andrew didn’t want to move from his spot on the bed, but he needed to get the anchor up and get moving. Fortunately, he wasn’t alone on deck for too long. “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “You woke me up.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Let me help you.”

  “You’re on vacation.”

  “Fine,” she dropped the rope, turned and went below deck. She was edgy in the morning. He had never seen that side of her before. By the time they saw each other she had already had her morning wakeup shower, breakfast and tea. Edgy was never part of the equation. He had to admit it was kind of sexy.

  By the time she surfaced, Lindy had showered, changed and managed to have the professor in tow. Andrew watched their interaction. The professor gave her space, but he didn’t stray too far. He handed her a cup, she handed him a bowl. He handed her a tea bag and she passed him the cocoa puffs. Then, after she’d had her first sip of tea and the first bite of her bagel, the professor slowly increased the pace, adding conversation to the mix.

  Andrew felt an unmistakable stab of jealousy. Lindy and the professor had done this before—several times. They knew each other, the likes, the dislikes, the subtle nuances. That familiarity only came from years of sleeping together, learning together. How many nights had she slept in the professor’s arms? What else did the professor know about her that he didn’t?

  “I’m going to push off now if you all are ready.”


  “Just coffee.” He watched as Lindy poured him a cup of coffee—black, just the way he liked it.

  “You should eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.” He had lost his appetite watching the professor ogle Lindy.

  “Well if you need a break later let me know.” She held up her hand to stop his protest. “I know I’m on vacation but I don’t mind. It’s a full day to the island and you don’t have to pull it alone.”

  He could pull it alone. He had done longer trips as a one-man show, but having Lindy help meant she would spend less time with the professor and he liked that idea a lot. He picked the top half of Lindy’s bagel off her plate and took a bite. Suddenly he was starting to regain his appetite.

  “Hey! That was mine.”

  He winked and she laughed.

  “Does the captain of a ship always interact so causally with his guests?”

  “Nick, Andrew is the best acting captain in these parts—well, maybe second best. We’re friends and we work together so it’s only natural that we would be a little more causal. Besides, hard captains are no fun.”

  Andrew’s thoughts automatically went to how many ways he could show her just how fun a hard captain could be.

  Lindy felt warm hands gently massage her back. She could feel the lotion smoothing over her body. She hadn’t planned on being in the sun for long, which was why she hadn’t worried about not being able to put sun block on her back. One firm hand pressed against her back while the other unhooked her bikini top, and then, as if pulled by some angelic chord, those hands worked one up, one down, two up and down—each time the fingers came dangerously close to stroking the sides of her breasts.

  “Hmm. That feels nice.”

  “Does it?”

  Her eyes opened swiftly. She knew that voice.
“Andrew?” She started to turn around, but he gently held her down with one hand on her shoulder.

  “Your top is unhooked,” he said softly as if he didn’t really want to be heard. It wasn’t as if she wanted him to stop. His hands felt good against her skin and she craved that feeling. He had touched her before, but never like this; never so sensual.

  With every stroke she felt a dizzying buzz of pleasure zing through her body. Why hadn’t he touched her like that before? Maybe because he knew he had her if he wanted her. Nick had changed things. In some fashion her plan had worked. “Nick,” she started to sit up until she remembered her top was unsecure.

  Andrew slowly hooked her bikini top before giving her just enough space to sit up. “What about him?”

  “I’m sure you saw him kiss me.” He did, she knew that for a fact.

  “Is there something between the two of you?”

  “He wants me back.”

  “And what do you want?”

  She stared in his eyes. She wanted him. She had always wanted him. From the looks of things, she was almost certain he was starting to want her too.

  “Are you hungry?” She heard the voice, but Andrew’s lips weren’t moving. Once again, Nick had surfaced at a truth defying moment.

  “That’s right. I’m on cooking duty for lunch.” Lindy’s eyes never diverted from Andrew’s eyes. “I should get on top of it.” If he missed the double entendre in her words then she would know she was wrong about Andrew’s intent with his impromptu massage. For a moment, a brief moment she started to wonder, but then Andrew grinned a very devious grin and said, “yes you should.” There was no mistaking the deep, sexy undertone of his voice. He was hers. Of course she didn’t want to rush things and ruin all of her hard work. She would hold off her urge to jump him for a little while longer.

  Chapter Five

  Andrew watched Lindy and the professor work. Lindy was never a strong swimmer, despite spending most of her life at sea, so it was no wonder why she let the professor dive on his own. Every few minutes he would surface and occasionally he would surface with some marine creature in a clear plastic bag. Free diving was what Lindy had called it.


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