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Arcane Transmogrification

Page 3

by Robert Harper

  Danny went over the conversation he had with Meadows.

  Arya, looked at him with concern in her eyes, “Danny, of course they don't want you to try and stay with the elves. We know they are sorcerers like you. Why wouldn't you want to stay with them?”

  Danny frowned, not happy to be able to accuse the one responsible for his anger. Arya was obviously going into damage control mode, but they had to be made to understand, “So they threaten my family… my shadow?”

  Wizard Basalt turned to his wife, obviously not happy, “Arya…”

  Arya slowly reached out and took hold of Danny's shoulder, “Danny, you are going to become an even more powerful sorcerer one day... Well, if you don't kill yourself first. I don’t know what good they thought it would it do to possibly make you an enemy by threatening you or your family...? I can only assume they thought threatening you was the most likely to work. Scared you would not return…” Arya looked down for a moment before again looking him in the eyes, “I will speak with them when we return and make sure this mistake is not repeated, and ensure you are compensated. Will you except that?”

  *Danny, they obviously didn’t know about this. There is no point dragging this out…*

  Danny deflated and realized this was a waste of time, “Sure.”

  Arya smiled brightly, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Come on Danny, let’s go get you some food. We can't have you wasting away.”

  Danny was led into the fort. The opening in the wall quietly closed behind them.


  The inside of the makeshift fort was filled to capacity with what tents they managed to salvage. In the center of all these tents was a space set aside for cook fires, all under a canopy set up with stone tables and benches. Danny noticed that the carriages and wagons had been crammed in one far back corner. An occasional soldier or wizard could be seen moving quietly between the tents. The atmosphere of the fort was very subdued.

  Wizard Basalt turned to the group. “Girls, why don't you take Danny to get cleaned up, get him some food, and then come meet us at the healer’s tent.”

  After the Basalt shadow moved off, Brooke rushed over to give Danny a hug.

  Brooke looked down at his torn clothes and all the dried blood, “Are you sure you do not need to go see the healers?”

  Danny shook his head, “Nah, I am good. Just hungry.”

  Ivy traded places with Brooke. When Danny thought Ivy wasn't going to ever let go of him, he asked, “What's going on, where is Jade?”

  Pulling away from him, Ivy pushed a loose strand of hair out of her eyes and looked to the side, “Jade was injured pretty badly during the attack. She's in the healer’s tent right now, and she is recovering. After she is released, we might need you to... help her get back to her old self.”

  Danny looked alarmed, “What, she got hurt! Why don't we go see her now?”

  Brooke put a hand on Danny's arm, “She is doing fine now. She fell asleep right before we were told you were waiting outside. Her aunts and uncle are with her now, so let's go get you cleaned up and get some food in you before you collapse. You are nothing but skin and bones. It’s kind of scary looking.”

  Danny started to argue, but his stomach chose that moment to start grumbling, loudly. “Alright, a quick bite and then we will go see Jade.”

  The girls led him to their tent. Danny noticed it wasn't the one they had been using before the attack. There were two pallets inside and Danny recognized his backpack in the far corner. Brooke brought in a bucket of water and a washcloth. The girls gave him some privacy to clean up and change into his new clothes.

  The cook fire was a long pit with a pot boiling on one end and meat cooking on a spit at the other. Brooke and Ivy went over and waited in line while Danny sat under the canopy in an empty spot. The food consisted of bread, soup, and a slice of cooked deer meat. Danny dug into the meal like a starved dog. Brooke and Ivy had eaten earlier and were just drinking tea while waiting on Danny to finish.

  While cutting into his slice of meat, Danny asked, “So what happened to Jade?”

  Brooke answered, “Things were pretty rough there from the beginning. If they had just attacked with the cursed goblins, we wouldn't have had any problem handling them. The cursed ogres and mountain troll really pushed things in their favor.”

  Danny interrupted, with a piece of meat in his mouth, “I saw that! Wizard Basalt flew in the air and killed that mountain troll with one hit. That was so awesome!”

  Brooke nodded but didn't share any of Danny's enthusiasm. “Yes, it was really impressive, but things got worse after that. The shaman started to raise some of our own fallen to fight against us. Fortunately, we hadn't suffered too many losses at that point, but it was still disturbing to see.

  Then, after you stopped the ritual spell and caused that explosion, we were immediately flanked from the east. The explosion knocked over more than a few people, and everyone was too distracted at first to notice them. I think they were waiting for something like that to happen and used it to catch us by surprise. A group of shamans leading another mass of cursed ogres and goblins attacked our flank, right where Ivy, Jade, and I were stationed.

  We really hadn't seen much of the enemy, and then, there were suddenly dozens of them climbing over the wall. Jade was behind us with her bow and saw that Ivy was too distracted fighting some goblins to notice the ogre coming up behind her. Arrows really didn’t seem to affect the cursed ones much, and so Jade pulled Ivy out of the way at the last second. That's when the ogre grabbed Jade instead. A few soldiers managed to make it over to Jade and kill the ogre and goblins attacking her, but not before they had ripped her arm off.”

  Danny put his fork with another piece of meat down on his plate. He was suddenly not very hungry anymore.

  Swallowing, Danny looked around and asked, “How many are left?”

  Brooke answered again, “After the battle, there were at least a dozen dead and around thirty wounded. Of that, only one wizard was killed.”

  Danny noticed that Ivy had been quiet all through this and pushed his plate away. “Well, I am done. Let's go see Jade.”

  Ivy got up quickly. “I am going to go find you a pallet for tonight. The wagon with our things loaded on it was caught in the attack and some of our stuff was destroyed.”

  Danny watched Ivy walk away before turning to Brooke, “She blaming herself for Jade?”

  Brooke nodded. Danny reached out and put a hand on her arm, “How are you holding up?”

  Brooke sighed, “I am worried about Jade, and I want Ivy to snap out of it... She won't listen to me.”

  “I will talk with her later, but I want to see Jade. Where is the healer's tent?”

  Brooke led Danny over to a long tent near the south side of the fort. As they approached the large tent, there were sounds of a commotion inside. The sides of the tent started moving erratically, and a group of three wizards rushed out of the entrance. Wizard Basalt emerged next from the tent, carrying Jade in his arms. His wives followed him out shortly after with their weapons drawn, slowly backing out of the tent.

  Lieutenant Cove, with a group of soldiers, rushed over, “What is going on?”

  Arya didn't lower her weapon and spoke over her soldier, “One of the recovering soldiers killed one of the healers. She bit through the wizard's neck and then attacked the patient on the pallet next to her. I engaged her only to realize she had been turned into one of the cursed ones.”

  Lieutenant Cove turned to the three healers standing behind the Basalts, “How did that happen?”

  The oldest of the three wizards stepped forward. “Ever since the battle, we have been fighting an infection that barely responds to our healing magics. Anyone who was attacked by a dark one seems to have contracted this sickness, but it is one we have not seen before.”

  “Why was I not informed of this?” Lieutenant Cove barked.

  The older wizard hesitated and then stood up straighter, “We were too busy treating the pa
tients to come and inform you of a simple infection. What could you have done?”

  Danny had heard enough already and walked over to inspect Jade, who still lay unconscious in Wizard Basalt's arms. Her skin was very pale, and her veins were standing out in relief.

  *Danny, look at this!*

  Danny's vision changed to his mana sight. Normally, using mana sight in the forest would overwhelm Danny's vision with innumerable bright dots, each one representing a creature's connection to the source of mana. Instead, only Jade's connection was visible. Danny figured Cranny could filter this now.

  Besides her connection, there was a dark mass slowly spreading through her body. Danny had been hoping that the undead they had seen before were just conjured undead. It was clear that this was more of a magically spreadable infection. Strange thing was it didn’t appear to be killing her. The soldier that turned undead must have succumbed to the entropy magic. Danny needed more information.

  While Lieutenant Cove continued to interrogate the healers, Danny tried healing Jade. His Harmony Affinity seemed to stop the spread of the entropy curse, but it didn't push it back. No matter how dense he made his mana, it only served to halt the spreading curse.

  Danny turned away from Wizard Basalt and muttered to himself, “There has to be a solution...” Danny couldn't bear the thought of losing Jade.

  *I hesitate to suggest this... What about the harmony-Danny from the sanctuary? That might be more than just a symbolic representation of your affinity.*

  Danny continued to mutter under his breath, “I thought of that... What about all these people?”

  *We don't know if it will even work. If we can do it, they will eventually find out about it. It could be Jade's only chance.*

  Danny could see he had very few options. Reaching out, he tapped on Wizard Basalt’s shoulder.

  The large man turned to him and grumbling, “Danny, can this wait until we get this situation sorted out here and Jade can be seen by the healers?”

  Danny whispered, “Jade is in serious danger, and I want to try something to help, but we can't do it out in the open.”

  Wizard Basalt stared at Danny for a moment before looking down at the girl in his arms. The wizard walked forward to brush up against Arya, “We need to take Jade and Danny to our tent.”

  Arya looked back in confusion only to see the look in her husband’s eyes. She signaled to the other two wives and Brooke before they slipped away.

  Lieutenant Cove barked orders for the healers to go back into the tent and figure out what was happening. She stationed guards inside with orders to kill any that turned.

  Danny was surprised no one stopped them, but he figured it was because they could cure any diseases that popped up with magic or alchemy. Based on what he read in the books at the wizard academy, it was obvious they barely understood how diseases actually spread.

  Danny, Arya, and Wizard Basalt, who was carrying Jade, entered the tent while the rest stayed right outside.

  Wizard Basalt gently laid Jade on pallet, “Why is Jade in danger Danny?”

  Danny sat down cross-legged in front of Jade, “She and everyone else attacked by the undead have been cursed. The dark magic you saw the shamans use is now slowly spreading through her body.”

  Arya squatted down next to Danny, “What is an ‘undead’… Danny, the wizards said their healing magic wasn't working.”

  Danny nodded, “Yes, healing magic just halts it for a moment, and then the curse keeps spreading. I might be able to do something to help her. I will warn you now that I will look... different.”

  Wizard Basalt sat down on the ground next to Danny. “Look different how?”

  Danny shrugged, “It’s best if you just see it for yourself. Now, I haven't done this before, so it might take me awhile to figure out how. I will probably talk to myself a bit. I tend to do that when working through a problem.”

  Arya looked askance at the boy and stood up, “Alright, we will give you some space. I will be right over here on the other pallet. Let us know if you need anything.”

  Wizard Basalt also stood up to sit on the closest pallet. Both of the adults didn't speak, and he could sense them quietly watching him.

  Danny looked down at the girl. She normally looked so tall next to him. With her body curled up on the pallet and an arm missing, the girl looked so small and frail. Danny knew he had to make this work somehow.

  Running a hand through his hair, he muttered under his breath, “Where to begin? Do I just cast Harmony Affinity on myself? That will just heal me and uselessly…”

  *I think that might have actually changed. With your upgrade, I have wondered if you can actually heal individual cells if you want to. I have been too worried about possibly using all your stored mana over a theory.*

  ”Well, we can test that later. How do we change? Is it the crystal structures in my DNA?”

  *I have been going over all your changes, and if it's your DNA, then I don't have a clue where to even begin. My money is one the crystal structures in your cellular walls. I am scared to wonder what would happen if you pour too much mana into your mitochondria.*

  “Alright, there is just one problem. I do not think I can focus on all the crystals in my cells.”

  *Your magic follows your intent so that shouldn't be a problem. I am just worried that you don't have enough mana for your whole body. Just try focusing on your hand. Remember, it's the crystal in your cells and not your cells you cast your mana on.*

  “How much mana should I use?”

  *I honestly don't know. How about half of what we have saved up so far?*

  “No, a quarter. We might have to try multiple things.”

  Danny took a deep breath and grabbed a quarter of his stored mana. Focusing on his right hand he cast Harmony Affinity, specifically targeting the crystals in the cellular walls.

  Danny screamed as an intense pain stabbed into his hand like a thousand tiny needles. Rubbing his hand gently, Danny muttered, “That didn't work. Maybe it isn't the crystals.”

  *Danny, one more try. Focus on the crystals in your whole body this time.*

  Danny looked back at the two adults in the room. Both looked concerned, and he tried to smile reassuringly at them, but they only looked even more worried.

  Danny turned back to Jade, muttering as quietly as possible, “Maybe you should tap into my pain sensors in my hand so you can also appreciate what just happened before telling me to involve my whole body.”

  *Danny, we don't have time to be weak! This is for Jade.*


  *Use half your remaining mana this time.*


  Cranny didn't respond. Danny gave up waiting and started taking deep breaths, preparing himself. He couldn't afford to let his fear distract him. Danny steeled himself and cast half his mana as Harmony Affinity on the crystals all across his body.

  Danny had closed his eyes after casting, expecting intense pain all over his body. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked around. He hadn't felt the intense pain like he had with his hand. He also didn't feel the healing effect which Harmony Affinity normally caused.

  Looking down at his hands, he didn't see any of the changes he expected.

  “Did it not work?”

  *Something is definitely happening to you; give it a bit more time.*

  Danny turned around and asked Wizard Basalt, “I think I got it to work, but it seems to be taking a while. Do you notice anything different about me?”

  Wizard Basalt shook his head, “No, what am I looking for agai...”

  Arya drew in a sharp breath and pointed at his face, “Danny, what is that!”

  Looking back down at his hands, he saw they now had faint crystal like pattern forming all over his skin, and a glowing white aura was being emitted from out of his body.

  Smiling, Danny held up his hands, “I hope this works.”


  Danny looked down at the aura that had stopped growing from his bo
dy, “I thought it would be more than this... Why is it so weak looking?”

  *Not enough mana input? I don't know! Wait, let me check the mana room... Yep! Harmony--Danny's is bigger.*

  Danny threw up his hands and just barely resisted verbally lashing out at his split consciousness's choice of words. Before he could let out more than a frustrated growl, Cranny interrupted.

  *Hey, air-scan and earth-scan are not working. I don't think we can use other affinities in this...aspect mode. Don't you dare try them! You will just waste I just did. Wow, we are getting low.*

  Danny decided it would be best to ignore the voice in his head.

  Looking down at Jade, he reached out with one hand, and the white aura around his body stretched toward her with his intent. As his aura surrounded her body, it lit up like a transparent hologram. Instead of a single image like he would get with scanning, it was a constant feed. Danny was pleased to note there wasn't any discernible drain on his resources for doing this.

  The entropy curse was still spreading, and things had escalated. It was about to reach her source connection, and Danny couldn’t let that happen. Fortunately, the presence of Danny's aura halted any further movement by the curse.

  Danny focused on attacking the curse with his aura, and the two opposing forces went to war. Where the two sides met, grey mist evaporated, and his aura quickly gained ground. The problem was that his aura was shrinking in the process.

  Trying not to lose his focus, Danny muttered, “Need. More. Mana.”

  *Oh! Right... I will try infusing what we have left into the crystals around your cells. Here goes!*

  Danny could see his aura visibly swell, but it wasn't by much. Danny could only focus as sweat started to drip down his brow and into his eyes. Eventually, the last of the entropy curse was purged from Jade's body. Danny let out a sigh and collapsed backwards on the ground. He held up a hand and noticed the Harmony Aspect was still activated, but his aura was almost non-existent.


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