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A Little Taste of Red

Page 3

by Beth Wylde

  “She’s going into shock. Don’t worry about the splint. We need to get her to your house and get her warmed up.”

  The two men came to an easy compromise. “I agree, you take her back to Dalenna and I’ll take care of the fire.”

  Chapter Five

  Lance bent down and slid his arms underneath Tinsel’s chilled form. As he stood up and lifted her off the ground, she couldn’t help but cry out. Her knight in shining moonlight was being as gentle as possible, but movement of any type was guaranteed to cause her pain. The throbbing in her leg as he walked away from the wreck was sheer torture.

  Lance kept her cradled tight against his chest as he ran. The movement made the pain worse but Tinsel knew survival depended on getting her help as soon as possible. After what seemed like forever, she finally stopped shivering.

  Tinsel wound her arms around the strong shoulders of her rugged rescuer and buried her face against his chest to stifle the sound of her uncontrollable crying. He lowered his head to her hair, comforting her as much as possible with his arms full.

  “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe now. Thomas will take care of the fire and I’m going to take care of you.”

  She nodded and tried to speak. “Tnk u.”

  “I can’t understand you, you’re mumbling.”

  She looked up, her face colder than before because of the wetness, even as her body warmed up for what seemed like the first time in ages. “Thank you.”

  He nodded, pulling her in tighter to block the cool breeze and Tinsel found herself cradled gently in his arms. “My name is Lance. The other man was my brother Thomas. What’s your name?”

  She smiled shyly. ”Tinsel, but my friends call me Red.”

  Lance smirked a bit, like there was some joke Tinsel was missing. “Nice to meet you, Tinsel, and you’re welcome.”

  By the time they got to the house in the woods, Tinsel was feeling a bit better. Her leg still hurt like hell, but she’d adjusted to the pain, glorying in the heat of Lance’s big body. He was like a walking heater. Even through his shirt, Tinsel could feel his warmth and where his skin was exposed. He felt almost too hot, like he was running a fever, but she was pretty sure it was just because she’d been out in the cold for so long.

  Lance reached out with his foot to open the cabin door, but before he could touch it a woman appeared in the doorway. She looked young, no more than twenty-two or three, with long brown hair and a petite figure despite the large protruding bump of an advanced pregnancy. She turned to address the little girl that was peeking from out behind her skirt. “Trisha, go get ready for bed. Your brother and sister are already in their cribs for the night.”

  “But, Mom, I want to stay up late like Jacob and Twila.”

  The woman shook her head. “Twila is eighteen and an adult with a mate. She can stay up as late as she wants. Jacob has earned the right to stay awake late tonight for helping your Uncle Lance. You are only six. Now go to bed, young lady, right this instant.”

  The little girl looked over at Tinsel once more and tromped off dejectedly. The sound of babies screaming stopped almost immediately after her departure. Tinsel didn’t have time to ponder the change as the woman stretched out her arms in Lance’s direction. Lance started to hand Tinsel over, but she wouldn’t let go, openly refusing to be jostled around more than she had to be and secretly wanting to hold onto her savior a bit longer.

  The woman raised her eyebrows questioningly and looked at Lance. He shrugged and she put her arms down, moving to the side to let him in. He didn’t ask for directions, carrying Tinsel straight towards the back of the house and into a small bedroom.

  Tinsel cringed as she caught site of the folding table someone had erected by the bedside. It was covered in gauze and tape and even threaded surgical needles. She wondered what type of people she’d been rescued by that needed to keep so many medical supplies on hand in their home.

  Chapter Six

  Tinsel looked over at the small twin bed, bracing herself for the pain that would inevitably come when Lance laid her down. To her surprise he turned and settled himself on the bed, reclining against the headboard and settling her firmly in his lap. Before she could question the action, he explained himself.

  “Dalenna is going to have to set that leg and it’s going to hurt. There’s no way we can make it painless and someone will probably need to hold you down. It’s easier for me to restrain you this way. You’re also still too cold. The body-to-body contact will warm you faster than wrapping you in a blanket.”

  She nodded her understanding, too overwhelmed to speak. The sheer feeling of being held by Lance was daunting. It was an intimate gesture of kindness, one that a lover, not a stranger, would normally offer, and she wished she felt well enough to enjoy it.

  Dalenna was busy rearranging the folding table, opening the huge first aid kit and pulling out extra bandages. She moved to Tinsel’s side and looked her over quickly. Tinsel breathed a momentary sigh of relief when she avoided touching her leg.

  “The break is very bad. I can set it, but you’ll still need to see a doctor once we get you stable enough to travel.” She looked Tinsel straight in the eyes, letting her know up front how severe the injury was. “I’ll do everything I can to help you, but I can’t make any promises. By the way, my name’s Dalenna. I’m Lance’s sister-in-law.”

  “I’m Tinsel. My friends call me R...”

  Lance interrupted her before she could finish her introduction. “Tinsel, she goes by Tinsel.”

  Before Tinsel could argue, Dalenna turned towards the doorway and called out. “Jacob Calhoun Waverly, I know you’re out there. How many times have I told you about eavesdropping on an adult conversation? Come in here and give me some help instead of lurking around in the hall and being nosy.”

  Tinsel stared in awe as a young boy walked in. She hadn’t heard anything and wondered how Dalenna had known he was there. He was obviously in his early teens and he reminded Tinsel of what Lance must have looked like as a child. He had the same bright platinum blond hair as Lance and his brother, but instead of leaving it long, his was cut in a more modern style. He had it almost completely shaved in the back, tapering into longer stylized bangs in the front that covered most of his face. He pushed it back to reveal eerie yellow eyes unlike any she’d ever seen before. Apparently Dalenna noticed the sight as well and it meant something important to her.

  “Jacob! If you can’t control yourself then you need to leave.”

  Jacob took a deep breath and slumped his shoulders, letting his hair fall back over his face as he did so. He turned his back on the room for a moment, breathing rapidly at first, and then slowing it down in a purposely-controlled exercise. When he faced the room again, his mom seemed satisfied with the action “Much better. Now come over here and hand me the supplies as I ask for them.” Tinsel gave Dalenna a totally confused look and the woman patted her hand softly. “We’ll talk later. Right now, let’s see what we can do about that leg.”

  To Tinsel’s surprise the boy never complained as he took up his position next to the makeshift surgical center. It seemed like a job he’d been asked to perform in the past and she wondered once again about the people who’d rescued her.

  “Scissors.” Dalenna asked for the item like a professional and Tinsel suddenly felt more at ease. Maybe the reason they had all the equipment was because she was a nurse or doctor and preferred to treat the family at home when possible. The theory certainly explained a lot about what she’d seen so far.

  Dalenna took the scissors from Jacob and knelt down at Tinsel’s feet next to her bad leg. Tinsel tried to prepare for what she knew was coming, grabbing onto the closest thing she could find, Lance’s hands. He never complained as he laced his fingers with hers, letting her squeeze as hard as she wanted. When Dalenna started to cut away the torn jeans, a throbbing so intense Tinsel convulsed, shot up her left side.

  Chapter Seven

  Lance held Tinsel tight around the waist, even when she
squeezed his fingertips so hard they turned white. His grip was like iron, and even though she thrashed about like a fish out of water, he never wavered and never complained. By the time Dalenna had the cloth of Tinsel’s jeans cut up to above the knee, Lance’s face was ashen with strain and Tinsel was begging for death.

  “Good God, Dalenna, can’t you give her something? This is just cruel.”

  “I only have the Green Dragon in the house and it’s been fermenting for so long that it’s way too strong for human consumption. It has to be strong to be of any use to us, but I’m afraid it might kill her.”

  “She can’t keep this up, either. She’s weak from the hypothermia and we have no idea how long it’s been since she’s had anything to eat or drink. She could be dehydrated as well.”

  “That’s another reason not to give it to her. On an empty stomach, she could react even stronger.”

  “Please!” Tinsel’s voice was hoarse, which made it hard to talk. “I’m begging you. I don’t care if it kills me, but I can’t take the pain anymore. Just let me die.”

  “Don’t be stupid. I didn’t rescue you to have you die on me. Dalenna, get the Green Dragon. If something happens, I’ll take the responsibility for it.”

  His statement got the first real reaction from Dalenna that Tinsel had seen all night. “Lance, do you know what you’re saying? You don’t even know her.”

  “I said I’d take the responsibility. Now get the damn bottle!”

  Jacob scampered out of the room when he heard Lance’s commanding tone. Thomas picked that moment to come strolling back into the room. “There is no need to shout at my mate.” Thomas’ face softened and Tinsel realized then that the woman tending her was Thomas’ wife and not Lance’s. For some reason, the information made her feel giddy, even when it shouldn’t have mattered. “It’s okay, Dalenna, get the medicine. She’s Lance’s now.”

  Tinsel knew something serious was going on around her. The statement obviously held some important message for the others in the room, but she was in too much pain to try and decipher the meaning. Jacob ran back inside, nearly colliding with Thomas as he skidded to a halt just inside the door. Thomas put his hands out to steady the child before he fell down.

  “Calm down, son. Lord, you young cubs are hyper. Give your mom the bottle and then go on to bed. I’ll finish helping in here.”

  Jacob nodded and handed an antique-looking Mason jar over to his father before leaving the room. Thomas gave the glass to his wife before following his son out. Upon closer inspection, Tinsel began to question herself, wondering if she’d made the right decision. It was obvious the pain medicine was a homemade remedy and from what Tinsel could see, it looked thoroughly disgusting. The liquid had a light green color to it and large pieces of what looked like old leaves were floating around in the bottom of the jar. She was pretty sure the brew would taste horrible, and she had no idea what was really in the bottle, but Dalenna had barely even started removing her clothes and she’d been close to fainting. She knew the worst was yet to come.

  Dalenna handed Lance the bottle and he released one of Tinsel’s hands to take it. Tinsel felt the separation keenly, thinking how easily she’d gotten used to having Lance’s hands to hold onto for support and strength. It felt odd not holding on to him, like something was missing.

  While he held the jar, Dalenna popped open the top. The smell that wafted out was nearly overpowering. He moved the bottle down in front of Tinsel’s mouth, and started to put it up to her lips, when Dalenna stopped him.

  “She can only have a sip. We don’t want her unconscious, just relaxed.”

  Lance nodded and turned his attention back to Tinsel. “Just a tiny sip, sweetheart. The medicine is very strong.” Tinsel gasped as she registered his term of endearment and accidentally gulped a mouthful of the vile liquid.

  Chapter Eight

  Tinsel choked as Lance propelled her upright, pounding her on the back with one hand while using his other to try and pry her mouth open. “Spit it out. Don’t swallow.”

  It was too late. Her mouth was already empty where the burning concoction had been forced down her throat. He pulled his hands away when he realized his efforts were in vain.

  Several moments later he realized what he’d shouted, but now wasn’t the time to laugh. The thought of a man telling a woman not to swallow seemed totally hilarious to Tinsel, however, and once she started laughing, she couldn’t seem to stop. After a few minutes she became hysterical, giggling and crying all at the same time.

  Lance was extremely concerned. “Dalenna, do something.”

  “Like what? I told you we shouldn’t give it to her. She’s going to injure herself worse than she already is. At least she doesn’t seem to be hurting anymore. Hold her down and let’s get the fracture set while she’s out of it.”

  Lance grabbed Tinsel once more, doing his best to hold her steady under the drunken onslaught of the drug she’d ingested. Tinsel chuckled, swatting at his hands playfully, like a child during a boisterous game of patty cake. The sound of cloth ripping filled the room and Tinsel paused momentarily. Any other woman would have been utterly mortified to be clad only in her undies and lying a stranger’s arms, but in her current state, the situation didn’t seem to bother her at all. Tinsel squirmed a bit to get comfortable and became noticeably aware of the big, hard body she was cuddled against. As she looked back over her shoulder, she focused on a gorgeous set of deep blue eyes staring down at her, the worry easy to read in their shining depths. She turned slightly in Lance’s embrace, reaching out to stroke his face. She couldn’t remember his name, but that was okay. Somehow she knew the gorgeous stranger would keep her safe.

  “You’re pretty.” Tinsel grabbed a handful of his hair and twined it around her fingers. “So shiny, like spun gold.” She pulled it closer and ran the handful over her face, loving the fine texture. “Soft, too, like a baby, and you smell good.”

  She tried to scoot closer and Dalenna huffed loudly. “If you can’t hold her still like this, then you need to find a position where you can. I’ll never get her leg set correctly if she keeps wiggling.”

  Lance groaned softly as the temperature in the room seemed to skyrocket. Tinsel’s constant movement had caught his body’s attention and its reaction was very inappropriate under the circumstances. He stood up, lifting her tiny frame and setting her back down on the bed, putting his weight gently on top of her in a modified missionary position. The new hold kept her pinned neatly beneath him and allowed him easy control of her motion. It also brought her most intimate parts against his more unruly ones.

  Tinsel didn’t seem to mind the switch at all. In fact, it gave her easier access to him. She nuzzled her face into his shirt collar, pushing it aside and kissing the skin she revealed. Her tongue darted out briefly to lick the spot she’d just smooched. “Mm, you taste good, too.”

  Lance’s whole body stiffened in reaction. He was once again rock hard and throbbing. His cock pushed futilely against the zipper of his jeans in a massive plea for release. He tried everything he could think of to will away the raging erection, but none of it worked. He was as hard as stone and the small, lush, undulating body beneath him insured that he stayed that way.

  From the moment she’d wrapped her arms around his neck in the forest, he’d been smitten. Her scent was intoxicating and the more he inhaled her natural aroma, the more aroused he became. Even through the smell of fire and fear, he could detect her fragrance. He knew it wasn’t perfume. Nothing bottled had ever smelled so good. She reminded him of strawberry plants in the spring when they were ripe and heavy with fruit. Her essence permeated his entire being and brought out his most basic urges.

  Now that she was high as a kite and acting like a wanton temptress, he was having an even harder time maintaining control. He urged Dalenna to hurry, several times, in fact, and he could have sworn she snickered at his most recent request.

  She obviously didn’t understand how urgent the situation really was.
He needed to get off Tinsel and fast or he was going to do something they might both regret later, although he wasn’t sure he’d really feel sorry about claiming her, but he knew she would.

  Chapter Nine

  Lance could hear Dalenna as she worked on Tinsel’s leg. He kept his head down to avoid her gaze as she moved back and forth between the bed and the supply table. He knew his face was flushed and he didn’t want her to see the reaction he was having to the human, plus it gave him the added bonus of being closer to Tinsel.

  She was still nipping at his collarbone and playing with his hair, but her movements were slowing, as if she had finally succumbed to the medicine’s effects. He worried about her falling asleep, but he worried even more about her remaining awake. He knew if she kept up her teasing bites, he’d forget himself and bite her back. The problem was that his bite would leave her with more than a permanent mark. She’d also inherit a permanent lifestyle change and a partner as well.

  The urge to leave his imprint on her throat for the entire world to see was driving him crazy. There was just something about the petite woman beneath him that brought all his animal instincts into play. If he didn’t get some time away soon, he wasn’t going to be responsible for his actions.

  The feel of a dainty hand cupping him between his legs forced a growl from deep in his throat. He rose up just enough to see Tinsel’s face and was shocked by the sight that greeted him. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was drawn up in a seductive bow, like a naughty nymph indulging in a secret fantasy. She looked dreamy and content as she slowly stroked his shaft through his jeans. If she kept her movement up, Lance knew he was going to embarrass himself and come in his pants, something he hadn’t done since he’d been an adolescent.

  “Dalenna, hurry up!”

  Lance turned his head and bit down on the pillow, praying his sister-in-law was almost done. The news that came along after his plea proved otherwise.


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