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Lycans Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Sara Anderson

  Southern Supernatural Alphas

  Lycans Embrace

  Anna Mason’s quiet life as a bookstore owner is shattered the night she gets lost in the North Carolina forest. While trying to find her way back to her camp, she stumbles upon a horrific fight. The violence is right out of some of the best-selling novels in her bookstore. Terrified, Anna runs for her life, only to run straight into the arms of lycan Alpha Marcus and his beta, Derek.

  When Marcus holds the frightened little rabbit that accidentally witnessed a fight between lycans and vampires, he thinks he’ll just be capturing and releasing. He never imagines the attraction between them will be so instant and so intense. Even though he releases her, she is all he can think about. He is tempted to retrieve her, but they are from different worlds.

  Then, Marcus and Derek meet Anna in an underground BDSM club and everything changes. Not only is the pull stronger than ever, but the vampire overlord Mortef notices how attracted Marcus and Derek are to Anna.

  If he gets his fangs into Anna, she will be the vampire’s slave forever.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 50,041 words


  Southern Supernatural Alphas

  Sara Anderson



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2017 by Sara Anderson

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-832-2

  First E-book Publication: February 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my best friend and husband. He is the center of my world and the inspiration behind many of my characters.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author




  Southern Supernatural Alphas


  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Anna Mason’s heart pounded as she crouched behind a bush and stared at the clearing illuminated by the full moon. Mist rolled through the grasses, mixing with the moonlight and giving the figures standing in the field an eerie, ghostlike appearance. It had been hours since she’d gotten lost in the woods and realized she had left her phone back at her campsite.

  She had been so incensed when she caught her boyfriend cheating on her that she stormed out, leaving her phone on the camp table, and now she was completely regretting her actions.

  Perhaps they are some kind of hunting party, she thought looking at the many men that had gathered in the clearing. Maybe they could help me find my way back to my camp, or at least let me use a cell phone. She started to stand up to approach one of the men that was closest to her, but then she stopped and crouched back down when a dark-haired man who was much taller than most pointed toward a man with black hair. Even from a distance, Anna could see his eyes had an unusual glow.

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses, Devon. Your coven attacked innocent humans, and on our lands!”

  Devon held his hands up. “We can discuss this, Marcus. There is no reason for our people to fight tonight. Let’s face it, you don’t want your adolescent pups hurt over a few humans, do you?”

  Anna could see Marcus’s white teeth as he bared them to Devon.

  A blond-haired man stepped forward. “Fucking vampire asshole. You don’t respect anyone or anything.”

  Marcus held a hand up. “Easy, Derek.” Marcus turned his attention back to Devon. “You know our laws—we protect everyone, even humans on our pack lands, bloodsucker.” Marcus stared down at Devon with his face contorted in a scathing frown.

  Devon scowled at Marcus. “You need to take your pups and go on back home. I told you I would deal with my coven, now let me deal with this.”

  Without warning, Marcus grew in height and glowed with a yellow luminous light. His clothing shredded from his body as if a thousand razor blades sliced through the thick denim of his jeans. A huge black wolf stood where Marcus once was and pounced, landing on Devon.

  Anna covered her mouth in horror, expecting to see Devon ripped to pieces, but instead his skin turned a deathly white color. This time instead of the strange yellow glow she’d noted earlier, he glowed red, making him appear demonic. He tossed the wolf off him as if it was a stuffed toy.

  Derek changed into a tan wolf and leaped at another one of the pale-skinned
men that had landed on Marcus’s black wolf form.

  All the pale men turned a deathly white, their eyes grew red, and they sprouted fangs. Are they vampires? No. This can’t be happening. None of this is real, it just happens in fiction.

  On the other side of the clearing where once there stood men, now stood snarling wolves. Both sides ran toward each other and started fighting.

  Anna watched in disbelief as men that she could only describe as the vampires that seemed to have impossible strength toss the wolves aside with little effort. As she heard the wolves’ bones snapping as they hit trees, she realized the vampires were unnaturally strong, and the wolves were so much bigger than normal wolves.

  One of the demonic-looking vampires held his hand up. Wicked-looking black nails grew out of his fingers, and the sight of the talon like claws made Anna wince. They looked sharp and menacing.

  A young man who didn’t look any older than eighteen stood next to an older man. He shifted into a black and gray wolf while the older man shifted into brown and gray one.

  The black and gray wolf, that was once the young man, tried to enter the fight, but the older wolf stopped him by shoving him to the ground. Anna watched fascinated as the black and gray wolf bowed submissively to the older brown and gray one.

  A vampire, with his sharp nails extended, tried approaching the two, but the older wolf attacked him. Anna’s eyes were wide as she watched the vicious attack. The wolves and vampires were fairly evenly matched. The wolf tore at the vampire, and the vampire sliced at the wolf.

  The younger black and white wolf danced around eagerly, but he seemed to have learned his lesson to just observe. Anna got the impression the smaller wolf was there to learn, not to get involved. She could make out the wolf’s eyes in the moonlight, and she noticed the wistful look in the smaller, younger wolf’s expression.

  Another vampire joined in the fray with the older wolf, and the student looked ready to join in once more, but the older wolf snarled as the younger wolf leaped and sank down, slinking back into the shadows, observing as the older wolf fought off the two vampires.

  Another vampire approached the younger wolf. He seemed so intent on watching the fight he didn’t notice the danger coming from behind. Anna covered her mouth and shook her head. No! Watch out, little wolf. She opened her mouth to warn the young wolf, but it was too late. The vampire picked up the wolf and slashed his nails across the young wolf’s abdomen and chest. The wolf let out a cry of agony as blood seeped out of the gruesome injuries. The mentor wolf that had been protecting him turned and snarled, giving his original vampire attackers the advantage of the distraction, and they pounced once again on the older wolf.

  Anna closed her eyes while shaking her head. The vampires were going to kill the larger wolf, as well. She couldn’t watch anymore, but an inhuman mournful snarl had her eyes opening against her will.

  The bleeding younger wolf was staring at the larger one that lay unmoving on the ground. The smaller wolf seemed to melt and glow that same eerie yellow light and then the young man she’d seen earlier lay in the black and gray wolf’s place.

  “Grandpa!” the young wolf cried out. “No!” His long wail filled the night, and the wolves all stopped for a moment. The tense animosity in the air grew even more oppressive as the wolves growled and snarled.

  The vampire Devon’s eyes widened, and he crouched as two wolves stalked him with blood red saliva dripping from their snarling mouths.

  Anna’s heart ached at the way the young man screamed in agony. Two wolves changed and ran to the injured wolves.

  Anna could almost feel the rage filling the clearing as the wolves attacked even more ferociously.

  Another wolf, his eerie eyes glowing yellow, leaped onto the man that had slashed the smaller wolf and tore his arm off. Other wolves leaped onto the vampires that had attacked the larger grandfather wolf and quickly tore them apart. Anna covered her mouth with both of her hands and screamed in horror. Another wolf joined in the mauling, and soon there was nothing left of the vampires.

  The scene repeated itself several times, with the wolves tearing apart the larger vampires while Anna watched in stunned horror. The carnage made Anna ill as she watched the bloodbath continue. Anna’s gaze went back to the young man who was lying on the ground, but once again, he wasn’t alone. There was a slender young man with him who didn’t appear to be much older. He wore dark blue robes and from the moonlight shining on him, he appeared to have silver hair. He held his hands over the young man’s body and chanted. Both of their bodies started to glow in the moonlight so brightly she had to shield her eyes. Anna could hear the sounds of the fighting again, which led her to believe the young man succumbed to his grave injuries and died. When the light faded, Anna uncovered her eyes and, to her disbelief, the hooded man had healed the young man’s deep gashes.

  The healer fell over once the young man’s wounds knit together. She wondered if the silver-haired man had died, but she saw his chest rising and falling.

  Something was making Anna hallucinate. Once the young wolf fell silent, the two men who’d changed back into men howled in what Anna assumed was mourning and rage. Two more men ran into the clearing, and they blurred for a moment, their clothing literally shredding from their bodies as if razors sliced it, and shapeshifted into wolves while others carefully lifted the wolf, the young man, and the silver-haired cloaked man and carried them all away.

  This isn’t real. No, it can’t be. This only happens in movies, Anna said to herself again. That’s it, perhaps this was a movie set. Men did not turn into wolves or have glowing red eyes. Yet, here she stood, shaking like a twig in a Tennessee twister, watching a group of men blur and change. One set had grown in height and muscle mass, turned pale as death, grew fangs, and their eyes glowed an eerie red while another set of men contorted and shifted until they were no longer men but giant wolves.

  The fanged men tossed the giant wolves as if they were toys and the wolves attacked with a ferocity that made guard dogs look like sweet puppies.

  All of them were bloody with gaping flesh wounds and some lay on the ground, too injured to fight.

  Anna’s mouth formed an O shape, and she crouched frozen in her spot. She blinked several times, sure she was not seeing what she thought she was seeing. It’s a movie. Yes, a movie, and the film crew is hiding in the trees. She was sure movie producers picked North Carolina’s mountains due to the natural beauty. It didn’t account for the blood and gore she watched as the savage battle raged on, but it was the sanest explanation she could come up with in the moment. Werewolves and vampires did not exist in reality.

  One of the vampires, Devon, fell to his knees. “Enough, Alpha Marcus, we yield.”

  The largest wolf, Marcus, blurred and a man larger than the vampires stood before him. “You defied the treaty between our races and hunted on our lands, Devon.” Marcus’s eyes glowed once again. “If the healer hadn’t been able to heal Jonathan, no amount of begging would have saved you.”

  “I tried to warn you, Alpha Marcus. You should have talked instead of fighting,” Devon said without looking up. “The ones that hunted on your lands have been punished. They are young and foolish.”

  Marcus, the werewolf, stood before the kneeling vampire. “Young and foolish? Two humans are dead another two nearly died! This is not a game. Perhaps vampires do not value life the way lycans do.” Marcus took a step back. “And as for our young enforcer, it is a coward’s move to kill an enforcer still in training, but you’re right. We killed the coward bloodsucker responsible for Jonathan’s injuries.”

  “Alpha, there has been enough bloodshed on this full moon. You know the humans that live near my coven are safe. There is no need for further death,” the vampire said while still on his knees.

  “You know it is my right as pack Alpha to demand blood for blood. If I choose to eradicate your entire coven, it is my right, much less the young ones you have trained so poorly.”

  “I can make no excu
ses for their behavior, Alpha Marcus. The vampires that attacked are kin to the overlord, Mortef.” Devon then glanced at the young man that had been injured. “As well as the one that harmed your young wolf. That is no excuse, but you have executed the one that killed the humans and tried to kill your pup already.” The vampire’s head bowed in what Anna thought was a pose of submission.

  Anna glanced over to where the wolves had taken the young wolf and his grandfather. She let out a breath of relief to see the young man lying next to an older man with graying hair. The way the others tended to them both, Anna assumed they were both alive.

  Marcus, who Anna assumed was the one in charge of all the wolves, grabbed the vampire by the collar and lifted him into the air as if he was a boy and not a huge man. “I can rip your throat out and have my enforcer shoot a silver bullet into your heart. Cut off the head of a coven, and the body will die.”

  The vampire, Devon, kept his gaze locked onto Marcus. “If my death would appease your anger, then so be it. I can’t guarantee that Mortef won’t come seeking werewolf blood after he finds out you killed his nephew.”

  “Surely Mortef won’t start a war he can’t win. You know what happened last time the bloodsuckers tried to start a war with us. I do not wish to reignite the war between lycan packs and vampire covens, Devon. I have acted justly tonight.” Marcus dropped Devon and raised his fist. He punched Devon in the face until blood ran freely from his nose and mouth. Marcus wiped the blood off Devon’s face and spread it on the ground of the clearing. “The blood debt is paid. Go back to your lair, Devon. If you cannot control the vampires in your coven, I suggest you tell your uncle you are stepping down, and have him appoint someone who can. If there is any more death, then there will be a war.”

  Marcus blurred once again until he was a wolf and loped back into the woods. The other wolves followed him while the vampires gathered around Devon and helped him up. Their heads were bowed as they gathered around him. Devon’s bloodied face appeared dangerously angry as he spoke to the others gathered around him. He walked off in the other direction while the other vampires picked up the dead and followed Derek with their heads bowed in defeat.


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