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Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 18

by Rachel Billings

  Then Wes’s hands crept up, squeezing between Ri’s chest and hers, to find her tits. He went right to her nipples, took them between thumbs and forefingers, and worked them. Twisting like a dial, tugging to elongate them, squeezing like he knew they held the key to her pleasure.

  She moaned once with it, and that was all they needed. Wes fucked into her, working her tits and shoving his cock into her ass. Once he was firmly planted, Ri took a turn, drawing back then thrusting up high into her cunt.

  Felicity found herself rising like a phoenix into a storm of pleasure. She cried out, lifting her head and throwing it back to loll against Wes’s shoulder, then falling forward to wallow in Ri’s hot skin. The thrusts into her picked up speed, though they lost nothing in depth and strength. Both men grunted, their own pleasure rising, until she was ransacked, both cocks flailing into her at the same time.

  The ending was cataclysmic, a conflagration of pierces and pinches, groans and growls, spasms and shudders. Wracking, rendering thrusts finishing with deep, hot spurts that both stirred and soothed.

  Lost to it, barely conscious, Felicity was aware only that one of them carried her to Wes’s bed and that both of them plopped down there with her. For many minutes, they lay there, practically comatose.

  Distantly, she felt Ri run his thumb over the inside of her left arm. Back and forth, he stroked over the flexible line of the implant there. “I want this gone. Let’s move on.”

  Like it was a great effort, Wes lifted his head maybe an inch off her abdomen, turning his face so he could speak. “That wasn’t his proposal, either.”

  * * * *

  Andy let himself into the house well past midnight. He was working a string of evening shifts—what old sailors called the dog watch—once again dependent on others for help with Juniper. He had most of the day to spend with her, which was nice, but the day care closed at six. So they’d worked it out that Wes or Ri would pick her up when they got off, and they’d entertain her through the evening then tuck her into sleep in her old crib. Andy swung by after work to pick her up, taking his poor sleeping girl home in the dark.

  It wasn’t great, but it worked. The guys both enjoyed Juniper—he was pretty sure that was true, that they weren’t just indulging him on that score. And, though it was never mentioned, it resulted in a little Felicity-Juniper time, apparently a good thing for both parties in that firmly esatablished girl bond.

  Mostly, he avoided direct interactions with Fee, which was probably good. He’d gotten to be okay with Ri and Wes. The bruise on his cheek from the day he’d opened Jean’s door to Wes’s fist had finally faded and, though they never talked about it, maybe the bruised feelings had, too. If Felicity was off at work or somewhere, he’d hang with one or both of them, whoever was home, having a beer and watching a game or whatever. Sometimes he stayed and worked out.

  It was almost like old times, except that he ended the night tucking his sleeping daughter into her carseat and driving her away.

  It should have been getting easier, but it was getting harder instead.

  He missed Ri and Wes. He’d come to enjoy living with them more than he enjoyed living alone. They were his buds, and he liked having them around.

  He could understand that. Didn’t have any trouble with it.

  What he did have trouble with was that he missed Felicity, too. Well, to be honest, he understood that, too. She was sweet and hot, bright and sassy, and she loved his daughter.

  It had kind of gotten to feel like what he didn’t understand was what he was doing on the outside of that relationship, only looking in.

  The three of them had a ménage. He’d googled it and knew something about it now. It wasn’t exactly a rarity—there were lots of examples. In plenty of cultures, men who could afford it took more than one wife, like it was a symbol of status. And in other situations, it happened that a number of men shared one woman. Supposedly, it was not so unheard of on frontiers, where women were relatively few in number.

  So, yeah, maybe Felicity could take and hold two men, like it was a symbol of her status as a freak-all sex goddess. Maybe she had that in her. Not just in her body, but in her heart, too. Since that was clearly part of the deal.

  She loved those two men—heart and body.

  He’d never seen anything so erotic as that sex show Wes had put on the night before Andy had packed up Juniper and left the house. Wes had been entirely correct about that tentpole, and about the rest of it, too. Andy hadn’t left because he didn’t want Fee, but because he did. When Ri had carried her off to his room, Andy had had a devil of a time not following.

  Instead, he’d stayed on that couch watching a game he no longer cared about, finally dealing with his boner in time-honored fashion, since it appeared he wasn’t getting rid of it any other way.

  He hadn’t found any way at all to get rid of that image of her, so full of love and desire for her men. That was something he took to bed every night.

  Over the course of the last three weeks, he’d started to wonder more and more about why he hadn’t followed his first instinct and trailed along as Ri carried Fee away. Or even the instinct before that, when Wes had left Fee fucked out on the ottoman, and Ri had sat still on the couch, clearly offering Andy a chance to make the first move.

  As far as he could tell, the three of them had worked out their own little domestic bliss. Both Ri and Wes were totally intent on getting home after work. In the past weeks, he’d observed each of them staying after work for a couple beers with the guys only once. And it hadn’t happened at the same time, so he was pretty sure that the other was home, having a little one-on-one with Felicity.

  Both men had seemed entirely content at home. If Fee was gone—she’d taken over his bay in the garage, so it was hard to tell when he pulled in the drive—they both waited up while he came for Juniper. If she was home, one of them was out of sight. With her, he took that to mean.

  He wondered if they tossed a coin for who got to take her to bed while the other waited up for the chump that was himself.

  Tonight, when he opened the door, he saw Junie’s diaper bag there on the floor, like it always was, ready for him to take home and restock for the next day. But before he got downstairs to see which of the guys was in front of the TV, he found two females asleep on the sofa in the living room. It looked like Fee had already been to bed—she was wearing only a little tee and a light pair of flannels. She’d dozed off with Juniper asleep on her chest.

  Then he saw a little fist wrapped around a tangle of red hair. A shudder of horror shot through him, a flashback to that night he’d found Junie clinging to Ellen’s lifeless body. A groan of pain escaped from his throat before he processed the differences.

  Juniper wasn’t desperately fighting for life, but was totally sacked out, her face smushed against Felicity’s breast, her lips soft and drooly. She knew she was safe. She trusted it completely.

  And she was right. Even as she dozed, Fee protected his little girl. She had one hand resting on the baby’s diapered butt. With her other, she circled Junie’s ankle. She had Juniper safe, secure.

  Even asleep, Fee hadn’t abandoned his daughter. Hadn’t put her at risk in the most horrific conceivable way. She would never abandon her or put her at risk in any way at all. Because she loved Juniper, and, for Fee, crazy-sane Fee, that meant something.

  He stood there watching and felt it all settle in his heart. The two females were together, as it seemed was meant to be. And he loved them both.

  He took a deep breath, sucked it up, and admitted he didn’t want to keep saying no to this thing that seemed so right. For the last time, he vowed, he mentally kicked himself in the ass for not taking advantage of the gift he’d been offered.

  Feeling better than he had in a good while, Andy walked into the room and crouched down before the sleeping beauties. He took Felicity’s hand from Juniper’s butt and brought it to his mouth for a kiss.

  She opened her eyes, while he kept hold of her hand. “H
i,” she said.

  Her pretty green eyes were soft and sleepy. “Hey.”

  Looking a little confused, she was late to realize she had a baby sacked out on top of her. And that the man kissing her hand wasn’t really her man. “Oh.” She struggled to sit, and Andy gave her a hand. She kept Juniper tucked against her. “She woke up. She’s been kind of fussy today.”

  “Yeah. I think it’s a tooth.”

  “I didn’t have the heart to put her back in her crib.”

  “Yep, I get it. She slept most of last night on top of me.” He nodded at the wet spot on her breast, sternly instructing his dick to pay no attention. “She drools.”

  They smiled at each other, like loving parents indulging their beloved child. Kind of like that, anyway. Then she sighed, and he helped her to her feet. With obvious reluctance, she turned the warm little bundle over to him.

  He hadn’t backed up from the couch much, so they were standing close. Neither of them moved.

  “She misses you,” Andy said.

  “I miss her, too.”

  “I miss you.”

  Those green eyes weren’t so sleepy now as they searched his. “I miss you, too.”

  Andy nodded once and lifted his free hand to cup her behind her head. He leaned in to kiss her. Just before his lips touched hers, they both let out a sigh. Like this was right, he thought, like they’d been waiting for it.

  Then he took her, a long, soft kiss that meant the world. She put her hands on his arms, one that held his daughter, one that held her. They didn’t touch otherwise, except their lips, and their shared contact through the sleeping baby.

  After a long time of it, he slowly lifted his head. When he opened his eyes, a little moment before she did, he saw Ri watching from the stairs.

  He took his hand from Felicity’s neck. “We’ll see you this weekend.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Norfolk Wine Festival was the city’s big October event, and Saturday had been blessed with spectacular fall weather. Pure white cotton candy clouds puffed against stark blue, and the summer sun had cooled enough that walking among the crowds in shorts and light skirts was coolly comfortable.

  By mid-afternoon, Reinen had interrupted Felicity’s fall garden clean-up and hauled her to the shower—not alone. Then he tucked her into the truck between him and Wes. It was too nice a day, he said, to stay home.

  Felicity was entirely happy, strolling among the tents and displays between her two men. They sampled wines and tastings from local restaurants and inspected the work of area artisans. One of the men would always have a hand tucked at the small of her back or an arm casually draped across her shoulders. They offered her sips of wine or bites of food, or sometimes just shared the flavors with a kiss. Without subtlety, they noticed what drew her attention at the jewelry and craft booths.

  When they ran into Andy and Juniper, Felicity was sure she was the only one among the adults who was surprised. She received a light kiss from Andy and a big, clinging hug from the girl. But Junie had many favorites among the group and soon took turns among the men’s arms. And as naturally as that, it was sometimes Andy whose hand touched her back or held her arm to steer her direction.

  Junie was in her element, too, basking in the attention of three doting, incrediby handsome men. She had her face painted and chose a bright blue helium balloon as her own. She was in Reinen’s arms as Felicity paused to tie the ribbon to Junie’s wrist.


  Brian. Felicity recognized the voice by just that one word.

  She’d seen him, of course, once she’d returned to work. Nearly every shift, in fact. On her first days back, he’d made some effort to talk with her. He’d been apologetic, maybe even regretful—though not so regretful that he wasn’t still dating little Doctor Maddie. Felicity wanted none of it. She’d walked away from his self-serving explanations and excuses enough times that he’d finally given up and left her alone.

  But he was here now, right along with the boyfriend-stealing-bitch doctor. Felicity could see that out of the corner of her eye while she finished tying the balloon and then met Ri’s extremely interested gaze.

  Staying tucked closely to Ri, Felicity turned her head. “Brian.”

  Apparently, all three men knew the significance of that name. They closed around her like a pack protecting its wounded.

  “And Maddie.”

  In a way that was very satisfying to Felicity, Maddie appeared to be stunned to wordlessness by the fierce wall of testosterone she faced—the extremely attractive, brawny wall. A lot of muscle showed—“Sun’s out, guns out” had been Wes’s explanation.

  Even Brian took a minute to find his tongue.“How are you doing, Felicity?”

  Wes put a hand on Fee’s shoulder. “She’s fine.” Really fine, was what he implied.

  Brian was obviously confused, given the way Felicity had stuck so close to Ri. “Which one of these guys are you with?”

  Felicity could feel Wes and Ri exchanging a look over her head. Wes leaned down to softly kiss her lips. Looking at Brian, he said, “She’s with me, Bri.”

  It was Ri’s turn. He also kissed her—making a little more of it—before he looked at Brian. “She’s with me, too.”

  From behind, Andy put his hands on Felicity’s hips—in a claiming way, his fingers running around her front so they were surely blatantly visible. He leaned in to nibble at her neck before lifting his head to make eye contact. He stepped closer, so Felicity felt his body hard against her. “She’s with me, too.”

  For a long moment, Brian and little Maddie were forgotten. Andy’s words and actions settled into Felicity’s heart. She closed her eyes to savor it, the feel of his presence behind her, the squeeze of Wes’s hand on her shoulder, and the hard grip when Ri took hold of her hand. Suspended in time, comprising their own little, complete world, they were together—the three men with their woman, and the baby who belonged to them all.

  On a quiet, very satisfied sigh, Felicity opened her eyes. “It was nice to see you two. But we have to go home now.”

  Behind her, Andy murmured, “Oh, yeah.” Wes said something that sounded like, “chump,” as he turned and made a deal of showing Brian and Maddie his back as he shepherded Felicity away. Ri took an extra moment before he joined them, no doubt giving Brian his best, bad ass bounty-hunter look.

  Brian and Maddie were forgotten the minute Felicity turned her back. She no longer cared. If anything, she owed Maddie a big, fat favor.

  Not that she’d ever pay up.

  They strolled along the river to the parking area, Fee holding hands on either side with Andy and Wes, Ri carrying Juniper alongside. They came to Ri’s truck first. Forming a circle there, they silently exchanged smiles for a moment, obviously reluctant to split up the group.

  Finally Ri spoke, looking at Andy. “So. You’re in?”

  Andy nodded, his gaze on Fee. “I’m in. If you’ll have me.”

  Heart full, Felicity nodded. “Yes. I want you.”

  Ri reached into his pocket for his keys and tossed them to Andy. “You’ve got the carseat in your rig, so Wes and I will take that. We’ll stop and feed the kid and put her to bed when we get home. You have Red to yourself until then. If you want a bed, you can use mine. We probably don’t want Junie in her crib right next door while we do to Fee what we’re going to do when we’re all together again.”

  Andy nodded. “Thanks, man.” He handed over his keys and gave Ri directions to his SUV. Then he put his hand on Felicity’s chin. “Are you good with this, baby?”

  Felicity had to hold back tears. “Yes. Very good.”

  He nodded and opened the door for her. And watched as she turned to Ri. She kissed him, long and deep, tucking Juniper between them. She lifted her head to meet his dark eyes. “I love you.”

  He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip, sealing his kiss there. “I love you, too, babe.”

  She went to Wes for the same thing. He had both hands free, so one of the
m naturally ended up under her skirt, fingers twisting at her thong to give her a little rough stimulation. “Love you, babe,” he said, his cocky attitude in his eyes.

  “I love you, Wes.”

  Then Andy lifted her into the truck, his eyes on hers as he set her on the seat and then pushed her over to the center. Over his head, she met Ri’s gaze, remembering how this had all begun.

  * * * *

  Squeezing in beside her, Andy leaned forward to make eye contact with Ri through the window. Ri looked back, like he wasn’t entirely on board with letting Fee go. The little standoff finally ended when Wes, with a cocky grin, clapped a hand on Ri’s shoulder and got him moving.

  Andy waited until they were a few steps away before he looked at Felicity. He sank into those pretty green eyes. “I love you, you know.”

  She smiled, steady woman. “Yes.”

  “And I know you love me.”


  “It’s not all about Junie. For either one of us.”

  That smile was still serene. “No, it’s not.”

  “I’m sorry for what I said about you banging all three of us. Not that I don’t want you to do it. I do. I’m just sorry it was hurtful, the way I said it.”


  Andy bit back a satisfied grin. Fucking woman. “All right, then. I have a little problem here.”

  The damn woman did no more than lift a mildly interested brow.

  Andy had been fighting a boner since he’d stepped up to make his claim in front of that asshole Brian. He gave up fighting.

  The sun was just setting, so it wasn’t anywhere near dark. But Ri’s truck was full-sized, so they were high enough up that, once Ri and Wes had moved away, pretty much nobody was going to see what was going on in the cab. Personally, he didn’t give a fuck if some trucker got his rocks off seeing a little sex play in a pickup. Surely, if the dude got a look at Fee, he’d understand.

  So before he even fired the truck up, he unzipped and pulled his cock out. He brought Fee’s left hand over then grabbed her right, too, and tugged hard enough that she had to turn a little to reach. Then he had what he wanted, both of her hands wrapped around his dick. He put his hands over hers and closed his eyes a minute just to enjoy this bit of freaking heaven.


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