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Page 10

by Prunty, Mercedes

  “Oh my god Darren!” The panic truly set in now, would I even have time to save him from the doctor’s evil plan? “Did he bring in another girl?” I asked.

  She shook her head, “No just you two. Look I know you’re like nearly an adult but don’t be stupid like one trying to save him as you can’t”.

  “What? I have to try he’s my friend!”

  “He would already have been infected, he’s gone ok deal with it”, she snapped but in a whisper.

  “Deal with it?” I snapped back, “How can I just deal with it?” My heart hung heavy at the thought of Darren already being a lost cause but then there was still hope that Monique was out there somewhere alive. Looking at the small red haired kids I knew that she was right and I couldn’t be mad at her for that but what hurt was the guilt inside me, Darren wouldn’t have been infected if it wasn’t for me, Monique said herself it was on my head if either of them got hurt or killed and however I tried to picture it the world around me was bleak, for all I knew they were both dead because of me and my actions all because I had to go and save my sister. Turning my attention back to the kids I asked them “So what are you two doing here?”

  “We got left behind so we came here for shelter but then the crazy doctor found out we were here and went nuts, he keeps patrol over the vent covers using cameras so whenever we try to escape we can’t as he finds us. So we end up back here keeping an eye on these people to see if one will wake up and help us”, she looked so haunted and lost as she spoke.

  “Oh sweetie I don’t think these people will ever wake up”, I replied they looked too far gone to be able to, they were more in a vegetative state than a waking up and helping someone state, “So what’s your names?”

  She hesitated before telling me as if figuring me out, just in case I might use it against them “I’m Sian and this is my little brother Ollie”.

  “Well Sian I’m going to try and help you both escape ok but for now I think you might be safer in there than out here”, I said looking around for something I could use as a weapon but nothing came to my sight.

  “Yeah we wouldn’t come out even if you said so, it’s too…dangerous in there”, she said. “In one of the other rooms the vent cover comes off and you could climb in too”.

  “I think I’ll be too big”, I said.

  She shook her head, “I’m only a bit shorter than you and I fit fine, it’s the only way to get away from him”.

  Suddenly we all fell silent as we could hear the dreaded footsteps approaching and echoing that time was up, the girl looked at me with fear in her eyes I leant in closer, “Go I’ll find you later ok”.

  She nodded, “You need to run if he finds you he will put you back to sleep”.

  “Not if I put him to sleep first hey”, I smiled.

  “Good luck”, she whispered.

  I nodded more to myself just as I saw a flurry of movement as they both ran further into the vent, I could use that wish of good luck. I just about heard their muffled movements scarper off as the footsteps grew louder and more threatening. Quickly nipping out of my curtained bay I looked around the maternity ward for a weapon and a new hiding place, spotting a metal tray with some surgical instruments placed on it I saw a scalpel, not the biggest weapon in the world but in a petrified persons hand it could maybe take a mad doctors eye out if needed. Snatching it up I just had enough time to run to another bed and slide under it lying flat on my belly so I could keep a watch out over the ward before the footsteps were upon me.

  A few seconds later a pair of dirty leather shoes wondered in, the doctor was humming a tune to himself as he casually walked past where I was hiding towards the curtained area where he was expecting me to be sleeping. I heard the chink of the metal as he threw open the curtain, then like a boom of thunder I heard his complete and utter outrage towards me, “Where are you? You little BITCH!” he then began to howl and scream in a frenzied tantrum making my blood run cold at the pure menace and hatred being thrown in my direction. His vile words twisted my stomach in knots, there was no way I could let him find me as I knew he would kill me or worse. The fear came back eating away at me, telling my brain to scream but I couldn’t, he would find me. I clamped my hand over my own mouth just to prove the point to my brain that it would be an extremely bad idea if I let out even a gasp of noise.

  Then he stomped out from behind the curtain and walked to the bed next to it bending down then screaming in frustration that I wasn’t there. He then went to the next one searching for me, great I hadn’t gone for the best hiding place in the world. Holding ever so tight to the scalpel I waited holding my breath and watching him readying my body to coil out like a snake if he saw me so I could try and take out that eye so he couldn’t see me ever again.


  A loud crashing noise echoed from the ward opposite probably where he had just come from, still keeping my breath in my lungs I watched as he stalked out of this ward and into the next thinking maybe it was me that had made that noise, his shoes clipping wildly on the tiled floor. Crawling out from under the bed I ran in the opposite direction he had gone hoping for some stairs but what I ended up with was a dead end into what must be the mad doctor’s personal office. Camera screens lined one whole wall over a large metal desk, they gave me a good view at what was around the mostly empty and haunting looking hospital. Sian had been right the doctor had placed the cameras strategically to keep an eye on all the air vents and exits. The windows in here were still intact if not just a little cracked, they were tinted so the sun’s rays wouldn’t infiltrate too much. Nearly jumping for joy I found my rucksack and my rifle sat neatly together in one corner along with Darren’s bag and blade and what looked the be other people’s personal belongings. A cabinet stood next to them with some paperwork and glass vials, inside the vials was a very strange looking liquid not something I wanted to be touching or messing with. Walking up to them and taking a look I wondered what the mad doctor had been creating but then to be honest I don’t think I really wanted to know seen as there were already huge monsters and creatures walking round the city, what else was he capable of making? Lifting the paperwork I quickly took a nose at what he had been writing down, the first page was a badly drawn plan of the wards and floors of the hospital he occupied, the drawing also showed five generators that had been placed throughout the floors. I took it and folded it placing it in my back trouser pocket, might come in handy. I then turned to another page which looked like a diary entry I quickly scanned it.

  ‘Day 432 after infection

  Today I nearly done it, I nearly made the first super human for my army. The expectant mother gave birth prematurely by 8 weeks, I couldn’t prevent the birth from happening so I had to let it run its course, the child unfortunately died almost immediately but I could finally see the fruits of my labour and what might happen if it went the full third trimester. It’s perfectly formed fighting body would have made any father proud, even at such a young gestational age I could see the claws protruding from under the finger nail beds, other than that the only thing that makes it look non-human were its eyes which had no iris and had bled blood red from the infection staining the whites of the eyes then the pupil which was very small but fully formed enough to work and spot the remaining scum that would need eradicating but also to see the patients that would need saving. The child had managed to bond with the cells adapting them to suit it so it would become a great fighter and asset to the new modern world, because in this new world to win and stay alive you need to be brutal and lethal, even super human. Even under its fragile skin I could see the strong muscles beginning to form, I believe that if the child was carried until full term it would have survived.’

  I felt sick at reading what the mad doctor had done but I read on, I had to know what I was fighting against here. Turning the pages I found what I assumed to be todays entry, it had no date and had been scrawled down rather quickly.

  ‘I have seen her, the newest girl that I wish to exper
iment on and make better so she can fight on stronger in this world. Of course seen as she is female I will see if she can carry a child for me first as the more of these readymade soldiers I have the less I will need extra mutant creatures from the streets. She seems to have befriended the boy and girl I frequently see down the shopping precinct, she looks so out of place with them, she has the fighting spirit for a mother of an army, I wish to harness this so her child will be just as fit for fighting. I am going to trial run Hercules my latest accomplishment in the medical world, he is so much stronger and wiser than the idiotic Screechers I created although they work well to render their prey useless they are far too easy to kill as the stupid boy and girl have shown me. Well wish me luck as I’m off to get her away from those two and if I have to take them out to do that then I will, I always need the extra meat for my army anyway!’

  The next entry must have been when he got back and was waiting for the male part to turn…

  ‘I done it I got the girl and the idiotic boy, Hercules the wondrous thing had taken out the other girl but in doing so had taken itself out, what a waste but oh well onto the next mission, can’t win them all I suppose.

  I’m laughing so hard right now as I know Toni would be so jealous of my accomplishments, she is such a prude, thinking she will be the one to save the world, rid the Earth of the infection but how little does she know that I will be the one to rule over it. Anyway I have prepped the boy and now am just waiting for the turn to take effect all over his body, so nice that two friends can be a part of this together. Can’t believe this is all coming together that my plans are coming into effect and there is no one now that can call me mad, crazy, an abomination creator, I can be free to be me. Soon I will be truly unstoppable with my children and together we will take over what is left of this ridiculous planet. That will show Toni what a piece of crap she really is. She will not believe it when I waltz into her London hospital and show her what really can be done with this virus, what beautiful creations can be built. There she is trying to create a cure when really she could be using it to her advantage like me, foolish and stupid that’s Toni!

  Who did she think she was anyway calling me doctor death? I am no such thing I bring new life to the world through my children, they will fight beside me to make sure we are the superior race. I will show her and those two red haired brats she sent here to spy on my work that they won’t get it and I won’t let them have it. I will post them back to her with their heads in boxes’

  I couldn’t read any more of the crazy ramblings of a mad man, making himself believe he is somehow doing the world good by creating these weird abominations. I reached for my rifle which I knew was next to me but all I felt was air, turning round I came face to face with the infamous Doctor Death.

  His eyes were wild with anger as if high on some drug, they flickered all over the place looking me up and down, his hair was still swept back out of his face with an oily grease that was on his hair due to not washing . The crazed man looked to be in his early forties, his shaved jaw line showed signs of some battle scars, a knife wound maybe or had he been bottled by someone in the past? I noticed his arms shaking with the anger as he held tightly onto my rifle, the rifle I so desperately wanted back and should have picked up and kept in my hand when I walked in, instead I had been engulfed in his stupid ramblings.

  “So you thought that you could come into my office, trying to steal my works for Toni?” his voice held some foreign tone but the British accent had begun to bleed in at some point.

  “I don’t know…” he cut me off.

  “Did Toni send you to me, I mean of course she did she knows my type! She knew I would spot you a mile off and want you for my work”, he muttered mainly to himself.

  “Look I think you have me confused with someone else I don’t know any Toni”, I replied to him.

  “Whatever as if I would fall for that, she would have trained you to say that to me so I would fall for your charms, take you under my wing and tell you all my secrets. I mean there is no way you could have woken up so soon without some sort of training, to force your mind into waking you up. Maybe she gave you something to take so it would counteract against my drugs”, he talked in a crazy mass and I had no clue what all his ramblings meant.

  I shook my head as the pure frightened fear tore through me and threatened to spill out of my mouth in fits and starts like a verbal vomit but I held onto it, I held on to my dignity there was no way I could let him see how much I feared him and if he believed I was some sort of person sent here to steal from him then why shouldn’t I let him think that? It could help me.

  “So what did the great Toni tell you about me? About Doctor Death?” he laughed a wicked cackle that bounced off the walls around me making me shiver.

  “Nothing”, was all I said.

  “Nothing she told you absolutely nothing?” he snarled at me coming closer to my face, his hot rancid breath crawled over my cheek.

  “She just told me to come here but told me nothing about you, said it would be better that way”, I replied.

  “Better that way?” he said confused.

  “She didn’t want me to get close to you”, I said.

  “And why ever not?” he asked.

  “Because she wouldn’t want me to not try this”, I said lunging forward holding the scalpel tight and slashing at his neck.

  He recoiled in shock then he threw out his arm backhanding me across my face making it sting, the force of the hit knocked me to the floor which took me by surprise on how strong he was, he took that as his chance grabbing me off the floor and trying to hold my arms behind my back. Dragging me kicking and screaming he lead me back into the maternity ward, throwing me back onto the bed I had woken from he then reached into his pocket pulling out a syringe, “You won’t wake up from this one bitch!” he barked trying to drive the syringe home.

  Twisting my body awkwardly I jumped forward and bit his arm, he loosened his grip on me which was all I needed throwing my hand forward and plunging the scalpel into his gut using as much force as I could.

  Dropping the syringe he staggered back holding his stomach, blood had already poured over his lab coat from the neck wound but it didn’t seem major just a cut not too deep but the stab wound to his gut seemed to be painful for him. Rushing off the bed I pushed him as hard as I could over the chair, he fell hard and smacked his skull on the hard tiled floor letting out a grunt. I spun round to run from him but I ran straight into a machine that he had placed by the bed, I sent it flying crashing down and smashing apart literally being obliterated into hundreds of small mechanical pieces under my feet as I now sprinted away from him. I couldn’t risk going for my bag and rifle as he managed to stand quickly coming after me holding his side. My feet pounded on the tiled floor as I flew through some double doors but something made me freeze for just a moment. This ward was different to the maternity one, this one had tall glass incubators from floor to ceiling and inside them was a view that made me gasp out in shock. Floating in some sort of life sustaining liquid were creatures but not like the ones I saw outside, these ones looked mostly human, it seemed the transformation was slowed by whatever drugs he had pumped into the water tubes.

  Then I saw him and my heart crumbled just a little, Darren. His hair floated in the liquid with a life of its own, I could see quite clearly where the evil doctor had administered the virus, a large circular wound was on his neck and it had started to go puffy and melt away from the muscle and bone beneath it but that was the only part that gave away that he was infected. I knew it was too late for him now there was nothing I could do for him, I knew I had to run but I couldn’t move caught by the new prospect of what I had to do before I escaped. The doctor needed these experiments so badly I could tell by his notes and by how wild he was, well I was going to come up with a plan to stop him, I was going to put all these poor innocent people out of their misery and let them move on to somewhere better.

  Suddenly a movement caught my eye
from the other side of the room, it was a hand, a very young and pale hand belonging to Sian who was showing me the vent was open and that I should climb in. Running over and scrambling in closing the vent behind me, we quickly crawled away not saying anything to each other. I knew I couldn’t leave without stopping the doctor, I had to take revenge on him for Darren’s sake and all those other people he had tortured for his own weird pleasure and I was going to make him pay and I wanted that so badly.


  Monique rolled onto her side and ran hiding behind a huge metal drain just as the huge monster catapulted some bricks and cement in her general direction but lucky for her the fall must have done something to the creatures sense of direction as he missed. The floor shook as the beast then bombarded past taking down cement pillars with it, the thing had already created two structural collapses the first being when she was separated from Stacie and Darren, then the next one when Monique thought she had lost him but the creature heard her, smashing a huge pipe which burst making another floor collapse and sending a wave of freezing cold water over them both, with the water surging like a current they ended up in a water treating facility deep underground. Monique had no idea where bouts this place was compared to the shopping centre, she just hoped Stacie and Darren had gotten out ok and that Darren was taking care of her, she seemed like such a nice girl, just looking for her sister after promising her father, yes Monique had thought it stupid at first but then it gave her a purpose in life, a purpose which Monique had become void of having, only now she had one. To survive, for him…her brother. She hoped that Darren and Stacie were long gone from the shopping centre and that they had gone on without her and yes that meant now she was all alone but the human need to survive was keeping her going and she knew that once she was out and had her baring’s she would be able to catch up to them.


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