Tangled Dreams

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Tangled Dreams Page 31

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Of course. As long as you want.” Saying careful not to touch me.

  Turning myself over I put my arms around him and put my head between his shoulder and head. Gently he wrapped both arms around me.

  “Maddie, what is wrong babe? I can tell it is something.”

  Looking up into his eyes “I’m ready to tell you why I’ve been holding back.”

  “Are you sure?” Sighing


  “Okay lets hear it.” Saying now hopeful.

  “Promise me one thing Gavin.”


  “Promise me that you’ll let me get out what I want to say before you say anything. And if you decide you don’t want to say anything at all, that is fine to. But if you do, please don’t lie to me to try and make me feel better.”

  “I wouldn’t Maddie. You know that.”

  “I know.”

  “Alright. Here it goes.” Looking into his eyes I wanted to look away just in case his eyes told me what I didn’t want to see but, I couldn’t.

  “Gavin, I love you. And I don’t love you as a best friend. I love you. I think I loved you from the first moment I seen you. I’m so completely madly in love with you that you’re all I think about. You’re all I care about. And every time we fight I am so scared that I’m going to lose you forever.”

  Gavin was astonished. He thought this could only happen in his dreams. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure it was real.

  “The reason I have been holding back from you is because I have been so afraid.”

  Looking at her now confused he didn’t dare interrupt her in fear she would stop and walk away.

  “I’ve been so afraid of falling in love with you and then losing you. Losing you like I lost my father and I couldn’t stand to go through that again. If anything happened to you I would just die. Then when the whole thing happened with your father, I thought he was right. I thought I would only ruin your life like my mom did to my dad. I couldn’t do that to you. You have been my best friend and have been here for me no matter what whether I deserved it or not. A lot of times I didn’t. I love you so much that It is starting to hurt inside everyday, with every breath I take, that I’m not near you.” I said tears streaming down my face. “And I would totally understand if you didn’t feel the same way back. Looking down now.

  “Are you finished Maddie?” He whispered gently staring into her eyes. He felt his heart beating double time and he was so happy at this moment.

  Taking his hand and forcing me to look into his eyes.

  “I love you to Maddie. I’ve always loved you . Frankly I’m shocked you couldn’t see right through me. I have loved you from the very first moment I’ve laid eyes on you. And every time I had to see you with Clay it killed me inside.”

  I couldn’t hardly believe my ears it sounded like pure heaven. “You really do love me?”

  “Yes Maddie, I am totally, completely in love with you and I want you more than anything else in this world.” He said now rubbing my face with his hand. This time I didn’t wait for him to kiss me. Leaning in I grabbed his face and kissed him with such a hunger and passion that he had no idea where it came from. But, he sure the hell wasn’t complaining.

  Pulling away from her, “So, does this mean we’re together finally?”

  Smiling and shaking my head. “Yes, that’s what this means.”

  Taking her back into his arms smiling, he kissed her like he’s never kissed anyone in his life. Rolling over on top of her he pulled away to look down at her. “I love you Maddie.” Saying so sincerely that it almost made me cry…again.

  “I love you to Gavin.” Pulling her up to him he was holding her weight with one arm and it amazed me as to just how strong he really was.

  She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on with the most beautiful body he had ever seen. Still in her dress she was absolutely gorgeous. Pulling away from her he set her gently back on his pillows. Crawling down to her feet he placed her foot up on his shoulder and started unlacing one of her shoes staring into her eyes the entire time, then unlacing the other. When he was finished he kissed her foot and tossed the shoes over on the couch careful to not make any noise. Crawling his way back up her body I could see his muscles in his arms flexing and it was so sexy. Taking my lips back onto his mouth he kissed me blind again. I could feel my body growing hotter, this time I didn’t want to stop. Rolling over on top of him I could feel him unzip the back of my dress and I didn’t care. I wanted more. Kissing him I worked my way down to his neck trying to do anything I could possibly do to let him know that I didn’t want to stop. But, like the gentlemen he is he stopped while I was kissing him now on his chest.

  “Maddie we better stop now. I can’t go on like this much longer.” He whispered in pain.

  Finding his lips again. “Please don’t stop Gavin. I want you to show me how much you love me.”

  His restraint snapping, he rolled her on to her back taking total control of the situation. Kissing her neck he slowly worked his way down to her cleavage working her dress down slowly. When he did he couldn’t believe his eyes she had a red corset on with straps that connected to her black pantie hose with red matching panties on. He thought he just died and gone to heaven.

  “Your so beautiful Maddie.” Kissing me again. Kissing down to my leg he unsnapped the straps and slowly peeled my pantie hose away. Next he gently lifted me and undid the back of my corset. Tossing it to the side he’d never seen anything so gorgeous in his life. Diving in to her breasts he was kissing her all over when he started to feel her shake.

  “You alright babe?” He asked stopping, concerned now.

  “I’m fine. Please don’t stop.” I could feel him removing his boxers and excitement tore through my body. Finally, he went to my underwear and peeled them off and kneeled on top of me just staring down at me. I couldn’t believe my eyes either I didn’t know all that was under those clothes. He was absolutely gorgeous. His tan skin laying over top of his muscles. I never wanted to let him go. Laying on top of me he found my lips again and I could feel his hardness pressing up against me. Wrapping my legs around him I wanted him more than anything right now. When finally he gently pushed himself inside me. I felt a searing pain at first which gave a way to pure bliss. He slowly made love to me taking care not to hurt me. I never imagined it being this way. I knew this was the guy I was going to love forever. When we were to tired to take anymore we fell asleep in each others arms. I was so blissfully happy when I drifted off.

  Around 5 am he woke up to the beautiful sight of her in his arms and he was afraid it was all a dream. But, the proof was laying here next to him. He knew he had to wake her up soon. They couldn’t get caught, especially like this. Giving her kisses all over her face. “Maddie. Wake up baby.”

  Opening up my eyes I was so blissfully happy. I couldn’t remember ever being this happy.

  “Hi Maddie.” Almost afraid she would regret last night.

  “Hi Gavin.” I said smiling stretching my arms out. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I questioned. “Oh. I know that look. No, I don’t regret it. I love you.” I said smiling at him giving him a kiss.

  “I love you to. Maddie?”

  “Yes Gavin?”

  “Will you marry me?” Asking in all seriousness.

  “Gavin, we’re to young. We can’t get married.”

  “I don’t mean tomorrow. I mean I want to be with you forever and I want to keep that promise until the day we get married.”

  Kissing me gently on my lips. We weren’t really to young. Him almost eighteen, me being not to far behind. Looking at him I couldn’t hardly believe this was happening. His hair was a tousled mess. He had a tiny bit of stubble, his skin still dark from the summer tan. His eyes bright and absolutely handsome in every sort of way. I had never felt happier my whole life. I knew it might be naive but how could I refuse. “Yes, Gavin. I will most defiantly marry you.”

  Laughing he grabbed m
e up into his arms and rolled me on top of him kissing me wildly. “Your dad is going to do everything in his power to make sure that doesn’t happen.

  “I don’t care. I’ll be eighteen in a month and you will be eighteen in no time. There isn’t anything he can do after that. I’m on scholarship. He doesn’t even pay for school. He can’t control me in any way.”

  “Yeah, but he can me. I don’t have any where to go. I can’t leave school. And speaking of school, you’ll be leaving. How am I going to get along without you?”

  “I have to be honest. I hate not being here to keep an eye on you. You are such a trouble magnet.” Saying now sad. Suddenly we heard what sounded like someone wrestling around down on the second floor. “Hurry you have to get back to your room.” He said grabbing my clothes slumped on the edge of the bed and handing them to me. Running naked to my shoes I grabbed them and came in for a quick kiss. “You look so hot naked in the daylight.” He said with a sexy smirk on his face. I laughed and whispered “love you” on the way out of his room. I dropped my clothes and dove under the covers just in time for my door to crack open. I acted like I was asleep of course. Hearing my door shut I heard Gavin’s door open up next and I heard Aunt Julia talking to him about how they were going shopping and out to lunch and asked if he wanted to come. He declined. I heard his door shut and she walked down the stairs. I laid here until I could hear everyone get up and finally the door close and the car start up. Sighing I felt like I was In heaven but I really needed a shower. Grabbing my robe, I left to go downstairs to the shower. I had to get my make up off and all the hairspray out of my hair. Stepping in the shower the water felt so good hitting my skin and I turned it up as hot as it would go. I stood here and dreamed of Gavin. Suddenly I heard the shower curtain open up and he was standing behind me.

  “You need company?” Asking putting his arms around me.


  “Relax. Everyone is gone.” Kissing the back of my shoulder. Taking the soap and massaging my back with it.

  “This feels so surreal Gavin.”

  “I know. I didn’t think we would ever be here. I didn’t think you would ever want me.” He said lathering my body turning me around so he could do the front.

  “I’ve always wanted you. It was just everything else stood in my way. And to be honest we still have the same things standing in our way. How are we going to hide this from William? Plus, I don’t want to hide this at school. However, if we don’t William is sure to find out sooner or later.”

  “I don’t think we have as much to worry about as you think. He’ll be pissed off at me of course and probably ground me. Forbid me to see you. But, were missing one fact.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Mom. She loves you and me. She’ll go to bat for us. She already knows I love you and supports me on it.”

  “What? How does she know that?”

  “She’s known for quite sometime. She’s my mom. She can see right through me.”

  “Oh, I see.” I said smiling loving the feel of the water hitting both our bodies intertwined.

  “Well, I hope your right. I can’t be without you any more.” I said kissing him on his neck.

  “You better stop or your going to get yourself in trouble.” He said walking me back up against the shower wall. “How did I get so lucky?” He asked looking at her gorgeous body water hitting both of them.

  “How did I get so lucky?” I countered back at him.

  “To think I thought you were going to go back to Clay. It still kills me to know that he was kissing you.” His anger building all over again.

  “Shh.” I said putting my lips to his. “Don’t think about it. You’re the person I want to be with. Not him. You’re the only one that matters to me.” Standing in the shower we talked and kissed and I was looking forward to the future.

  The rest of the day we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We talked non stop like we hadn’t talked in months. Which we kinda hadn’t. For once in my life, I felt like I was looking forward to the future. And that future I wanted to continue with Gavin. When we heard the car pull up and I decided to head to my room while he stayed downstairs. Last time William knew we weren’t really talking, and I didn’t want him thinking any different. It would be easier seeing each other at night after everyone went to bed. I chose to skip supper that night. I felt like I ate all day and I wasn’t hungry at all. So, I stayed in my room to read a book instead dreading for the next day to come and having to go back to school and see Clay. But, now I would have Gavin. If Clay was smart he would steer clear of him. I don’t know If I could convince him to hold back for long. Our relationship taken to a whole new level. Getting out my journal I had to write down into words how amazing prom was leaving out the unpleasant parts and how so in love with Gavin I was. Seeing it in print it felt more real. Hearing a tap on the adjoining door Gavin walked in.

  “Hey Sweetie.”

  “Hey Maddie. How are you baby?” He said sitting down on the bed next to me leaning down to give me a kiss. “You look as delicious as ever.” Kissing my neck.

  “Gavin.” “

  So, what are you doing? Writing in your Christmas present?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Let me read.” He said leaning over me. He was liking what he was reading especially the last part claiming to be so in love with him. Taking the pen out of my hand I was wondering what he was doing. Leaning down he wrote in my journal. “I love you to.”

  “You know Gavin, this is only going to get harder for us.” I said looking up into his eyes.

  “I know babe.”

  “You do love me right Maddie?”

  “Of course.” I said confused.

  “Then we can get through it.” Leaning down giving me a light kiss on the tip of my nose.

  “As far as school, I think after last night everyone pretty much thinks were together anyways.”

  “This is going to be complicated.”

  “Nothing good ever comes easy Madison. And your as good as it gets.”

  “Gavin, I don’t know how you do it.”

  “Do what babe?” Now caressing my arm gently.

  “How you can even make the hardest situations seem so easy.”

  “Everything seems easier when were together.” Staring in disbelief that they were finally together.

  “I hope you feel that way when it gets really hard. I think you underestimate your father.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” Leaning in for a kiss. “Either way. It’s worth it. I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you. And I feel sorry for whoever tries to get in my way.”

  “You know for some reason I believe you.” I said giggling.

  “And as far as school, to hell with all those jealous assholes. They’re just pissed because I have the most beautiful girl in school, and they don’t.”

  “I don’t think it’s me that has as many admirers as you do.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t hear what all the guys say in the locker room about you. They’re lucky I haven’t kicked all their asses for it already. But, I knew if I did that they would see right through me. I just made sure they didn’t act on any of there little horny fantasies about you.”


  “What?” He asked defensively. “I’m being serious.”

  Laughing. “Okay, I believe you. Just don’t tell me in detail.”

  “You kidding? I’m not going to. You might go for one of them.”

  Punching him in the arm as hard as I could, I barely budged him. But, I did show him my displeasure about his comment. “Don’t even say something like that. I have barely looked at another guy since I laid eyes on you.”

  “Oh is that right? Huh?”

  “Oh yeah, especially when I came into your room one of the first nights I was here. You had just gotten out of the shower and you had your shirt off. I thought I had died and gone to hot guy heaven.” I said giggling now embarrassing myself.

; Laughing. “Yeah, I thought you were going to drop my food and turn around and run straight into the door.”

  “Okay, smart alec. When did you really take a second look at me.”

  “Oh, that’s easy.”

  “When you wondered out into the woods and I carried you back in the house and put you in the shower. You came out in that night gown. That drove me crazy. You were so beautiful that night.”

  “Are you kidding me? I was a mess that night. I was bruised up, dirty, tired. And then after the shower I looked like a drowned rat, my hair all wet and tangled.” I said laying back my head on my pillow.

  “Babe, you looked far from a drowned rat. You were, and still are the most gorgeous girl I had ever laid eyes on. I was so nervous that night.” Laying down next to me putting his arm under my head.

  “You nervous? I don’t believe it.”

  “Well, believe it. I thought I was going to drop you going up those stairs I even stumbled on one of them. Don’t you remember?”

  “No, I remember being really tired and just enjoying being close to you. Oh, and of course I remember being really embarrassed about my sheer night gown. I can’t imagine you stumbling on a step or anything. Your mister baseball man. Mr sporty. I’m the klutz.” I said teasingly.

  “Well, that night you knocked me off balance. What can I say? I was totally smitten with you. I knew you were the one for me that night. It made me happy. It made me sad. It made me scared. And it made me hopeful all at the same time.”

  “I know how you felt. I felt the exact same way. That’s why I tried to get closer to Clay. But, the closer Clay and I got the worse I felt. I felt like I was losing you completely. I told myself repeatedly that’s what has to happen. I couldn’t convince my heart however.” I said looking away.

  “It’s okay babe. He said wrapping his arms around me completely. You don’t have to tell me this. I know it is hard for you. I’m here now.”

  “No, I want to. I saw the sadness in your eyes so many times because of me and I want to explain.”

  “Did you really love Clay? I want the truth.”

  Sighing. “ No, I cared for Clay. I think I could have fallen in love with him. Under different circumstances, in a different place or time, I think I could have. But, after meeting you. There was no one else ever. I would only think of you every time I was with him. You were always there. He wasn’t completely stupid to this.”


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