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Page 31

by Prunty, Mercedes

  Lifting my rifle I took Ollie’s hand and headed down the darkened hill and into the now spooky looking trees, I took to my scope looking out for any trouble ahead not seeing any we pressed on hoping we weren’t too far away to be lost. I heard a howl not too far from my right and using the scope I spotted a wondering creature heading our way, it looked like an elder and I knew I had to act fast, not wasting another second I sent a bullet out to its head sending it to the ground. Ushering Ollie on we scrambled through the undergrowth of all the trees and when needed we ducked down in the long grasses using them as hiding places until I had taken out other threats to us.

  It took a while of dancing in the rain but we made it back to camp, they opened the gates as soon as they spotted us and Monique came rushing over to us.

  “Is he ok?” she asked me.

  I nodded, “Yeah”.

  Then she slapped me, “How dare you storm off with no explanation and let Ollie chase after you he could have been killed, you could have been killed”.

  Her slap stung me a lot maybe because of the cold wet rain tinged dampness I had to my skin or maybe because I felt so broken already.

  “I’m sorry”, I sobbed.

  Then she hugged me, “No I’m sorry I thought I was going to lose you both!” she cried too.

  Then I had to ask as it was playing on my mind, “How’s Callum?”

  “He’s ok”, she smiled and I knew that she meant it.

  My heart faltered I felt happy he seemed ok but I was sad that he would be ok because of the cure and that Tanya wouldn’t be.

  “I heard what happened to your sister”, she said, “I’m so sorry and I’m sorry I ever doubted you could or would find her. Is it true Amanda took the cure?”

  I nodded, “She took it from my bag just before we left, if I had it when I was with Tanya she could still be here with me. Some creatures got into the big guns camp and it was a blood bath”.

  “Did you hit them hard though, the bastards that took her?” she asked.

  I nodded, “I killed quite a few of them myself. I even made sure I took out the boss and Hugh, I took him out thinking Amanda wouldn’t have to worry about him again. I done her a favour and she repays me by taking something away from me”.

  Monique was lost for words, how could she console me now especially as my tone had turned from hurt too damn right anger, “Um shall we get some food?” She changed the subject.

  “Nah I might just go take a shower and rest”, I replied.

  “Ok if you’re sure, did you want me to come with you?” she asked.

  “No thanks I need some space”, I said.

  I said night to Ollie who was more than happy to go with Monique for some food. After showering I went to my room and locked the door, jumping into my bed and hiding under the covers I cried until my body could take no more.

  The next few days passed pretty quietly Amanda was keeping out of my way and had decided to stay by Callum’s side until he was well enough to be let out again. I had spoken to Sarah the nurse and she informed me that the cure seemed to have worked, he hadn’t turned and he showed no signs of turning, no fever, no sweats and no fuming rages. I was pleased that he was ok, I genuinely was I liked him he was a good person but the thought of him alive and getting better was bitter sweet as my sister should have been here recovering too. Yes he had helped take my family away at first but he had tried to help me get some of my family back at almost the cost of his own life and then he made sure he saved as many innocents from the big gun camp as he could. How could I not want him to be safe and well now?

  I tried to keep myself as busy as possible I had made a silent promise to myself and Ollie that I would stick around to watch out for him so that also meant I had to try and keep myself sane. The only way I could think of doing that was by helping out as much as possible within the camp, I helped with washing all the clothes, I took a few shifts watching the gate looking out for any wondering creatures or screechers, I helped out in the field harvesting fruit and vegetables and tending to the plants that weren’t ready yet. Chantelle even let me look after Cain so I could get to know him and I had to admit he was a little heartbreaker and lucky for him he was the spitting image of my sister not the man who didn’t deserve to be a father. I even went out on a few supply runs with Monique and a few others. We had been told to look out for a certain antibiotic in all the pharmacies but most of them had been raided and looted before, most were bone dry other than a few toiletries we didn’t really need but no antibiotics. We didn’t know why we needed them or who for although I had a pressing feeling at the back of my mind that it would be for someone who had recently been out and hurt, Callum.

  As we arrived back from our latest supply run Sarah the nurse was waiting for us patiently by the fence nearest the gate, she waved motioning for me to go to her.

  “Hey Sarah, sorry no antibiotics”, I said grabbing a bag full of supplies and handing it to Monique to take to the store room.

  “I was afraid you would say that”, she said looking glum.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked her, “Its Callum isn’t it?”

  She nodded, “Yes, the cure has worked he isn’t turning but the actual bite wound itself has gotten infected. It’s quite nasty and I’m worried it will spread into his bloodstream, giving him blood poisoning and killing him. I really need some antibiotics?” she said the last part as an almost question, as if asking me something.

  “What do you need me to do?” I asked her.

  She looked up at me knowing full well I would be willing to do anything to keep busy at the moment, “I know that the Brighton hospital has gone and there is no use looking there but Eastbourne had a big hospital, if there is a chance it hasn’t been completely looted there might be the antibiotics I need there. It might be a long shot, incredibly dangerous and could be a completely wasted trip but that might be the only place left within our radius that might have what we need”.

  “I don’t know Sarah I don’t think I’m ready for something like that”, Plus I didn’t want to leave Ollie and Cain they needed me now.

  “Look I wouldn’t ask but I know your good at the supply runs and you’ve been to Eastbourne you know your way around. And Amanda is out of action she won’t leave his side”, she replied playing on my heart strings as she knew I wanted to help all I could.

  “I can’t leave Ollie and Cain, they need me Sarah. Is there no one else?” I asked.

  “I have someone else in mind I’ll ask them”, she looked down heartened by my refusal but I think she understood my reasons.

  Sarah wondered off into a small crowd of people then heading off to the store room, where Monique had gone to drop off the newest bits, “No way not her”, I huffed walking straight after her.

  “Sarah wait”, I called out.

  She turned to me, “Yes Stacie?”

  “I’ll do it, for you Sarah as I know you are good nurse but I don’t want you to think I’m doing it for Amanda as I am not. I will need the truck as that is the only thing with enough power and safety to get me there and I will need some more bullets and food to take”.

  She beamed at me, “Oh thank you Stacie thank you so much. I will need to speak to Amanda and the others to get her and them to allow you to take the truck and supplies but I’m sure it will be fine”. She smiled a warm and happy smile.

  “Oh, Sarah”, I said making her pause before walking off.

  She turned to me.

  “Don’t ask Monique ok, she needs to stay here”, I stated.

  She didn’t say a word she just nodded.

  “What did you just agree to?” Monique’s questioning tone responded behind me.

  “What?” I asked not looking at her.

  She bluntly said, “You’re not leaving are you?”

  “Not quite”, I replied.

  “Then explain”, she said.

  “Look it’s nothing ok, nothing for you to worry about its just a small supply run that I can do alone. I’ll b
e back before you notice I’m gone”.

  “I don’t believe you, spill!” she demanded.

  “It’s nothing ok”.

  “You’re a shit liar Stacie tell me. If it’s just a small run why not just tell me or better yet take me along with you”, she snapped.

  “Because I need you here in case something does happen to me, I need you to be there for Ollie and Cain”, I replied.

  “Oh for fucks sake Stacie you cannot be going out alone on any mercy missions, you promised Ollie and you promised Cain. You also said you made a promise to your sister, if something happens to you would break all of them. What is so important that you would risk all of this?” she said.

  “Look I need to go, I know my way to Eastbourne and I’m good on my own, Sarah needs me to go”, and I explained why.

  “Well I’m coming with you”, she said.

  “No you need to stay here”.

  “No you need to stay here but you won’t. Cain has Chantelle to keep an eye on him and Ollie has made some great friends so he will be fine till we get back”, she replied, “You cannot make me stay here Stacie, I think I need to be as stubborn as you to make you see sense”.

  I sighed it seemed her mind was made up just like mine, “Fine but we stick close together at all times, I don’t know what’s inside that hospital”.

  “Sure thing, Boss”, she smiled mockingly but I could see the worry in her eyes that I might freak out when we were gone and go mad and not return at all, but I would, I had to for them all.

  Within the hour the group of people Callum and Amanda had entrusted to look out for the camp if anything ever happened to them were all standing in the garage. Sarah and Amanda stood to one side near the door that showed the medical centre, Sarah had left a young boy who wanted to be a doctor to watch over Callum but she wanted to be able to hear or see if the boy needed her help at any time and obviously Amanda wanted to be near her brother. Amanda made a point of not looking at me as we all stood waiting for the last person to show before the talk would begin. When the red haired woman Stephanie I had met the other day strolled in the meeting began.

  Gareth started, “Thank you all for coming we know you are all busy but this is important. As you all know Callum was bitten by a creature, thankfully young Stacie here had managed to get her hands on a cure that a doctor had created at the local hospital so he is out of that part of the woods but he is still really unwell. Sarah needs some antibiotics to stabilise him but the only hospital near here that might have some is Eastbourne any other hospital would be too far and he might die before they get back but Eastbourne is only a few miles down the road, a day’s journey there and back if they have no setbacks. Obviously there could be a chance that the hospital has already been looted and all medical supplies are gone but seen as it’s Callum and we could use other supplies if than can get them I feel it’s a worthy cause and for them to go on with the journey but obviously we need to vote”.

  There was a mumble of hushed voices as the people spoke to one another, then a man of about thirty spoke up, “There’s a cure? Why were we not told? We could all go and find our loved ones and turn them back? Hell we could turn the whole population back”.

  Gareth lifted his arms to hush everyone, “There is only five vials of the cure left, Stacie arrived with six but naturally we used one on Callum. Of course if anyone gets infected within the camp we will use it but it needs to be used sparingly”.

  There was another mumbled rush of voices when another bloke said something, “Well it is for Callum and he saved us all, if we have to sacrifice some people to help him then I choose yes”.

  “No one is being sacrificed these two girls have volunteered to go but they will return to us I know it”, Gareth started to argue.

  It almost made me laugh how this guy seemed to think it was ok to sacrifice two people for Callum but he didn’t jump up and offer to go with us to help him. Coward!

  “Right let’s take a vote”, Amanda said, “All those not in favour of the trip raise your hands now”.

  Only two people raised their hands one belonging to the red haired woman and the other to an older gentleman.

  Then she asked for those to raise their hands if they were in favour and it was no surprise that everyone else raised theirs, “Fine we leave in ten”.

  “Wait what do you mean we?” I asked from across the room.

  For the first time since I had come back and I had found out what she had done to me she looked me in the eye, “Yes I mean we, you, me and Monique we will leave in ten minutes”.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. Me and Monique will go alone”, I snapped.

  “He is my brother and I will bloody well damn go if I want to”, she snapped back, “If you have changed your mind then fine but myself and Monique will still leave”.

  I couldn’t argue with her as that would make me look a fool in front of the governing body of the camp and I didn’t know whether refusing would make them cast me out with my new family, I couldn’t take that chance. Plus I had promised to go now, for him. As she spun off to check on Callum, I stormed off to the storage room to gather some food for our trip and some weapons before heading towards the truck where Monique and Amanda were already and waiting.

  “Did you say goodbye to Callum?” Amanda asked me.

  I just looked at her.

  “Take that as a no then…Look he really wants to see you, you haven’t even visited him since you two came back. He risked his life to take you to your …” she paused looking at my face, “Well you know what I mean the least you could do is visit him”.

  “Fine give me two minutes”, I said turning away taking my rifle and bag with me, like hell was I leaving my things near her again.

  As I opened the door to the medical centre Sarah popped her head out from behind a desk, “Hello Stacie, he’s through there. He’s been asking after you”.

  I nodded and strolled in to his room, there was a machine to him that was pumping saline into him along with a clip board that Sarah must have been using to write down his test results and other important things she needed to remember.

  He sat up as he saw me enter, “You came”, he sounded so relieved to see me.

  “Hi how you feeling?” I asked him but the words felt bitter on my tongue.

  “I’ve been better but at least I’m not a monster”, he smiled but it went once he saw my face fall, she had become one of the monsters.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking”, he stammered.

  “It’s fine”, I lied, “Glad you’re ok though or at least you will be soon enough”.

  “You don’t have to go Stacie you’ve been through enough lately I will understand”, he said taking my hand in his, his hand was cool and clammy.

  “Right yeah and have everyone hate me for letting you die”, I replied.

  “My sister and Monique are going, they will be enough”, he replied back to me.

  “And what if they don’t come back? Then I will still be blamed, I need to go”, I said.

  “I can see I’m not going to change your mind on this one either then”, he smiled but it was weak one.

  “No you can’t”, I said I tried to smile but it wouldn’t come.

  “Stacie I’m so sorry about Tanya, I really thought that she would…”

  “It’s fine I’m dealing with it I would rather you didn’t mention her name to me”, I cut him off.

  He nodded, “Ok, can I have a hug before you go?”

  “A hug?” I asked a hint of distaste crossed my tongue as I said it.

  “Yes, whether you like me or not Stacie I like you and would like to hug you before you go in case I’m gone before you get back”, he said making me feel a little guilty so I gave in to give him one.

  I leant on the bed and rested my head on his shoulder, he pulled me in close and my head slipped down to his chest, there I could just hear his heartbeat in his chest. It was beating fast, faster than normal and I could feel his body shak
ing with a slight fever. His body was trying hard to fight off this new infection but it was struggling, his immune system was weak from lack of food, nutrients and maybe even by being thrashed by the creature virus and the cure.

  “You’ll be fine, I’ll see you in a day or two alright”, I said letting him go.

  “I’ll see you soon, stay safe”. He leant in to kiss me but I turned my head making his lips brush my cheek instead, it felt like a butterfly wing gently brushing over my skin but it didn’t make me feel loving or warm and fuzzy in fact it sent a chill through me like a sharp electric current, snapping my heart into millions of pieces as I felt the chill of the ice break it. My heart was frosting over.

  I couldn’t look at him as I rushed out the door running to the garage, I just wanted to leave this place now. I hadn’t really felt it much over the past few days but my heart had gotten attached to him once upon a time but it was going, leaving me soulless, I needed to be away from here to clear my own head and to stop myself from freezing completely. Maybe if I found the medicine he needed and brought it back to watch him get better I might warm up to him once more, if that didn’t work I knew that I would never warm to anyone like that again.

  Chapter Seven …

  After much protesting Amanda was the designated driver which infuriated me so much I offered to sit in the bed with the large gun turret and sulk over it. The only reason I had given in was it turned out she had been to the Eastbourne hospital before the virus was unleashed and knew roughly where to go. We had been on the road for about an hour and were only a few miles out of the Eastbourne town, we had just passed the sign for an old children’s zoo. We had been quite lucky with our run this time round as the roads were not too heavily blocked this side of Brighton, a few cars had been abandoned but not enough to slow us down by much.

  Monique tried every so often to lighten the atmosphere by chatting to us or telling a joke but Amanda and I were so much at logger heads that even that couldn’t slice the thick air around us. As we neared the hospital Monique slid open the window which connected the bed to the cab, “We’re nearly there, Amanda said keep look out with the gun as she spotted a few creatures up ahead”.


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