Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Rachel Billings

  Wes leaned against the wall, smears of dirt on his shins, but overall it looked like he’d fared better than the two females.

  “Yeah. We picked up some plants Fee wanted to put in.”

  “You shopped.”

  Wes was getting a clue about Ri’s state. They’d never been mad enough to get physical with each other, but it was a close thing now. If and when it came to it, Reinen was a hundred percent certain he would win.

  Because he was meaner.

  “Yeah. And dug up the yard.”

  Reinen watched him, waiting for it. And Wes didn’t let him down.

  “Plus, I fucked her. Blind.”

  Reinen went for him. In an instant, he had a fistful of Wes’s shirt and had him pushed up against the wall.

  Which was where he’d been, anyway, so it wasn’t a very satisfying move. And the dude was his friend, a good one. And Reinen had fucking told him he could have her.

  Wes’s eyes had remained calm—he didn’t look nearly as afraid as he should have. Except that he’d know Reinen would find the leash on his temper.

  Fuck. Disgusted with himself, Reinen dropped his hands and turned away. “Where was Juniper while you were doing that?”

  He heard Wes’s mild snort and sympathized. Like that was what Reinen cared about. But then Wes spoke. “We brought her high chair up to my room and belted her in there, so she couldn’t get into trouble.”

  Reinen turned back with a glare, and Wes raised his hands in surrender. His mouth quirked into a smarmy grin Reinen was tempted to wipe off. With his fist.

  “Andy took her to see Jean.” He spoke evenly, all reason. “Come on, man. Neither you nor I will ever make love to her in front of Nipper. And Fee would never neglect the baby to be with either one of us.”

  Shaking his head, Reinen looked out to the woman and baby. “I’m not sure I can do this, Wes.”

  “Share her, you mean?”

  His head still moving back and forth, Reinen couldn’t move his gaze away. “That’s not the worst of it.” He looked back at Wes once. “And I’ll admit I’m surprised as hell about that. But this…” He gestured out the glass door, then to the table and island. “Shopping, fruit bowls, flowers…”

  “Being a family.”

  Reinen could hear the smile in his friend’s voice. “Yeah.”

  “I don’t think we have to worry about that. It looks like she’s got it covered. You think I ever pictured myself at a garden center, holding a woman’s hand and carrying a baby on my shoulders? And loving every minute of it?”

  “Are we idiots, Wes? To think we can do this?”

  “Like I told her, one step at a time. We don’t have to figure it all out right now. But I’ll say this.” Wes followed his gaze out to where Fee had stripped Juniper down and was washing her off. “Easy as pie, I can see coming home to her every night. I can see both of us doing that.” He was quiet for a minute, thoughtful. “I can picture her with a baby growing in her belly.”

  That stirred something in Reinen he didn’t know was there. “Mine.”

  Wes smiled and looked at him. “To start, if you want. You brought her home to us.”

  “What about Andy?”

  “He’s got Juniper. He has to go last.”

  “I mean, will he want in?”

  Wes huffed. “He already does. Haven’t you seen the way he watches her with the Nipper? Like a woman should be with the baby she loves. He drinks it up like water in the desert.”

  “Like he never got to see with Ellen.”

  “Yeah. Exactly. He’s still resisting, though.” Wes nodded out back. “He won’t be able to hold out for long.”

  Reinen could almost see it. “She’s got a job.”

  Wes shrugged. “A lot of women do. We’ll work it out, like other families do. I can’t imagine she’ll want to work full-time if she has another little one to take care of.”

  “What about deployments, or reassignments?”

  “Like other Navy families, we’ll work that out, too. You and I, at least, are on different ships, different carrier groups. She won’t likely be left alone. That’s more than most Navy wives can say.”


  Wes looked at him. “I figure one of us is going to propose before long.”

  Reinen took a deep breath. A month ago, who’d have ever thought a thing like that?

  Understanding, Wes clapped him on the back. “I gotta clean up and get up to the ship.” About halfway to the stairs he turned around and walked backward. “I should mention”—he diddled his own nipples like a twisted rock star—“she might still be a little sore. And this”—he made a tight circle with his forefinger and thumb and pushed his other forefinger in and out—“maybe tonight that wouldn’t be such a good idea.”

  Reinen gave him a level state. “If you ever show me anything like that again, I’m going to have to kill you.”

  Wes just laughed like he was funny as all hell and disappeared.

  Reinen picked up an apple from the bowl and bit into, watching the play in the backyard. When the bath was done, he opened the door and stepped out. And then all was right with his world.

  Juniper saw him first. “Ei-Ei!” She opened her arms and toddled her bare-ass naked self toward him, her enthusiasm getting ahead of her feet so he had to move to grab her before she face-planted. She was wet and dangerously undiapered, but he didn’t care. He gave her a good hug and let her hook his neck with her arms.

  When he got her settled, he turned his attention to Felicity. She had smears of mud now where dirt had met water and her light skin was tinged by a little too much sun. Straightening from her task of gathering pots, she looked up and met his gaze. She was a little hesitant. And she’d never looked more beautiful.

  Sure to his very soul of this one thing, he lifted his free arm.

  Like the sun had come out just for her, she smiled, all hesitation gone. Radiant, she stepped into his arm.

  Reinen learned it was difficult to totally capture the woman you love when you have a wet, squiggly toddler in one arm, but not impossible. It was kind of a group hug, but her lips were waiting for his when he found them. She tasted sweet, like home. Like his.

  The kiss lasted quite a bit longer than Juniper wanted it to. Little fingers were pawing at his cheek before he let it end. He dropped the baby up over his shoulder, her little butt in the air, as he let Felicity go. Looking into those green eyes, talking over little girl squeals, he asked the only thing that mattered.

  “You still love me?”

  “Yes,” she said, no hesitation. “You still love me?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  She gave him a smile before she nuzzled his lips some more. “Then you know what I think?”

  “I’d like to think I do.”

  Her eyes danced. “I think we should put a diaper on this one.”

  She grinned, no doubt seeing the light in his eyes flare out.

  “Yeah, that’s what I hoped you were thinking.”

  She laughed out loud, like she thought it was funny. The house was full of comics. But still, she wrapped her arm around his waist as he walked them to the house.

  * * * *

  That night Reinen made love to her not with power but with seduction. He was sweet and gentle and totally irresistible. Andy came home, and they’d eaten dinner together out on the deck—the chicken Reinen had grilled, the bruschetta and salad Felicity had put together. Andy had played with Juniper while dinner was made, then brought her high chair from the kitchen so she could join them at the teak outdoor table.

  When Juniper started to droop, Andy had carried her off to bed. Felicity and Reinen had finished their wine while they cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen. Amidst those mundane chores, Ri initiated his campaign. While she was at the sink, he stood behind her, lifting her hair up and kissing her neck. When her hands were full of dishes, he stopped her with his wine glass at her lips—the dark red that he enjoyed—and followed the sip he gave her wi
th his lips, sharing the earthy taste. When she closed the fridge on the leftovers, he pushed her up against it, his body fully pressed to hers, his breath hot into her hair, and let her feel his cock rise.

  He took their clasped hands between their bodies and stirred fire for them both. Holding her close, he whispered his mouth over her neck, her jaw, to her lips. Finally, he lifted his head and, keeping her hand held, drew her along to his bed.

  It was tender there. Loving. They came together, gazes locked, breath shared, soft sighs of release. She fell asleep in his arms and was still there in the morning.

  Their lives developed into a sort of pattern—as much a pattern as one can have anyway, with three Navy jobs and a baby and—

  Well, there should have been an additional job that involved irregular shifts, but Felicity delayed going back to work. She searched her mind for guilt about it, or regret, and found neither. She went with Andy to investigate day cares. They found only one that appealed to them—an organization willing to take Juniper two or three days a week and that also seemed like a friendly, caring place for her.

  It had a waitlist.

  Felicity was busy—caring for Junie, taking her to visit with Jean, making sure everyone leaving early in the morning had been fed, preparing dinner sometimes for those who came home, finishing her plans for the garden…Waiting for a while, staying home with Juniper, was okay.

  The fact was, she was happy. Very happy. That first week, while Wes finished his night rotation, she made love with him after he slept. Or in between times he slept. After his second night shift, she found a note from him in Juniper’s crib—I want you. Right now. Come join me as soon as you have the little Nip asleep.

  The nights of that week, she spent in Reinen’s arms. During the evenings, when Andy took over with Juniper, Felicity and Ri would walk or bike or, after a signicant amount of persuasion from Reinen, kayak. Then he’d take her home, to his bed.

  Both men were endlessly creative in their lovemaking, so much so that she never knew what to expect. With Wesley, she might be bound spread-eagle on his bed or on her knees in the workout room, bent over an exercise ball. Ri would toy with her in his truck, coming back from the river, or in the kitchen, like that first night. He’d have her hot and needy long before he got her upstairs, where he’d take her in the dark, out on his upstairs balcony, filling her from behind. Or bend her over the bed like he’d done in the hotel, fucking her in the ass.

  Each time was as likely to be sweet and tender as rough and wild. She liked both. Loved both.

  She loved both men.

  After the first few days, she was able to get over her qualms about that unsettling fact. She chose to do as Wes advised, living each day in the way that seemed right and good to her. She didn’t have to know what would happen in a month or a year. Each day was lovely and lived with an open heart.

  That Friday morning, Wes finished his string of nights. Getting ready to switch his schedule back, he took just a short nap when he got home. When he woke up, he went with Felicity to drop Juniper at her play program and then helped her shop for groceries. Though there was a little hanky-panky in the produce section, it was the first day they didn’t make love. Felicity got a little jumpy about it—Wes watched her intently, like he had something on his mind. She had enough sense to be a little on edge.

  It was evening before she learned what he intended. Andy was an Orioles fan, and there was a play-off game to watch. He brought home pizza and beer, and they all ate in front of the TV. Not having any stake in the game, Felicity volunteered to take Juniper to bed. When she came back, all three men were lounging back in a chair or on the couch, working on beers.

  She paused for a minute, taking in the sight. Not every woman walked downstairs to a view like that. Thinking she’d take a spot on the sofa between Reinen and Andy, she started forward.

  “Stop right there.”

  Wes kicked up from the recliner he was in. He stood looking at her for a minute, then reached over to the table for the remote. He muted the sound, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

  Felicity was nervous already as he walked close to her. In unspoken agreement, neither Reinen nor Wesley had been very sexually expressive with Felicity in front of each other or in front of Andy, either. But she could see wicked mischief in Wes’s eyes now and knew she’d soon discover what he’d been holding back all day.

  Off to the side just enough that the men on the couch could still see the game, Wes turned her to face him. He threaded his fingers into her hair at either side of her neck and said, “Hey, baby.”

  He leaned in to kiss her, just a soft touch of lips.

  “Wes.” There was a plea in the word. Extremely aware of the silent attention from the two men on the couch, Felicity knew her voice shook.

  “I’m going to do this, baby,” Wes told her. “I want you to let me.”

  “Oh, God.”

  He kissed her once more then rested his forehead against hers. They both watched his hands as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse. He kept it closed even as he loosened the final button, almost primly tucking it around her. Then he put his left hand at her waist and pulled her against him.

  His right hand went to her thigh, slipping under her short skirt and then sliding it up so her hip was bare to the waist. She knew what the two on the couch could see—the full length of her lower body and Wes’s big hand caressing her flesh.

  Watching her eyes, he held her firmly against his body with his other hand. Moving his feet, he spun them a quarter turn, so her back was to the couch. He moved his right hand over her, giving Reinen and Andy glimpses of her ass. Rubbing her, opening her there, as he took her mouth.

  He started to get hard. Humming out a little growl of pleasure, he flexed into her. Then he lifted his head to look at her and turned her around.

  Holding her back to him, he kept his right hand under her skirt. His left arm went around her waist, letting her blouse fall open. His lips were at her ear, his breath hot on her neck.

  “Look at them,” he said. “They think you’re better than the game.”

  She followed his gaze to the two men on the couch. They were both watching, their interest entirely locked on Wes’s hands.

  “Wes, please.” She leaned back into him, knowing escape was impossible but wishing she could just burrow into him and disappear.

  He nipped at her ear in answer. And moved his fingers under her thong to her clit.

  “Oh. No.”

  “Yes, baby.” Wesley stroked her, his fingers hot against her. He kept her skirt flipped up with his thumb so she knew the other two men could see how he touched her.

  Apparently, Reinen lost patience with it. “Get her out of the skirt,” he said.

  “Ri,” she whimpered. “Wes.”

  She didn’t get sympathy from either quarter. Wes found the zipper at the back of the skirt and opened it. He let the skirt fall slowly, revealing her belly, then her little thong, and her thighs, before it fell to the floor.

  “Touch her. Show us.”

  It was another instruction from Ri, and Wes complied. He hooked a finger into her thong and pulled it aside, baring her. Then he set two fingers over her clit and started stroking her.

  “Oh. Oh.” Helplessly arching against him, Felicity grasped his wrist. It didn’t stop him, though. He still rubbed at her, fiercer now, until she was panting with need instead of complaint.

  “Show us her tits.”

  Wes’s mouth bit down at her neck, holding her in place. He kept his right hand between her legs, slipping fingers into her pussy now. She cried out at that invasion, a private act made public, a stripping of her self, laying her bare. Then she moaned, when he drew his fingers—wet now—back out to slide over her clit.

  He used his other hand to open her blouse, to slip inside her bra and cover her, to tug the strap down her arm to bare her breast. He displayed her for them, cupping her, lifting, molding, fingering her nipple.

  Abruptly he
changed his position, coming around so he faced her, but enough to the side that Andy and Reinen still had a view of her. He tore off her blouse and then her bra. Holding her hips against his, he slid her thong down and then bent her back until he could take her breast with his mouth. He foraged roughly, taking hard hold of her nipples, sucking and tugging, stimulating one breast then the other.

  Growling in pleasure, Wes lifted his head. He left her hanging over his arm, her pelvis tucked against his, her legs open where he pressed between. Vulnerable.

  His gaze was hot on hers when he moved one hand. In a moment she knew what he was doing.


  “Yes, darlin’.”

  He was uncovering himself, opening his jeans and drawing his hard cock out, pushing it into her.

  “Wes.” She lost control of herself, letting her head fall back, succumbing to it as he pierced her, filled her. Suddenly the presence of those two men watching no longer inhibited her, no longer shamed her. Instead, she fell into it, the incredible, exquisite arousal of having this one, powerful, enthralling man take her in the presence of his friends.

  She felt her body give way to every inch of his length, stretch with the extremity of his breadth. She was taken, possessed, and undone, unraveled with it. Impaled on his cock, aware of nothing but that and then the firm, hard grasp of his hand on her tit, she gave over.

  He thrust once, hard and deep, lifting her feet off the floor. He moved, and she rode him, as helpless as if she were impaled by a stallion. Her head, then her shoulders, settled on a soft-firm surface, and she realized he’d moved her to the ottoman coffee table. He lowered her slowly, one arm still gripping her lower back, the other hand still grasping her breast, his cock still melding her body to his.

  Bit by bit, he let her down until she was flat on the surface and he was on his knees between her thighs. He hunched over her, bowing so he could reach her other breast with his mouth and take good hold, at the same time he was free to flail his cock into her.

  That was exactly what he did. With hand and mouth, he held her breasts. Then he grasped her shoulder and brought her down, sliding her lower on the ottoman, opening her legs and making her defenseless to him. When he had her contained that way, he ran that extra hand around her ass, squeezing her once and finding his way to her anus. He worked two fingers in as she shivered, as she yelped.


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