Book Read Free

Tangled Dreams

Page 21

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Well, it really doesn’t matter how you meant it because you do need help and I’m here so, basically what I’m trying to say is tough shit. I’m here now so deal with it.” I looked at him suprised in his sudden intolerance of me. I had to admit it did amuse me more than it made me mad. Lifting me back off the bed he helped me down stairs and to the bathroom. Then leaving me to go get a sandwich. Helping me back up to my room it was hard to concentrate on anything else besides him being in his boxers. I had never seen such a body of perfection in my life. Even harder to find the warm, caring person inside that posessed that body. A face so handsome that it draws you in and makes it hard to look away. Thinking that guys like this only existed in the story books dad read to me growing up, it was nice having one right in front of me. Not naive enough to believe that there are very many like him.

  Sitting in the chair beside my bed, “Gavin go to bed. I am fine.”

  “You shouldn’t have to eat alone.” Resting back in the chair. “Friday, I’ll bring home all your homework from your teachers. They all gave me instructions to tell you not to over due it. Can you imagine teachers telling a student not to over due it? Obviously they know you to well.” Chuckling.

  “Yeah, well easy for them to say they’re not the ones getting behind as my grade point average takes a nose dive as the days go by.

  “I wouldn’t worry Maddie, all the teachers love you. They will make sure you get caught up all right. Besides, the world isn’t going to end if you drop a couple points.”

  “Gavin.” I said seriously setting down my sandwich. The world will end for me if it does.”

  “Oh Maddie what are you talking about?”

  “I need my grades. They are my only future. I can’t let them slip at all.”

  “Maddie what are you saying? What is all this nonsense about?”

  “In a nut shell I have no parents. My grades are my only chance at getting any scholarships or grants to go to college. I obviously can’t get any sports scholarships. Heck I can’ t even walk.”

  “Well, that’s true enough. I don’t recommend you try out for any sports.” Saying with a smirk on his face.

  “Yeah not planning on it. I really don’t know where I get my lack of coordination. Is Uncle Williams side like that?”

  “Nah, not that I’m aware of.”

  “Well, I know it’s not on my mom’s side. There are quite a few dancers on her side. I know one of my mothers sisters is even in ballet.”

  “Don’t know Maddie.”

  “Well, I guess it really doesn’t matter. You need to go to bed Gavin.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “You gonna be alright now?”

  “Yeah, I’m alright. Don’t worry.”

  “Alright. Night babe.” Leaning down and quickly gave me a peck on the forehead.

  A kiss that was cold an informal and all in all uncomfortable. I don’t blame him of course. I asked for it and now I got it. I have no reason why I should be sitting here bitching and complaining to myself. Feeling like my head and my heart are in a constant tug of war when it comes to Gavin. He doesn’t deserve any of it. It’s better this way. The more distance the better. I thought as he turned out the light and walked out.

  As the week drug by slowly I started feeling a lot better. Aunt Julia took me to the doctor to get my stitches taken out of my head. By the end of the week I was walking by myself again. I was even able to get down the stairs with the help of the hand rail. I usually had to stop once and rest midway up or down but still felt triumphant. Friday came and so did all of my school work that I had missed. When Gavin brought it into my room I was sure he had to of pulled a muscle getting it to me. The pile was astronomical. Of course he didn’t pull any of those brilliant muscles but the look in his eyes told me how very sorry he felt for me.

  “Well, I guess I won’t be seeing much of you this weekend.” Saying as he piled it down by my feet on the bed.

  “It’s not looking very likely.”

  Glaring down at me “Promise me you won’t over due it. Mom, dad and the girls are leaving this weekend to go visit Grandma and Grandpa and they’re not getting back until Sunday night. Mom made me promise to take care of you and to make sure you rested since you have to go back to school on Monday.”

  “Oh Gavin. You should of went with them. You don’t have to stay here with me. I could of taken care of myself.”

  “Maddie, it’s no big deal. Anyways, I would have ended up staying anyway. Our hired help called this morning and he had a personal emergency so, that leaves me.”

  “I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll be better enough to come out and help you some.”

  “Absolutely not.” Practically shouting at the top of his lungs at me. “Do you forget what happened to you last time you helped? No way is that happening again.”

  “Gavin, it was a freak accident. You know how clumsy I am.” I whined in protest jutting my lip out into a pout to try and sway him further. Sitting down in the rocker beside the bed. He hadn’t changed from his school clothes yet and he looked like his usual gorgeous self. He had a black v-neck sweater on that hugged his muscles nicely and dark jeans that fit him just as nicely with black heavy boots on. He had already taken off his baseball cap and his hair was strewn about in a chaotic way but just added to his looks. This may be a farm boy but damn the boy knew how to dress. It suddenly made me feel very frumpy. Laying in bed all day my hair felt like a mess so I resorted into pulling it back into a band. I had an old pair of sweats on with a baggy button down shirt that used to belong to dad reaching my knees easily.

  “Maddie, nice try but that is not going to work.” Now smirking at my attempt.

  “Come on Gavin. I’ve been hold up in this room and house for days. I’m restless. Look at me. I look horrible! I can’t even stand to look into a mirror.” I said still pouting looking down.

  Even now she was beautiful to him. He had no idea how completely clueless she could be sometimes. She was clueless to how he seen her or any of the other guys at school for that matter. He see’s how they all look at her when she walks by them. He saw how there mouth hit the floor when she walked in with Clay wearing that hot red number at the Homecoming dance. He would know because his mouth was one of the many. It made him so jealous at times that he thought he would literally die from it. If she only knew. Would it make a difference? But, that was one of the things that made her so endearing at the same time. Giving in a little. “Maddie your being ridiculous. It is my responsibility to look after you this weekend and I won’t fail like I did before.” Saying guiltily still feeling responsible for not being close enough to catch her and avoid the accident.

  “Gavin, don’t tell me you blame yourself for this?” Now sitting up staring at him pointedly.

  “Maddie, I shouldn’t have let you help me for one. I should have walked you back up to the house and sent you inside. Secondly, after you did help me I knew how slick it was out there cause I about busted my ass earlier in the day. I shouldn’t have let you walk out ahead of me. I was stupid and tired and not thinking clearly and it won’t happen again. Especially this weekend!” He said shooting her the same glare back into her eyes.

  “Gavin you know that is nonsense. I’m not some porcelain doll that you have to protect and keep your eyes on twenty four-seven. I made it my first seventeen years without you and I’m still alive. So I think I’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, well your right I wasn’t around the first seventeen years. Your parents were and now there not.” Glaring at me. My heart was dropping fast as I was realizing just how deep his stubbornness ran. Slowly realizing I was going to be stuck in this bed all weekend. I was even pulling out all the guns. Guilt, whining, the pouty lip and all of it was being thwarted. The only thing I hadn’t tried was flirting and I refused to stoop that low. I was not one of those girls. But, then again, everyone has there price and limits. I may have to remind myself of that by the middle of the weekend and the restlessness really sets in. It wouldn’t
be so hard flirting with him but I wouldn’t know when to stop and it would unleash everything I have worked so hard to slam shut. The feelings are always there simmering just waiting to brim over the top and undo me for good. “Are they going to see my dads parents?” I asked with pain in my heart knowing they were my grandparents and I have never once met them. Could the hostility run so deep towards my father that they wouldn’t even want to get to know there grand daughter even after his death? After all, they didn’t even attend his funeral. Then again, I wouldn’t have known them If I had seen them. Surly, mother would have said something. Then again maybe not. This is mother.

  “No, it’s mom’s parents.” Looking at me curiously.

  “You know I don’t even know my grandparents names?”

  “I didn’t realize that. I didn’t know if that was something you ever wanted to talk about.”

  “I don’t know. Do they ever ask about me?” I asked with tears welling up in my eyes.

  Looking down he couldn’t stand to see the pain in her face. “To be honest Maddie I don’t see them that often myself. They live pretty far away. There names are Chester and Rose. They pay more attention to Kayla and Kylie. They never have been that caring when it came to me.”

  “Oh.” Was all I could say.

  Not being able to see the pain in her face at the moment he would have promised anything to wipe it off her face. “Alright if you promise to rest and be good. I’ll let you do what ever you want Saturday night. Within reason Maddie.” Saying sternly with his mouth turning up into a smirk. The light returning to her eyes again was well worth whatever was in store for him Saturday. Whatever punishment that would surly in sue if anything bad happened to her again.

  Not being able to contain my excitement I reached over and grabbed him into a bear hug practically dragging him out of the chair on top of me.

  “Whoa Maddie. Maybe you are getting some of your strength back.” Chuckling as he readjusted sitting on the side of her bed not knowing weather to hug her back or not. But, wanting to touch her so badly that his whole body ached from it.

  Leaning back I looked at him with a big smile on my face. “Thank you Gavin.”

  “Whoa , don’t thank me yet. You haven’t heard the stipulations.”

  Falling back into my pillows groaning.” “Stipulations?”

  “Yeah, like whatever you do I am going to be there.”

  “Gavin. Whatever I decide to do I wanted to spend it with you anyways silly. It’s been such a long time since we spent time together.”

  Looking at her surprised his heart did a little leap. Deep down inside he was worried she would call Clay and have him come over. Then he would have to sit there and keep his promise to let her do whatever she decided and it would kill him inside.

  Sitting up again just inches from his beautiful gorgeous eyes, “Okay what else?”

  “I can veto something if I think it’s going to be to much for you.”

  The excitement returning back, “Alright, that sounds fair. Anything else?”

  “No.” I hope to God that covers everything and that she doesn’t find a loop hole he thought cautiously looking down and away from her searing eyes.

  Bubbling back up “Oh thank you Gavin. I promise you wont regret it.” Throwing my arms around him again not caring this time if he hugged me back or not. Suddenly to my surprise I felt his arms wrap around me slowly and gently like he was afraid of breaking me.

  He was trying so hard to forget how it felt to hold her close and he was gaining ground slowly. With every step he takes he feels like he gets pulled back another ten steps. This time this felt more like about twenty. But, he just couldn’t help himself. He was human after all. “So.” he said still holding her gently. “What do you want to do?” Asking as he caught the scent of her hair.

  In a whisper her lips were beside his ear. “I’ll think about it. Whatever it is it’ll be fun cause I’m with you.” It was a good thing he was sitting because with that sexy voice and her breath tickling his ear it would have sent him to his damn knees if he wasn’t already sitting down.

  Reluctantly pulling away from her, “Alright. I’m going to get changed and go out and do chores. I’ll be back in to get us something to eat later. Think about it and let me know what you decide.” Turning, walking into his bedroom.

  The truth of the matter was I didn’t really care just as long as I was with him. Suddenly I realized there was no stipulations about leaving the house. Yeah, he thought it was assumed we would stay here. He never said it. I thought smiling to myself. I just have to get out of this house for a couple hours. I conspired as I opened the top book on the pile of many.

  When I heard him come back in I hadn’t really noticed how much time had went by. Aunt Julia and the girls popped there heads in earlier to give me hugs and tell me goodbye. And that was the one and only time I had looked up from my homework since Gavin had went outside. Of course, Uncle William didn’t come up to say good bye. Aunt Julia told me bye for him instead. When I knew he had never told her to pass on that message. I let her think I believed it however. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I’m never going to win him over not that I ever want to win such a man over. I don’t care if he is my uncle. You would never guess looking at him and daddy. They were so different in every sort of way. Dad was tall and handsome. William is short and crabby. Dad was loving, warm, and caring. Well, William is none of that. They are polar opposites. Getting drug out of my thoughts Gavin had walked in with our supper without me even realizing it.

  “Hey Maddie, you hungry?”

  “Yeah.” I said putting down the book.

  “You looked like you were concentrating awful hard on that book.”

  “Yeah, it shouldn’t take me to long to get caught up.”

  “That’s good.” Placing a plate full of food on the nightstand beside me.

  “You mind if I sit down and eat with you? It’s quiet now that everyone is gone. Mom left this for us before she left.”

  “That was sweet of her. Are you sure you want to? It’s boring in here. I know you would probably want to be in your room watching television instead.” I said as he pulled a can of soda out of each of his pockets. “Clever.” I said smirking up at him.

  “Hey you try carrying two plates, silverware, napkins and two drinks up two flights of stairs. I had to get creative.” Smiling as he sat down on the opposite side of the bed next to me. Getting back up quickly leaving his plate on the bed.

  “What else you got in those pockets?” Teasing him.

  Looking up giving me a seductive charming smile, “Wouldn’t you like to know sweet heart?” Watching him walk slowly to the bed I just wanted to lunge myself at him. He had a walk that any woman could appreciate. Swiping them thoughts out of my mind I knew I was treading back into dangerous territory. But, I just couldn’t help myself. He was so damn sexy. Everything about him shouted “do me.” I know I’m to young to be thinking that way but, damn it, it’s the truth! It should be illegal to look that good. As he sat down beside me I decided to concentrate on my food and try to forget that he was merely inches away from me on my bed. Remembering what happened last time we were in this bed together still made me blush. I could still remember him on top of me his sculpted bare chest pressing me down into the soft mattress while his hands touched my body. The mere thought still sent chills down my spine.

  Done with his food and setting his plate down. “So you decided what you want to do tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah actually.” Setting my empty plate down I turned to look at him.

  “So, what do you want to do?”

  “I want to go to the movies.”

  “You mean you want to watch movies here?” Asking slightly confused.

  “No, I mean I want to go to the movies.” Starting to object, I placed one finger to his lips to silence him. “Gavin, I need to get out of here for a while. Plus you‘ll be with me, so you know I’ll be safe. Please.” I said staring into those dark eyes.<
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  Sighing, “Alright. Please don’t make me regret this Maddie.”

  “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.” I said bouncing excitedly on the bed wrapping my arms tightly around his neck still bouncing.


  “Yeah?” I asked still wrapped close to him.

  “Your killing me babe.” Pulling back I could see the pain In his face as well as in his voice.

  “Sorry.” I said sitting back knowing that he must feel some of the same physical attraction that I still feel towards him.

  We sat here for another couple hours enjoying each other’s company. Around ten o’clock I finally decided to swallow my pride and decide to ask him to help me downstairs and to the shower. Aunt Julia had still been helping me. I still have trouble keeping balance on stairs and I do get scared when there is no one close. “Gavin?”


  “Can you please help me down and to the shower? Julia usually helps me still but, as you can see she’s not here.”

  Getting up “Yeah, I can help you. No problem.”

  Getting up slowly he stood beside me to catch me if I stumbled keeping his hand on the small of my back finally making it to the stairs. Then he swept me up into his arms at the landing making me yelp. “Gavin, you were supposed to help me down the stairs not carry me down!” Still in awe of his strength, gliding down easily setting me down. Looking up at him a little peeved.

  “Hey, don’t get mad at me. I’m responsible for you this weekend and your going to have to get used to me being a little over cautious.”

  How could I get mad at that really? What girl wouldn’t like being swept up into the arms of a man she loved more than life itself. Even if he didn’t know it. “Alright, I can’t argue with you. I’m to tired anyhow.” I said turning and walking into the bathroom with him fast on my heels. “Whoa, what are you doing buddy?” I said turning around running into him he was so close.

  “What does it look like?” Asking innocently.


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