Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Rachel Billings

  And love, goddammit.

  He fucking wanted to howl with the glory of it. He started thrusting—hard, deep takings at first, keeping his distance so he could watch her, like he could keep separate from it. But soon he gave over, lost himself to it. He collapsed on top of her, his knees coming up under her ass to enfold her, his chest falling, pressing those clamps harder onto her, his hands burrowed into her hair and his mouth wildly taking hers.

  “Jesus. Fee. Baby. Jesus.” He thrashed into her, totally losing his head. He took her cunt, pounding into her harder and harder. He bounced her into the mattress, knowing that would shove the vibrator further up her ass. He ground his chest against her tits, working those clamps.

  Reduced to feral growls and crude curses, Wes was mindless as an animal. He thought of nothing but his own pleasure, driving himself fiercely. But in a corner of his mind he heard her, and, with a last grasp on his consciousness, he felt her.

  She was just as far gone as he was, just as over the top. She wailed with each breath, rocked her hips in a frenzy to match his thrusts, to open herself, to accept each fuck he put into her. Her body wracked, making the most of the pressure from his chest against her tits. Her breath caught, a harsh groan and then a scream as he drove them both over.

  It was cataclysmic when it happened, long and rough, driving their bodies into rigid, ecstatic contortions. They clutched each other in spasmodic grips—she with her legs wrapped around him, he with her bundled into his arms. He spurt into her, a nearly painful explosion that made her cunt hot and slippery at the end. He growled, arching back in ecstasy as he emptied himself.

  He dropped himself into her shoulder, his teeth gnashing against her skin. It was long, catatonic moments before he became aware of her moans that had turned the corner from orgiastic to pained. Grasping for threads of reason and decency, he gathered himself. “Sorry, baby. Sorry.”

  As gently as he could with his consciousness blown to smithereens, he pulled out of her. She squeaked at that, and again when he drew the vibrator out of her ass. Still murmuring apologies, he lifted enough to get to those clamps. She shuddered as he released them and wiggled her right hand, reminding him that she was still bound.

  As soon as he freed that one hand, she covered her breasts and rolled to her side, moving into a positon that looked a little too close to fetal. Wes reached to pull a blanket up over them and curled behind her, stretching one hand around to unfasten the last restraint.

  He wrapped himself around her then. “Sweetheart. Fee. Are you okay?”

  She’d grabbed his wrist and burrowed her face into it, mumbling something he didn’t catch. Wes nuzzled into her hair, her neck. “What was that, baby?”

  He lifted his head, not quite sure he understood when she spoke again. “Is that all you got?”

  Grinning—like a fool, no doubt—he rolled her to face him. He brushed red strands away from her face so he could be sure of what he was seeing.

  She was still breathing a little hard and still, he noted, keeping a protective forearm across her tits. But her fucking green eyes danced, and she was fighting a losing battle to suppress a smile.

  It was a little scary, that smile. His girl kinda dug being a rock star of sex.

  Well, he’d man up if he had to. He kissed her smile away. “No. It’s not.”

  He could see the bravado now—it wavered behind her eyes as she remembered there was more stuff in the drawer. Feeling he had the upper hand again, he could afford to be generous. He gave her another kiss, a swift one. “Maybe we should save the rest for another day.”

  She almost cracked, but she drew up her dignity. “If you prefer.”

  He laughed and cuddled her close, trying to pretend he didn’t have a randy hard-on nudging into her hip. “I love you, Felicity.”

  “I love you, Wesley.”

  He needed her. He couldn’t help himself. He stroked his hand over her, but she kept her breasts firmly protected and her legs firmly closed. “Is there any part of you I can touch?”

  “None of the important parts.” She seemed a little regretful, but he might have been reading into it.

  “You have a lot of important parts.” His damn cock just couldn’t let it go.

  “Mmm. Here’s okay.” She brushed a finger along her cheek, so he kissed her there, gently. And forbore from pointing out that she had a whole mouth he really hadn’t taken advantage of.

  “Here.” She moved to touch the slope of her hip, the back of her hand stroking his cock along the way.

  “Yeah?” He pressed a little into her, and he closed his eyes, savoring the satin feel of her skin.


  He used his hand, rubbing his cock against her and pleasuring himself at the same time. When he opened his eyes, she was watching him, her gaze soft.

  “Fee.” His kissed her, her lips this time, but still gently.

  She left her breasts unguarded long enough to reach behind her, then she rolled to her side to face him. She’d grabbed the lube, and she dribbled some of it over his cock and into his hand. Then she tossed it aside, covered her breasts again, and slid her other hand into the mix—stroking along his cock, matching his hand on the other side, getting her palm and fingers lubed up.

  Watching each other, working together, they brought him to orgasm.

  * * * *

  Wesley slept. He’d kept his gaze on hers all through that sweet-gentle little hand-job deal, such a contrast to the wicked assault of lovemaking he’d given her. With a quiet groan of ecstasy, he’d come, then gave her a soft kiss, tucked her in against him, and fell off to sleep.

  Felicity watched him for a few minutes, enjoying the relaxation that sleep brought to his face and body. He was such a contrast of wild intensity and then complete ease. She wanted to kiss and cuddle him, where, just minutes before, he’d taken wicked pleasure in demonstrating his mastery over her.

  He seemed more willing to let his gentle side show than Reinen. Though the two men were peas in the same pod when it came to their aggressive, dominant sexual natures.

  Which begged the question, what the hell was she doing?

  Well, once she recovered from the strain of having two incredibly attractive and sexually powerful men slay her with spectacularly exotic and erotic lovemaking—which could take a moment—then it would beg that question.

  Felicity tucked the light blanket around Wes and slipped out of bed. She pondered her circumstances as she showered again, then dressed in an old cotton tank and cut-offs and wandered out to the back yard. Feeling she’d been given the green light by Reinen to do what she wanted with his gardens, she took a shovel to one of the flower beds. Extending it, she planned a cluster of hostas, with bright red miniature roses interspersed.

  She’d worked for two hours, getting the soil cleared of grass and amended with leaf mulch, when she was interrupted by a little one-year-old who wrapped herself around one leg.

  “Juniper!” Felicity tugged off her gloves and lifted the girl up.


  Felicity laughed at her new name and accepted a big, wet kiss. Andy watched from the deck. Leaving her gardening tools where they were, she carried the chattering girl over. He opened the door to the kitchen for her.

  “How’s Jean?” she asked. She watched Andy for his answer as she set Juniper on the counter next to the sink. She washed her own hands and then the baby’s.

  “She’s better than I expected, honestly.” Andy nudged alongside her to wash his own hands. “I’ll make Junie a sandwich before I go.”

  Felicity tucked Juniper into her high chair and went to the fridge for some berries for her while Andy got out bread and peanut butter.

  “She asked about you.”

  Felicity looked over her shoulder, a little curious at Andy’s tone. “Jean did?”

  “Yeah.” He came closer, placing the small triangles of sandwich on the tray for Juniper. “She likes you. She asked if you’d come visit again.”

Of course I will. I like her, too.”

  Andy was next to her, close, when he spoke again. “Everybody seems to like you, Felicity.”

  She looked up and his face was right there. “Oh. I—”

  “I’m not getting involved with you.”

  Felicity stepped away, backing up against the counter, hands gripping it. “I—I didn’t expect that you would.”

  “Wes thinks I should. Because you’re in love with Juniper.”

  Oh. “Andy, I—”

  “I won’t. I do fine with Juniper on my own.”

  Surprised by the belligerence in Andy’s tone, Felicity chewed on her lower lip. She stopped when she realized his gaze was focused on that action. “Yes, you do. You’re a wonderful father, Andy.”

  He was propped against the island across from her now, his arms crossed over his chest. Another damn big show of muscled biceps. “But I needed you to save my ass. That’s what you’re thinking.”

  She lifted a shoulder, mystified and a little hurt. “Single parents need a hand sometimes. Raising a child alone is an impossible task. I was able to help and so I did. I didn’t mean anything else by it.”

  “Wes thinks we should all be one big, happy family.”


  “The three of us, with you.” He nodded his head toward Juniper. “And the baby.”

  “Andy.” That was Wesley, speaking quietly from the doorway. He wore sweat pants that had been cut raggedly into shorts and a T-shirt that had been hacked short and sleeveless the same way. Even with the laundry basket of bedsheets in his hands, he still managed to look freakishly hot. What was it with these men?

  She resisted the distraction, trying to focus on the issue at hand. Apparently, the man had some freakish ideas, too. “Wes—”

  He set the basket down and came into the room, going first to Juniper, giving her a kiss and stealing one of her raspberries. Felicity didn’t bother to tell him the baby had already gummed that one. Then he came to her and put his arms around her waist.

  She didn’t melt into him so willingly as she had done before. He caught on and satisfied himself with a touch of her face. “I’ll explain, baby. Give me a minute.”

  He turned to face Andy. “It wasn’t her idea, and she didn’t come into this with any designs on you. Or on Juniper, either, I’m sure. So whatever you’re dealing with, man, don’t take it out on her.”

  Andy looked at Wes then slowly turned his gaze to Felicity. “I’m sorry. I screwed up bad with a woman once. I’m not going to do it again.”

  Felicity nodded, not sure how to respond.

  “You’re good with her for the day, then? I’ll be late, since I made the trip to see Jean.”

  “Yes. I’m good.”

  “And the rest of the week?” He waited for Felicity’s nod. “Hopefully I’ll have her settled into day care after that. Thank you. I appreciate what you’re doing.”

  Felicity nodded again and watched him kiss his daughter good-bye. When he was gone, she turned to look up at Wesley.

  He looked back at her, a little amusement in his eyes. “I suppose we need to talk about this?”

  She glanced at Junie, who was still in the “eating” more than “playing with her food” mode. “Yes,” she said firmly. “Let’s.”

  She had the sense he was suppressing a grin. “So here’s what happened. In those two weeks we were together, you fell for the Nipper, and she fell for you. Well, those two things probably happened before I got back. Once I got here, I fell for you, and you kind of fell for me, though you wouldn’t have admitted it”—he raised his voice there to talk over her objection—“because you’d started the thing with Ri.

  “I figured I could just wait out your deal with Ri, because he never keeps a woman around for more than, like, a minute. But then they got back, Ri and Andy, and I could see that Ri is really in love with you. And I see you play with Nip, here, and I can’t see how we can break that deal up. Plus, Andy needs you. Sure”—he raised his voice stop her again—“he needs a mother for Nipper, but he needs you, too. A good woman, I mean, which is you.”

  It took his hand raising to stop her this time.

  “Let me finish. I know he just said he doesn’t want you, but he’s an idiot, so you can’t take what he says right now too seriously. Ellen really fucked up his head. He doesn’t trust his instincts with women anymore, and I’m sure he believes he and Nip will both be better off if he just goes it alone. But he’s wrong. You know it, and I know it.

  “I love you. I know Ri loves you. If you can love us both back, I’m a freaking grateful, happy man.” He stopped himself there, but only long enough to hold her face with his hands, her gaze with his. “I think Andy would love you, too, if he let himself. Why the fuck wouldn’t he? You’re fucking you, and you’re spectacular. If he doesn’t, it’ll be his loss. If he does, I’m okay with it. He needs you more than any of us, and not just for the Nip. Ellen shook him, wounded him. You would heal him, if he gave it a chance.”

  “You’re talking about all three of you, and me. Together.” She realized that had been the conversation they were having on Sunday, when she’d seen them through the window.

  He kissed her. “Yeah. Hot, huh?”

  She shook her head. “No. Crazy.”

  He rubbed his thumb over her lip. “A little crazy. A lot hot.”

  “You can’t make somebody fall in love with somebody else just because you think he should.”

  “You’re right. I can’t. And if it doesn’t happen, well, no big. There’s more of you for me and Ri. But I’d be happy if it did. I care about Andy, and you know I’m in love with the Nipper, too. I can see it working. I can see it good for all of us.”

  His little Nipper was on to the “play” stage, as evidenced by the mushed glob of peanut butter sandwich that hit him in the arm. He wiped it off and lobbed it back at her, like it happened every day.

  Felicity was happy for the distraction. “I need to put her down for her nap.”

  “I was going to go downstairs and work out. What are you doing after?”

  “I want to finish in the backyard. I’m getting ready to put some more plants in.”

  “You mean you’re going to be bending over in those short shorts? Okay. I’ll be out to get a look at that.”

  “Wesley.” She looked up at him, not quite able to get on board his crazy train.

  He looked back, brushing his hand along her hair. “Yeah?”

  “We’ve only been together one—”

  “Epic,” he prompted, before he kissed her.

  He was right, and so she gave it to him. “One epic time. We’ve only known each other a couple weeks. I have no idea how this could possibly work, with you and me and Reinen.”

  “It’s okay, babe. We’ll work it out as we go along. We don’t have to know everything about where we’re going to make it turn out good.”

  Juniper was becoming impatient, and Wes turned his attention to scrubbing her off, as naturally as any father. He lifted her out of the chair and gave her a big lip-smack before handing her over to Felicity.

  He nibbled at Felicity’s lips with greater dignity. “Don’t worry. You can do what feels right to you each day. We can see where that gets us. It’s all good. Okay?”

  She sighed a little, but was won over by the small, warm arms that circled her neck. Wes and Andy were right about that one thing. This little girl had stolen her heart. “Okay.”

  He kissed her forehead, indulgent in his victory. “Good girl.”

  Chapter Nine

  Medical had required a lot of cleanup and reorganization after the Haiti effort, so Reinen was late getting home. Things might have gotten done a little faster if he’d had his head totally in the game, but he didn’t. For much of the work shift, half his attention had been drawn here, to his home, wondering what was going on. Thinking about who was doing what to whom. With whom.

  He wasn’t easy with it, and he wasn’t any happier when he walked into the kitc
hen. There was a bowl of fresh fruit on the island counter, and a vase of cut flowers sat on the kitchen table. He couldn’t control the fact that it pissed him off.

  It felt even worse when he looked out back. Felicity was on her knees, putting a last hosta in the ground. One of his beds had been extended and at least half a dozen hostas added, with a scattering of what looked like roses. It was a surprisingly pretty combo.

  Perennials, he noted. None of that annual shit. At least the woman listened when he spoke.

  But said woman wore short cut-offs that bared her thighs up to her ass. Wes was out there, hosing off the spade she’d used—or he’d used, Reinen didn’t know which. But he did know that Wes had positioned himself so he could see right down that little tank she wore, no doubt having a fine view as she leaned forward to spread mulch around the plant. Juniper was there, too, pretty ineffectively making towers out of the empty plastic pots. Much like her pretend mother, the kid had dirt all over herself.

  It made a sweet picture. It didn’t take much to imagine the afternoon they’d had—shopping for plants, working together in the yard, tending the baby. Making a last stop at a farm stand to put damn fresh fruit and flowers in his house.

  God knew what else. Then Reinen knew, too, because Wes came back from the garage where he’d no doubt stored Reinen’s garden tools and kissed Reinen’s woman. Not just a little good-bye peck, either, but a very familiar, ass-grabbing, tongue-delving kind of kiss.

  One that Felicity returned.

  He’d fucked her.

  Wes had made this happy little family tableau and fucked Reinen’s woman right out from under him.

  Reinen gripped the sink and took some breaths. Like he’d told Wes he could do. He’d given permission to it.

  Wes came in from the deck and caught him still squeezing the life out of the sink edge. He saw right off he should be a little leery. “Hey, Ri.”

  “Looks like you had a busy day.”


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