A Walk In Heaven (Volume 1) (The Grayson Brothers)
Page 19
It was around that time when he’d discovered how much his cousin was worth. Her inheritance was a colossal amount. During this time, he’d been in contact with a man from Ireland who would help Luther in his cause to rebuild the South since the war had destroyed them. This deal would make Luther a very powerful – and rich man.
The bell on the door announced the ranch hands leaving. Good! He’d spent too much time here in Billings as it was.
Quickly, he collected his supplies and took them to the counter to pay for them. The tinkling of bells announced more people entering the store. Luther peeked over his shoulder. Three lawmen walked in, their gazes darting around the room to each person.
Panic settled in his chest, robbing his breath. Although Luther convinced himself the lawmen wouldn’t recognize him because of the disguise he chose to wear, a niggle of worry still settled in his gut.
Clutching the sack of supplies to his chest, he hurried toward the front door. If by chance they came after him, he’d kill them. But with too many witnesses around, could he flee this town without getting caught?
Just as he reached the door, a man called out from behind. “Hold up there, sir!”
Run, Kennedy. Now!
Chapter Fourteen
The moon stood high in the night sky as Joshua ambled down the steps of the porch. Dinner had been filling, but helplessness grew inside him, longing for relief. Although he didn’t want to tell his family about Careen’s cousin, he must. Joshua could not handle this problem on his own.
Pa and his two brothers stood leaning against the fence as they gazed over the shadows floating across the land. This would be the perfect time to say something to them since Ma and the twins were not around.
A light wind tousled his hair and nipped at his neck. He gathered his jacket tighter around his throat to ward off the chill. His skin might be protected from the elements of nature, but his heart had suffered a few blows within a month. The news of who had really killed Matthew continued to leave a bitter taste in his mouth as revenge’s cold blood poured through his veins.
No conversation flowed between his brothers and father as Joshua stopped beside them. Gage’s somber whistle tugged at Joshua’s heart.
He waited for a few minutes, his mind battling how to begin the horrible story Careen had shared with him earlier. One just didn’t come out and say – as luck would have it, I know who killed Matthew.
He cleared his throat loudly. Gage’s whistling stopped and all eyes turned toward Joshua. Taking a deep breath, he prayed for guidance. He also prayed his family would not blame Careen as Joshua’s first reaction had been.
“I have something to tell you that’s very difficult to speak about.” He paused, hoping it was a good beginning and would set the mood to this topic of conversation.
William patted Joshua’s shoulder. “What it is, son?”
“I had a long talk with Careen. She relayed some very…disturbing information about Matthew’s death.”
Peter turned, giving his full attention. Gage stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket. True concern laced their faces.
“I don’t know how to say this without putting Careen in a bad light. I understand why she held the truth from us, but now it’s time everyone knew.” He swallowed hard. “Apparently, she has a cousin who is determined to marry her for her inheritance.”
Peter growled and limped forward, fisting his hands by his side. “Over my dead body!”
Joshua held up a hand, stopping his brother. “There’s more to the story, Peter, so please let me get this out.”
Scowling, Peter nodded.
“Careen’s cousin is so evil, he’ll do anything to control her. To keep her from marrying anyone else.”
William’s body stiffened. Even in the night’s dim light, Joshua saw fury burning inside his father’s eyes. “Define anything,” his father snipped.
Joshua sighed deeply. “Careen’s cousin would kill…has killed.”
The other men’s eyes widened. Gage hitched a breath.
“Luther,” Joshua continued, “killed Matthew.”
“No!” Peter shouted and slammed his fist into the wood.
Gage’s breath whooshed out of his chest as he fell against the fence.
“Is she certain of this?” William ground his words out slowly.
Joshua nodded. “Careen came to our ranch to deliver Matthew’s body and to tell us about her cousin. It wasn’t until after Matthew’s body was taken away when her cousin made his intentions known. The sheriff’s men did capture Luther, which was why Careen was compelled to travel here to let us know. What she didn’t realize until this morning was that her cousin escaped and is dodging the law.”
“Does Careen’s cousin know where she’s at?” William asked.
Joshua nodded. “Careen is frightened and fears for us. She was even ready to leave the ranch just to protect us.”
“No, we can’t allow her to do that,” William mumbled brokenly.
Silence filled the air, only the distant coyote’s howl could be heard. Finally, Peter released a pent up breath and faced Joshua.
“Why didn’t Careen tell us sooner?” Peter asked.
“She’d planned to tell us the first night she was here,” Joshua explained, “but when the family confused Matthew’s shooting with the drunks at the saloon, she decided to let us believe that until after Luther’s trial. Careen also didn’t want to upset Ma because of her bad heart.”
Pa nodded. “That was a wise choice. Even now I fear how this kind of news will upset your ma’s health.”
“I agree.” Joshua leaned on the fence, hooking his boot on the bottom pole. “The reason I tell you this is because we need to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We must not let Luther Kennedy come near our Careen.”
Both brothers lifted their gazes to Joshua. “I told Careen the Grayson men watch out for one another. So…are you with me?”
“I’m in!” Peter spoke with calm determination.
“Count me in, too.” Gage nodded.
“I’ll let the ranch hands know as well,” William said as he squeezed Joshua’s shoulder. “We will not let this creature come near our Careen.”
Sighing, Joshua quickly said a prayer of thanks. Telling his Pa and brothers had gone easier than expected. Hopefully, by banning together, they would be able to keep Luther away – or help the law capture him.
“Josh, you don’t think…” William paused, his gaze bore at his boots in deep thought.
“What, Pa?”
William lifted his eyes to Joshua. “Do you think the person responsible for the fence cutting and traps being set around our property is…Careen’s cousin?”
Panic gripped Joshua’s gut, twisting it painfully. In silence, his mind went back over the timeline. The fence cutting happened only a few days after Careen arrived. The traps were set a few days later.
“No, Pa. I don’t believe so. Because Luther was in jail for a few days before he escaped, I believe he wouldn’t have arrived here so quickly. Think about it,” he scratched his chin, “once Luther escaped, that made him an outlaw. The sheriff had sent out a posse searching for Luther. Traveling by train would be the easiest way to get here, but because Luther is a wanted man, I don’t believe he’d put himself in the public’s eye like that. In that case, it would take him longer to get here.”
William nodded and patted Joshua’s shoulder. “You’re correct, of course. I wasn’t thinking.”
“But the fact of the matter is, we don’t know how Luther is traveling, which means we must continually keep a watch over Careen.”
Peter and Gage nodded.
“Not only that,” William added, “we must pray that no harm will come upon her or our family.”
“I agree.” Joshua sighed heavily, hoping with the Lord’s help, all would turn out well.
* * * *
Joshua stared at himself in the mirror as he adjusted the collar on his shirt. He always tried to look his best
for church, but he didn’t want Miss Jones to think he dressed this way for her since their luncheon was after the services.
As much as he wanted to find an excuse not to go to the Jones’ house for lunch today, it wouldn’t be polite to cancel at the last minute. Besides that, Ma would be disappointed in him. Nevertheless, he must not let Natalie believe he was courting her. He had no intensions of courting anyone but Careen, and unfortunately, that would have to wait a year because she was in mourning.
He brushed his jacket one last time then left his bedroom. The family was already outside getting in the wagon. He helped his daughters, then turned to assist his mother, but his father had already taken her by the arm. Peter, who now walked without a crutch, had stepped up to lend a hand to Careen who gifted Joshua’s brother with a sweet smile.
Lately, Joshua noticed how Peter gazed at Careen. His brother had become more chivalrous toward the woman, and several times, Joshua caught that dreamy daze in his brother’s eyes. The green monster of jealousy crept inside Joshua and nearly suffocated him. Would she choose Peter over him if given a choice? After all, Peter resembled Matthew more than the rest of the family.
Not only that, but Peter had become Careen’s personal guard lately. Every time she left the house, he hobbled beside her. Joshua wanted to be the one protecting her, and he prayed Peter’s leg would quickly mend so he could get back to doing his duties around the ranch instead of being Careen’s protector.
Gritting his teeth to keep from snapping at his brother, Joshua hurried to Socrates and mounted, then set off toward town. He tried to clear his head. Stewing about his brother was only making him miserable. More important issues weighed his mind right now. Who was really creating havoc to the Grayson’s ranch? Was it indeed Luther?
Once Joshua reached the church, he hurried to the wagon to help Careen down before Peter could. She slipped her gloved hand into his and briefly met his eyes before glancing away. Joshua could tell she still didn’t have a lot of strength, but he admired her for wanting to come to church, nonetheless.
Careen mumbled thank you before pulling away. Peter stood on her other side and offered his elbow, which she took as he escorted her inside the church. Joshua lifted his girls down. When he turned, Miss Jones walked his way. He smiled and nodded. “Good morning, Miss Jones.”
“Good day to you.” She glanced at Jessica and Frances. “It’s a pleasure to see you two again. You are so pretty today with those blue dresses. The color makes your eyes sparkle like gems.”
The twins giggled, warming up to Miss Jones quickly. The woman had a magnificent smile and kind eyes. She talked with the twins like real people, instead of ignoring them to stare googly-eyed at their father like most women. Like Laura had always done.
Taking each daughter by the hand, they walked toward the church with Miss Jones by their side. Keeping his eyes on the doorway, he wondered where the good pastor was. Usually Pastor Adams greeted the congregation before the sermon. It wasn’t until after Joshua stepped inside the building when he realized what had happened to the man. Only a few steps away, Pastor Adams stood next to Careen. The man’s eyes held a glint of interest, but it was his flowery words that made Joshua’s stomach twist. Silently, he scolded himself for being so possessive. Careen wasn’t his – and wouldn’t be for another year. As long as she consented to marry him, of course.
Throughout the very long – and tedious – sermon, Joshua’s gaze kept drifting to the pew in front where Careen and Peter sat. Every once in a while Peter whispered something in her ear, and she gave him an endearing smile, tapping his hand gently. Annoyed, Joshua yanked his gaze away, and tried to focus on the words of God being preached, but he couldn’t. Not when his brother was sitting too close and leaning against her so scandalously.
The service concluded, and Joshua breathed a relieved sigh, then hurried his family back out to the wagon. After he placed his daughters in the back of the wagon, he turned to find Miss Jones approaching him.
“Are you ready?” she asked.
“Yes, I am.”
As he grasped the bridle on his horse, he looked at the wagon. Careen perched beside his mother, staring his way. Sad eyes greeted him before she quickly glanced away. Her dejected expression tugged at his heart, but he couldn’t allow it to go any further. If he didn’t keep his feelings in check, people would certainly see how much he cared for Careen, and the gossipmongers would have a very interesting subject to talk about then.
He walked beside Miss Jones, pulling his horse behind him as they made their way to the Mercantile. He hadn’t been in here since Natalie’s parents purchased the place a few months ago. No other customers were in the store, and Joshua felt a little awkward as he ambled toward Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
Natalie’s parents were tall and thin. Her father still had a full head of hair, but all white. Her mother’s auburn hair wound tight in a bun and held streaks of gray. They both wore wide smiles when they greeted him.
“It’s good to finally meet you, Mr. Grayson,” Mr. Jones greeted. “I’ve heard so much about your family I feel I practically know you.”
Joshua glanced at Natalie and arched his eyebrow. She didn’t know him, so how could Mr. Jones have received this information?
Natalie laughed and hooked her hand around Joshua’s arm, staring into his face. “You’re probably not aware, but Pa’s brother, Wilbur, used to be in business with your father many years ago.”
Wilbur Jones. Recognition hit, and Joshua nodded. “Yes, I do remember.” He looked back at her father. “So Wilbur was your brother, eh? He was such a good man, and was terribly missed when he died.”
Natalie’s father nodded. “He was a good man, indeed. I wish we’d been closer, though.”
Joshua’s heart clenched. He knew Mr. Jones’ pain, for those same thoughts plagued Joshua since Matthew’s death.
“I’d heard,” Mr. Jones continued, “that your brother died not long ago as well.”
“Yes,” Joshua said. “It is very hard to lose a loved one.”
“It definitely is.” The older man patted his daughter’s cheek. “But forgive me for turning the conversation solemn. You two should be off now. Have a good time.”
Surprise registered in Joshua and he blinked with wide eyes. “Be off? Where are we going?” Natalie’s mischief smile made him wary.
“Yes. We are going to have a picnic lunch, just the two of us.”
Before he could argue the point, Natalie said her goodbyes to her parents and took Joshua’s arm, escorting him outside. “I’ve asked Anna Nelson at the restaurant to prepare our lunch. She is such a sweet woman, don’t you agree?”
A wave of unease swept through him. Natalie had tricked him? He should put a stop to her nonsense right here and now before was done. Yet, being a gentleman, he couldn’t create a scene. He’d reluctantly go on this picnic with her, but he’d clearly let her know this kind of deceit was not acceptable behavior.
“I’m sorry my father brought up the subject of your brother’s death,” Natalie said.
Joshua shook his head. “Don’t worry one bit about it. The pain is getting easier to handle.” He smiled. “But I find it a surprise to think you’re related to my father’s best friend, Wilbur. It’s such a small world, isn’t it?”
“Truly, it is. You know, Pa had always wished he could have owned Uncle Wilbur’s ranch, but that was before he went into business with your father.”
“It is a large chunk of land and so beautiful. It’s been very productive for the Grayson family.”
“That’s what I’ve heard.” She flashed him with a grin.
They stopped by the restaurant so Natalie could get the basket of food, then they walked to the meadow. Joshua laid out the blanket and they sat. Natalie proceeded to dish out the food the restaurant provided. They talked about the weather, and about his family and hers, but nothing very personal, which was all right with Joshua.
After a little while, silence grew between them. Of course, J
oshua blamed it on the fact that they were still munching on their food. Finally, Natalie set her plate down and leaned back on her elbows, gazing into the clear blue sky. Spring’s air was still a little nippy, but with the sun shining on them, Joshua thought the temperature couldn’t be more perfect.
“Joshua? Could I ask you a rather personal question?”
Joshua gulped down the last bite of his sandwich. “Sure.”
“Forgive me for being nosey, but… What are you feelings for Laura?”
Perhaps it was a good thing he’d just swallowed the food in his mouth right now, or he would have spewed it across the blanket. Women! Why did they think they had to know everything about a man? “She’s nice enough. We’ve known each other since childhood.”
“So,” Natalie turned on her side, facing him, “you don’t think of her as more than a friend?”
“Of course not.”
“Would you ever want to court her?”
He took a deep breath and counted to ten, hoping his irritation would leave soon. He should have expected Natalie would act like this. Laura certainly would have, which is one of the reasons he never wanted to court the mayor’s daughter. “Natalie, I don’t think about Laura in that way.”
A cheesy grin stole across her mouth. “That’s good to know.”
“Is there a particular reason you asked me that?”
She shrugged. “Well, Laura has become a good friend to me since my family moved here, and by the way she talks and acts around you, I get the impression the two of you were practically engaged.”
He should have suspected this. Apparently, Laura hadn’t changed since school. “Please don’t believe everything you hear from Laura. She’s a nice woman, but she tends to over exaggerate at times. I assure you, I haven’t encouraged her in any way. We’re only friends.” He wiped his mouth with the linen napkin. “I also happen to think my brothers like her, so maybe they’ll come around and woo her.”